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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The Saga Drags On
Review: I don't know why George Lucas didn't learn from the mistakes he made in Episode I. It was savaged by a lot of critics, mainly for its poor writing. Episode II was his chance to answer his critics, to prove that he could still make films, but he failed again, focusing way too much on the digital imagery. The movie does boast some superb CGi effects. They're as beautiful as anything put to the movie screens today. The battle between the Clones and the Battle Droids is particularly impressive. However the CGi doesn't redeem the flaws, which are abundant. The script of this film is very poor; the story doesn't build on itself well and the dialogue is boring and uninspired. I suppose if the actors had given good performances, these weaknesses might not have been so pronounced. The problem is the acting here is just plain mediocre (and I'm probably being generous in saying that). I found much of the interaction between the characters was too forced. There were no memorable performances here (although Ewan MacGregor was half-decent) especially from Hayden Christansen. He had a critical role to play as the rebellious Anakin Skywalker, but he doesn't really come across as a rebel; he acts more like a whiny, immature young man. The love story between Anakin and Padme was also poorly done. The two actors lacked the chemistry to make the romance believeable. And the script didn't help them out either. The DVD edition of "Attack of the Clones" is excellent and is well worth the price. It has many featurettes, several deleted scenes and other goodies to enjoy. Too bad the film doesn't match up to the bonus materials. Anyway, the final verdict: Episode III had better be good, otherwise Lucas will be known as the man that destroyed his own legacy.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is the Movie the FANS Wanted
Review: There is so much to like about this movie, but you really have to be a die-hard Star Wars fan to enjoy it. George Lucas really gave the fans what they wanted, and the Saga is looking like it's back on course, after the strange cornicopa that was The Phantom Menace. Think back to the pre-prequal era. Didn't you WANT to see Yoda kick some butt? Didn't you WANT to see the origin of the Clones? Didn't you WANT to see the origin of Boba Fett? Didn't you WANT to see the CLONE WARS? Didn't you WANT to see Anakin and Obi Wan as student and mentor? Episode 2 gives the fans all this and more and I think most are just too WHINEY to accept the truth. Once Episode 3 is released I believe the tide will turn.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: And Who Was HIS Father ?
Review: We all know that Anakin will grow up to be Luke's father -- and it's evident from this episode that Anakin's father had to be Eddie Haskell. I've never seen such simpering, sniveling and self-justification in a character since a long time ago, on a TV network far, far away.

P.S. It was neat to see Anakin get the Terminator's right arm, after his own was cut off in the sword fight.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: All special effects, very little story
Review: If all you like is special effects this movie is for you. The story and acting are...well R2D2 and Jar Jar Binks are the best actors. After seeing this movie, I watched epsiode IV and was amazed how much better the story and acting was compared to episode II. The scenes with Anakin and Padma(sp) are almost painful to watch. As far a the story goes. I think a great oportunity has been wasted. Now there is only 1 movie left to show how Anakin evolves into the evil Darth Vader.

FYI the DVD makes a bad frisbee

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Whining and the dark side
Review: The action sequences are fun, and the visuals effective. It also has that frantic "running around screaming and no character development" aspect of many other middle-of-the-trilogy movies such as "The Empire Strikes Back," "Back to the Future II," and "Temple of Doom."

It also has the George Lucas penchant for reinventing the "past" (and future) of his own epic when he needs a plot twist or a deus-ex-machina. Why can R2D-2 fly in "Episode 2" if he can't fly in "Episodes 4, 5, and 6"? That skill would have come in REAL handy in the other movies.

The real problems with the movie have to do with George's attempts to keep you involved with the characters while at the same time showing young Anakin veering toward the dark side. Anakin spends much of the film whining about how Obi Wan is "holding him back" and doesn't recognize his potential and even hinting that OW is jealous of his powers. I didn't find this any more attractive than the most recent incarnation of Harry Potter flying off the handle at every little thing. Teenage angst is greatly overrated as a character development mechanism.

So what did we learn from this movie? We already knew that Anakin and Padme were going to get together and Padme was going to have twins and Anakin was going to become deformed and turn into Darth Vader and Senator Palpatine was going to become the "Emperor." And that C-3PO was going to get skin.

What we didn't know was that the first step toward the dark side is apparently incessant whining. The second is apparently repeated disobedience.

Those of you with teenagers who whine and disobey, take note! If you don't stop them now, they will certainly be agents of the Dark Lord by the time Episode 3 hits the theaters.

