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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It was okay
Review: I am not a Star Wars fan at all. I bought for my husband Episode I last year and I thought it sucked. I decided to buy him Episode II this year. I had the pleasure of sitting down again watching this one. I have to say this one was 10 times better the last one. This one had a better story line. The special affects where good. I would sit down and watch it again.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Artistic movie
Review: For newcomers, it may be hard to determine where this film stands because there are so many mixed reviews. But trust me, this is classic Star Wars. It seems people who never saw the original three enjoyed this alot more..many of the fans compare and compare the prequels and originals until they hate the movie. I think it's a case of expecting the film to be a certain way and not accepting it for what it is. Its quite different from the others. Its slower, less action oriented and more about plot setting up.
Not everyone may appreciate it for the art it is; the typical corny Star Wars lines and dazzling effects might distract you first. I'll admit it isn't the perfect SW film, but it's very close. It has its ups and downs, but it eventually comes out as one of the stronger movies of the series. (By the way, I gotta mention that the 'Tatooine' scenes are the some of the most intense and perfect scenes in the SW saga.)
As for the DVD presentation, its actually manages to be better than Episode I. Documentaries, photos, trailers, you name it. It's a SW fan's dream. Even if you're a casual fan and you didn't like it, this is still a must-have. And the film will probably grow on you in time anyway.
Hint of advice: Try to think of the SW movies as one flowing six-part film, rather than two separate trilogies. That way, you'll understand where Lucas(the director) is going with this, and why he tells the story the way he does. For instance, some may complain that when Anakin loses his hand it's an emotionless moment. But it's meant to be. The real emotion is further down the line in episode 5, when Luke loses his hand similarly, and the viewer realizes that Luke is the last hope but he is walking the very same dark path his father did.
In the end, it's a worthy installment in a legendary saga.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Flawed, But Fun Ride
Review: First of all, it upsets me to see critics slamming this movie. True, the dialouge wasn't very good, but hey, this is Star Wars, not Shakespeare! The acting, in spite of some pretty good actors, didn't seem up to par and I often wonder if the fault lied not with the actors themselves, but rather the directing? Or should I say lack of direction towards these fine actors? It seemed like they ALL had a few stick-like moments, especially Natalie Portman.

At other times in the movie, I see what could have been very dramatic moments turn into something less than dramatic. Example: When Anakin gets seriously wounded in a lightsaber battle, it happens so quickly that you will miss it if you blink at the wrong moment. And where was the sweeping soundtrack during scenes like this? It seemed that composer John Williams was caught sleeping at certain points of the film because there was no great music to carry some of the potentially big moments.

All I'm saying is that I recognize the shortcomings that many of the critics were so brutal about, but by no means does it ruin the entire film, because I can happily say that this movie was thoroughly entertaining. It felt like the first time I saw a "real" Star Wars movie since I was a kid in 1983 (Let's face it, Episode 1 was not a real Star Wars movie) and it compares pretty darn well to the original trilogy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great improvement for Star wars!
Review: A lot of people hate this movie, and I'm one of the few who love it. I think it's even better than-dare I say I'm blasphemous?-better than the original trilogy.
It was interesting to see Anakin Skywalker before he became Darth Vader.The action was breathtaking...and I *loved* Amidala!
The only thing I found absurd was Jar Jar Binks.*Lookie lookie, Padme!* They need to get rid of him.
This isn't a perfect film, but all things considered, it's the best one yet.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Well...
Review: First lets make somthing clear - this dvd is of reference quality, both audio and visual are stunning, the extras on the second disc are great. the music score is fabules.
Second, regarding the movie, it is very dissapointing in all sort of ways, but to make it short, episodes 1 & 2 are prequals to the most exciting and remembered sci-fi movies ever made. to create thease prequals almost 15 years later is a very hard task not to be taken lightly. there are soooo many fans out there who waited for thease episodes and most were dissapointed.
I think Lucas forgot to invest in the things that really make a movie - script/plot and acting. special effects are only second, but come very close in movies like this.he did the opposite, special effects and sound are amazing and the script and actors are awfull... he did choose good actors, but directed them not good at all... a waste of talents, he knew all the fuss that is going on about the new movies, so he should have made more effort into the script, with less (a lot less) bad jokes, less cgi, and if he isn't sure about his directing, then give it to someone else. you don't take such a good series and turn it upside down !
Still the new prequals were very successfull, becasue everybody wanted to see the new star wars.
Hopefully the third part will be a good close to this trilogy, and if dart vader make an apearence, his voice better be the original (james earl johnes)...
If your into home theater I recommend this dvd.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Praise the Aussie for this review
Review: "Attack of the clones" and "Phantom Menace" what can I say, they are a bit like two annoying unwanted relatives arriving at your door - so irrating that everyone runs off and hides and pretends they dont exist!
First of all George decided to "Digitally enhance" the original Star Wars trilogy with a whole lot of pointless tacked on CGI scenes, and I thought okay he's just having a bit of fun it's justifiable. Then he goes and changes the names of the series and re-numbers them in sequence with 3 prequels [prequels I say!]. I was expecting to be blown away by the new films but was
sadly dissapointed at the infantile and cartoonish approach. "Phantom Menace" and "Attach of the clones" are poor excuses to create boring Computer Animated fantasy art worlds with bad actors walking around aimlessly, mouthing terrible dialogue. The Space craft looks so modern and unrealistic - like digital flying hamburgers - not even comparable to the realism of 1977 Star Wars - which I think has the most realistic and awe inspiring beginning sequence of any Sci-Fi film. The actors do not appear to be acting at all and often appear to stare at nothing. Who is Hayden Christiansen anyway....are we supposed to believe he is young Annakin Skywalker? Maybe in Episode III they will cast Ben Affleck as Darth Vader and Sandra Bullock as Amidalla. It's getting to the point where you can already tell a multi-million dollar blockbuster is going to a hollow CGI-sham before it even hits the screens. Is this modern film making at its best or just an excuse to make bucket-loads of money? What a load of rubbish.

