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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Great Movie. Just Don't Try to Compare it to the Trilogy
Review: Thank God that we have The Attack of the Clones to save Star Wars from that 7-12 year old type movie The Phantom Menace. No more of Jar Jar who helped destroy TPM along with terrible acting and storyline. Isn't it weird that just now people are starting to say how much the Phantom Menace [stank]? George Lucas can even start to barely admit it was not that great. Yet they will argue that it set a record for the box office and was very successful. However, after 2 days after the Phantom Menace was released, I went to see it and it was less than half full. I wonder why? After 4 days of the release of AOTC, the theaters are still packed. Maybe Lucas began to realize that special effects don't make a great movie. The
The ending was great in AOTC. The acting was better, but a little shaky on Anakin's part sometimes. The ending was slow and the love scenes at some times quite laughable. If it weren't for the beginning, it would have been a even greater movie. The effects were amazing and also the way the did Yoda throughout the movie. The one thing that never has gone wrong is the music. John Williams is a master and will continue to do nothing but help star wars. Only one thing, don't compare it to the Trilogy especially The Empire Strikes Back. Sure you might see some polls that rate AOTC as the best star wars movie ever (starwars website) but that is just the biggest bunch of [junk]. AOTC is a good movie but doesn't hold a candle to the Trilogy. In the Trilogy you have better acting, better story, better screenplay etc. The only thing that is better in AOTC is the special effects. Take your pick on which combination you would like to have. George Lucas is a good story writer and good directer, but if you want the ultimate movie get back Irvin Kershner (ESB) as a director.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The BEST Star Wars film yet!!!!!
Review: Ever since the first theatrical run of Star Wars in 1977, the sequels have gotten more and more "kiddified" (sans The Empire Strikes Back, which was moderately dark). George Lucas' "Special Editions" were further attempts to make the series more suitable for his young children. Consequently, you can imagine how I was luke-warm about The Phantom Menace when I saw it theatrically.

Let me tell you right now that Attack of the Clones is NOT The Phantom Menace. AOTC is, in my opinion, the best all around Star Wars film yet. George Lucas really exceeded my wildest expectations. Any film critic that gives it a poor review is merely attempting to wield the mighty "power of the pen" because they have the power to do so.

AOTC was visually the best film that I've ever seen. There weren't two frames of the movie that you would think took less than 2,000 manhours to create. I can't wait to see it again to catch the millions of details that I missed the first time. It was the deepest plot of all of the Star Wars films. The plot took many unexpected twists and had emotional levels that previous Star Wars films never reached (and I vividly remember seeing the first Star Wars upon its original theatrical release -- I even remember exactly where I was sitting in the theater). Attack of the Clones was dark and very serious, but ran the gamut of love, hate, humor, and excitement. Best of all, ... it was a GREAT story. Go see it -- if you are in the least bit a Star Wars fan, you won't be disappointed!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
Review: This has got to be one of the best of the "S.W." series to date ! I got the chance to see this opening day after my brother got us tickets online.

"Attack of the Clones" continues where "The Phantom Menace" left off. Young Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan face the dreaded Count Dooku and the super-human fiend, Jengo Fett ! What really surprised me about this film is that Yoda actually fights with a lightsaber against Dooku !!

The fights were spectacular, and the SFX goes beyond any other in the series. I won't give away anything else, but all I can tell ya is that this one was TIGHT ! Can't wait till Ep.III comes out !!!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: NOT BAD
Review: Although I enjoyed the film and is worth watching (especially on the big screen) I have some of the same problems with this film as I did with Menace. Attack of the Clones is inconsistent in tone and quality. George seems to be more concerned with the technical aspects of the movie and less concerned with making characters you get to know and remember. Some scenes, especially ones that try to evoke heavy emotion fall flat on their face. How he chose to reintroduce C-3PO in Menace and Clones is downright hokey. I mean come on! Some of the dialogue was good but alot of it makes you cringe. The soundtrack has less of a role than in 4,5&6. It seems to be more in the background and not very memorable. Visually stunning and a bit better than Menace, Clones does the job but can't hold a candle to the original.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Great to see on the big screen...
Review: The movie was, honestly, about what I expected. I did not appreciate the first episode - hated that Jar-Jar character, and felt many of the so-called characters were not developed (and the computer animated characters leave something to be desired). This movie was a little better, although for the most part the characters were again not well-developed. The love story aspect of the movie is not well done - very cheesy - and leaves one wondering exactly when and how these two fell in love (how could Padme fall for that idiot???). Someone stated that Anakin in the previous movie seemed like a man in a boy's body, and this one seems a boy in a man's body. Very apt description. Mainly Anakin is portrayed as a petulant teenager, and it would be unfortunate if it is mainly his being a brat that leads ultimately to his turn to the dark side. Ewan McGregor and Christopher Lee (Count Dooku) were both excellent. Natalie Portman was good, but I'd prefer to see fewer costume changes and more strength in character (and I've now been convinced her abs are wonderful since we saw so much of them in the movie). Another note about the acting - there seems to be little room for ad-libs, and the people don't seem to know what to do with themselves in many of the scenes. It seems as if the whole movie is a well planned scheme, acted out by pawns, rather than an organically growing and morphing universe. If you're going to this movie to see great acting, you'll probably be disappointed - but, if you like effects, and aren't bothered by computer animation, at least the second half of the movie will be enjoyable.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Okay people, LIGHTEN UP!!
Review: ...Hayden Christensen was simply GREAT as the teenage Anakin Skywalker. His on-screen charisma was superb and he's the perfect example of a polished young actor with a successful acting career ahead of him. Way to go, Hayden! I can't wait to see him fall over to the Dark Side in Episode III and become Darth Vader. And if you think that all he did was whine and complain, well that's just his character--so blame it on the dialouge if you must, not on him! I can see exactly why George Lucas chose him over the thousands of other young actors wanting to play the role of Anakin Skywalker.

