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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Once again Star Wars fails to deliver
Review: I think even the most devout Star Wars fans entering the theatre weren't expecting to worship this film. So when we were challenged by stilted dialouge, bad acting, a convoluted plot and the most spiritless cliched romance I have ever seen, we took it all in stride. We were pleased by the conspicuously limited role of Jar Jar, pleasantly amused by the (for the most part) fun banter between C-3PO and R2D2, and awed by George Lucas' undiminished ability to create freshly beautiful alien landscapes. We didn't object when Lucas lifted scenes and dialogue from Gladiator, Blade Runner and the earlier Star Wars trilogy. We even cheered during Yoda's gravity-defying lightsaber battle at the end of the film. Still, leaving the theatre, I couldn't stave off a sense of regret. Count Dooku pales in comparison to the menacing presence of Darth Vader that gave depth and power to the Dark side. Anakin and Amidala's romance falls way short of the witty banter and magnetic chemistry that characterized Han and Leia's relationship. And most of all, the Force, which used to be a fascinating, mystical synthesis of Eastern religion and Western heroic tradition, has been reduced to a side-effect of some obscure microscopic parasitism (the Medichlorians?!?--in my mind they were indisputably George Lucas' worst science fiction creation ever). The legacy of original Star Wars, an innovative, fun, compelling film of epic proportions, has been reduced to a overly-commercialized special-effects fest.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: PUHLEEZ!! But Yoda was cool!!!
Review: Okay, I have been a Star Wars fan since I was a little kid- and I'm sorry, but this film was a dissappointment compared to Lucas' other works. The Phantom Menace was great, but didn't hold up to the previous SW movies. The Clone Wars bites. That's as blunt as I can be.

Natalie Portman was AWESOME!, and Ewan McGregor was great as Obi. And the only thing that saved this movie for me was Yoda's [rear]-kicking scene at the end. I mean- he was a bad [rear]!!

HOWEVER, I wanted to puke at everyone of Christensen's scenes as Anakin. I had so hoped to see Johnathan Jackson cast as Anakin, and now I wish he had for sure! Anakin was portrayed as a sloppy, whiny brat, with no remorse, much less a brain. I know- some people say this portrayal helps us to understand how he could slide into the dark side later on. And, honestly, I guess so. Because none of the Jedis would put up with his [rear] for very long. My guess is that they TOSS him into the Dark Side with a one way ticket.

But in all honesty, if you're a Star Wars fan, by all means - see the movie. Hell, buy it when it comes out on video. But take it with a grain of salt. And remember that Lucas at one point, was a brilliant director. Now, I wonder what he's been smoking.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: How the heck could I get bored at a Star Wars movie?!?!?!
Review: OK, I need to put things in perspective for you before I start this review. I saw the original Star Wars in 1977 opening weekend and it changed my life. I was a sci-fi geek from that day forward. I have seen every Star Wars movie since then on the opening day. I am a Star Wars geek who loves Star Wars. Heck, I even liked Phantom Menace!

I waited hours for the 12:01 am showing of this movie and left the theater not sure what I felt. I waited 25 years to see Jedi fight enmasse in the Clone Wars and I got to see it. Lots of things like that were right there before my eyes and yet I left the theater disappointed. Here's why...

First, there are 2 plot lines (a love story and a detective story) in this movie that merge into a final third plotline (a war story). The detective story was good, but Lucas feel into the trap of including action at certain points for CGI sake. In fact, there are many points in the movie where a scene would seem to have been put in there for no other reason than for the CGI folks to show off how great the CGI is. But still, Obi-Wan as a detective hunting the Truth was a cool plot that I enjoyed overall.

The love story between Anakin and Padme, however, was nearly painful it was so bad. Now please don't get me wrong ... the parts were very well acted ... put the lines they were given were horrible! Also, it seems like some parts were missing in the story as if it had been over-edited. You are watching this love story that will take 12 steps to unfold and someone skips steps 4-9 and jumps right into the "I will die for you" realm with no growth in the middle. It just did not work.

