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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
Your Price: $13.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Attack of the Jedi
Review: Finally all who have been avid followers of the Stars Wars universe get to see just how strong the Jedi are. The scenes with Anakin and Padme, while not really a good fit in a Star Wars movie, do help build who Luke and Leia's parents will be. We get to see where Anakin's temptations with the Dark Side of the Force are started, just watch the scene with the Tusken Raiders for clarification. Great scene with the Jedi in the arena, as the Clone Wars kick off. Great installment in the greatest film franchise.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Clones. A word too often used.
Review: Ok. To start with, we must look at the title. Attack of the Clones. Does this sound like a movie from the sixties or what? I can see an army of 'clones' closing in on a couple (boy+girl), and them screaming in terror. Problem is, that is not too far off. There is a couple, but the clones are good, for now. Next, I see the word 'clones'. This has been a contradictory theme in the news papers for a while now, and, how many movies have the been in the past six years about clones? What, about 8? Seven of which Arnold Swhateverhisnameisspelledlike has starred in. From here what would make you even think twice about stepping into the theater? The trademark characters. Duh. That's what made me see Episode one, and this.

Characters is what we get to next. I almost jumped with joy to hear about Boba Fett being in this film. I was disgusted. Some 'kid' who is so grotesque he could be a hobbit, is Boba. A kid! I expected to see him suiting up for his first bounty, but no. I had to stick to his Hispanic father, Jango. I am not racist, but if the clones were clones of Jango, shouldn't they all be Hispanic, not white. Think about it. Every trooper in Episodes 4-6 were white. How are they clones then, you might ask. Easy. George Lucas does not want to be pegged a racist for his movies starring all white men other the Lando Calrissian, the only black guy in the first 3 movies.

Now we get to the movie. Why have all of the recent SW films been based around lightsabers? They used to be space movies, with ships and everything, but now you could mistake it's sets for a futuristic Ghetto. Everything that I like about the first three films have been eliminated. I acutally bought an X-Wing action figure because it was my favorite thing in the whole trilogy. Now what to they have? One ship that Obi-Wan flies, and the Slave-One. Great. I am ecstatic. Can you not feel my joy?

Now, My review.

Sound: 3.5/5. Not much has changed in this field since Star Wars: A New Hope. Mostly redone versions of those songs. Good, but not spectacular.

Acting: .5/5. Acting? Whatchoo talkin' 'bout? There was next to no acting done in this movie. The closest thing to acting was Anakin's speech to Padmé about how he liked her because she was not sandy, like sand.

Graphics: 3.75/5. Good. I have seen better, but all that was expected was fulfilled. Great saber fight in the colisseum, but not much other than that.

Script: .25/5: WHAT!?!? THIS THING HAD A SCRIPT? WAS IT EVEN REHEARSED? I have seen better scripts in school plays. Not only that, but the ones that were better were written by the students in the play.

Plot: 2/5. O could understand, but a book on micro-biology rivals this in terms of plot.

Overall: 2.0/5. Never, ever buy this, unless you are die hard and had not read the script already. Some of the characters were incoherant at best.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I dunno.....
Review: I LOVE the Star Wars movies, well at least episodes 4, 5, and 6. But episodes 1 and 2 I just really don't know about. They have their good moments, but I just don't like them as well as the old ones. In the Phantom Menace, Jar Jar was getting on my nerves a lot and some of the film was quite boring to be honest. The light saber fight at the end and the pod-racing scenes were the only scenes that I really enjoyed. Episode 2 was an improvement, but the love scenes between Anikan and Padme were so corny at times! I think Jango Fett's death happened a little too quickly for me to register, the same with Anikan's arm getting knocked off. And no more Yoda being a puppet? I liked Yoda as a puppet! As a CGI character... I'm sorry, but I don't like that idea. Overall, this movie was OK. But episode 4, 5, and 6 are still the best! (in my opinion)

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This reviewer is right on!!!!!!
Review: It's true. In A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back they knew how to vwing! First and foremost, Hayden Christensen is THE worst actor ever. Add to the fact that he whines, cries, meanders and throws tantrums in almost every scene... it's really sickening. Now that THAT'S been well established, we can get on with the rest of this review. The plot is about as exciting as the title of the stupid movie. Attack of the Clones? Wow, George, lazy or what? Probably too busy counting his millions to even direct let alone come up with a punchy name... The script is ultimately lifeless and punishing. Can you remember ONE solid quote? No? Didn't think so. The dialogue is hammy, sluggish and droll. The love story had no heart or soul... Hayden and Natalie had NO chemistry what-so-ever. The whole thing looked embarrassingly forced. Natalie is stiff and bored. And, oh MAN, did I mention I really hate Hayden Christensen? Hey, if you thought Jar-Jar was annoying, get a load of this goofy moron. He grinds on my last nerve! By the end of this abomination, it just felt like I watched a badly acted 2 hour toy commerical! It's a neverending string of horridly insulting cliches. What a worthless pile of tripe. I'll spare you a mile-long list of more flaws. What a disappointing waste. The force is definitely not strong with this one. I know you all agree...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This gets the whole set of movies back on track.
Review: Star Wars episode 2 is so much better than episode 1.It isn't episodes 4,5,and 6 but it is a good movie with much better acting than the first one, especially Anikan.

