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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: NOT the Best yet
Review: Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) was unexciting, not really into the part. He just didn't draw us into the movie. Corny, silly romance scenes and acting with little emotion. Some very nice special effects, not a good enough story line to make it all worthwhile. Some decent acting by other characters, but my wife and I were both disappointed overall.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Disappointed
Review: I can't believe this was a Star Wars flick. Yes, the Yoda thing was cool, and Jango Fett had his moments (I still say Slave 1 is the greatest ship ever), but other than that, is this really good? Do people consider it good because there is a reasonably decent (visually) fight scene in a Gladiator type arena? Is it good because Yoda finally shows what he's got? I'm reading these reviews and wondering how people can feel the story was compelling (about 5 people fell asleep in the theater I was in) or how the acting was decent, or how the screenplay was good. With lines like "I don't like sand, it's rough, coarse, it gets in all kinds of places, not like you, you're soft" you have to wonder if Lucas was drinking beer or hard liquor while he was writing. There was a 19 year delay between Return of the Jedi and AOTC and this is the best Lucas could come up with? You have to be kidding me. Everyone is talking about the Yoda scene, but what did it accomplish? Nothing. If he had killed 55 of those bug things I would have been happy with it, but as it is, it is pointless. Count Dooku? Am I supposed to be afraid of someone whose name reminds me of what I do after I eat taco bell? It even looked like Samuel Jackson was having a hard time saying "Count Dooku" without laughing. Don't get me started on Hayden Christiansen, he was TERRIBLE. And you could almost see Lucas directing him in most of the scenes, I don't know if that's more of a knock on Hayden or George, either way this movie was a HUGE disappointment. There were a few good visuals (the Jedi Battle in the Arena and some of the scenery) and one or two exciting moments, but other than that I thought this was awful. Bad acting, bad script, bad movie. Lucas has lost his mind. However you felt about Episode 1 you will probably feel about the same here, maybe worse. I miss puppet Yoda.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not a Huge Star Wars Fan...
Review: ...but I thought this movie was neat. It features hi-tech flying vehicles and 3000 foot buildings (which I take we're never gonna see here on Earth, LOL), and overall, a very nice story. The film steps into Episode III as it concludes. Way better than the bloated garbage Hollywood is currently producing.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: less Jar Jar Binks, means AotC doesn't stink....
Review: Ok, I saw this and there's no reason to sum up the plot or give an all-out review since everyone does that. Just some points to reiterate:
* is it just me, or is Lucas getting lazy with taking us to "a galaxy far far away"? I mean, that diner Obi went to with the cgi(again!) cook looked like a futuristic version of "Alice". The only thing missing was having the robot waitress say "Obi, kiss my grits!". The arena with the monsters was reminiscent of Gladiator, the chase with the bounty hunter in the speeder looked like a 5'th Element/Judge Dredd scene, and Anakin and Amidale in the droid-making factory scene reminded me of the scene in Chicken Run! At least in one scene, Obi chasing Jango in the asteroid field, reminded me of the scene in EMPIRE, that was nice.
* honestly, I did not think Lucas could top the saber battle in TPM, but the fight in AotC was great in its own right. Lee was great as Count Dooku(Count Dracula, get it? No? Me neither, thanks Mr. Lucas). Yoda vs Dooku was brief but excellent. I'll believe Yoda can wield a lightsaber like that, but to hop around like that...then seconds later need his cane to walk a few steps...uh, hello?
* overuse of cgi(give me the original stormtroopers anyday!), bland and plodding romantic scenes, and a lack of imagination makes AotC not as good as STAR WARS and EMPIRE(my favorite by far), but ranks with JEDI and it is better than MENACE. The last 30 mts. is an action fan's dream, but the rest is mostly a pleasant afterthought. Hopefully episode 3 will be more derivative of the original series instead of other big hollywood hits.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: And Three Stars Is Pushing It
Review: If you go to the movies to sit back and watch flashy special effects, and expect nothing more, then this is the movie for you. But when I go into the theatre, I want to be engaged. I want the writer of the script to get me to think, to move beyond the mundane aspects of reality. Lucas has lost that over the years.

I have read that he picked up the writer of The Adventures Of The Young Indianna Jones, and The Mummy Returns, to help him out with this script, and it shows. It is at best, infentile. While people say that they enjoyed the romance, I didn't really see any. They basically put two characters with nothing in common, who argued and bickered the entire time, together, and then expected the audience to believe that they fell in love because of this. I mean come on, the Ambasador seems most atracted to our bratty little Jedi punk after he has slaughtered a village of men women and children. Who are they trying to fool?

Lucas fell into the same trap here that he fell into on the Phantom Menace, he tried to tell too many stories, and he created characters that the audience couldn't identify with. Lucas doesn't have the literary prowess to pull off such a feet. Episodes four through six were amazing because he didn't try to cram everything down your throat. He told, and stuck with the story of Luke Skywalker, who we were able to grow with as he matured. Here we are given a little brat who surpasses the abilities of any full grown man, at the age of ten. Can you identify with that?

Not only that, but the witty humor of Han Solo is replaced by the digital antics of Jar Jar Binks. The actors in these new films, despite their caliber elsewhere, lack luster here. Poor performance, probably because of a sad script, pulls this entire movie down. I only gave it three stars because of the amazing special effects, the plot twist, and then one simply in paying homage to the originals.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Incredible Action, Atrocious Acting.
Review: First off, the graphics in this movie were incredibly well done. The battle scenes, the ships, the clones, and all... great work and effort put into it.

But Hayden Christensen's acting was absolutely horrible; his character could have been written slightly better, mainly the dialogue needed help, but whoever did the casting for him should be shot. However cute he may be, he cannot act. Christensen and Portman have no chemistry whatsoever. Her admitting that she loved him was completely bland.

