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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Review: OMG, Star Wars Episode 2 is such an awesome movie! I saw Star Wars Episode 1, not having seen any of the other movies and liked it pretty well. But whenever I see Episode 2, I am totally intrigued the whole time. I am on the edge of my seat, and I am not kidding. The special affects are incredible and it really seems like I am traveling the galaxy with the Jedi. I also really love this movie because I am a writer and every time I see it, it spurrs me to write fantasy fiction books about traveling the universe and fighting off evil enemies. For me, it is inspiring. I know I probably can't say the same for other people. My favorite character is Yoda, by far. Everyone in the movie theater was cheering when he was battling that evil guy and preventing Obi-Wan Kanobi and Anakin from being killed by that enourmous beam.
I think the plot of these movies is so cool and I can't wait for Episode 3 to come out. Yoda rocks and so does Star Wars Episode 2!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Good god...
Review: I've thought alot about this film. I saw it twice in the theatres, for free thank god, i even published a movie review saying that it was bad. But recently seeing it on tv....i finally understood just how bad this film is. I can honestly say this ranks up with bad films such as armeggedon, mortal combat 2, and steel dawn.

I didnt care for episode 1, but at least that film was competent. This seems to be a horrid case of CGI gone mad. The fact of the matter is, the special effects arent even that good. If you study them they usually come across as very fake looking and superficial. The original star wars was the first film i ever saw, and i nursed a fascination with it most of my young life. Looking back, i see that those films stress quality of the special effects over quantity. Episode 2 is the exact opposite.

Two scenes really hit a nerve with me. One is where Padme and Anakin are making googly eyes at eachother at a table while Anakin plays around with fruit. What made me mad was the fruit is clearly CGI, they dont even attempt to make it look real. Anakin then sticks a fork and knife in it, and the fruit doesnt seem to react at all. You can see it's a simple superimposition. Like i'm not going to notice that george?

The second is a scene where Padme gets knocked off some kind of transport and is stranded in the desert. If you look at the ground, it's clearly CGI sand. I mean....it looks like some kind of cheap windows backround. So we have to CGI sand now huh george? You couldnt spend $100 and fill a sound stage with some sand and have it look real? They even seemed to be shooting in Tunisia for parts of the film, you couldnt find a sand dune there?

What makes the film completely absurd is the dialog, which i'm sure many have pointed out. At points in the theater i wanted to just stand up and growl "UGH! Shut the ... up!" It really is almost painful to listen to. At times i half expected someone to jump in the film and yell "Stop Lord Zagnoid! You're evil reign of terror is over!"

Then there's about a thousand other flaws in the film. The relationship between Anakin and Obi is almost absurd. They seem to be some kind of One-liner team, Obi says something that is suppose to sound wise but is executed as idiotic, ... I guess the message they're trying to send is that Obi was just asking to get whacked by Vader. I could of sworn Obi was suppose to be smarter or wiser than he's played, seeing how he's a master and all. He couldnt even solve the laughable 10 minute sub-plot about some planet disapearing. Then a toddler in a big hat upstages him.

One of the few parts i liked in episode one was the highly skillfull lightsaber fight at the end. Episode two is particularly funny as all the lead characters simply wave a lightsaber around as if they're confused as to what it is they're suppose to be doing. It looks like children playing around with their plastic lightsabers. Then those scenes are intercut with real martial artists doing poses with lightsabers, they never really fight with them....they just strike a damn fine pose.

Which leads to yoda's little pissy-fit. You'd think the wisest of the wise wouldnt need to raise a sword, thats a main point in most eastern philosophies; something the first films relied heavily upon. But yoda jumping all around and whomping ...came across as a desperate attempt to inject substance into the film.

The droids are in it as well, much to my dismay. Basically they replaced jar-jar with two droids who just act likes fools and really dont do anything at all besides get in trouble, which has no effect on the plot. In fact, some of the stupidest scenes i've ever seen in a movie now belong to C-3PO and disembodied battle droid. Remember when the droids actually did stuff in the first films? You know, they hacked into stuff and translated and saved the day. Now they're soley just a comic relief device.

