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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: When a child keeps saying they need to go to the bathroom
Review: during a film, you know there's something wrong. Fortunately for Lucas, this film wasn't released the same year as Battleship Earth, otherwise that film would have had a serious contender for the Turkey of the year awards. God - I've NEVER been so bored !!! Went with a friend, and we both said that if we'd been sitting at the end of the aisle, we'd have left after 20-30 minutes. I'm trying to remember if there were any film cliches they left out - from Anikin rescuing his mother, her managing to make her dying speech and then snuffing it to one of the Jedi being killed SO easily (where did the force go ?) by the bounty hunter, who then proceeds to perform a wild western twirling of his gun, before returning it to its holster.
Aaaaaarrrrrggggggghhhhh - DREADFUL.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Attscking my cloned clever catch phrase
Review: I put more thought into the title than Lucas did "Clones." Crappy dialogue, crappy acting, whining Anakin, (I want my moommmy...) cheesy attempts at cuteness, I could go on and on, but I won't. The movie isn't worth that. I loved the original Star Wars flicks, even Episode I (The Pahntom Menace, bum bum bum) was great, with new and exciting things. This is just all that stuff over and over again. The ONLY segments of this film that are wirth the price of the film it's printed on are the spectacular Yoda-Fight-Scene, (Though slightly MNatrixised)and McGregors line about Death sticks. Do yourself a favor, see LotR, SPider-Man, ANYthing but this

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Thank you Mr. Lucas
Review: Despite all the Star Wars fanatics bashing George Lucas for Episodes I and II, I for one am grateful he has shared his vision with us. One just cannot compare the original Star Wars Trilogy with anything. They were the pioneer films, they set the standard for what we see now and will always stand above the rest. Any film compared to those are doomed to failure. I went to see the latest installment of Star Wars with an open mind and no preconceived notions and THOROUGHLY ENJOYED it. It had everything for everyone. A little romance, a little adventure, a little mystery and a lot of action. Admittedly, the love scenes were a little weak but when Jedis start whipping out their lightsabres, who cares. The story gets very interesting and we begin to see the threads from all the previous Star Wars woven together. Ewan McGregor is spectacular as Obiwan. I didn't think he could live up to Sir Alec Guiness' but I was pleasantly surprised. I was glad to see Christopher Lee cast as Count Dooku, he plays the part so elegantly.

I highly recommend this movie to everyone, except for the die-hard fanatics who are bent on criticizing everything because it doesn't fit their vision of what the movie should be. This is George Lucas' vision and I'm glad he has shared it with us. Go see it without preconceived ideas and expections. It should not be compared with the original. It should be seen and judged on its own merits. Enjoy it for it is and not what it should be.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My favorite movie of all-time, no, not the best, my favorite
Review: I'm tired of it, absolutely exhausted of it, the constant whining and moaning about this movie, all of it completely unfounded. I don't know what people see that make them dislike this movie so much, whether it be the good acting, well written plot, or superb special effects. But it is just getting ridiculous, and I actually feel offended by what some of the people have written about my favorite movie.

People are tending to concentrate on the script of the movie, which, while not exactly the Godfather, is hardly bad at all. For the most part the people speak normally, conversing with each other in a way that is typical of a student-teacher relationship. Anakin constantly refers to his teacher, Obi-wan, with the polite gesture of "master," while Obi-wan speaks down to him, as any teacher should. Here is a dialogue snippet:

" I see her in my dreams master," Anakin says.
" Dreams pass in time," Obi-wan replies.
" I'd much rather be dreaming about Padme."

What is so bad about that? What are these people expecting, Shakespeare?

" In my dreams my mother doth appear, bedraggled and broken of heart, tired in spirit, her soul withered and speared."
Obi-wan: " Oh but Anakin, these dreams of thou's shast soon be forgotten in the wispery winds of time, thy mother is resting wistfully on a cool summer morn."
Anakin: " Ah, forsooth! If only mine own thoughts couldst dwell on that ravishing beast that sleeps so near, her breast tumbling and rising with each passing breath. The intoxicating ravicants of her smell so dear draws my heart closer with each and every beat."

Do you really want that? Do you? The love scenes aren't the best in the world, but at least they are not pretentious, pompous crap. There are a few bad lines, such as:

" You are in my very soul, tormenting me."

But is the line:

" We live in a real world, Anakin, come back to it!"

So bad? Just think of how it could have been, with them in a trendy restaurant talking about how she can fake space pleasure. The fact is that people are balking at these parts because they enter the theatre wanting to hate the movie, just go watch it once without any preconceptions and you will love it to death.

Another complaint is that we aren't attached to the characters or to the action, and I saw huh? These are the Stormtroopers that ransack the galaxy, and we're rooting for them? We become part of the bad guys, and it is emotionally very cool, you are torn between rooting for the stormtroopers( or clone troopers, as they are called) or saying hey, wait, I'm not supposed to be on their side, they're the enemy. I was tied very much to it, it drew me in, this was my army fighting out there, those were my Jedi that were dying. I don't want them to die, they're fighting for the good of the galaxy.

