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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Four Stars for really, obvious hard effort.
Review: The world of Science Fiction and fantasy has passed by and surpassed George Lucas. He still exists in that pre 70's world paying tribute to Buck Rogers. He behaves as if "Alien", "Blade Runner","Terminator", "Aliens", "The Matrix", and "The Lord of the Rings" have never existed and changed the world of film. Lucas has even managed to forget his own dark Sci-fi birth, the excellent "THX-1138".

It is possible that even the best work would not have been able to stand up to the original series. But we will never know. This new trilogy suffers from the beauty syndrome. Digital effects are great if kept grounded in the real world i.e. LOTR: The Two Towers. But not when they are given full reign. Nothing in the film looks lived in or natural. Everything is too clean, too anti-septic. That includes the people and their emotions. There seems to be no ugly gene existing in Lucas's world. Even the bad guys and the "ugly" aliens are really beautiful. Jango Fett, a very dangerous criminal, just has a few well placed scars but nothing that indicates his rough tumble existence or would interfere with a place in a beauty contest. Where are the normal people? Where are the ugly people? I think that is the story Lucas should be concentrating on.

This really hurts the series. Especially when dealing with the future Darth Vader. Hayden Christensen really does try to inject evil into his character but I believe he is hamstrung by the total design of the movie. He is never allowed to let go and show the uncontrollable Id so apparent in the first series. Anakin really believes in dictatorship and police state tactics. But everyone reacts with placidity every time he shows these flaws. His love affair with Padme is so very weak, so childish without sexual tension. Even as a child, I recogonized the very adult emotions between Han and Leia. I never doubted for a moment that they were fooling around. The whole virginal vibe in this movie is offputting. The P.C. marriage is another example of cleaning up the messiness of the situation. The story would have been strengthened immeasurably if Luke and Leia were illegitimate.

But it does have it's moments. Ewan Macgregor keeps it all from falling into a horrible mess. However he is only one person. I kept wishing his character from "Moulin Rouge" would take over. If only he were 10 years younger. What an Anakin he would have been!

Anyway watch this movie for the gorgeous spectacle and nothing else.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The force is with this movie!
Review: I have never seen a better Star Wars movie. The Phantom Menace was okay but the lack of fighting made the movie somewhat boring. But in this movie you get to see everyone in action and everybody does something important. 3 words Best Movie Ever(thats a lie)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: SHUT UP!
Review: C'mon, it was a fun movie. The acting was corny, but since when was Star Wars Oscar worthy? None of the movies have great acting, but believe me, it's passable. It's just so cool to trash these movies. How many other movies have such interesting characters, such incredible locales and crazy action? Some of you are right, their was more "heart" in the OT, (Due to the fact we had 20 years for them to grow on you) but these movies grow on you too. Just sit back, enjoy the action, the genius plot, and the beginning of the empire, and have fun! Forget counting all the cgi characters, or keeping track of all the poorly written lines...Let this movie be a simplistic, entertaining form of enjoybale escapism

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Episode 2 - When Anakin was a whiney twit.
Review: After i heard about that incredibly annoying insipid excuse for comic releif, you know who i'm talking about, 'Jar Jar Binks' (sp), was virtually wiped out of this one, i thought maybe George Lucas had taken a step back in the right direction. Nope. This is just as bad if not worse.

Hayden Christensen is completely implausible as the young Darth Vader. The supporting cast isn't much better. Even Obi-wan played by Ewan McGregor had my eyes rolling at times. The special effects are on overload once again, making it seem more like a video game than a film. The story is just completely uninteresting and pointless, there is no character development at all, the love scenes seemed disjointed from the rest of the movie and just thrown in for the sake of it. There is just no story or point to the new trilogy. It's more like a collection of mini dramas that happened before the original Star Wars. Even worse, George Lucas is being self indulgent, he's just showing off what he can do with his special effect to get a pile of money.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not Quite As Lame As Episode I, But...
Review: Although I considered Episode I to be a great big steaming load of-- well, I think you know what I mean-I decided to catch Episode II, despite the fact I wasn't all that thrilled to see it. It was probably due to the fact that its title, "Attack of the Clones™", conjured up images of super-cheesy z-grade sci-fi flicks from the golden age of cinema. Yes, I realize that the Star Wars™ flicks were somewhat inspired by such movies, but at least the titles of the other installments had some class to them. But, since I'm one of Mr. Lucas' whoremongering automatons who simply HAS to check out every flick he directs or produces, I did go see it- once it hit the cheapie second-run theatres on the less-savory side of town. Hey, you didn't think I was one of those get-a-lifers who set up camp outside the local multiplex for a couple weeks just so he'd be one of the first to see this movie, did'ja? I might be a loser, but I'm not THAT far gone!

