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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: You Can Have Only So Many Death Stars
Review: Perhaps in fairness to George Lucas, the Star Wars saga is played out, and it is difficult to continue to milk it. After all, you can have only so many death stars.

As for this movie, I challenge anyone to describe to me the basic story. There is no story, no characters and cetainly no clever or snappy dialouge. The original Star Wars saga was good, sometimes great because: (i) the story-line was clear and easy to follow; and (ii) it presented simply and effectively a myth-like, romantic confict between good and evil; and (iii) the script and dialogue were well done and at times clever and funny; and (iv) the foundation of the movie was not special effects but, rather, a solid story-line and good characterization. The special effects were great but not the foundation of the whole saga. Lucas seems devoted entirely to special effects and creating pointless (and stupid) alien characters to demonstrate his special effects prowess.

I will not go see another Star Wars movie, and I am ashamed of myself for going to see this last one.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Bitterly disappointing
Review: Fans of the original Star Wars trilogy hoping for a franchise revival with "Attack of the Clones" will be surprised to find a film that is, to be kind, badly written, badly acted and, shockingly, badly edited. Which is fine if you're watching the Star Wars Christmas Special, but not here.

Even for casual moviegoers who are looking to "just be entertained," the newest Star Wars film even fails to deliver on that task. Unlike the original three films, which put a simple story of good versus evil in a world formerly unseen by moviegoers, everyone involved with Attack of the Clones seems to have lost any sense that less is more. Why have two Jedis fighting when you can have 100? Why have one Jango Fett when you can have an army of them? Why have a simple good guy/bad guy story when you can create a plot much more needlessly complicated?

It's that mentality that hurts the film more than anything else. The film is overstuffed with effects sequences so long you feel like you're trapped watching someone else playing a videogame. In between are scenes of political dialogue so flat and dense it belongs on C-SPAN, and not in a fantasy film.

There are certain aspects to the film that are well done. Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi is, at last, allowed to be an action hero, and McGregor gives his scenes a gravitas that melts away whenever he's off screen. A chase through an asteroid field is also extremely entertaining in its use of sound design. And we finally get a two-minute glimpse at the evil emperor (which prompts a question: Does George Lucas know that we all know the emperor's true identity, or does he plan on making this a plot twist of some kind?).

But all of the good parts are such a small part of Episode II that it doesn't make watching the rest of it worthwhile. Of particular agitation is the love story between Hayden Christiansen and Natalie Portman. Portman, who is the equal of Audrey Hepburn in looks only, looks like she'd rather be anywhere else but on screen reciting her lines. And, try as Christiansen might, he can't overcome dialogue so poorly written it reduces the audience to unintentional laughter. Is real teen romance this cheesy? Of course it sometimes is. That's why it's best left out of movies altogether. This is a romance that plays out like an extended version of the animal cracker scene in "Armageddon."

And even while those scenes have unquestionable camp value, the overlong action sequences in the film reduce the viewer more to boredom than anything else. Add in the return of Jar Jar Binks (who apparently learned Spanish while he was away), and a computerized Yoda, who now does his backwards-grammar thing every sentence to the point of annoyance, and the film's computer work ends up grating rather than gratifying.

Editing is also a problem. Because Episode II is basically an animated film with live actors, the challenge of the filmmakers is to have the two worlds blend seamlessly together. This is not the case here, as many scenes where people are computerized, and then are not, are handled clumsily. And for the viewer there's always a disconnect that won't allow you to get deeper into the story. There's no sense of danger, or urgency. And that's what ends up making the whole affair so dull.

Look, it's a tribute to the first three Star Wars films that fans continue to keep coming back to this series. They're looking for the magic, the excitement, they got when they saw those films the first time. But Episode II doesn't provide that, and neither will the trilogy's next installment, unless George Lucas hires a new screenwriter and a skilled director of actors. That likely won't happen. Still, Star Wars fans still have the original trilogy, and that's awfully tough to beat, as George Lucas should now be able to tell you.
Rating: 5 stars
Summary: star war and my kids
Review: in fact
15 year ago we begin looking to the star wars we can not forget
such great thing like this.
now me and my kids every time we looking to star wars we enjoyed to much and for that we buyed a lot of thing of star wars even
my wife get angry with me. just wanted to say thank you from my deep heart to every one work in this movie.
best regards