Take my advice try forgetting these abominations exist and just
watch the original (unadulterated) Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Complete as an epic in themselves.
Message to George - Please Please Stop!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Much much better than Episode One!
Review: I am one of the many movie-lovers who did not much love The Phantom Menace. I didn't really think Attack of the Clones would be much good either, but to my surprise, I really loved this movie. I now own the DVD and watch it a lot.

Many viewers complained about the Padme/Anakin love story. They said it was "too cheesy!" Well, come on, this is STAR WARS! Of course it's gonna be cheesy, that's just how it was supposed to be! I liked the love story, though at times it is very over-written, and really loved the orchestral love theme score. It was a nice romance that I hope will be developed even further in Episode 3, which I am very much anticipating.

But any Sexual Harrassment Panda is gonna pick the action over the lovely romance, and being THE SHP, I definitely decided that the action in the film was the strongest element. It takes a while to build up to the BIG action scenes but this is a lot more fast-paced than the other movies. The chase through Coruscant is cool and nicely played. The factory scene was unbelievably intense and always enjoyable. It reminded me a lot of the pie-making in Chicken Run - and I love that film. The battle in the coliseum was very impressive, intense and full of action. I found myself whooping out loud in happiness and fright! Then of course we leave the coliseum and find out there's this big other battle going on outside, and then Yoda vs. Christopher Lee, which, in my humble opinion, is the COOLEST scene of any 2002 movie! I mean how can you not adore the little powerful Jedi finally showing us what he's made of with a lightsaber! Yoda is my favourite character and he has one of the biggest parts in the film so I was VERY happy!

The acting in this film was really good I thought. Many said it was actrocius and horrible, and some of the actors where even nominated for Razzie awards. The Razzies are stupid if you ask me because they nominate the actors regardless if the film is nominated. Hayden Christensen, who WON the WORST SUPPORTING ACTOR award at the Razzies, was great in my opinion, he had a complex role and played it well. His expressions were very haunting. Ewan McGregor is becoming more and more reminiscent of the old Obi-Wan from A New Hope. Natalie Portman has a lot more to do in this movie and her character becomes more developed. She's very sexy and a good actress, and she shouldn't have been nominated or a Razzie either.

The visuals here are as impressive as in any of the Star Wars movie, but I'd be lying if I said George didn't overdo it a little bit. He just went a little over-the-top and got a big head. I hope there's some budget let over for Episode 3! =)

I loved this movie and found it disappointing that so many of fellow SW fans hated it. It's the most action-packed of the series and the second best if you ask me - right behind The Empire Strikes Back. Bring on Episode III!

