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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: boring movie, bad acting
Review: you can hardly find another movie more stupid than this one.
the plot is absurd, the acting is stiff and inconvincing. Hayden Christensen should consider giving up acting if this is what he's got.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not so bad the 2nd time around.
Review: When I stepped out of the theater I honestly thought this was the worst of the SW franchise by a mile. Now, after seeing it again I freely admit I like it more. Not so much that my mind is totally changed. There are still major weaknesses to this movie. The acting not least among them. I'm not sure if it was a combination of the script and direction he was given or if Hayden Christensen is just that bad an actor. Ewen McGregor and Liam Neeson seemed much better at delivering Lucas' ham fisted lines. Aside from him Natalie Portman was uninspiring to say the least. As eye candy as she may be she couldn't lift her character out of the mire. The best acting in this film was the guy who played Jango Fett. He says all of 3 lines. I can't deny the cg is a spectacle, but alone, it doesn't save the movie ( even yoda's scene ).

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I wanted to kill myself after seeing this film
Review: This film should be used in film schools, in comparison to Star Wars and Empire, to illustrate what exactly makes a bad film bad and a good film good. What made Star Wars great? Genius imagination. Fresh, interesting, unique, memorable characters. Fantastic music. Masterful attention to detail. Suspense. Surprises. A blend of sweet and strange, disgusting and spectacular. Good and evil were represented in human terms, authentic and rich with mythic resonance.

What makes this film so awful? Zero imagination. I suppose there were some interesting digital elements, but clever digital rendering is not a substitute for real storytelling. Characters? Who, the third rate Romeo and Juliet? R2D2 with a different number? All the nondescript aliens with flaccid tenticles hanging off their heads (what is up with that?)? Music, whatever, I guess there must have been music. Those little touches like the appropriate funkiness and unreliability of the Millenium Falcon or Luke's landspeeder are gone - replaced with spankin' new artifacts of Godlike perfection for all. In this visionless anti-story "goodness" is equated with perfect skin and flying puppets while evil is merely an alternate set of pompous and pretentious elites, a Pepsi vs. Coke cosmology.

Truly this film demonstrates all that is wrong with what Western Civilization has become. Stop the madness!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Come on you guys...
Review: This movie is not nearly as bad as you guys are making it out to me. I am not disputing that it cannot hold a candle to any of the original films, and that this does not live up to our expectations--but let's give what credit is due! First of all, let me say that the plot in this movie is as effective as ever--well, perhaps not as enthralling as it was in 1977, but very good nevertheless. The special effects are, naturally, unmatched by pretty much any other movie. The music is well-suited for this film (although arguably not for the Star Wars style), and ultimately, an asset. But where Lucas went wrong, as so many critics and reviewers and moviegoers have commented, is Hayden Christensen. There isn't a single scene in the entire movie that he acts well in. It's horrific. What, Lucas had 600 actors try out for this part and Christensen was the best. That doesn't leave me too much faith in Hollywood's future. Portman does pretty well (but she's not as good as in other films I've seen her in). McGregor is good, as well (at one point in the movie where they are chasing Zam into the nightclub, he speaks the line "This weapon is your life" just like Alec Guiness would have). Anyway, that's my take on Episode II. It isn't a 1-star effort, but all the same it dissapoints us all. We've had 20 years to think about how cool ep. 1-3 would be, so we gotta cut Lucas and co. some slack. But let's hope that Episode III is better.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Almost saved by the last 25 minutes
Review: Enough has been written here about this movie's failings, most of which I agree with. Lucas must be feeling the heat from 'The Matrix' films, but even more insecure he must be from the grandeur of 'Lord of the Rings.' LOTR has all of the heart, characterization and epic qualities that SW's has lost. (If at all possible Lucas would be wise to consult with the LOTR director, Peter Jackson, and/or the LOTR's screenwriters to try to remember what good writing consists of.)

When I saw AOTC on opening night here in New York City, people were actually laughing at the lakeside "romance" scenes between Anakin and Padme. Lucas can at least be glad that Christopher Lee (LOTR's Saruman) was there to give the movie a desperate jolt of energy as a true bad guy, something Episode 1 sorely lacked. If we are at all lucky, Episode 3 will begin having Anakin already gone over to the dark side, and the other Jedis and Padme trying to bring him back, thus starting at a dramatically urgent moment and moving on to its resolution, instead of more interminable setup.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Suckage
Review: George Lucas needs a "no" man. He needs someone that does not come up with ideas of his own, he just shakes his head in the negative to Lucas's ideas until good things happen on screen. After his no man he needs writers and directors.