As to the complaint of us already knowing that the characters aren't going to be killed, I say so what? Anyone who went to Lord of the Rings knew those characters weren't going to die, anyone who has ever gone to James Bond knows he isn't going to die, the entire thing is ridiculous. And the fact is Padme could die at any time in the movies, after she has had her children, and that creates suspense.

I can understand people giving this movie less than 5 stars, but I can't understand them giving it less than 3. For the special effects alone ( which are far, far beyond any other movie's) and for Padme's insane wardrobe alone, it deserves a 3. The movie is pure fun, simple fun, from start to finish, and that is why I love it so. It is not the best film ever made, like the Godfather, but it is the most entertaining movie ever made. There is something for everyone in it, romance, intrigue, suspense, copious amounts of action, politics, drama, Yoda, all the things that people love to see in movies.

I left out one last thing, the music. The music drives the scenes as much as the dialogue, the movie could almost be a silent movie and still be just as good. Once the Imperial March kicks up at the end and is followed by the excellent new love theme, I wanted to sit down and watch the entire thing over again, just for those parts. Overall, an excellent, excellent movie, one I can't stress the entertainment value enough.

So don't listen to these people, they haven't watched it 11 times like I have( which still shocks even me, the most I had seen any other movie was 3) and become a huge Star Wars fan AFTER the movie came out( I wasn't before). I was not and am not biased towards it, I am just saying what is true, that the criticisms of this movie are mostly off-base. So just go to the movie( or rent it, now that it's gone from most theatres) and lose yourself in this awesome movie full of imagination and technical wonder, with characters you wish you could meet and even be, with music that will stir your soul. This movie is good, to me, it is the best ever, and I guarantee that you will enjoy it. Trust me on this one

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Episode Ever!
Review: Attack of the Clones blows the other Episodes in the Star Wars series away. It has tons of action, a good story, and all the Yoda one could ask for. This is a pivotal Episode setting up the fall of Anakin Skywalker to the Darkside. With new characters such as Count Dooku and Jango Fett, the bad guys really are what one would expect from the Star Wars Anthology. The film culminates in one of the best battle sequences to ever grace the screen. Lightsabers flying, Droids marching, and Clones destroying all equal superb action of the highest caliber. With an ending you'll never forget, containing a great duel between Master Yoda and Count Dooku, makes this film an instant classic. A must see for fans of the original or anyone who enjoys good storytelling.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Lucas, Help With Script Writing You Need
Review: I have now seen Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones twice. It was quite a disappointment. First of all, the story line and the acting in this movie were very poor. The story jumped from scene to scene with a lack of smooth transitions. Also, the story itself about the romance of Anakin and Padme and the beginning of the Clone Wars was 3rd rate and uninteresting. Everything went along so rapidly that sometimes it resembled an MTV movie. The love story was pathetic as well as hypocritical. Anakin has always desired to be a Jedi, yet he cannot get beyond his "love" for Padme and focus on his vows as a Jedi. Padme, a gorgeous senator from Naboo, tries to encourage him in his vows as well as not falling in love with her. Yet at the same time she dons low cut, seductive outfits and spends time alone with him in Romantically tempting situations.

As for the acting, well, it could be said that the apparent poor acting originated from the lousy script. Hayden Christensen, Anakin Skywalker, did all right and definitely was better than his younger counterpart, Jake Loyd, but his lines, especially during the love scenes, were unoriginal and sounded forced and unnatural coming from him. He does quite well in his brief moments of anger as well as in his stunt scenes, but that was his only plus along side handsome face. Natalie Portman, well, she just is not a very good actor. Although there has been some progress made since The Phantom Menace, her portrayal of Senator Padme Amidala was stiff and amateurish. Natalie is a gorgeous young woman with a beautiful smile and the potential of becoming a better actress, but she has a long way to go. As for the rest of the cast, Ewan McGregor probably shone as the best actor in the film, but still, his lines were once again not worthy of his acting talents. He does drop a few good lines here and there. Samuel L. Jackson did an OK job but nothing to write home about.

All right, on a lighter note here, I do not want to drop any spoilers, but I will say that Yoda was one of the two stars that I gave this film. Now fully computer generated, Yoda, still voiced by the talented Frank Oz, shown out as the highlight of this film. He was funny, cute, cool, and one heck of a fighter, but I won't spoil that for you.

The other star that I rated with this review was for the fantastic special affects. The city of Corusunt is an amazing piece of computer generation that will delight the eyes. Also, the final half hour of the movie was well worth the six-dollar ticket, even though I wouldn't go see it again.

Over all, the movie was a fairly big disappointment and I hope that perhaps Lucas will redeem himself by doing a better job the next time around. Perhaps he should hire a different scriptwriter. Well, we will have to wait and see.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wonderful show... Read the book and appreciate it even more
Review: George Lucas has completely redeemed himself from Episode I. Not that it was a bad picture, Episode I just was there to fill a void in the story. But this on the other hand, gets back to the purest form of the Star Wars saga. A truly magnificent film that ranks up there with The Empire Strikes Back and A New Hope.