The chemistry between Hayden and Natalie Portman ("Senator Amidala") was excellent, and I thought they had better chemistry than Kirsten Dunst ("Mary-Jane") and Tobey Maguire ("Peter Parker"/"Spider-Man") did in the film SPIDER-MAN. Natalie Portman also did a fine job in her role, but the only thing that really ticked me off was that Natalie Portman changed her clothes like, every single time she appeared on the screen. I was like, "Okay, that's enough already...can't you just pick a...outfit?!" Ewan McGregor ("Obi-Wan Kanobi"), Christopher Lee ("Count Dooku"), Samuel L. Jackson, and the rest of the cast did the best they could with the dialouge they were given.

The special effects were simply stunning and oustanding! The fight scenes and lightsaber battle sequences were especially outstanding. You can see just how much the technology has improved since the very first STAR WARS film was released in 1977. And I really liked the digital Yoda (he lasts longer, lol!). The part at the ending when Yoda [fought] was totally awesome--the rest of the audience in the theater with me started cheering...seriously!

The love story was great, leaving a lot of suspense for the 3rd chapter, and will eventually lead us into the birth of Luke and Princess Leia...so they HAD to have this love story, people! It's not as though Lucas just threw it into the movie just for the heck of it. The love story between Anakin and Amidala actually had a purpose.

The John Williams music score is also truly superb and feels like the original STAR WARS music. I own the soundtrack and I still can't get enough of the score's "Love Theme", which is haunting beautiful, as is the rest of the music.

As for Jar Jar Binks (the supposibly comical character in THE PHANTOM MENACE who everybody seemed to hate), is seen a lot less in this episode. Jar Jar has about four scenes at the most, and very little lines. The teenybopper Pop Boy Band, N Sync--who was supposed to make cameo roles in Episode II for those who didn't know, are not in this film, either. Lucas cut out their cameo when online STAR WARS fans started complaining about N Sync being in Episode II, which I totally agree...N Sync has no right to be in STAR WARS! That cameo, though, will probably show up on the DVD's deleated scenes, so that should make all N Sync fans happy.