Lastly, there was the opening battle of the Clone War. Awesome. Yes, most of the CGI was again for CGI sake, but for us hardcore geeks waiting decades to see it, it was worth the wait. No action movie fan would be disappointed.

So, I really liked 2/3 of the movie and hated the other third. Overall, I give the movie 3 out of 5 because the love story was so bad. Quick frankly, I wonder if some of the long CGI scenes could have been cut down by 15 minutes or so and that screen time devoted back to the love story plot.

In summary, Attack of the Clones left me with the feeling that I had seen some awesome scenes and some horrible scenes combined within a mediocre movie. I blame the writing, directing and editing for this failure and judge the acting to have been mostly good to awesome.

I hope that George Lucas will let Episode III be directed by someone else so that he can focus on the story and get a second opinion on the visual presentation of the story. Steven Speilberg and Ridley Scott both come to mind as possible directors. Unfortunately, I think that GL will direct it himself and that Ep.3 will only move further in this unfortunate direction.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Thank you George
Review: Well.. The acting wasn't top notch, but Star Wars is in my opinion; FINALLY back. After the completely waste of a movie Star Wars 1, we get a movie with a more adult style, a bit darker, brilliant action scenes, and we actually get to see Yoda in action. But probably most importantly: Ewan McGregor does a much better job here! He was practicly sleeping the last movie. The actors do a lot better job in this movie as well. They deliver a more throughout performance. Go Samuel! hehehe
The first movie was meant for children, and while also this movie is kind to a general audience, I still think this was a more mature movie. Actually, this movie made me see IV, V, and VI all over again! I kind of miss the models and dolls technology, instead of all the computer graphics, but that is not important anymore. It is nice a grace to see them not change scene, or clip each time some bloke draws his / her lightsaber.

It's gone so many years since the first movies for christ sake! Let's celebrate that this movie was good, and pray to the light side of the force that the third movie will be as dark as George Lucas promises.

Cheers everybody, and may the force be with us!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Mediocre - at best
Review: First things first, it is an improvement on the Phantom Menace. But I was still expecting something better than this.

George Lucas be warned, this movie was supposedly aimed to intrigue viewers with the character of Anakin Skywalker - soon to become Darth Vader - and his romance with Senator Amidala. Well I'm sorry, but it miserably failed in this regard, and you have a lot of work to do in the final piece of the jigsaw to sort out the scattered storylines, patchy acting and horrendous dialogue!

Most importantly, Lucas seems to have put every effort into making the modern Star Wars an effects-driven action saga. I dont know about anyone else, but the original Star Wars meant much more to me than this.

In my opinion the movie was saved by impressive performances from Samuel L. Jackson, Ian McDiarmid and 79 year old Christopher Lee - one of the greats.

The movie to its credit includes some interesting sub-plots, in terms of the politics and settings, and you can see the storyline taking shape for Episode III. It will still capture the hearts of Star Wars fanatics, but much work is to be done for the final film, regardless of Episode II's inevitable box office success.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Of Star Wars Series ! A Real Jawdroper !
Review: I dont know from where to begin.This is the best star wars that I've watched.It was wonderful.It gives you everything what a SW fan needs.Firstly the cast is alright.Evetybody acted well in this movie.The special effects are wonderful especially the lightsaber scenes.They were organized and designed very well.The carachters are well fited.Yoda is well designed the creatures are well , the outdoor and indoor scenes are excellent designed.The scenario is well writen.I think the team realised their mistakes that they have made in the episode one and thay fixed these in this.You will face with everything that you need in this movie.Lots of lightsaber battles , the mystery of dark side , creatures ,
different species and lots of action.

For the cast I can say that the best acting was made by Cristopher Lee .He is a legend he was amazing.I believe that no body can be so well fited as Count Dooku in this world.He was acting so royal , cool and peculiar.Besides Ewan McGregor was excellent too.He is on the right way to go his targets.For Nathalie and Hayden I can honestly say that they are above average however there is someone that we can not go quitely by unmentioning to him absolutly Mr.Jackson.He was a great actor he has no mistake in acting , he is going to be a legend I believe.

About the story I can say that it was really good.I could not find any mistake or missing thing in.It explains everything that what is going to be happen.

