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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: You call that acting?
Review: With Star Wars, it's always a love-hate thing for me. I love it now that more of the story George Lucas has envisioned is revealed. It's more complicated and sinister than I thought. I watched Episodes IV, V and VI when I was a kid, and haven't had a chance to review them. There were a lot of scathing reviews for Episode I: The Phantom Menace, yet it still did phenominally well in the box office. I believe Episode II will follow the same trend.

Off the bat, I will say that the story of Episode II is an improvement over Episode I. The graphics were no-doubt state-of-the-art and just as stunning, if not more so, than the first episode. (Since this film was shot entirely on digital cameras, they had more flexibility and control over the non-human characters. For instance, Yoda used to be a puppet, but is now entirely digital. All the mecha fight scenes in Episodes IV, V and VI used to be stop-frame photography, not anymore. And I can't imagine filling up a colloseum with thousands of insect-costume-clad extras. Shows you how far technology has come.) Unfortunately, the acting was horrendous.

(Usually, when I make comments like these, Star Wars fans dismiss me as missing the point. People also tend to think less of my review. But it is still a movie, isn't it? And if these reviews are supposed to be a candid forum where I can voice what I truly think about something, then I just have to grit my teeth and spit it out. So here goes.)

Regardless of how pretty Natalie Portman is, her role as Padme was less than convincing. As was her "relationship" with Anakin. The last kiss scene was absolutely passionless and insipid. Her character smells of a bad soap opera star. (I did find her peck-on-the-cheek kiss to Anakin in the colosseum cute. But seriously, isn't she supposed to be this grown-up senator who doesn't show her emotions in public?) I'm even more disappointed with what Hayden Christensen did to Anakin. OMG, I can't believe that's acting! He could've atleast tried harder. (Maybe they decided to put him behind a mask and a robotic voice and call him Darth Vader to coverup for his acting. Just a thought ;).) As usual, Yoda is there to provide some comic relief. As I was lining up at a book store holding a copy of the book version of Episode II, some guy asked me "Did Yoda really kick some [rear]?" I had to tell him that he did, but it was a short 20 second scene and it didn't really overwhelmingly prove Yoda's prowess in swordfighting. The enemy ended the stalemated fight by running away.

I think die-hard Star Wars fans will love this movie regardless of what I say. I believe adults will appreciate the plot of this episode more than the first one. I think kids below 13 will find a large segment of this film boring and the last half hour spellbinding. I would still recommend this film to people for continuity and something to talk about by the watercooler.

LEAP rating (each out of 5):
L (Language) - 0 (This is a harsh rating to give, but someone should've proofread the dialogue, and passed it to a script doctor.)
E (Erotica) - 0 (n/a - sorely disappointed by this rating)
A (Action) - 5 (You can't beat the graphics, state-of-the-art.)
P (Plot) - 4 (As more of the story unfolds, it becomes more suspenseful. I really didn't want it to end where it did.)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Loved it
Review: Do not have much to say other then I really enjoyed this movie. Very definatly better then Episoide 1.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It was awsome!!!
Review: What can I say? It just surpassed all my expectations! I loved it! I only gave it 4 stars because Christensens performance was a bit wooden and the romance dialogue was a little bit stiff! But besides that, it starts tying up loose strings and I just loved it! I reccomend it! Try to ignore the the stiff romance script and you will love it!!!

See it you will not be disapointed!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Why is the dialogue so bad?
Review: After viewing the Attack of the Clones at my local Cinema, I neither felt elated nor dissappointed. The movie was enjoyable, but the poor actors really struggle to perform with the awful stilted Star Wars dialogue. In the original three movies we had at least Han Solo with his sarcasm and wit, but now everyone is so serious. Hayden Christiansen, does a excellent job allowing us to see his slide to the "Dark Side". Ewan McGregor does the best he can with his lines. Thank fully they are not as bad as the "Yes, master", "No master" stuff he had in Episode One. The special effects however are so good that when viewing, you just accept what you see, and you just take them for granted. There is however a few exceptions. The scenes where our heroes are riding on the back of various beasts, are really quite poor. They move and look like rag dolls.
There are some wonderful action sequences, but they seem to be either too long, or not long enough. Yodas fight with Dooku was over too soon, where I felt the gladiator type scene was too long.
I may be being too critical, but I expected more. Still its Star Wars, and I enjoyed it. Its better that Episode One, and I hope that Episode 3 is better still.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: entertaining movie with a couple of slow spots
Review: I don't understand all the negative reviews of this movie by the film critics. It is better than the "Phantom Menace" in the sense that there is less Jar-Jar and more action. The acting could have been a little better, but the same could be said of all the Star Wars movies. The special effects are much better in the last two movies than in the previous trilogy. In fact, I have a hard time watching the original movies now because the effects look so poor in comparison. The plot is a little slow in the middle, but I think the rabid fans want as long a movie as possible so they won't complain. Overall, I would say this is the best installment yet, which is high praise since sequels usually are not as good as the original.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun to Watch, Star Wars is BACK!
Review: Let me preface this review by saying that I am an old school Star Wars fan who had "issues" with Episode I. With that said, I loved Attack of the Clones! The movie easily exceeded my expectations and, in my humble opinion, blew the Phantom Menance out of the water (it is also more entertaining than Return of the Jedi).

The charm and humor that was missing from Episode I is back in this movie. I was pleased to see C3P0 providing the slap stick humor instead of the annoying Jar Jar Binks. I loved the digitally created Yoda, whose roll in the dramatic climax blew me away. Yoda rules! There are so many things that I liked about the movie including the story, the landscapes, character development, the file makers attention to details and veiled references of to the original triolgy (and the foreboding of things to come). The bottom line is this: this move is FUN to watch.

