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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Excellent if you don't assume you know better than Lucas...
Review: I didn't start out being a Star Wars Fan. In fact, I saw Empire first and was totally lost. But once I started reading the books (both the novelizations of the movies and the other series' out), I became a true Star Wars Fan. That being said, this film wasn't much of a let-down, even if it was not what I expected. But then, I never would have thought up A New Hope, nor Empire nor Return... so when you consider the film from that angle, it is not so bad. I am one of the few I suppose who really enjoyed Phantom Menace, not for it's special effects but for its introduction of new characters (or new to the movies anyway) and for its unexpected plot twists (such as a new spin on the symbiots of the force--- midichlorians--- very X-files-ish). There simply was none of that in this movie. There was enough "new" elements to set up for the next movie, but just barely. Why was this called Attack of The Clones? It has been a while since I read the books, but I had no idea the clones were all of one man, and were on the side of the Jedi!?!?!

So why did I give it four stars? Because even though the fight scene with yoda made me and the rest of the theater laugh instead of applaud, and even though there was no new "bad guy" you love to hate, the movie was enjoyable enough that I didn't begrudge the money I spent to take five people to see it. And that says a lot for someone who rarely goes to the theater. One of those with me, perhaps the only person in their 30s who has NEVER seen the original Star Wars Trilogy, loved this movie. She has seen only TPM, and had the "AHA" reaction I had with TPM. And there are little nuances that make it quite enjoyable for even those who had unrealistic expectations.

So if you think you can do better than the crew who worked on this movie, go apply to Industrial Light and Magic. If you think you can write better than Lucas, start writing. But remember, you too will be compared to him and his vision, and probably come up a little (or maybe a LOT) short...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bring in the Clones
Review: This is a great movie...I get the feeling that some of the people who give this movie a bad review have been reading spoilers for the past 3 years.

This is a movie that needs to be taken in context of the great, six-movie story of the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker. In Episode I, we see a little Anakin Skywalker, full of potential...here, we see an almost grown up Anakin. Some people have given blatent spoilers in their reviews. Some critics have said the dialogue is flat. There's a lot going on in this movie, and it is always interesting. The best things about this movie are Jango Fett, Darth Tyranus, Darth Sidious, Obi-Wan, not to mention Anakin and Padme Amidala. This movie has the turning point of Anakin...fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering (according to Yoda). And the movie just keeps getting better as it goes along, with John Williams score thundering throughout the theater. Listen for Qui Gonn after the most chilling part of this movie, look for the Falcon on Naboo, and enjoy Yoda. Best movie of the year.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Did we all see the same movie?!?
Review: ... First off, let me say, I saw this movie just this past weekend, and it wasn't easy but I tried to not listen to reveiews to the point where it would cloud my judgment about the movie before I even saw it. I went in with zero-to-none expectations.

That said, yes Hayden Christensen's acting was somewhat wooden. It is soooooo funny, though, ... say his acting was worse in the first half of the film, considering films are NOT shot in order of their scenes, but oh, well . . . for that matter, Natalie Portman wasn't much better. However . . .

This did NOT keep me from enjoying one of the most fascinating movies I have ever watched. Visually, the film is amazing, offering something for the eyes the entire time the movie is running. WOW. Was amazed, especially with the last 30-45 minutes, and yes George Lucas is a genius.

I loved the movie, but maybe that was beause all I was expecting was to be entertained. So many people act like George Lucas is some kind of god not living up to expectations - well, he did for me. NONE of the "Star Wars" films have been particularly heavy on plot or acting ability, but they've all been first-class entertainment; westerns set in space, in a way. The love story between Padme and Anakin in this one was never annoying or too smarmy (though it got close at points). The battle scenes and action/chase sequences were 100% believable and engrossing. Overall, the movie was so many steps above "Phantom Menace" (talk about a boring movie!), it wasn't funny. The ending was nothing short of amazing. With this film I think Lucas has gotten MUCH closer to his original vision of the first trilogy, and I eagerly await part three of this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A New Universe!
Review: This movie is so hard to talk about without giving away the fine plot details as it's just such a beautifully constructed film in the series of Star Wars movies.

This film opens the floodgates known as the Star Wars universe. People who have seen the original trilogy, yet have never grasped the scope of the universe of this franchise will be amazed, and thrilled by this movie.

There is no doubting that Episode 2 will open the eyes of old fans, and give them much to have goosebumps about, but i must contain myself.

There is SO much to be seen in this movie that one sitting is nowhere near enough! You will need to conversate with friends, and get other views just to understand all the intentions that George Lucas had, the plot is that deep.

You may think you have a grasp on the Star Wars universe, but after viewing this film you will realize that it would be a shame to not make any more after the next one is complete.

The visuals are believable, they are like a painting come to life, and the CGI in this film "while it can be iffy", is quite a triumph, especially considering the scope of this film.

There are parts in this film that will have old time fans howling with glee. Did you not care for Jar Jar Binks? No worries, the Jedi are back in full force, and everything has been situated elegantly by Mr. Lucas.

C-3P0, and R2-D2 are back in full force for comic relief, and the movie has an overall tone of the previous trilogy. The action sequences in this movie are nothing short of massively well conceived pieces of art.

Many people will say the acting is not "dead pan", many people do not cherish the Star Wars universe as *my* generation, and will miss the many subtilties, and references. Like i said, this movie can not be critiqued from one viewing, it's much too large in scope.

