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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: So-so
Review: I hate to admit it, but this isn't one of the better Star Wars movies. I grew up watching Star Wars. Whenever my sister and I would argue, my parents could put Star Wars on and there was an instant truce. So, I really looked forward to Episode One and Attack of the Clones. I was a little disappointed with this one. I think Ewan McGregor did a great job, but the actor who plays Anakin.... I don't want to be rude, but he can't act. Better casting next time around - I hope! I bought this so I could have all the Star Wars movies, but I probably won't watch it very often.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: One little star for one big flop
Review: It's predecessor "The Phantom Menace" was already horrible, but George had a chance to redeem himself with this movie. Unfortunately, instead of redeeming this saga he makes it worse. George took a hint and lessened the appearance of Jar Jar Stinky Dinks, however, that seemed to be the only advice his ego would let him take. I was so happy to have that gawd awful kid playing Anakin a.k.a. "Annie" out of the picture, but my rapture was short lived when I found out that there was an equally annoying "all growd up" version of him to take his place. Of course it's only logic, no kid that irritating could become a sophisticated, cunning, evil Jedi over a few years. Maybe in another galaxy far far away, but sadly not in this one. I mean come ON! Am I supposed to believe that this little wussy is the one destined to become the infamous Darth Vader? And even more unbelievable: because his MAMA died??? Please. Of course, "Annie" isn't the only inconvenience in this film. We have his love interest played by Natalie Portman, whose performance is blank and unsure. Then we have this world where practically everything and everyone is drowning in special effects...can somebody grab me a post-it so I can write this message:
"Lots of wicked special effects can't make up for a good plot and cast." And then stick it on George Lucas's head? Ahem, anyway, lets move onto Yoda. Ahh, dear little Yoda, he has transformed from a sock puppet to another lovely piece of CGI. I guess that gives him more power too, because he had to go in and save Annie's sorry a$$!!! I think it would be a good time to mention that everybody in the theatre was laughing when he was doing his little "ninja" stance and fighting with somebody twice his size. But this is all besides the point of the movie, which coincidentally happens to be missing as well...the attack of the clones. Did you see it? If you did, please inform me because I seemed to have missed it. Perhaps George will name the last part of this nightmare "The Attack of The Clones...Really." Until then, I shall wait with a few bucks for a ticket expecting not an epic masterpiece, but a comedic parody of what Star Wars is all about. Goodnight, and may the force be with you, me, and especially George Lucas. Because he's going to need all he can get to regain the amount of respect he had.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Star Wars Lives On
Review: A great DVD transfer brings this film to life, and never better. The film itself is a great continuation of a mythic saga, and I enjoyed it immensely. I have heard time and again from other reviewers their distaste with the plot and the acting, and are wondering where the original saga went? Well folks, the original films had no real focused plot or acting at all either. These are meant to be viewed as silent movies, with the focus being on the STORY and NOT the acting. All 5 films are fantastic and I would give them as I have awarded this one, 5 STARS

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the ultimate popcorn movie
Review: If you've got a widescreen tv, and surround sound system, you wil never buy anything (currently) which shows off your system more; perfect digital clarity, huge action, and sound which flows from one speak to another constantly. I know, I've heard it all before..."these prequels aren't as good as the originals", "the Phantom Menace was a phantom movie", etc. etc....well thats just plain "poodoo". The Phantom Menace was a good set up film, it had it's problems (mainly the middle, where Lucas spends thirty minutes setting up a race which has nothing to do with the current story), but Attack of the Clones is to me the third best in the entire saga, and a true return to what Lucas had orignally invisioned. The first hour is a nice set up, a few slow patches, but nothing extreme -- and then we're off to the second hour which is for me some of the best stuff in the whole five film saga; Anakin's revenge. Ob-Wan's tour of the cloning facility -- and meeting Jango Fett, the arena of death sequence and the entire kick off to the clone wars...frankly I just don't see why anyone doesn't like this film! It's not shakespeare, so what?--If I wanted deap interesting characters sitting around space and talking, I'd watch Star Trek the Motion Picture...give me vast cityscapers, evil alien creatures, and hundreds of lightsabers any day of the week. Put away your adulthood for two hours, think like a telve year old again, and grab your blaster kid, your gonna need it! Praise Lord Lucas and pass the popcorn...