With the exeception of a few of the romantic scenes where the dialogue reminded me of a bad day-time soap opera, the movie flows very well and moves at a good pace. It lives up to the action/adventure standards that Lucas set in the first three films. If you liked the original trilogy, I think you will be thrilled with this film.

I read at least 20 reviews before seeing this movie. It was split down the middle: half of the critics liked the movie and the other half panned it on the level of Phantom Menace (Although all agreed that this movie is better than Menace). I can't comprehend critics. After all, this is Star Wars not "On Golden Pond" or "The English Patient". Movies like the English Paitient make me sick. Although I'm no spring chicken (I was around for the original Star Wars in 1977) I'm still young at heart, unlike many of the critics who lost their youthful exuberance 20 years ago. Poor dialogue, stiff acting? You must be referring to the Phantom Menace not this film. If you are looking for picture of the year you are not going to find it in a science fiction movie.

Although I rarley see movies more than once at the theater, I will make an exception this time and see Attack of the Clones again. Enjoy!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: As a Fan, I enjoyed it.
Review: As a fan of "Star Wars" since I was a little kid, this episode was enjoyable with its action sequences, special effects and the unfolding of the story of Darth Vader. I thoroughly enjoyed the chasing sequences: first with Anakin in a speeder at Curascant; then with Obi Wan and Jango Fett in the asteroid fields. The movie was action packed from beginning to end. It was also funny, C3PO and R2D2 providing us with most of the laughs.

In this episode, George Lucas focuses on the love story between Padme and Anakin. If there was something in the movie that leaves you wanting, this is the area. Comments from fellow Naboo inhabitants will make you believe that Padme is headstrong and independent. Obi Wan also comments on Anakin's independent nature. With these in mind, you might have probably assumed that the love story would be as torrential and full of bickering as that of Han Solo's and Princess Leia's. Unfortunately, we are left with "should we or shouldn't we" lines that sometimes sound awkward coming out from the actors' mouths. The chemistry is there--as expected with two beautiful people acting it out--but the dialogue somehow leaves the whole "love" story as implausible. Could we safely assume that it is lust more than love? Am I getting the wrong impression here?

Overall, the movie is a must see. If not you're not interested with the love story, watch it for the lovable Jedi Masters. 200 Jedi Knights fighting against the droid armies of the Trade Federation; Master Mace Windu and Yoda leading the fighting...one shouldn't miss it for the world! After leaving the theatre, I couldn't wait to see what George Lucas has in store for Episode III.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Adventure, Excitment, a Jedi craves not these things.
Review: No this memorable line is not in Attack of the Clones, but the quote from Jedi Master Yoda, certainly suites it! Episode II, Attack of The Clones, was an amazing Star Wars film. We start to see a lot more of Anakin's "Dark side", the love of Padme, and Anakin, Luke Skywalker's Uncle Owen, and Aunt...whatever the hell her name is, from A NEW HOPE. And lastly, something I always dreamed for, we got to see Yoda kick some [behind]! The guy is a Jedi master, 3 feet tall, hell that guy gives me a reason to live! The acting is probably pretty much what you'd expect from Phantom Menace, at least that little kid wasn't in it, poor kid. Oh yeah sorry to disapoint, but that "thing" Jar Jar Binks is back, but luckily he only had 2 scenes or something. I thought the acting from the new Anakin was good, except a couple of lines that he said, sholdn't of been in there, can't blame the actor, blame the Screenplay writer's. Natalie Portman was good as usual, that outfit at the end was Spec-tac-u-lar!! Ewan McGregor was okay, he was the same in Phantom Menace, which I wasn't to fond of. I just can't see him being the same character as Obi "Ben" Kenobi. Samuel Jackson was good, only if Star wars aloud him to say MF, he would of been awsome! Overall the movie was great, special effects burned by eyes in the theater, it will be more better when it comes out on DVD. The reason why this movie didn't get the full five stars was simply because of the screenplay, they didn't give a full character, like the original's. It's a good movie, go see it, it will keep you counting down the days to Episode III.
YODA IS THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Great potential Ruined
Review: George Lucas needs to take about $10 million out of his CGI laden special effects and give it to a good writer. No matter how spectacular you make special effects, they are lost without a good story. While Lucas' premise is sound, the actual delivery is horrible. I've never heard such cheesy drivel as was spoken by Amidala and Anakin. It was painful to even watch. The forced romance was contrived and completely laughable (completely opposite the subtle and enthralling romance that develops between Lea and Han in The Empire Strikes Back). I don't know where they found Hayden Christensen, but I'm sorry he cannot act. His performance made the already aweful dialogue even worse. I grew up with Star Wars and am so diappointed at Lucas' obvious lack of interest in staying true to the atmosphere of the originals and indulging in a CGI effect every two seconds as a trade for a good script. The potential to tell the backstory of when the Jedi were feared and respected and why they were such a force is lost as Lucas gives us a script unworthy of "saved by the bell." Please George, hire a writer to handle the details of the story and find an experienced actor (you don't have to find the next Harrison Ford everytime you make a movie) to play Anakin. His role is so complex and difficult and so lost with Hayden Christensen.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Attack of the Junk
Review: Trash. The movie is terrible. Lucas has ruined the series. Anakin is a wimp and Obi Wan is not much better. Two of the best characters have been ruined. The only people who will enjoy this are the 30 year old men who will dress up like Luke Skywalker and see it 10 ten times. The dialog is terrible, the story drawn out, and the fights are short. This and Phantom Menace could be combined into one movie because between the two, they have enough story to make only one film.

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