--- DVD REVIEW ---

Awesome DVD! Lots and lots of special features, as well as a great, flawless picture, and digitally mastered sound that makes the battle and combat scenes even more effective and intense. The commentary on the first disk is good for all us SW fans interested in the production and effects sides of things. Of course they go into other aspects of the movie too. There are many sound options, and lots of subtitles you can have. The deleted scenes kick off the second disk and are a hoot. I think they should've kept Padme's family dinner scene in. It develops her character a lot. There is also a couple of documentaries on the disk, going deeply into the effects and puppets and such. From Puppets to Pixels is an especially interesting featurette. There is three featurettes showing different aspects of the film which is very interesting, and my personal favourite is R2-D2, Beneath the Dome, which is a mockumentary which treats R2 like a real Hollywood actor. Lots of fun is to be had on this DVD, and I've hardly mentioned any of the special features - it's best just to get out and buy this yourself!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Star Bores
Review: I am not, like many i know, a particular fan of the Star Wars franchise. I don't, like many i know, find it particularly exciting or enthralling. When i was younger, i loved it, but to be honest, nowadays it bores me somewhat. So, you are wondering, why on earth did i give it 3 stars? Because i was pleasantly suprised by the awfully named attack of the clones.
The action scenes in AOTC were really quite fantastic, the set pieces were at times awesome, and the final battle was quite magnificent. The film deserves an above-average rating for this alone, plus the fact the DVD itself is very good, lots of extra features. AOTC boasts some of the most impressive FX (effects) have ever seen, and a great car chase through a futuristic city at the start. If there is any action in the latest star wars film, you can bet on it it will be an amazing sight. The attention to detail and finesse and interest in surrounding detail creates a visually stunning film, and full marks go to the artwork. On this basis, AOTC really does deliver.
But on other areas the film certainly does not. The acting is awful, the worst i have ever seen in a star wars film, and that takes some beating. People don't go to star wars to see beautiful acting i know, but still, for a film such as star wars that isn't a spoof, this issue must be corrected. Watching the young darth vader was particularly labourious. The film is also low on plot. Everything seems to be an excuse for a big action scene to be conducted, and the love story, separately plotted from the rest of the film it seems, is badly constructed and boring. Star wars and love plainly doesn't work, and heaven knows why that was thrown into the mix. The film includes some of the worst drama i have ever seen in a movie.
Despite these gratuitous flaws, AOTC does deliver where it is supposed too, on action and thrills. I wouldn't be insulted if i recieved this is a present from someone, put it that way. This film is a must for sci-fi lovers, Star Wars addicts, and fans of poorly directed love stories. Everyone else will probably enjoy AOTC to a good degree, but it won't be winning any plaudits for acting.
The Best Thing- the FX. Fantastic.
The Worst Thing- the film somehow manages to reatain an air throughout as a film that takes itself far too seriously, especially something as silly as star wars.
Final Thought- good for fans, OK for the rest of us. But you can take heart in fantastic effects and action sequences.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Magical stuff
Review: I'm going to review both the DVD and the movie itself. Ok. The movie is really really bad. The first hour plays like a space soap opera. Lots of whining and melodrama. Its now hard to be intimidated by Darth Vader in the older Star Wars movies when you realize he was your whiny little sister as a youth. That being said the second 45 minutes are possibly the funniest thing ever captured on film.....err digital recording. Yoda fighting with a lightsabre hopping around , seemingly floating... One persons name is Count Dooku...come on say it..... Dooku.... its fun! People plummet out of ships a hundred feet in the air, land, and are fine. It's truly an entertaining experience. I reccomend it.
The DVD is itself very good. Deleted scenes, and all the goodies, but the sound and picture are why you buy this product :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Only Star Wars
Review: I am incredibly frustrated by the number of people (especially star wars fans) who viscerally hate this film. I had this big long complex review typed up and ready to go that would argue against all of the negative potshots people have fired at this film and it's predocessor but decided that rather than argue I should can the ego and just state what I happened to like about it.

The scale of the story is epic in the way that only Star Wars movies can be epic. We care about the fate of the entire galaxy as much as we care about the fortunes of individual characters from Anakin's enslaved mother to the lovable droids. I disagree with staunch puppet traditionalists, I think the digital Yoda was as moving and effective as ever. I really loved the depth and range of emotions he conveyed in this one and I was especially happy to see him in action. He continues to be my favorite character and I really like the way this film took him from wisdom spouting hermit to dynamic warrior/sage.

The special effects continue to push the envelope. And as always they are storytelling tools thaht do not (I feel) hinder the narrative but take us further into the Star Wars universe.

I love this installment and I can't wait to see where the next one takes us.

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