Popcorn movie seekers should get joy from this film as well as it's quite an enjoyable film even if you are not well knowledged with the Star Wars universe, but fans are the ones who are truly going to benefit from this fantastic artistic vision known as Episode 2, and better yet as Star Wars.

Thank you Mr. Lucas for not letting us down, and keeping this fantastic franchise alive, and beating with more energy than all of the sellout franchises out there.

Go see this movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: After the Gap
Review: To start off, I didn't think Phantom Menace was that bad, I did when I first saw it, but on repeat viewings, I came to respect Lucas for making a kids movie and not some morbid R-rated spectacle all the grown-up Star Wars geeks want but won't admit to wanting. With that said, Episode II is vastly different from Episode I, its darker, much more ambituous and downright intriguing and suspenseful the entire running time. From the first explosion, this was a Star Wars movie like no other. I think its the second best in the series behing Ep 4. I'll start by addressing complaints other viewers had. Obviously, the romance is going to be the sticking point for most, I thought it was actually rather well done, it was swift and to the point, I don't exactly know what people want. Sex scenes, graphic sexual dialogue, poetry, they're not going to get it, Star Wars has never been about dialogue, its about grand sweeping gestures and getting a visual story that has dialogue, not the other way round. Another complaint is Hayden Christensen, another thing I don't get, when he is describing how he slaughtered the Tusken Raiders, that was excellent, seriously excellent, that one scene was enough for me to see Darth Vader inside him. Now onto the plot, the fact that Lucas fit this much info into this kind of timeframe is admirable enough, but to do it with this much flair and love for the universe is sensational. You can tell he loves what he is doing, and so does ILM. The Coruscant cityscape and chase are spectacles unlike any other in film, same with the Rain planet, and countless others. There are some legitimate surprises, none as earthshattering as "I am your father" but they hold just as much weight for me. The acting is also quite excellent, Ewan is falling into his role very well, and you can see the hermit he will become starting to emerge. Natalie Portman handles the monotone duties of being Senator, and the carefree duties of being Anakins girl with equal amounts of talent. Yoda isn't really an actor, but he is completely computer generated this time, and while I was hesitant to let go of puppet yoda, computer yoda is fabulous, and rules just as much as he always has, and the yoda fight is worth the price of admission alone. If you hate this one, then you aren't going to like the next one either, because you'll never be happy with anything that isn't Empire Strikes back, and face it that ain't gonna happen with Episode 3.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Star Wars forever
Review: Six times and counting. Yes I have seen this film six times so far and will probably see it again. The fight scenes are breath taking and you got to love Count Doku. This movie has it all, action, suspense, humour and yes even romance. I love seeing Palpatine at work behind the scenes creating chaos in order to further his master plan. If you now watched episode I and II back to back you will see how these two films are lincked. Everything was stunning and I can't wait for episode III. Thank the force there will be a series of books to move the story along during the next three years while fans. wait. As for the bad reviews; folks, you do not, repeat do not go see a Star Wars film for great acting but for the action and story; its all about that. As for the romance, was Han and Leia's much more beleivable? Was the dialogue less wooden in the original trilogy? I think not. And do not forget, those films had different stories and circumstances. This new trilogy is a whole new batch of plots and subplots and while it paves the way for the previous three films its a story that can stand on its own. Its a pity that fans must bash a film to death because it lacked this or that; wasn't how it was done in the original trilogy. that was a different time; this is now. Star Wars is a six part epic and it delivers on every account. I can't wait for the final installment to come out. So simply go and enjoy it for waht it is; two plus hours of escape from the real world. After all to be fair, each episode has its good and bad points. on the whole though this saga is one hell of a story. may it live forever.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Get a life George!
Review: Words cannot express how dissapointed i was with this film. They should rename it "Star Wars: the animated version" since that is basically all it is. If there's one thing we can all learn from these movies, is is that George Lucas cannot direct his actors. Why would the princess fall inlove with this obviously mean Anakin Skywalker? To give birth to luke of course, but that's beside the point. While the acting is still bad, there's less dialoge this time around and more action. I guess George learned something from Episode 1. Too bad he didn't learn enough because Jar-Jar is still here! sure it's only for a few scenes, but that's enough. I honestly think that the advances in CGI has destroyed the Star Wars universe, because it lets George do whatever he wants, unlike in the Original 3 which were FAR superior because he had to make do with what was around him. And for those Yoda fans, watch out! That animated frog (which is what he looks like when he fights) sure can jump! Give it up George, let someone else direct it for once and give us a break!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: An embarrassment to the original
Review: The best moment throughout the whole movie was when Yoda was fighting at the end. The rest was boring and had almost no action whatsoever. The computer graphics are amazing but the story is less than satisfactory. If it wasn't for the lifelike graphics, i would've given it 1 star.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I loved it!!!
Review: Seeing Attack of the Clones inspired me to rent the trilogy & Phantom Menace for my 8-year-old son. Now he's a huge fan and wants me to re-do his bedroom in an all Star Wars theme! Anikin is gorgeous in this movie! So convincing! We also saw the movie twice & just might go again this weekend. What more can I tell you?? Star Wars is LIFE! A definite thumbs up! Get out there all you fans, let's set a new record to keep Star Wars #1 at the box office!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: this movie is awesome
Review: i think this is the best star wars film by far!yodas lightsaber battle is awesome!he kicked!ewan mgregor did an awesome job as obi-wan!sam jackson played mace very good!and natalie portman is the hottest thing i ever laid eyes on.while watching the movie i thought MAN anakin is lucky.overall this is my favorite movie ever!its way better than spider-man.which is also a good movie.

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