All and all....what happend? How did a script this bad get made? Didnt anyone point out to George that it [was bad]? You'd think you could get someone else to write one, seeing how many books and comics have been written about star wars.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The worst.
Review: Pay attention to all of the abundant bad reviews!! They are right on! This movie STINKS!! Okay, well its not all bad. Lets see.. If the acting had been better, the script less SCHMALTZY, the story not so slow-paced and boring, and...and..well, if it had been all of those things it would have been perfect. The worst this movie is..well, its hard to say. Let me tell of all the horrible elements.

The acting: Excellent!! At least in the case of Ewan McGregor. All of the other actors are not very good, and Hayden Christensen STINKS!! He's HORRIBLE!! I didn't think the kid in episode 1 was very good either, but compared to this guy he's superb.

2: The script.
HORRIBLE!! Think about it. For a so-called experienced writer like George Lucas, it almost seems humanly impossible to write a script like this. Its almost sounds like George is TRYING to be corny, schmaltzy and dippy. And if he was, he succeeded quite well. On top of Christensen's horrible acting, he is given horrible lines which make him seem even worse!! Every ten minutes he's blubbering and complaining about how horrible his life is to Padme, who listens and basically goes: "Your SO right, Anakin." Example: Anakin is talking to Padme. "Obi-wans overly critical.. he..he he never listens!! ITS NOT FAIR!!" Aww. Poor guy. Some more corny lines. Anakin is speaking to Obi-wan. "I'd much rather dream about Padme. Just being around her again is..intoxicating." If I listed all of the corny lines in the movie, then this review would take up five or six web pages.

3:The love story between Padme and Anakin stinks, its boring, and it takes up WAY too much time.

4: Yoda. In this movie he's computer-animated and just doesn't look good. Or real. And that fight at the end where we finally see Yoda engage in lightsabre battle was not at all taken seriously and it looked stupid.

5: Overall, the movie is just extremely boring. That sums it up in whole. Until the last half-hour to forty-five minutes, the movie is just extremely slow-paced and boring and doesn't have enough action or story to carry it along.

I was not able to see this movie in theaters, and I was very, very disapointed. But when I saw it on video I was glad I didn't waste my money.

But its not all bad. What action the movie has is excellent. The special effects are incredible, and if not for The Two Towers, it definitely would have snagged that Oscar. The movie also leaves you waiting for the third, which, although this movie stunk I will still be looking forward to. Hopefully it will be an improvement.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: DVD Good, Movie not so good
Review: George Lucas seems to have forgotten that a story should drive a movie forward, not the special effects. This is what has plagued the Star Wars prequels, and Episode II is no exception. The movie is mediocre at best. The DVD however, is quite well done. There are plenty of extras included, including behind the scenes materials, and deleted scenes. The transfer is high quality, thanks to the all-digial production (Lucas never shot the movie on celluloid, but rather with digital cameras onto a computer, so he could do the SFX better). The changing menu sceme (it shows different backgrounds every time you put the movie in) is another unique trick.