Action sequences: good except for the ones that go on and on like the last 45 minutes of a Schwarzenegger movie.

Love story: contrived and not even up to grade B movie levels.

Character development: None, unless you consider whining interesting.

Still it's fun watching a green anamorph with inverted syntax and the voice of Fozzie Bear leading an army and battling Saruman.

Worth watching once. Maybe twice a couple of years apart.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best Star Wars movie yet
Review: Attack of the Clones is the best Star Wars movie yet. I really don't understand all the people who are bashing the movie. They complain about how cheesy the dialogue and love story is, but in reality, the dialogue is no worse than some of lines in, say, The Empire Strikes Back. The plot is captivating, and keeps building up in intensity until the finale at the end. This movie is definitely worth getting!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Delightfully mediocre!
Review: I can't quite explain the love/hate relationship I have with this movie. It's much better than The Phantom Menace, but that goes without saying. I didn't find the acting too stiff, and I thought that Hayden and Natalie played their roles quite well. An apprentice Jedi and a politician aren't exactly supposed to be the most exciting of roles, people! The special effects were okay, albeit a bit overused at times. My main complaint with this movie is about the atmosphere. The original Star Wars movies were dark (for the most part) and industrial feeling. These new movies seem bright, happy and futuristic, in the cheesy 1950's sense. I won't even elaborate on how blue-screened everything looks. The major redeeming point of this movie is Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus. Christopher Lee has proven that he IS the master of evil, in this movie and in the LoTR series! Amazing performance! The re-appearance of Jar-Jar and his responsibility for the forming of the Empire do nothing but irritate me though. I wish Jar-Jar's ship would have exploded on his way back home, a la Poochy The Dog from The Simpsons. All you people who criticize the love story going on in the movie seem to forget that Luke and Leia needed to come from somewhere! 'Nuff said! I'm still undecided on this movie, but my best advice to you is to just watch it and take it with a grain of salt and the wonder of a child.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Horrified I am
Review: To use one of the great movie quotes about movies: I have seen better film on teeth. (Delroy Lindo in Get Shorty).

Oh boy! This one really hurt me physically. It was so incredibly boring... I blame Mr. Beard himself for flinging this atrocity at us. George, you just cannot be serious, man! I thought Episode I was the worst, but you could even get lower than that.

A few of the 'high'lights:

1. The dialogue
There is not one single line in this movie that real people would ever utter. Not one. It is stilted beyond belief.

2. The acting
With the possible exception of Christopher Lee, nobody here could build a career on what is presented here. The mighty Sam Jackson, whom I greatly admire, is just rubbish here. I do not blame the actors. They just were not allowed or given the opportunity to emote.

3. The CGI
Too much of a good thing... Was it just me or did this movie run like a video game? Nothing looked real to me, and the screen was way too crowded to give anything a chance to stick out.

4. The love story
Oh my... where to begin? What was that 'Von Trapp' moment doing there? How can someone make up such dialogue? How contrived can a love story be? This was very bad indeed.

5. The jokes
I cannot remember having been exposed to so many lame jokes in one movie by one character ever before. Somebody destroy this droid NOW! Rip it apart! The guy who is responsible for this "humor" (cough, cough) should never be allowed to touch a pen ever again. The word corny does not remotely begin to describe it.

6. The final attack
OK, so I skip some parts. Please forgive me, as I have missed generous parts of this movie by having fallen asleep in the theatre. The final attack... Well, what can one say about it? That it went on forever? That it was as exciting as watching the grass grow? That it was utterly boring? Yep, that is what one can say about it. It was terrible. But it did give you a good idea of what action figures would be on sale.

7. Yoda and Dooku
It was very, very hard not to laugh out loud when this scene was on the screen. VERY hard. This was so bad that I could not believe my eyes. Couldn't dear old George have held back and at least shown some respect to one of his most beloved characters? Amazon will never allow me to write down what I really think of this scene, and rightly so. It would not be fit to print, let me keep it at that.

In short, I hated this movie. I sure hope that Lucas will have the decency to let someone else direct, write and produce the last movie in this franchise.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I have seen the error of my ways
Review: I was wrong about this movie. All the good reviews I wrote were written under a bad influence. I was the one who lost the truth. I hate this movie because it is bad. The romance between the characters does not explore the concept of human love. George is a bad director!! Whoever says Hayden Christion is a good actor I challenge them to a boxing match. George Lucas must be stopped!! Worst movie since Hope Floats!!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: the worst star wars yet.
Review: im sorry george lucas but you can do better. I know this for a fact.

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