This DVD is filled with special features like deleted scenes, documemtaries with actors and a whole bunch of other stuff.I'd recomend this DVD.

I have to talk about the action scenes first, they're awesome.Obi-Wan fights Jango Fett, Yoda fights Dooku, Windu fights Fett, the clone army fights the new droid army, and Anakin fights a group of Tuskan Raiders.A lot of action.

Also a lot of romance between Anakin and Padme and how they can't love each other since he's a Jedi and she's a senator.

I would reccomendit.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Bad Script, Bad Acting... by FilmBoy /Jar-Jar Binks
Review: A guy named Anakin (Hayden Christenson, bad actor) is 19. He goes to Padme's (Natalie Portman, another bad actor) apartment. She doesn't remember him very well. As the story unravels, they do stuff together and they kiss. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor, good actor) goes to the planet Kamino and meets some Kaminoans who were making a clone army for the Jedis. He goes back to his planet. He, Anakin, and Padme get captured and are put out in an arena where monsters come to chomp 'em up. But... somehow, the clones come over and there is a battle. Who will win????
This movie has a bad script, bad director, and bad acting. However, I thought the battle scene and spaceships were pretty cool. 4-99

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A big improvement...but still lacking
Review: Episode 2 is grande, big and reagal and full of the epic tall tale weaving we've come to expect from Star Wars. The movie's consistancy is a big improvement over the first one, which seemed to be a big setup for the next two movies. Hayden Christiansen and Natalie Portman do a fine job as young actors trying to get serious emotion from a straightforward script. A script which shows moments of brilliance but is staggered by Lucas' lack of attention to actually DIRECT his actors. Still, this is Star Wars, no doubt about it. The oversized machines, the lack of handrails and the astounding number of species makes this a signature piece. The love story gets a little overdramatic. It seems if these two socially incompatiable souls were to come together, the chemistry would happen more naturally. In any event, the pace and story are a little slow as we watch Padme and Anakin find each other during his stint as her bodyguard. It picks up more as we watch Obi Wan, played with more maturity and conviction by Ewan Mcgreggor, track down the source of a weapon and discover something much, much bigger. The special effects are incredible, Lucas is the master of turning his visions of other worlds into vast digital masterpieces. The pace during the last 45 minutes picks up tremendously, with an arena like battle with Anakin and Obi-Wan, showing the Jedi are just as effective without their lightsabers. There's a full blown battle between men and machines and some superior saber wielding by a little green muppet (actually, he's all CGI in this movie). Although there is still something missing in this chapter, it's good. It's very good. Lets keep our fingers crossed that Episode 3 will continue the bellcurve up.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: If You Can Bear Anakin, You Might Like This Movie
Review: The beautiful young Senator Amidala's life is threatened, so Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi set out to protect her. The two young ones fall in love (a serious violation of the Jedi code), Obi finds a mysterious, gigantic army of clones, exciting battles are fought, and we find out how Darth Vader lost his sword arm.
A spectacle. And like too many cinematic spectacles, it's neat to look at but very shallow (but not, thankfully, as shallow as the Phantom Menace). As one viewer once commented, Anakin Skywalker is a whiney pain in the rear. Why would Amidala fall in love with someone like him? His emotions are forced and his lines mumbled. Amidala herself is better than the previous Star Wars installment, but that's not saying much. Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan is excellent, but the script makes him a cynical character, so about the only character we can really like is Yoda, who surprises us with fantastic and unintentionally amusing lightsaber prowess. The effects are cool, and the new places and people fascinating. Star Wars fans are enthralled, but those who are not really into the phenomenom will probably label this film as silly, superficial entertainment and little else.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: I hate to agree with all of the negative stuff surrounding this movie, but the fact is, I was very disappointed. The special effects were what one would have expected, but the movie, well, it just wasn't there.
It's interesting to note that while the talents of Ewan MacGregor, Anthiny Daniels, and other veteran actors made this movie passable, the two low points were Hayden and Natalie. George Lucas has stooped to using sex appeal to attract viewers instead of plot. I never saw Mark Hamill or Harrison Ford topless, and Carrie Fisher's outfits were always attractive, but somewhat more subtle. Here, though, we have a bare-chested Hayden, Natalie Portman wears outfits that you KNOW had to be cutting off her circulation, and we are treated to a stretch pants-wearing type bar at the bottom of Coruscant. Samuel Jackson's character is absolutely tripe. Christopher Lee does a fine job of playing Count Dooku, and Ewan is magnificent as Obi-Wan. Too bad the story couldn't have centered around them.

The final point? It just didn't FEEL like a Star Wars movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I enjoyed this!
Review: I saw this 4 times at the movie show. I own it now, on DVD & VHS.
sometimes I just put a scene on in the middle of the day, when I have nothing better to do. I like the story, I wish we had more movies like this.

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