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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Attack of the CGI
Review: As a Star Wars fan who saw the original when it first screened in the cinema, I like many others, have always been captivated by the concept of The Force. Lucas' use of mythology and the battle between good and evil, provides a brilliant background for a ripping good yarn.
OK, so what's good about it? The action. I have been waiting to see a serious jedi battle for many years and AOTC delivers, more or less. Personally, if I were making a film with jedi in it, I'd get a good Hong Kong martial arts action director to choreograph the action sequences, but that's just a personal preference.
Seeing Yoda wield a light-sabre is one of those things we've all longed to see. And yet, like the 'miticlorians' in The Phantom Menace, it somehow detracts from his mystique.
Unfortunately, as an adult I am no longer captivated by the poor script and the apparent inability of the Star Wars series to grow and challenge it's adult fans. There are many examples of films that have the ability to appeal to adults and children alike. Attack of the Clones, like The Phantom Menace is not one of those films. And if you can't think of any films that do meet this criterion, then try Shrek.

The dialogue is what let's this film down. But then I guess Lucas is pitching it at kids, so I won't harp on that point. However, Attack of the Clones is a great example of consistency in film-making style. At least now we can see Luke gets his whiney attitude, genetics is a great contributor of personality.

To be fair, I don't think George Lucas is in an easy position. No matter what he does, there are going to be people who don't like what he does with these movies. But what happened to the simple concept of getting a good screenplay? Create a good, simple story, with a good script and good actors and you can work wonders, and the CGI can add just that extra depth and polish.
AOTC is two hours, chock-filled with CGI, with a few real people thrown in with poor lines to join the scenes. Frankly, I'd rather see a couple of good actors sitting, drinking coffee and talking about Bozo, the mad dog down the road. But then, they'd need a good script to work with as well.

On the good side, I'm one of those people who tends to laugh at inappropriate scenes in movies. While watching Attack of the Clones, I felt for the first time, that I was just one of the crowd.

If you're a fan and you're not on a budget, it defintiely worth a look. If you're not, buy lots of popcorn....

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Twelve and Under Only
Review: I used to look forward to summer movies. Even if the current blockbuster was something for children, there would at least be something in second or third place at the box office that seemed interesting. Not so this summer. The local theater has eight screens, but only four different movies showing, thanks to Episode II and Spiderman. I made the mistake of choosing to see Episode II last night. I thought, well, nothing better is on.

Like many people, I didn't expect a whole lot after Episode I was such a dysmal letdown, and I was right. This movie was terribly boring, despite some decent FX. Although I do miss the old style miniature models. CG effects look cold and [unreal] in comparison, much like the acting and storyline of this whole movie. While I love science fiction, especially novels (and no, I don't mean Star Wars or Star Trek tie-in novels), this kind of dreck is just worthless. I am not terribly picky as I enjoyed Red Planet, Mission to Mars, Event Horizon, and Pitch Black recently, but I am now so totally alienated from the Star Wars franchize that I've completely lost all interest in episodes I through III. While I'll occasionally watch the original films--I have the unaltered laserdiscs--after watching Episode II I'll try to avoid anything to do with the new films in the future. They're just too cold and depressing and unimaginative and contrived.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: As usual, the book was much better for the storyline...
Review: As with Episode I, I read the book before seeing the movie. The book was much better at telling the story - the romantic part was explained much better, you got to see it progress, and it became much more believable. Granted, the special effects were great, but that's a given - would only be worth mentioning if they weren't. The movie only did a superficial job of telling what was happening. As usual, Lucas did his normal sub-par job of writing dialogue, and the same woodenness comes across in the actors that was present in episode I. Still a good flick, I'm a huge star wars fan, but I would've really been disappointed had I not read the book before seeing the movie. If you're a fan of the series, and want to know what really is happening in Episode II, buy the book - you won't be disappointed.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A new perspective
Review: I never write reviews, ..., I just had to get my two cents in... I am 26 and I have seen all five of the Star Wars movies. I saw Attack of the Clones twice. I have enjoyed Hayden Chistianson in "Life as a House" and I love Natalie Portman, Christopher Lee (who doesn't) and Ewen McGregor. I find that all of the actors are quite capable of giving brillaint performances. I think the problem lies in the writing, direction, and too much CGI. Remember that this is a series. How can you stray so far from where you start without inciting mixed feelings? We all know the story by now. So why did the Romance have to be so forced? The plots were so separated that at times I felt like I was watching two movies and the Obi Wan plot was what I wanted more of. I didn't care for the characters like you are supposed to in a good movie. The scenery was fanstastic, but it left nothing to the imagination.My mind was shut down and my jaw was dropped, and yes, I was entertained, but I left feeling cheated. I believe that Mr. Lucas raised our expectations. After The Phantom Menace (which I enjoyed as I sat there but never really care to see again)we all were waiting to see what was next. It was evident that he would have to do better. We were forgiving and we will be again. But please get a better script and give the actors a little more room to actually act. Let the characters drive Episode Three instead of the CGI. CGI makes for a great cartoon or music video, but when you promise drama and a story, let the characters live it for us. And please please please stop C3P0 from saying any more of those horrible one liners "It's a real drag" ruined my favorite part of the movie.