My whole point is, go see ATTACK OF THE CLONES! Forget about what the critics say, they really don't matter, because true STAR WARS fans will be thrilled with this second prequel. And make sure you see it on a digital screen, because the picture quality is so much better--believe me, you'll notice the difference. All I can say is, George...bring on Episode III and the DVD for ATTACK OF THE CLONES! Already in my book, Episode II is the best film of the year!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Ok, but a bit disturbing
Review: I've had such low expectations going to see this movie I think I actually managed to be mildly entertained watching it. The story was [poor], the acting was [poor], the effects were good - just about your usual summer blockbuster. I suppose it's ok, IF you lower your expectations, as I've said.
However it was quite disturbing watching several parts of this film. The Jedis turn out to be not wise pacifists but some sort of secret peace-police of the universe. In one part in a bar Obi-Wan attacks an assassin and almost kills her. He then tells the present people, "go back to your business, these are Jedi matters". Jedis probably think they are wise enough to be both judge, jury and executioner, which makes them a lot more stupid than the democracy they try to serve. In another part of the movie the Jedis exploit an army of clones by sending them into battle, just to achieve their own ends. How human is that? In the middle I got the feeling, these Jedis are a bunch of unstoppable, violent lunatics who think they're kings of the universe. They seem to do whatever they want, kill whomever they want, go wherever they please - hey, I know I would have been glad to rid the galaxy of them.
Especially annoying is the little green guy, Yoda, who seems to sprout all sorts of cryptic, wise sayings, such as "trust your feelings" and so forth, but at the end all of his teachings sum up to pulling out a light saber and kicking the behind of his opponent. So it seems master Yoda is good at saying things but not so good at living up to them.
This is not counting the various violations of simple logic this movie commits over and over again. In one part we have Anakin falling from the sky and onto the ship of an assassin he is chasing. Now, any person, no matter how much the force is with him, would be squashed like a little bug doing that, and yet he doesn't even have a scratch. I am willing to suspend belief, NOT hang it by its neck. An especially funny part was when Yoda transforms into a furry ball of lightning at the end fight, somewhat like Sonic the Hedgehog; when the battle is over, he picks up his stick again and resumes limping like a 200-year old man. Now why on earth does he need a stick when he can do matrix style kung fu - I am sure that is even beyond his wisdom.
I think the worst problem of the prequels is that Lucas does not know what story is he trying to tell exactly, and who is main character is: is it Anakin? Is it Obi-Wan? Is this a story of betrayal? Of love? Are we supposed to hang in there for three movies with a character we know we're not supposed to like (Anakin), a person who is a traitor, an arrogant punk, and a whiny little kid (it turns out)? I know I probably will, because it's Star Wars, but for really little other reason.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Blow your socks off
Review: Star Wars fans know the problems with Episode I: The Phantom Menance. As a 27-year-old fan, I found Episode I severely lacking. The monumental status of the "classic" Star Wars story had not been surpassed in action, delivery, or character depth.
I know the next generation of kids probably loved it, but I had felt disappointed and left out of consideration as a member of the older fan audience. I watched Episode IV at the age of 3 in the theater, as well as the other films. I didn't expect Episode I to be greater than the other three, but I had expected a better story, better acting, and better emotional depth to the characters.
I'm happy to say that Episode II: The Attack of the Clones is the movie I had hoped for after the disappointment of the first installment.
The movie is fast-paced with much more action, battles, and heavy political manuevering. Episode II clearly shows how complacent the Republic has become, and explains why the Empire is coming like the threat of a terrible, destructive storm.
The comic relief has been returned to the droids instead of Jar-Jar Binks. Jar-Jar's role in the film is minimal. He isn't nearly as irritating as he came off in the first installment.
The romance between Anakin and Amidala is handled with tasteful grace and doesn't overwhelm the film. There's enough of the romance to make the plot connect to part IV, V, and VI. Unlike others, I didn't feel it was "thrown in" because the romance is intended to be a plot device.
I felt Episode II showed more emotional depth in the characters than the previous film. It aptly showed how goody-goody Anakin evolved into a rebellious, argumentative, frustrated, arrogant young man. His anger is understandable and his humanity and weaknesses are believable. Hayden Christensen's performance is quite convincing (versus Jake Lloyd). He definitely has the Anakin "brooding look" down, and he comes off working well with Natalie Portman's Padme Amidala.
The film does have some rather bad dialogue in some spots, though overall a great improvement over Episode I. Episode II is a lot more like Episode V in many ways, and it's worth seeing.
I don't want to give away anything to those who haven't seen the movie, but I do recommend the novelization for a more in-depth look behind the scenes not in the movie. The book is very effective in giving the reader a look into Anakin's head, his emotions, and motivations, as well as the other characters.
If you were disappointed by Episode I, Episode II makes up for it in a huge, heart-pounding, falling-through-the-clouds-without-a-parachute way. There's nothing like a big, exciting thrill ride and having your socks blown off-which Episode II accomplished!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A Great Movie Trying To Get Out
Review: After viewing AOTC, I had the feeling that there was a great movie in there somewhere, just aching to get out. Unfortunately, that never happened.

The major problem with AOTC is not its flat acting, dialogue, wilted love story, confusing plot or cartoonish CGI. It's George Lucas, himself. With all the "yes" men around him, Lucas' current movies suffer from a lack of objectivity. The original trilogy was a collaborative effort. There were enough talented people involved in the creative process that the bad stuff was filtered out. That aint happening here folks.

Remember the movie "Roger Rabbit"? It had animated characters interacting in a live action world. AOTC is just the exact opposite. It has live action characters interacting in an animated world. In the process, we're left with just a lot of fluff and no substance. I exited the theater feeling no better then I did when I saw 1999's dud, The Phantom Menace. A completely unmemorable and flat experience.

Maybe some day, a wealthy and disillusioned fan will make a "reimagined" version of the prequels and release it over the Internet for free. Then, at least, fans of the original movies will have something worthwhile to enjoy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the best star wars
Review: after the phanton menace (which wasnt THAT bad) i wasnt expecting this to be as good as it was. i even thought it was better than spider-man, the story is great, the acting is great, and yoda can kick spider-mans...anyday. see this movie its great

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