Anyway, what I saw wasn't quite as lame as Eppie One, but it didn't hold a candle to The Empire Strikes Back™! Come to think of it, it didn't hold a candle to Return of the Jedi™ either, but that's another story. It does leave you hangin' at the end like Empire™, but not to as great a degree, and- ahhh, forget it. It's not like I need to spell it out for you anyway, since most of you who are reading this have already seen the freakin' thing, and now you're just perusing through these reviews to vote on whether or not you agree with what the reviewer says. And don't lie to me by saying you have other motives, 'cuz I know better!

Anyway, while Eppie II ain't quite as lame as Eppie I, it's still... um... well, kinda lame. Like its immediate predecessor, this flick's many scenes of CGI renderings look overdone. Especially notable are the scenes made up mostly or entirely of computer effects, which made parts of Eppie II look more like a glorified animated feature than live-action. And the budding romance between the parents-to-be of Luke and Leia looked about as romantic as the relationship between the Odd Couple™! And let's not forget C-3PO's little head/body switcheroo that made most of the theater audience groan with disgust at the really bad puns he utters! And why is this movie so much more talky than other Wars-flicks? With all of the dialogue that attempts to explain every little bit of minutiae so the audience is kept up to speed, one could almost mistake this for a Star TREK movie! Then there's the climactic lightsaber fight between Yoda and Count Dooku (bet I can tell ya where GL was sittin' when he came up with that name!) that looked-well, kinda cheesy and not terribly realistic. THIS is the "one good thing" in the flick I've heard about?! Are you serious?! But the really retarded thing is, there's no victor at the end of it! But then, it wouldn't have left you hangin' at the end like Empire, right?

Then there's the biggest insult to injury: JAR JAR BINKS LIVES STILL!!! Sheesh, how many Ewoks™ does a guy have to sic on this waste of space to get him out of the picture (so to speak)?! And to make matters worse, he leads the senate vote that gives the future emperor (Chancellor Palpatine, AKA Darth Sidious-and no that isn't a spoiler, 'cuz even a lobotomized housefly can tell they're both the same guy!) the kinda power he'll eventually need to rule supreme! Yeah, like we didn't need more reasons to hate his guts! But at least he's given minimum screen time, which means ol' GL did take a hint from peoples' reaction to Binks in the first movie...

Speaking of the future: as it all unfolds into the final act, this trilogy is gonna be a real downer to view. Think about it: we've just witnessed the events that will eventually set up the rule of Chancellor Palpatine and the Empire, the turning of Anakin into Darth Vader, and the killing off of nearly every Jedi Knight. It sounds downright depressing, no? And I thought one went to a Star Wars™ flick to be happy and have a good time. Pass the prozac, please...


Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Only Hope Episode III Will Be A Just Improvement
Review: This 2nd installment of the three Star Wars Prequels will astonish the senses, amaze the eyes, the ears, even the nervous system, but if one does not follow the Star Wars series of films, then all of these senses that have been fulfilled will be in a confused state.

The story is somewhat uneven, often jumping from one event to another, with very little talk and much action. And when the characters speak, it's normally restrained-very little emotion involved. Anakin Skywalker (played by Hayden Christensen) shows the most appealing truth in his character and gives a performance that is more true to life. Padme (or Amidala) played by Natalie Portman really hides the greatness of Portman's abilities as an actress. Seeing her in other films, she is much more animated, even in serious roles. But, also, her performance in this second installment has also improved from wooden into movable. Yoda is highly commendable in his performance, and one is somewhat realived to see him in a scene as at least Yoda tells it like it is. Every other supporting actor and actress also helped improve this second installment- that including Samuel L. Jackson and Ewan McGregor (reprising their roles). The plot was even more feasable and understandable, and at least made some sense to why Anakin Skywalker may have swayed to the Dark Side.