So what did I like? Obi Wan was good. All of the bad guys were my favorites, though. And the Yoda scene did give me chills (brief as it was). Jengo Fett was also a great surprise. I hope that the characters become three dimensional in the next installment. You can put a one dimensional comic book down, but you still have to sit through a two and a half hour one dimensional movie.

I will always love Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, so I hope for the best with Episode Three since it is the doorway to those movies as well as George Lucas' last chance to make this series what it has promised to be since the beginning...the best sci-fi adventure of all time.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Major Let Down
Review: When I heard people talking about how cool this movie was, I couldn't wait to see it. ...The plot was horrible, the actors were cardboard, and for an action movie, it had about 20 minutes of real action. After Episode 1, I didn't think it could get much worse. This movie cam dangerously close to proving me wrong.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Destruction of the Star Wars Franchise is Here
Review: So this is supposed to be a darker Star Wars? The installment when Anakin Skywalker clings onto the Dark Side, and is beyond the reach of the righteous Jedi path? If so, then Episode II: Attack of The Clones founders in ways unimaginable. In one sentence the film can be described as snowed under stomach-turning acting, a rushed script, and being dreadfully boring and utterly predictable. Episode II is the harbinger of the destruction of the Star Wars franchise. I'm not a fan of the trilogy, regarding Return of the Jedi somewhat childish with the Ewoks, but embracing The Empire Strikes Back as an epic piece of Sci-Fi and Fantasy grandeur. But as for Attack of The Clones, as unbelievable as it may sound, Episode I is exempted as the worst Star Wars, it is now --you guessed it -- Episode II.

Whereas Episode 1 supported a thrilling climax of four synchronized battles, Attack of Clones lacks even that and everything else we would expect from movies. First off, the problem with the episodes progressing backwards is audiences already recognize the fate of the cast. When in ominous plight, Anakin, Amidala, and Obi Won, regardless of anything, will overcome their struggles. Because we can automatically tell their fate, the suspense level is at a zero. Why couldn't Lucas slot in another absorbing character like Darth Maul, but make him a hero, place him in the spotlight, provide an adequate background, let the audience be attached to him, and needless to say make him sacrifice his life for the main heroes. Incorporate something like that and the audiences who have given a damn about this derisory movie. As 3PO, R2D2, and the rest of the hero bandwagon go off to set things right, the outcome of their grave struggles are obvious.

To say Episode II is the darker breed of the series is an overstatement. Return of the Jedi was darker than this (Luke nearly giving in to the Dark Side as he hammers his lightsaber on his father's). Luke was --key word-- believable. Anakin in Episode II is terribly annoying and powerless on set. If you can define Anakin simply getting angry at Amidala and breaking down as a "darker" Star Wars, then I might as well jump off a cliff. One of the most important scenes we should have seen was when Anakin slaughters an entire tribe of creatures who enslaved his deceased mother. That was a vital scene, the core why Anakin gives into the Dark Side, and we aren't even allowed to see what transpired, or how he annihilated them? We only see Anakin slay two guards after the death of his mother and then the scene ends. Later, Anakin reveals to Amidala what he did to the tribe, savagely killing their women and children. That is truly sad that Lucas cannot even follow the book on how movies are to be executed. Here is the first rule after reading a bunch of how to develop screenplays books, movies are meant to be visual, NOT RETOLD BY WORDS.

