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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Magnificent! The force is in this movie!
Review: What a twist and turn movie. THis had to be the best Star Wars ever! So much action, the love story. It is a perfect movie. THe last 45 minutes are the best. The clone battle and the "execution" were very fun to watch! All I have to say is you gotta see it! You just gotta see it!

My Grade:

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is how it is.
Review: I saw the movie at the 12:01am premier. It was pretty mindblowing and i liked about 85-90% of the movie, i could have trimmed a few mins off. First off I will tell you what i liked.
A lot darker film, great acting,l great story line with great links to past present and future lineage. Effects are better that before. Great pacing, mixing in obi wans detective subplot with the tamer romance scenes.
What I didnt like was all the incredibly silly c3po parts, Unfortunatley George couldnt resist putting silly jokes inbetween the great arena battle scenes, bad move. Also the diner scene was rediculous, it made a mockery of all the hard work that went into the rest of the universe being believable.
I place it after empire and new hope {not special editions}. But I think it may be the most watchable film of them all even though it is not as solid. If the afore mentioned scenes were cut out it would be the best yet i think.
Now I look forward to episode 3, hopefully more bount hunters, bring on ig88 and bosch.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Absolutely Fabulous
Review: This film met or exceeded all of my expectations. Short background: I have been a Star Wars fan since I was 5 back in 1977. For long time fans this is an important installment in the overall Star Wars saga/story. From a movie-goer perspective the special effects are near flawless and quite believable. I have read many reviews critical of the acting of the main characters but my thought was that the main characters' acting was right on the money. Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christiansen are excellent, Hayden showing alternately the child, the impatient adolescent and the coming dark-side. Natalie Portman is much more free in her dialouge this time around not being constrained by the comportment expected of a queen, and her action scenes are great. But one character steals the show (I won't say why, but you'll see). Yoda is the absolute best. Contrary to popular discussion I found Yoda's scene with the "younglings" the best of the whole movie.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: There's still something missing in this movie.
Review: While Attack of the Clones certainly answered a lot of questions about the Star Wars galaxy and how the Empire rises in place of the Republic, I still feel that this movie, like Phantom Menace, also lacked the fun and sense of wonder, that is so apparent in the classic trilogy (Episodes IV, V, and VI). In the classic trilogy, the focus is more on character and not so much on the visual effects. Here we see a lot of visual effects but the characters are often not as developed, nor are their times when we care about them as much. I think Star Wars was at it's best when the story was on Luke,Han, and Leia. Their story was so much more well developed and interesting then that of Anakin and Amadala. Still if there was one thing that Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones did acheive was that it filled in the gaps in Star Wars history, and we know fully now who the parents of Luke and Leia really are. No need to see Episode III, it will likely not be very good. I would much rather see the reported final films now in progress for Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Attack of the Clones
Review: To all of you die hard star wars fans out there, you will agree that this is the one that we have been waiting for. After the much overhyped Episode I, I feel a sigh of relief. The only disappointment felt was the fight between Yoda and Sidious. Yoda reminded me of a really angry gobbledock who just had his packet of chips taken away. Overall, very impressed. A must see on anyones movie list. Five stars from me........ May the force be with you.....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie is awesome
Review: Forget what any critic says about this movie not being good. They have no clue as to what they're talking about. That cartoon called "The Critic" that was once on TV totally is how it's like in the real world. All they can say is, "IT STINKS!"

Well, I've got news for you. This new Star Wars movie is far away from the sewer, I can tell you that much. It exceeded all of my expectations for it. Sure, I liked The Phantom Menace, but just liked it. I didn't love it like I do Attack of the Clones. It's got the sense of adventure and fun of A New Hope, combined with the darkness of The Empire Strikes Back. All I'm wondering now is if Episode III can top this one, because this one is what most fans have been wanting in a Star Wars movie! Even Yoda gets to show us why he's truly the master of ALL Jedi.

Anyhow, this movie is great. Go see it again and again. The acting is actually pretty good for being Star Wars, the special effects are wonderful, the action is great, and the story is one that'll knock your socks off! Star Wars is here to stay!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: i went in on day 2 expecting a good movie. what i got was beyond all expectations. All of the actors gave great performances, particularly Christopher Lee and Ewan McGregor. Hayden's performance was up and down. at times, he was the best thing going in the movie, while at other times, he almost seemed to be a grown-up Jake Lloyd (who played Anakin in The Phantom Menace).
The plot was much richer than in any of the previous four installments. for the first time, you begin to understand how things end up the way they do. What drove Anakin to become Vader. How (and this is true not only in the Star Wars universe, but ours as well) Jar Jar Binks single-handedly [messed] up everything good in the world. HaHa as if we didn't hate him enough before, we now have more reason than mere annoyance.
as far as the effects go...i've never seen anything like them. just amazing. 'nuff said.
And Christopher Lee! he's turning 80 next week, and he looked even better with a light saber than Ewan McGregor! he must have been CGI for the fight scenes like Yoda or something. anything. i refuse to believe that at 79 he can still move like that haha.
in any case, from the arena scene, to the dueling, i had more fun seeing this than i've ever had at the theater. i'm looking forward to what's going to have to be a horrible ending in Episode III. consider it. no way it can have a nice, happy ending like all the others.
Hah seeing this, more than anything else, just got me wanting and needing the second Lord of the Rings movie, 'The Two Towers' to hurry up and be here. as great as 'Attack of the Clones' was, it still, in my mind, didn't compare to the Fellowship of the Ring...and the Two Towers will be even better.
anyway, AOTC is well worth the eight bucks, and more.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My favorite of all five so far. An epic story with heart...
Review: I am fully prepared to stand by the heading of my review. This is a 2 1/2 hour (or close enough that it makes no difference) film that for me flew by. Not once was I bored. Instead I was vastly entertained, and in the "slower" parts of the film I was intrigued by the political stuff going on.