Rating: 1 stars
Review: The continuing saga of Star Wars continues with special effects that are world class, music worthy of the greatest movies ever and acting...well, the acting is about as mediocre and bad as anything ever produced this side of the galaxy.

Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi continues his acting free fall with trite lines and weak expressions. And an added beard brings him no closer to the great Alec Guiness in appearance or acting ability. Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala is only innovative in the wild assortment of bizarre hairstyles she dons throughout the movie. The meadow scene does answer the age-old riddle as to what you can do with those little produce nets that onions come in. Her delivery of lines, even the ones that are supposed to be emotional, are as deadpan as ever.

Which brings us to Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker. Oh, my! We all gasped when rumors that Leonardo DiCaprio might be tapped as a teenage Anakin. Who knows? Maybe he would have been an improvement over what we got from Hayden. Poorly delivered, lispy lines that would make Darth Vader roll over in his grave (gasp, wheeze) are all we got.

And like Episode I the choreography of the story is dreadfully lacking. Okay, so Yoda fights, as seen in all the preview clips, but everyone else runs away. Run away! Run Away! I don't want to spoil the fun for you. You really must experience the letdown for yourself. I thought I was watching a sci-fi version of Monty Python's Holy Grail--without the coconut shells. I wish Amazon had a Turkey rating. I'd give it to this one. But then, as already mentioned, the effects gives it something. The question is what?

See it if you must but let's pray that sooner than later the original trilogy will be released on DVD.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: not that great
Review: i understand that once something magical is done, like the first three star wars movies, or the first matrix, it's difficult, if not nearly impossible, to duplicate or create the same kind of sense of magic. But I guess my expectations for this movie was a little higher than the payoff. The Phantom Menace was also a disappointment, but this one really bothered me. for some reason i feel like this should have worked. you had a great set up, story wise. but for some reason, whenever a character would say, "this MUST be done," or that MUST be done" the question would come, "what's the big hurry?" or "what makes that the only choice available?" The urgency in the script did not present itself in the movie. The movie did get better as it went along, finally getting a bit of its old magic towards the end, but that was too late.

Plus, why would you have Count Dookoo (however you spell his name) as only a two-dimensional character? Would it not have worked better, added more depth to Lucas's universe had Dookoo truly been fighting both sides instead of secretly being with Darth Sidius? What I mean is, would he not have been better as a rogue Jedi who did not agree with the Jedi Council but also truly was against Sidius? That would have been cool. Instead, he's just a pawn that Sidius uses and he remains two dimensional.

Plus I hope Hayden Christensen takes more acting lessons. He really wasn't that good.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Didn't your mom teach you something....
Review: If you don't have anything nice to say......
Can't really keep it in this time though...
Mr. Lucas, great trillogy, thanks for trying to give us a little "histoty" behind the greatest movies in the world (episodes 4,5,6) but... Please stay off the romance industry!!! I can get past the special effects and yoda bouncing around like sonic the hedghog, that's expected with new movies. Anakin vs obi? guess obi wan is just plain blind to not see vader coming in. Acting... oh well, for absolute pseudo hardcore starwars fans its a bad movie cause they try to get all technical and give "expert" advise. Just plain everyday Jonh doe fans-Great movies, any starwars is greatly appreciated, or are you trying to tell me that those wanna-be hardcore fans waste all their money on 7 different collectible toys ("figurines") which all are the same character but different colored painted pants and then they go and bash the movie.... strange logic.
one question..... Where did all the cool chrome ships go? i better see every chromed-ship-factory blow up in episode 3 as an explanation to why the classic xwing looks like it came from the local junkyard made for a school science project yet the "older" ships are straigth from new york's 5th avenue garages.....
as a whole, good movie, a sligthly crammed plot, and two (3?) horrible love scenes which can (thankfully) be quickly fastforwarded with the dvd player....
p.s. for the defence of mr lucas, turning somewhat to the "sex" appeal of using one of the hottest stars alive can be justified to trying to gain an otherwise lost 12-20 yr old generation that didn't get to enjoy the classics and is trying to fit in and maybe become a true starwars-loving-vaderbreathingmocking-lightsaber-waving-yoda-worshipping fan.
Thank you for you time.....