If not truly a great film on it's own, Episode II does a halfway job of supporting it's sequel episodes and ridding of some hard feelings over The Phantom Menace.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ignore the hateful reviews, this is a very entertaining film
Review: Without a doubt the most unfairly maligned film of 2002.
I'll NEVER understand why the Star Wars prequels inspire such rabid hostility.
I'll start by admitting i'm one of the few people on the planet who enjoyed The Phantom Menance. Attack Of Clones is actually even better, simply because it moves at a much quicker pace.
The computer generated imagery is little short of brilliant (and years from now will be hailed as the beginning of future film making), John Williams score is ravishing (the "love theme" is one of the best pieces of music i've heard in years) and newcomer Hayden Christensen delivers the most involving performance of any Star Wars film.

The 2 disc DVD is terrific, it's smothered in deleted scenes, featurettes, documentaries and a feature length audio commentary.
Because this is a Lucasfilm product, the sound and picture quality are flawless (please stay away from the "full screen" version of this DVD!).

How on earth is it possible to dislike something as immensely enjoyable as Episode 2: Attack Of The Clones?
Let the cynical *Lucas haters* out there keep watching their The English Patient videotapes ('quality filmmaking") and allow the rest of us to dig this spectacular rollercoaster ride of a film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: People who say this film [isn't any good] ...
Review: Dark Chapter, a lot of Jedi are killed. You can tell Anakin is turning to hate and the Dark Side. I think it is awesome to see the Star Wars story unfolding, all the events that lead up to Chapter 4 STAR WARS, with Palpatine becoming the Emperor to Anakin growing up being trained by Obi Wan, and will eventually become Darth Vader. Also Yoda kicks [it]

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not as bad as I anticipated.
Review: To let the truth be known, I watched this movie with a mix of anticipation and fear. Being an avid Star Wars fan, I was excited to see any Star Wars movie, but I suspected this would be as disappointing as the Phantom Menace. WRONG! Although this doesn't even come close to the great casting and story lines and sheer art of the first three Star Wars series, it was WAY better than Phantom Menace for the following reasons: 1) This movie included LESS Jar-Jar, which, despite initial heavy marketing for the first movie, the character was found by the general consensus to be REALLY annoying. 2) This movie demonstrated some of the political turmoil behind the original Star Wars movies. 3) You get to see some of what led Anakin to turn over to the Dark Side. Finally, the special effects were really good!

It was not 4 or 5 stars because the actors that were cast in this movie (as well as The Phantom Menace) are all well known for other cinematic accomplishments, and it was hard to believe that they were supposed to be these other characters. They should have casted lesser-known actors, in my opinion. Also, the plot about the clones was weak, to me.

But, note well- the fight-scene with Yoda by itself makes the movie worth watching. It was action packed, entertaining, and even a little bit funny. I do recommend this movie to any Star Wars fan, way way better than the Phantom Menace, but do not go into it expecting it to be as good as the first Star Wars series.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Greatest movie ever.
Review: First of all let me say this movie is perfect. Everything about this movie is 100% rightly done. Hayden did a good job at Anikan I thought his desption to evil was great. Though my sister likes his preformance more then I do. Natalie Portman did a magnificant job at Padme. She is simply gorgous at site to behold. Hotness above any ever seen in Star Wars. The effects were great it had of 2,000 shots every one looked absolutly photo realistic. Its plot had the same dark feel that made The Empire Strikes Back so damn good. It answered several questions about the story in the perfect way. The action was the best ever. It simply so exciting full of everything a good action needs. All the other movies had 2-3 jedi fighting at once. Attack of the Clones and 200-300 jedi fighting at once. It had monsters, droids, stormtroopers, and of course Yoda fighting. The Yoda fight is possibly the best action scene ever in any movie. Yoda da man.

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