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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Too much and not enough
Review: I was disappointed in this move in a similar way to Phantom Menace. I felt a big strength of the original movie was the lack of dialogue. There was times when Obi-Wan and Luke were reflective, and The Force was a mystical thing that was not taken lightly.

The whole bar scene was a waste to me. The flying to chace down the assassin was a waste. I would have liked something more sinister, trying to show the "dark side" of the Capital city.

I felt the "romance" angle did not work at all for me. Very unbelievable with these actors. The rescue of Ani's mom was too contrived. Also, the "picnic" in the hills could have been cut (big waste of money). Also, the Yoda light saber battle was just too fake.

What did I want? I would like to have seen a guest "ghost" appearance my Obi-Wan's master. I would liked to have seen the young Obi-Wan learn from his mistakes. I think Ani's just too arrogant. The whole archive's plot was too childish. A typical librarian, with a plot that was similar to Logan's Run, Rollerball, and others. I expected something "new" from Lucas.

The plot is followed, and plodding along. Was there anything that was really a surprise to people? Anything that really made a difference? Okay, the source for the clones is a bounty hunter, and I was waiting to see where that was going to be a major element in the movie...it wasn't. Why did the hair style for Amadala move towards the Kerry Fisher look towards the "romance" scenes? With everything available in the advanced civilization, and they still used Tourister luggage? How did she get all those outfits in those small bags?

Okay you say, he's being way too negative for a 3-star movie. Well, I did like the story lines in places. I just felt like Lucas tried to commit too much on the ILM angle, and sacrificed the script to make it work. The characters are all 2-D, and the characters did not move me. I watched Star Wars 15-20 times. I do not feel compelled to see Clones again. I have only watch Phantom twice. I watch Empire 10 times, and Return of the Jedi about the same. I know Lucas has the ability to make something that is fantastic. He has the vision, the talent, and ILM. He was dealing with actors in Star Wars that could make you feel something with just the raise of an eyebrow. Is the actors trying to "make" something happen, or to "be" something? Harrison Ford showed us a rogue, a romantic, and explored multiple facets of the Han Solo character through out even the first Star Wars movie. Luke Skywalker grew from a naive farm boy, to take on a Sith Lord. Should we expect less from the characters on the screen today?

Watch the movie and you judge. Did Lucas surpass the industry, or is he just "putting out movies"? He has more characters, more plots, more spaceships, more types of creatures, but are you getting more? Do you expect more? I do. I want to come out of the movie shocked by the surprise ending ("I'm your father Luke").

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Wha???
Review: Ok, it's not horrible...but, jeez it's not worthy to be called Star Wars either. When Yoda is the best "actor" in the flick, you're in trouble. Boring, unbelievable love story. Wooden dialog...ugh!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: gr8 film but could be better
Review: Attack of the clones is a very enjoyable movie but still abit of a let down..

The action scenes are brilliant but the downside is that there is just no real chemistry between the characters and that sense of bonding that the originals had just isnt there..

In the original trilogy everybody wanted to be Luke Skywaylker, Han Solo or Princess Leia but in this film the chracters just dont gel the same way..

Also the bad guys just arnt bad enough,
Darth Vader was just perfect and when you saw him you felt fear and his attempts at humor such as in Return of the Jedi he warns the commander of the Death Star that the Empror is not as forgiving as him..

Unfortuntaly neither Darth Maul or Count Dooku ( Darth Tyranus )even come close and when you see Chancelor Palpatine you just cant really think of him as the future evil emperor who shoots lightning from his fingers..

It seems that in Both Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones George Lucas seems to have concentrated to much on action rather the strengh of characters..

Its a defainantly better than Phantom Menace but its nowhere near as good as Empire Strikes Back..
George Lucas is going to have to do alot of work on eppisode 3 if he wants to equal the originals..

It is still a very enjoyable film though and defainlty worth watching even if its just for the fight sequences especialy final battle between Yoda and Count Dooku .. if you are expecting the little cheeky Yoda from Dagobah you are in for a shock this little guy really prooves why he is the most powerfull Jedi..

Basicly its a very good film but its still not good enough..

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: "Clones" not quite as good as the originals...
Review: I'm not one to normally rate movies, but it seems like every movie that comes out now gets a positive endorsement from the critics no matter how good it really is. Perhaps the same people that recommended Enron stock to the masses rate movies too.

Anyway, in spite of all the hype, I have to say that I really expected a bit more from this movie. I like Lucas. I enjoyed all of the original Star Wars Trilogy, but this movie was not at all as entertaining as the first three. It seemed to be "cloned" parts of the originals with minor twists that were added for a feeble attempt at creating continuity, but it doesn't work.

While I have to admit that the special effects were quite good at times, the acting and storyline were predictable and well below par in my opinion. Perhaps the novelty of Star Wars has faded for me now that I am in my late thirties. My kids (ages 6 to 10 yrs) seemed to generally enjoy this movie, but I wish I would have spent my money on something else. I guess I'm just thankful I didn't stand in long lines waiting for it like some other people did.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Dissappointed...
Review: Okay, first I will admit that this was better than The Phantom Menace. That is saying quite a bit, but not everything.

The problem with Attack of the Clones is that Lucas gives the audience no reason to care for any of the characters. They lack the kind of depth could be found within the original trilogy's characters. The acting, for the most part, seems very flat. I don't believe that any of these characters have real kinds of relationships.

Some of the fight scenes are very cool, but the CGI backgrounds look more like paintings and the creatures look like more like out of place cartoon characters.