For the special effects and music no body can say anything negative.Father Williams made it again.The music sounded so pure and clean to me.He makes this everytime and now he became a god of music for me.Besides as I mentioned the special effects and sounds are well designed however in some scenes some effects are disturbing your eyes and in some scenes the effects can not handle the mood of scene but thats all they were the best effects that I have watch especially the yodas behaviours and design are on top Just for the effects it worth to watch.

To sum up I can clearly say that dont miss this movie.It deserve every good and pozitive words.Thank you Mr.LUCAS . Thanks to all of the crew.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best movie I ever saw
Review: As the title says, this was the best movie I have seen in my 45 years of living on this planet. I have seen thousands of movies and it has been a passion of mine since early childhood. So, why you ask was this the best movie I ever saw? Well, it's quite complex on one hand and very simple on the other. Imagine waiting 18 years upon meeting someone to actually seeing them at their finest. That's a long drink of time to wait to see someone's potential. I sincerely hope you've seen the movie or this will be a horrible spoiler for you, but when Yoda appears to go one on one with the story's villain the audience as though it had one voice in unison, gasped and my eyes mist up when I think back on it. The anticipation of such a moment was truly cinematic magic and a testament to the magic George Lucas and company have blessed American cinema with. The Disney franchise has nothing on this guy but I digress. I was so thrilled to see Yoda strut his stuff and felt as if I knew him so well in having seen him in three other features. The other factor that pushed this movie over the top to the number one slot of all time was how visually stunning the picture was. Each scene was coated with so much eye candy I was pinching myself repeatedly as I watched it to remind myself this was the first of what will become many multiple viewings. I've never watched a movie and anticipated it's arrival on dvd as much as I did this movie and I guess that's the barometer by which I judge my movies. Sure, it wasn't without flaw and wooden acting by prepubescent children is a standard die-hard "Star-Wars" fans have grown accustomed to so I didn't deduct points for that but as a whole it was why the movie was invented and culminated the best of the best in the industry to show the rest of the world, "This is how it's done when it's done right". May the force be with you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Force is Back
Review: Being a Star Wars fan nearly all my life, it was heaven on earth when it was annouced that George Lucas was making the prequel trilogy of Star Wars films based on the backstory he created for the original trilogy. Although some people disliked Episode I The Phantom Menace, I thought it was an entertaining film that reminded me of the first Star Wars film (Episode IV). I was just so psyched that there was a new Star Wars film after a 16 year wait. As with the release of any new Star Wars film,I had major expectations for Attack of the Clones because it was the middle film in the trilogy and that the best Star Wars film ever, in my opinion, The Empire Strikes Back was also the middle film in the original trilogy. Naturally there would be comparisions between the two films.
I would rank Attack of the Clones as the second best Star Wars film behind only Empire. The love story between Anakin and Padme seemed like a separate film whereas the relationship between Han and Leia played out better in terms of the overall plot of the film. However, I felt, the chemistry between Anakin and Padme was convincingly portrayed on film because of one thing: Natalie Portman. If you are not totally in love with Natalie, I really don't think the love story would work, but her delicate beauty and grace compels you to really care about these two characters, especially during the execution cart scene which is reminiscent of the scene in Empire when Leia confesses her love to Han Solo just before he is put in the carbon freeze. About the only thing I can complain about the love story aspect of the film is that the Japor snipet good luck charm that young Anakin gave to Padme in Episode I is nowhere to be seen or referred to. I thought it would have been a nice touch if George Lucas shot a scene (following the scene when Padme retires for the evening after meeting Obi-Wan and Anakin in her apartment)where it shows Padme taking off her senatorial robe to reveal the lucky charm necklace and show that even after 10 years she still cares about Anakin. That would have been a nice little touch.