Rating: 4 stars
Review: I don't understand why so many people think this is the worst movie in the world! For starters I loved the love story of Anakin and Padme.Look at Anakin.His eyes never look dully at her.No wonder. She is a slender young girl with gentleness,beauty,wit,motherlyness to him,and compassion.Ankin is crazy about her. Look at his lines:
Since the moment I first met you,all those years ago,not a day has not gone by since I've not thought of you.
Padme:I truly deeply love you and before I die I want you to know.
I think some people wonder why Padme could like a so called"rotten" person like Anakin. One way Thats totally obvius.... HE IS THE FIRST PERSON THAT HAS EVER TRULY LOVED PADME IN HER LIFE AND SHE IS HIS ONLY LOVE! Witty and brave a true bodygaurd.
And some people say the romance seems faked.How? Anakin may use grand language but it's not jargon.He is in love.Padme at first is stiff but you can sense right off that she's attractived to him.Anyway she is at first worried about his futer with the Order.
The arena scene proves it that they are really in love.There,in the cart, Padme gives her whole soul to Anakin at last. She with those teary eyes,choked voice and soft lips.
But hope saves them and then? Does Padme give Anakin the goodbye? No,they get married.Love that wants commitment.On a sunset terrace,They say the sacred vows of matrimony to their swelling theme.The Holy man says the pronouncement,Anakin and Padme,taking each others hands,meltingly looking into each others eyes,touch noses,then touching their lips together,blissfully kiss once,twice rising in passion.Gently at last it ends uniting them forever into the next life.
As for Action it was great.Everything,Yoda dual,clone battle,factory maze,speeder chase.A GRAND EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: More female appeal
Review: If your not a star wars buff, such as myself, this movie may appeal to you more than the others in the series. The plot deffinitly has more 'romantic' appeal, although the priority is an action-adventure, futuristic tale. The story line is a bit on the confusing side if you don't have the background knowledge, but it does have merit on its own.

Deffinitly worth seeing, if not for it's digital filming technology.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Terrible
Review: What was George Lucas thinking when he put together the movies the Phantomn Menace and Attack of the Clones?Fire the writers,the cast and start all over again.When I heard there was a feud between the Battlestar Galactica and the Star Wars creaters,I like Galactica better . I hope it will be better now there are reports the TV series maybe returning.As an aspiring author I can write a much better script than what I've seen so far and the film industry need to investigate why many of the best scripts are being rejected and the very bad ones get through.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Horrible!!
Review: This was about the worst movie I ever saw. I kept on looking at my watch to see if it was over yet!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not the Best
Review: The best Star Wars movie out there is still "The Empire Strikes Back" by a long shot. This movie has nothing on the original trilogy as it's brought down by bad acting and a terrible script (Who says "M'lady in that time anyway? That's something you'd say in LOTR!). However, the beautiful CGI's more than make up for the slow boring story, and bad acting.

First of all, this is a terrible love story and only the last half hour or so could save this movie from the boring hour or so that we had to endure of a cheap love story and Hayden Christens Bad acting.

The story was slow paced and a little weak. I like the small references they make to Episode IV but they kind of suck and leave for little humor (such as when Obi-Wan says to Anakin "You'll be the death of me".) We get a nice bit of action about a half an hour into the movie but afterwards the love story is boring. I usually go for romance and all but this was terrible. George coudn't make a love story the way he did in "The Empire Strikes Back" now THAT was a true Star Wars love story.

The acting was bad and while some of the cast looked good (Natalie Portman for the guys and Hayden Christen for the girls) They're acting was shabby. Listen, I don't care HOW you look as a movie star, if you've got bad acting talent then I don't care for you being on screen in the first place.

Probably the only thing that saved this movie was the battle between Yoda and Dooku at the end. After suffering for over two hours of bad acting that scene really changed everything.

The only thing that really made this bad was the acting and VERY bad love story. I like how they used Anakin's robotic arm at the end to show how him being part machine made it easier for him to become one with the darkside.

As I mentioned, were it not for the miraculous CGI this would probably get two stars from me. The special effects are awesome! Some of the best I've seen in a movie in a while. Problem is that it seems as if that's all the movie is made of. Not that its a BIG problem but it seems that that's all the staff relied on when making this movie.

Probably the best actors and actresses in this movie were the ones that didn't have quite as much on screen time. (It was really nice to see a movie with Samuel L. Jackson where he didn't say F**K every ten seconds and Christopher Lee was VERY good).

Overall: Fans of the original trilogy will be VERY disappointed in this film. But if you like lots of special effects, and good looking actors with no talent and bad acting then this is the movie for you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie is great!!!
Review: I don't understand the negative talk about "AOTC"! This is a great movie and definately a must have movie. It isn't anywhere close to the original three and is marred somewhat by the lame execution of the love story and ocassional script weaknesses but overall, it's much better than "Phantom Menace" by a long shot! For those who love this movie like me, Buy this DVD![Not] VHS!!!! Enough said!

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