The love story- To me this worked very well. I really did not expect Anakin or Padme to act any differently than they did. We all know, whether we are teenagers or not, that if and when we fall in love with a person that that love often over-rides our common sense and dominates our thoughts and feelings. It had just enough "spice" it it to work. (No hanky-panky, this is FAMILY entertainment). But more important than spice it had heart I really believed these two loved each other and felt their care. If you love someone or they love you, often you can see it in thir eyes and their actions toward you. Words are not always necessary. Bravo.

The dialogue- NO Star Wars movie in the history of the series is known for Shakespearean words. After watching this and listening to the lines delivered I found them more than satisfying to me. The actors did fine with it. They were NOWHERE near as stiff as some critics would have you think. I enjoyed this very much.

The effects- These were breathtaking and NOT "cartoonish" again as some critics would have you think. The sights from planet to planet and city to city were breathtaking, beautiful, and sometimes dark and appropriately gloomy. I really felt transported into the middle of these worlds. The creatures were also done very well.

The acting- See my dialogue comments. EVERYBODY in my view did a great job. Even Jar Jar did not sound as silly this time. He was more serious a bit and wasn't in the film long enough anyway for me to pay him much notice. But even he did fine. I actually liked him more this time around for his slightly more serious nature and sincerity. McGregor, Portman, Christensen, Jackson, Lee, and the others all did great jobs with their roles.

The action- More of it in this film than in any of the Star Wars movies to date. Stunning, dizzying, and awe-inspiring. Very enjoyable.

The Music- A perfect blend of exciting and beautiful new music with snippets of tunes from the other Star Wars movies weaves together a very nice and effective tapestry to tell this epic story in music that perfectly compliment the visuals of this awesome film. Across The Stars (the love theme) alone was a great joy to hear and real candy for the ears.John Williams really is a musical genius.

Overall- I liked the original Star Wars trilogy more than any movie series in history. I liked the Phantom Menace a lot. I LOVED Star Wars Episode II Attack Of The Clones. I laughed, I cheered, and yes I did even cry. I did not go into this film to find things to nit-pick at, I went to enjoy it and have a great time with it. This turned out to be a good thing because as I watched and listened I found, saw, and heard NOTHING to nit-pick at anyway. I went to enjoy this film and take another trip into a galaxy far far away. I LOVED this film, and so can you, I hope. :) Take that trip too, back to a galaxy far far away. You just might fall in love with this film like I did. Peace. :)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Anakin Skywalker Redeems the Prequels
Review: Look, I hated The Phantom Menace. I never could write a review for it because I could never put into words how many things went drastically wrong with it. It was horrible and made me hate Star Wars because of it. That said:

Attack of the Clones is pretty darn good.

I don't think it will be as widely praised as Empire Strikes Back or as memorable as the first one, but I think when everyone has their collection of the six DVDs, AotC will be a favorite for many.

It doesn't have the charm of the first A New Hope, the mystery and intrigue of ESB, or the hour long finale of Return of the Jedi. The dialogue is clunky at times and the special effects no longer dominate the competition -- in fact a lot of the CGI looks really rushed. However, this is the episode which shows Anakin Skywalker growing up and how he went wrong. And that is what makes it such a great movie.

Hayden Christensen's performance as Anakin rivals James Earl Jones' as Darth Vader. It makes all the movies in the series better. We get to see Darth Vader as a teenager: he's a mixture of innocence and arrogance. His remarkable talent fuels his cockiness, but he's never really learned to cope with his emotions and doesn't really fit in as Obi-Wan's apprentice. Various moments throughout the movie end up enhancing the entire series by both foreshadowing the future Darth Vader and also making his redemption more meaningful. Anakin never really wanted to be evil, he just grew up too fast -- and thought he had found a better way to deal with his problems. They I was truly amazed at how Hayden managed to pull everything together for this role. Some moments really brought chills down my spine.

The romance works as a puppy love story. I've heard a lot of criticism of it, but all things considered it turned out pretty well. As much as I hated it when people defended The Phantom Menace by saying "you're just too old and jaded now", I have to say it here. These are teenagers and their first real love, it should sound stupid because it is stupid and it is in fact, doomed to fail. Romeo and Juliet sounds stupid too if you look at it like that. It does work however, aided immeasurably by John Williams' awesome score which almost carries some scenes by itself.

The special effects, well, some people loved them, I thought they were okay. I've read that audiences were absolutely astounded by the original Star Wars when it came out, there's nothing like that here. Most of the effects have been done before in other movies and this time around, they can look pretty fake at times.

Ultimately, the movie will be criticized heavily due to the familiarity of it all. Besides the special effects, the formula is basically the same as all the SW movies -- starts with action, lull, a battle and a lightsabre fight -- plus we know what happens in the end. People out of touch with their inner teenager will have a tough time relating to Anakin and Padme. It's both too long and too short -- there's not a lot of action in the first two hours but at the same time, a lot of important plot exposition was left on the cutting room floor (hopefully it will be in the DVD though). Furthermore, when you take into account the original three movies, the Special Editions, all the books and video games and everything else Star Wars around today, it almost feels like Star Wars 20 instead of Episode 2.

All the same, this is by far the most mature Star Wars movie to date, and it brings a new spin on Anakin/Vader that brings the six movies together in a way that makes them all better. It is probably my favorite of the series and I think it will be for a lot of people after it has time to grow on them.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GREAT
Review: It is obvious that episode's 1 and 2 lead up to episode 3whichwill outshine every other starwars movie ever. This was great,not the disaster of episode 1

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