Some people are bashing Episode II for its supposed 'bad and shallow' acting. Not true. Everyone in this film portrays their given roles perfectly, and if you need more evidence of this, read Episode II the book and see.

Everything about this works, and you can see the unfolding of the story before your eyes. Anakin's disobedience and favor to Chancellor Palpatine fits in perfectly with the latter movies. Padme Amidala (of course by the gorgeous Natalie Portman) shows how she will be Luke and Leia's mother and plays it perfectly.

Yes Jar-Jar is in this, but he is actually important and has no more then 5 minutes total of camera time, and most of that is not him even speaking thank goodness.

The bottom line - this is worth watching and certainly worth owning once the DVD comes out. Well acted and the last 45 mins are worth the ticket price alone. This fits in perfectly with the story and those who are bashing it dont realize everything that is going on.

Watch it, be amazed, and listen to the "I told you so's"

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Hopefully there are better things to come.
Review: When all you can say to defend a Star Wars movie is that it was "fun and entertaining", then you've just argued against your point. When it comes to the classic Star wars episodes, it was more than that. There was a sense of meaning, of titanic battle and of romantisicm. Episode 1 and 2 have none of this...essentially, they are merely vessels to set in place the events of George Lucas's original story. Granted, both are blessed with amazing special effects (I loved the three colloseum monsters in Episode 2), but they are severely lacking in character intrigue. The dialogue is wooden and fake, especially when the romance between Amidala and Anakin comes into play. On the subject of Anakin, I was expecting this young man's transformation to be quite different. After all, he's on his way to becoming perhaps the most incredible villian in cinema history, so I'd like to think a sinisterly dark and cunning character wa forming there. Instead, our young Padawan is just getting whinier and more annoying.
At least Episode One had an interesting and menacing, if vastly underused, villian in Darth Maul. Episode Two doesn't even have that. Darth Dooku is about as scary as his name implies, and Jomba Fett (or whatver the heck his name is) has ten times more action than his son Boba in the orginal Star wars but none of the menace. Yoda was certainly the star of the film, most notabely for his impressive show with a lightsaber, but if you look closely you can see even he is dying to ask the question, "what the hell is happening to star wars?"
Thankfully the ending of this film gives us a sliver of hope. Darth Sideous has just gained control of the senate and The Empire is coming into it's element. hopefully the next episode is better than this one. Oh, who am I kidding, that's what I said after I saw Phantom menace.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: An entertaining sci-fi movie......or more?
Review: Attack of the Clones (AOTC) is widely regarded by many to be better than The Phantom Menace (TPM), and while this may well be the case, I would only put it marginally higher than TPM in terms of entertainment value. AOTC has many more swashbuckling fights and enhanced special effects (although it is debatable if this makes the movie better), and the plot is a little tighter than TPM (not due to better directing but merely due to the fact that Episode 2 sets the big lay-up towards the Finale of the Prequels.)

As an addition to the original and unsurpassed trilogy, it still falls hopelessly short of the legend that we have come to know and love. Hayden Christensen is not ideal for the part, but is useful in portraying the arrogance and bitterness that hint towards his eventual struggle and defeat against the dark side. He never quite achieves a competent level of acting, and his accent definitely seems way off when considering his future evolution into good ol' Darthy. As for his romance with Portman, that has to rank as one of the most unappealing match of lead characters that I have seen in quite a while. Throughout the movie, he is constantly moody, dark and unfriendly, hardly ever displaying much affection nor sensitivity towards Portman, and only a blindfolded chimp could fall in love with him.

McGregor is made to look a lot older and wiser in this movie, and I tend to think he actually played his character pretty well, serving as a voice of reason and a counterbalance towards the impulsive and over-confident Anakin.

Portman is stunning as ever, and her beauty in some of the scenes shines through radiantly. She has a nice array of outfits and appearances, and was a sight for sore eyes in an otherwise average sci-fi movie.

The Jedi Knights are made to appear helpless and weak in the movie, and I can't help but feel that this does not do them justice at all. The Force seems to have left their sides, and they are no more than ordinary souls wielding light sabers. As for the fight involving Yoda, I was practically cringing because it took a revered Jedi Master and turned him into a comical bouncing Gremlin. How unfortunate.

Overall, the movie left a lot to be desired, in terms of acting, cast selection and plot. If I had it my way, I would actually wish for the Prequels to have never been created because they actually dampen the original franchise. However, that is obviously too late now, and I just hope Lucas can tie up all the loose ends in Episode III and make a movie truly worthy of all the legions of fans out there. We are your humble fans, and above all else, you owe it to us and to yourself to create a true Star Wars movie and not simply another commercial money-maker.

May The Force Be With You......

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Star Wars geeks will never be satisfied!!!
Review: I'm a Star Wars fan. Am I a fat guy with a pony tale who camps out in movie lines, dressed up like Chubaca, battling other nerds with my toy light saber? NO. I'm just guy who saw all the Star Wars movie as a child, and played with all the toys. I haven't seen the origninal triology in years, but when I saw Epsisode II: ATOC, I felt like a kid again. It was awesome! good story, awesome special effects. It was so good I saw it twice!...

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