The entire cast lacks the essence of human relationship. Emotional impact is nowhere to be found as the camera switches from person to person, and never providing deep characterizations. As you may have already conjectured, my biggest beef with the movie is the actor who plays Anakin. He isn't convincing and doesn't even seem like he is being drawn to the Dark Side. All he does is bleat about how all his problems are connected to Obi Won's method of training. In years of training as a Jedi , he acts like a rich yuppie who perceives himself as "the best." Gimme a break Lucas, what's up with this movie. Is this how yuppies react when they don't have enough money to get what their eyes are glued to? The acting and scripting might as well have been deleted. Episode II should have been an opera, because that is all Episode II is, eye-candy packed with a musical score. Simply style over substance.

And yes, only Watto bears genuine characterization. We seem him sordid, rundown with flies buzzing around him, and he is crestfallen when he realizes his inability to fix his droid. Most importantly the audience can relate to him, because we all failed sometime in our lifetime. Might as well hand him the Oscar for Best Acting in Episode II, despite the fact that HE IS COMPUTER GENERATED.

The masses enjoyed it, and for those who take pleasure in a movie due to its aptitude of its writing, dialogue, and acting, then avoid paying for high-priced Episode II tickets. Hell, even the visuals aren't even that impressive, they are so cartoony and wacky that the PS2 outperforms this million-dollar construction. Remember the formation found in the old trilogy of Storm Troopers? Over here, we have computer generated, Clones gearing in formation, and boy it looks so cheesy and artificial. Lastly, when Lucas is writing his screenplays where does he get the inspiration for the names of his characters? For instance Mr. Fisto. Next, Count Dooku? I cannot imagine a hero screaming his name in defiance and rushing at him with a lightsaber. Try it, scream it as if he severed your arm like he did with Anakin, sounds pathetic, right? Another proof of style over substance is the war scenes. The universe of Star Wars is in a technically advance stage and who charges to meet army against army with the creation of absolute firepower? I know this scene was strictly meant to knock out our senses and do nothing for the plot or its characters.

One good thing about Episode II: Attack of the Clones was the concluding credits. I gave the movie a chance, never walking away from it, but when I knew it was over and I didn't have to pray for a turn-around I was sincerely thankful the traditional ending theme song emanating from the theatrical speakers.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Amazing film,better then first!
Review: This is my favorite movie...I was very disappointed by Episode 1,and this movie brought back my hope in the Star Wars series! This is the absolute best movie! I give it 200 stars! Not 5! ^.^ lol! With my fave actress(Natalie Portman)and the new Hayden(Christian?)this movie rox!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The funniest movie I've seen in years!!
Review: This is without a doubt the funniest movie I have seen in a long time. I've never laughed so hard in my life. My stomach was in knots and tears were just streaming down my face. I highly recommend this movie to everyone since it has a broad range of humor. Go see it now!!!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I really can't believe that I paid money to see this . . .
Review: My wife kept having to nudge me to make sure that I was awake. She was angry that I had told her that this was supposed to be a romantic movie, as she felt that it was a lousy one, at best.

Overall, Hayden Christiensen was a horrible choice for Anakin. His acting was absolutely aweful. And since the movie hinged upon him, that really hurt.

Some scenes were good, like Obi-Wan's use of the force to make a drug-seller rethink his life, but these were far and few between in a sea of sludge.

The best thing that I can say is that the movie picks up when they arrive in the arena. Unfortunately, this is about twenty minutes before the end and I don't think that twenty minutes out of a two and a half hour movie is a good thing upon which to spend my money.

Yoda's lightsaber duel was really good, though . . .

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Attack of The Clones is a Great! movie. The Clones will attack your brain to make you want to see it a million times!.The best part of this movie is Yoda dueling with Count Dooku with his lightsaber. At the end Anakin marries Padme and Anakin gets a prosthetic hand due to Dooku slicing it off with a curved hilt lightsaber. All In All a great movie,I recomend it to all Star Wars fans!

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