This effort does nothing to redeem himself from the horrible 1st installment of this prequels. Boo on you Lucas for ruining a fantastic franchise. Its a shame they still make money on these.


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: It wasn't Star Wars
Review: I'm very sorry to see that the whole SW series is some how ruined by making this Indian love story! I'm very surprised that lucas has made this movie after those 4 movies and hope the last part will clear the bad memory of this one!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Strike Two!
Review: Some movies don't need to have profound storylines or sharp endings or twists. Some movies just need great action sequences and great visual effects. The Matrix gave us both of these, but Episode II neither. I was extremely excited when I heard about the special high definition cameras Lucas was going to use. But what is the use if the entire background is digital and looks phonier than a toupee. Billion dollar cameras to film pure (beep)! But the storyline is worse, Lucas should have created a digital Anakin, at least he would have had a better actor. Touché for Padme. I felt robbed after watching this movie. I thought this would be redemption for Lucas after Episode I, but STRIKE TWO! Let's just hope he doesn't go down swinging with Episode 3

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Star Wars: Proof of Hollywood's Stranglehold on the Public
Review: Star Wars may have been a groundbreaking sci-fi masterpiece when George Lucas was able to scrape up just enough cash to release the epic first trilogy. Episodes IV, V and VI are milestones of cinematic achievement that not many director's can even rival. Star Wars wasn't just movies about a time long ago in a galaxy far, far away ... it also became a worldwide sensation. Books, Comics, Toys, Music, Clothes, etc., are all over the malls in America and other shops all over the world. All of the movies in the series are worldwide box office hits, and their video/DVD sales are nothing to scoff at either. When I was a kid, I enjoyed the first trilogy. It was fresh, it was cool and it had sweet special effects that even now are considered acceptable. It helped catapult a young Harrison Ford into superstardom, and Mark Hamill into a... well, he had a bit part in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
Then in 1999, Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Menace was released. I was not impressed with the new Star Wars look. I thought it was slow, boring, a yawnfest with some flashy lights and loud sounds. Of course, that didn't stop it from going up onto the all time box office record holders. Darth Maul was cool, I will admit that much. But young Obi Wan seemed a little weak to me and a child Anakin just annoyed me. I was much more comfortable with the sinister Darth Vader, but what can I do, these are prequels.
2002 brought Star Wars - Episode II: The Attack of the Clones. It came out about 2 weeks behind the juggernaut hit, Spider-Man. I had went with not very high hopes but I was pleasantly surprised that it was a better action/sci-fi flick then Episode I. I was also happy they decided to get rid of one of their main characters from Episode I. (I won't say the name, but it rhymes with Lar Lar Winks.) Episode II was a good popcorn flick but terrible acting made it hard to take seriously, especially from Hayden Christensen that portrayed a teenage Anakin Skywalker. It still wasn't up to par with Star Wars the original or Empire Strikes Back. George Lucas seems to be reaching a little bit, trying to stretch the saga to it's end. I was happy with the last battle and Yoda doing some booty whuppin, but it wasn't enough to save a sinking ship.
The DVD came out and I rented it because I was bored and had absolutely nothing else to do. I watched the movie again, this time on my TV at home. It wasn't the same without the large screen and loud sound system. The special features were plentiful and you got a little look on the inside of this Star Wars installment. If your a die hard fan of the series, the DVD was probably pre-ordered months in advance, and you were also extremely happy with the content available on it.
All in all, it was a mediocre movie at best, but the DVD has loads of features to keep you entertained for a few hours. One of the best setups I have seen recently for a DVD feature. The menu screens were cool and it goes on and on.

3 out of 5 stars for good content and excellent quality in picture/sound.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not one redeeming quality
Review: I was stunned at how pathetic this movie was! I couldn't wait for it to end. There wasn't a redeeming quality to it, not the acting (understatement), story-line, nor special effects (I've seen better in other movies, even cheap made for TV ones)!

So what was the point in making this movie? The magic of the first three movies is gone! That magic came from good stories and acting and characters you could connect with. Not so in this outing! What a shame! A whole generation of new audiences will have to go to the original trilogy to find the magic, because it just isn't here.

One can only hope that there won't be another Star Wars movie! RIP!

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