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: No Chemistry
Review: The two main characters Amidala and Anakin have no chemistry. And its obvious that Christopher Haydn doesnt know how to act properly in the love scenes most of the time he is acting like a stalker/rapist its hard to watch. And whats with them falling in love all of a sudden, Amidala rejects him at first, telling him rightfully hes making her feel creepy (made me feel creepy too) and then all of a sudden she swoons for him. There should of been more action and less of the poorly written love story. George Lucas must be getting senile, I dont know.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Hire a Writer, Mr. Lucas!!
Review: I really dislike tearing into movies that are so treasured by some people, but "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones" cannot be regarded as anything more than a failure. There a just so many things wrong with this movie!! I'll try to keep it brief.

As many, many people have said already, and I will say again, the script is absolutely HORRIBLE!! Ridiculous, laughter-inducing dialogue, loaded with phrases that were cliche before the 20th century, that falls completely flat and makes the movie seem like four hours instead of two. With the exception of Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan, none of the characters are even remotely interesting, including Yoda, whose charm is starting to wear thin. Thankfully, Jar-Jar Binks is pretty much ignored, which is a huge plus. The acting of the two leads, Hayden Christiansen and Natalie Portman, is absolutely terrible. Yet these two people are wonderful actors, so something is terribly wrong. My guess is that the script was so bad that they had a hard time taking it seriously. There is a lot more wrong with this movie that I haven't mentioned, but I'll highlight a few good points.

The first thing that must be pointed out is that this movie is far better than the horrible "Episode I". That's a good start. The special effects are quite good and are interesting to watch, especially during Jedi battles. The music is, of course, one of the best musical scores ever created for a film. Ewan McGregor is very charismatic on screen, and Hayden Christiansen, despite the poor acting, very much looks the part of the young soon-to-be Darth Vader fighting his dark side. And, of course, Natalie Portman is as lovely and fetching as ever, despite the fact that she seems so unhappy.

In conclusion, if you go in with low expectations and a love for DVD extras, you may enjoy this movie. Otherwise, you will end up shaking your head at the end, wondering how the legendary "Star Wars" series has fallen on such hard times.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Too much CG, too little story
Review: I've now seen this movie many times. Initially, I loved it, and thought it was so much better than Ep. I. Now that I've really thought it through, I'm not so happy with it. The acting is almost universally horrible, but a lot of that can be attributed to two things: Poorly written dialogue and spending most of the time acting in front of blue screens.

My main objection to this movie is really the effects work. Lucas has just gone CG happy. The movies have become more about showing off fancy (and a lot of times bad) CG effects rather than telling the story. For example, what purpose does Anakin riding on that cow-like thing serve? None. None whatsoever. It's showing off CG work, and bad CG work at that. I'm not sure what it is about ILM CG, but it just looks bad to me. It never looks convincing, like Gollum from the Two Towers does. I think it may be that it just looks TOO polished. I just know that even their best stuff (Yoda) just doesn't quite cut it.

The high points of the movie: The last 45 minutes or so are, in my mind, as good as anything in the Star Wars series, right up to the ominous ending. Again, I question the need for some of the CG generated factory scene, but it was at least entertaining and fairly convincing. The battle scenes were great, but I cannot help thinking I'm basically watching an animation at this point. Oh well, it was pretty enjoyable overall, and who the hell I'm I to tell George Lucas how to make his movies?

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