I'm wasn't totally sold on Hayden Christensen's portrayal of Anakin, until the scene where he reveals his anger and rage toward the Tusken Raiders just after someone very close to him dies in his arms. Very dark. Very intense. Very Darth Vader-like. It was that scene which made me believe that this kid is going to be the Dark Lord of the Sith.
I think Ewan McGregor was the absolute perfect choice to play the young Obi-Wan Kenobi. I'm glad he has a much larger role in Clones. I don't know why George Lucas did not create more of a character for Obi-Wan in the Phantom Menace? He simply served a purpose in the storyline by being, for the most part, obedient to his master, Qui-Gon Jinn.
The action sequences in Clones are by far the best in the Star Wars series. I thought the Hoth ground battle and Asteroid field chase sequences were good in Empire. The Coruscant chase, Obi-Wan vs. Jango Fett battle in the rain, asteroid field mine sequence, and the climax were some of the best action scenes in film history that rival the action scenes in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
And finally, the final third of the film has to be regarded as one of the most exhilarating 40 or so minutes in film history. It all begins with Padme and Anakin's adventure in the droid factory, the Gladiator-like arena beast battle, the masses of Jedi Knights in combat, the Clone Troopers ground and air assault, and last but not least the lightsaber duels between Anakin, Obi-Wan, Count Dooku and Yoda. I felt the lightsaber duel in Phantom Menace was actually better, more epic in scale. It was more reminiscent of the Vader/Luke duel in Empire where they were fighting in different locations in Cloud City. Whereas the lightsaber duel in Clones was confined to one location, Count Dooku's secret hangar. Nevertheless, now I know why Yoda was referred to as a "great warrior".
I really don't know why some people disliked this film. Everybody has their opinions but if you watch this film simply for entertainment value, you won't find a more satisfying or enjoyable experience.
One of the best Star Wars films.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This was an awesome movie! I highly recommend it! It was much much better than the first The Phantom Menace. Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman are wonderful. There chemistry is great! In the movie they just click. The best part of this movie is that Jar Jar Binks (the one we dread) is in it for about 3 minutes and thats IT hes gone. Yoda gets in on the action with a magnificent lightsaber fight towards the end but im not gonna say anything else cuz i dont wanna ruin the movie. So get off the couch, buy a ticket, and watch the BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR! o yea hayden christensen (anakin skywalker) is hott just to let u no!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WoW!!!
First- to address what a lot of people won't stop whining about (whining even more than Anakin!)
The whining from Anakin and his bratty attitude-
What do you expect from a teenager, hmm?
Obi-Wan's lines such as "I hate it when he does that"-
Maybe a Jedi Master who is actually losing his patience?
Some of the stiff romance lines-
Hello, people! Anakin wasn't suppossed to show these emotions, so he wouldn't know how to, would he? (Same with Padme)
Second, things that I could whine about too.
The computer sets-
Too much CGI! They could have built some (not all, I understand) of those sets, but they computerized them instead! The least they could have done was built models of the sets and insert those as a background.
Anakin's turn to the dark side (his mom's death)-
It could have been a bit more dramatic, but was understandable.
Thirdly, things that I would praise.
The acting! Most of those actors took stiff lines and made them halfway living.
The costumes! They were outstanding, no other word for it.
The battles! I usually plug my ears during deafening battle scenes, but I didn't here.
The romance. Hayden and Natalie make a cute couple. (Hayden's hot, but that's not why I liked the movie)
Other stuff I'd like to say.
Someone pointed out that the line "Are you an angel?" would have sounded better than some stuff in this movie. I would have Anakin say, "Remember when I asked if you were an angel? I could ask you that now. You're still just as beautiful."
Like someone else said, the line about how smooth Padme was should have made her feel a bit sickened.
Also, some of the crazy lines like "Oh, man! Not again! Obi-Wan's gonna kill me!" when Anakin's lightsaber sparked out were hillarious. Same with the line "I hate flying, but what you're doing is suicide, Anakin" when they were in the city at the beginning and Obi-Wan was complaining about Anakin's crazy flying (I mean, flying completely vertical?!)
Also, when Anakin said he knew a shortcut around the city and got them stuck in a dead end, Obi-Wan said, "Some shortcut, Anakin. You nearly got us killed" I'm sure that I heard Obi-Wan groaning when Anakin took off again.
Okay, after all my ranting, my verdict-GO SEE IT!

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