Yoda's... words of wisdom were a treat. C3PO and R2, as irritating as they were by the end, did provide some comedy.

Now I KNOW that Lucas had to write a lot into one movie, but I still feel that this was a little crowded. The whole storyline with Anakin and his mother was almost unimportant; if the movie had been shorter it should have been focused on more. However, I realize that they had a lot of story to fit into three movies, so I'll let this slide.

The action scenes were good, though a lot of the events were cliche and rather comedic rather than dramatic. I think four stars is being a bit generous, considering how revolting Christensen's acting was. I'd say more of a three and a half stars, rather than four, but I'll leave it at four.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Very disappointing
Review: While the movie was definitely better than Phantom Menace (with Jar-Jar Binks assigned to a marginal role, how could it be as bad?), it was still terrible. The special effects are... stunning. But that's about all that's good about this movie, aside from the odd but gratifying Yoda fight scene. As a whole, Attack of the Clones lacks a cohesive plot; the characters are shallow and the dialogue cheesy, to say the least. Anakin looks and acts like a pouty adolescent, not an 18-year-old padawan (sp?). His acting skills leave much to be desired. He is especially unconvincing when taken over by the Dark Side.

The worst part of this movie, however, is that it lacks mythic character of the Episodes IV-VI. The strength of the original trilogy was that it tapped into age-old heroic archetypes that gave the characters more depth and the story more of a sense of importance. Neither Episode I nor II has the same feeling of heroism, adventure and excitement.

I remain hopeful that George Lucas will recover the spirit of the original trilogy in Episode III, but somehow I doubt it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Star Wars Without Liam Neeson!
Review: Yes, this is the Star Wars movie that is without the master that trained Ewan McGregor, and yes, Liam is missed in the film, but the newcommer that plays Annakin Skywalker is a pleasure to see in the role. The movie is fast paced and its a treat to the eye especially the comic relief of C3P0 and R2D2. And one of the most wonderful scenes is when Ewan goes into a class that Master Yoda is teaching, and projects the Stars! Yoda is wonderful, and so is Christopher Lee, fresh from his role in "The Lord of the Rings." Its a movie that serious Star Wars fanatics should not miss, and is one that adults and children will enjoy over and over. George Lucas has done it again, and yes I can't wait to stand in line to see this film again!...I give this film five stars, because of the digital effects that you see thru the film, and the wonderful work that has everyone working together as a team unit to get this film done...

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I know I'm being a bit nice in calling Episode 2 this, but in my opinion the only other SW movie that rivals this one is "The Empire Strikes Back."

Episode 2 returns to the great story telling and eye pleasing that ESB was chock-full with. The stuff that "Return of the Jedi" and "The Phantom Menace" lost. Sure the story telling in ROTJ was pretty well done but the special effect and prodution design could of been a lot better; and in Episode 1 the special effects and all technical aspects of the movie were superb, but the story came out a little, if not very, flat and dull. Episode 2 is great in both FX and production. As I guessed from my last review this movie did have "mucho lightsabre." I was was not let down.

The acting in Episode 2 is way better than the acting in Episode 1. Hayden Christenson plays Anakin superbly and Ewan McGregor is great as Obi-Wan. This movie has plenty of Yoda and Jedi. It does lack a lot of Jar Jar Binks which a lot of you out there will love, but it truly makes me mad because Jar Jar and Liam Neeson are the only people who held Episode 1 together. I love Jar Jar. Jar Jar is the bomb. I want more Jar Jar. Free Jar Jar!

This movie dubbed, "Attack of the Clones," is really well done and enjoyable. I give it five stars. Just like I said before, as far as Star Wars movies go, the only one that can rival this one is ESB, and maybe "A New Hope."

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What's your Problem people!!!!
Review: Firts of all, why would you go to a theatre to see a movie you've already seen. I'm tired of people saying that "it doesn't have the feel like the original", no duh! Your as sharp as a ball aren't you. The story about Anakin Skywalker is nothing like Lukes' the old republic is now collapsing.Stop expecting the original Star Wars when you go and see it. Oh yeah Star Wars fans, quit telling us "Star Wars Movie Fans" the whole movie before it comes out, and don't believe the rumors. Episode III is coming out 2005. Last chance for Star Wars to beat Titanic at the box office record holder. Don't ruin Episode III for everyone. Normal people seemed to love the movie, so stop puting your favorite movie series down. George Lucas knows exactly what he is doing, and when the whole movie series is finally done, we will see how it all comes together, then we will see how brilliant the entire movie is. So don't read any spoilers for Episode III, and when a commercial of it comes on t.v., turn it off. That way when you go to see it you'll have a blast. Lets not repeat Star Wars Episode 1. Everyone saying that it wasn't like the original, that's because it's telling a different story. The onlyproblem with Episode 2 is that it was way to short. Should have been at least an hour longer. Yeah there was some parts that they could have explained better, and yeah the could've developedOwen Lars a little more, but other than that, this film is golden, and it better beat Spiderman(that was also an awesome movie) at the Oscars. So when you go tell someone to see Star Wars, just say it was a good movie, and that they've gotta see Yoda fight. That's all you have to say. I got 15 people goto see it that way, and they all loved it. These people also thought that Star Wars was for geeks, now there room is full of Star Wars Stuff. So people please no rumors, spoilers, or pics for the next one, and don't over hype it. You Star Wars maniacs ruined episode 1, almost ruined episode 2, lets not ruin, what is suppose to be the darkest of all Star Wars films, Episode 3. Please people go see the movie!!!!

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