What is the deal with Yoda? Yeah he kicks [rear]....but really if he is hobbling in, then the way he fights is totally unbelievable.

George should have perhaps stuck with 3 locations instead of the 5 or 6 that he used. I have to say this movie moved slow and I really had no wonderful feelings when I left.

Good movie, just NOT great. While there are those that say this feels like the original trilogy, it doesn't. George said in an interview that Star Wars was never about the space ships or effects. This movie is hindered by the effects.

The weakest aspect is the dialogue, he really needs someone to take over that part of his creation. I would say that the movie should get a 7.5 out of 10. Nice try, but it gives no hope for the next movie...given this production I now hope there is NO new Indiana Jones movie.

Star Wars fan forever...of the original trilogy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Attack of the Clones
Review: Quite possibly the best one yet. This one has a little bit of all the ingredients to cook up a really good show, i.e. action, fantastic special effects, superlative sound effects, good story line and of course "romance". Companions who have never been "Star Wars" fans are now hooked. I think one of the highlights of this one is the varied locations. All I can say is I am going back asap.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Be sure to find a digital theatre with THX. It's worth it.
Review: Episode 2 is everything I hoped it would be and more. The story shows us the turmoil in the senate, the believable relationship between Anakin and Padme, Anakin's conflict with the Jedi and it also has many subtle and prominent connections to episodes 4-6.

This episode also has a lot of treats for fans. Namely Jedi and Bounty Hunting action. We see more of the Jedi temple, we see a spectacular battle involving more than a dozen Jedi in a small area (something we've never seen until now) and the pinnacle of it all is of course, Yoda. Yoda looks great. His character is very well done in this outing. Plus, we get to see him fight, which is a real treat and great fun to watch. Seeing Jango Fett in action is like fulfilling every Star Wars fan's fantasies about what Boba would've/should've been doing in 4-6. We never really saw Boba do much. But Jango goes all out. We see him fly, shoot and use all kinds of gadgets. His space battle with Obi-Wan in the debris ring is spectacular (this is where THX sound really pays off) Episode 2 leaves Star Wars fans satisfied in many areas.

I was lucky enough to be able to see Episode 2 the way it's meant to be seen, on a digital screen. Digital projection is absolutely wonderful. The picture is crisp, no scratches, dots or dust. It's like watching a DVD on a huge screen only 10 times better. Digital projection combined with THX sound makes for the ultimate experience. It is my advice that you make the extra effort/time to find and get to a digital theatre near you. If you really care about seeing this movie in the best way possible, it's certainly worth the trouble.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Star Wars Finally is Back
Review: As with so many others, I was not significantly impressed by Phantom Menace. While Episode I was meant to be an introduction to the fall of Anakin Skywalker, it was entirely too cutesy for my taste. But enough about that and on to the present. Episode II starts off with a bang and ends with so many questions to be addressed in Episode III (which only makes me wish for the next three years to fly by). The action, plot, romance, and acting were all supurb. I have always wanted to see Yoda be more than the wise philosopher that he has always been. Only now as a totally computer generated character (unlike the puppet figure of the past) can his full range of potential be realized. Watching Hayden Christensen begin to show the darkness and apprehension of Anakin was tremendous. The chemistry between him and Natalie Portman was incredible. The battle in the arena on Geonosis was amazing. Seeing so many Jedi do battle was breath-taking. Christopher Lee as Count Dooku harkens back to Darth Vader himself. Just the voice reminded me of James Earl Jones. You can almost hear the deep, dark, menacing breathing as Dooku urges Obi-Wan to join him. All of this will undoubtedly lead to the climactic episode of the trilogy. Will we see the birth of the twins? Will we see the slaughter of thousands of Jedi? Will Anakin be seen in total blackness of Vader? And will we see a magnificent battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan? I guess we will all find out in 2005.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Astounding
Review: This movie is not only a more than worthy entry into the Star Wars saga, it represents nothing less than the very future of Cinema.

This is a movie that you MUST see as Lucas intended; on a massive screen with digital sound... but even more importantly, in a theatre that is projecting it digitally.

The visual images in Attack Of The Clones, when projected digitally, are awe inspiring. The colors are so incredibly rich and the detail is breathtaking. It's like watching real events through a window, almost like being there. With digital projection there is no juddery movement when the camera pans, and there are none of the imperfections that come with film such as dust and scratches on the print etc. All that is there is a crystal clean, amazingly vibrant image.

As for the movie itself. It pretty much rocks. Sure some of the acting is wooden, and the script is a little lifeless sometimes but that really doesn't detract from the story itself, plus there are so many things that make up for the "minuses" that you almost don't notice the so called flaws.

This is a dark movie, far darker than Empire Strikes Back and it's actually quite chilling to see Anakin begin his descent into the dark side.

ATOC is thrilling, exciting and stunning to watch and the action scenes are easily the best ever in the series. This is just what Star Wars should be. Fantastic Entertainment!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This is an outstanding installment in the Star Wars Saga. However, the critics have "ripped it a new one." They say things like,"poor acting, weak plot, choppy scenes, weak dialogue." HELLO -- this is Star Wars. If I wanted to see Shakespearean acting I would go to a play and see Hamlet. I want to see special effects and learn why Anakin eventually becomes Darth Vadar. This movie delivers those aspects. Anyone who goes to watch this movie and hasn't seen the others would be completely lost anyway. True Star Wars fans know what to expect and George Lucas has not let us down. I've seen it 3 times already and am going to probably see it a few more before it goes to video. If you want to be entertained, go see this movie!!!

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