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wonderful movie
Review: It was a wonderful movie. In order for Lucas to get his full vision on the screne, he had to use alot of CGI work. It all worked out really well, I thought. In order for Lucas to show how things were supposed to happen he went to extremes to show. For obvious reasons, lines came off a little weird, but in the end you realize that, actually, they were delivered well, just in a very different context. Thing are much different in the prequal trilogy. Thing are delivered in a much more sophisticated way, but remember something. It's supposed to be different. It's the story of how everybody got where they were in the OT

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A true Star Wars fan
Review: I was 9 when "A new Hope" was released and I have been a Star Wars fan every since. I saw everyone in the theater and also read all the books in the Star wars series. I got exactly what I expected, Attack of the clones was ment to be the story that brought the past and the future together and that's exactly what it does. It tells a lot of the unexplained story from the prequels and ties it all together with music from "Phantom menace" mixed with "Empire strikes back". I highly recommend this movie to everyone, but my advice is watch the other 4 movies first to get the most out of the story. I'm just sorry I have to wait 3 years for the next one. It's worth the money, I already saw it 3 times.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Star Wars - Episode II totally rocked!
Review: Where's all this bad rep coming from?! I don't understand any of it! "Attack of the Clones" was amazing...much more amazing than the "Spider-Man" movie. I've been a huge Star Wars fan for a long time now. Episode II definitely felt more like the original trilogy and even though a lot of people said they hated "The Phantom Menace", I for one, didn't think it was so bad. I think most people just hated Episode I because of Jar Jar Binks and the kid, Jake Lloyd. And they also didn't like the dialouge...but it's Star Wars for crying out loud...not Shakespeare! But anyway, back to "Attack of the Clones".

I saw Episode II on both a digital screen and a regular screen. I saw it on the digital screen the day before the film opened because I had won special advanced screening passes for "Attack of the Clones" from a local radio station's online movie club. I went with my older sister and it took us about fourty-five minutes or so to get to the practically brand new theater but for me, the mini road trip was well-worth it. Then a few weeks later, I saw this movie again with some of my friends on a regular movie screen. The digital screen is just plain better! I can understand now why George Lucas only wanted Episode II to be shown only on digital screens. So if you've got a theater near you that shows digital presentations, then you are in luck.

Once again, "Attack of the Clones" was truly superb. There is no *wooden acting* in Episode II. Hayden Christensen gives off a really excellent performance as the new Anakin Skywalker. If you think he is another Jake Lloyd, you are dead wrong! Not only is he talented and good in this movie, but he is also very hot...so you can take note of that, all you female Star Wars fans! The chemistry is okay between Anakin and Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman), but I'll admit that it was a little shaky. I'll bet though it will get better in Episode III. Speaking of Natalie Portman, she is also good...but changes her clothes way too many times in this movie! Ewan McGregor is excellent as Obi-Wan Kanobi. Christopher Lee is awesome as the evil Count Dooku. Samuel L. Jackson and the rest of the cast are also great. Yoda kicks butt at the end when he fights in a lightsaber duel against Count Dooku! Plus, Jar Jar is hardly in the film at all, and I did not see boyband, N Sync, at all either! The special effects were visually outstanding as was the sound effects. John Williams's original score is haunting and beautiful...I own the soundtrack and especially love the "Love Theme" song, which is played when Anakin and Amidala arrive on Amidala's home planet and begin to fall in love.

I basically know what's going to happen in Episode III...but I'm still highly anticipating it's await. It's a real shame that Episode III will be the very last Star Wars installment, but Star Wars is a classic that will always be apart of today's, and tomorrow's, society. I also really cannot wait for the "Attack of the Clones" DVD...which I will definitely purhcase. I sure hope it's as excellent as "The Phantom Menace" DVD! If you are a Star Wars fan, "Attack of the Clones" is definitely not to be missed. Sure, it can never compare to the original trilogy, but that was never really George Lucas's plan to begin with. So see "Attack of the Clones" and enjoy!

Final Grade: A+

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I'll just cut to the chase...
Review: I'll just keep it simple...

Great things about the movie:

- The effects! Lots of eye candy. I really liked the seismic charges (although in real life asteroids don't really come that close together, but hey it makes for a great flight scene).

- The army of Jedis fighting at the end. That rocked.

- Ewan McGregor. Still a great choice for young Obi Wan Kenobi.

- Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu. Very, very cool.

- The fact that it ties Episode I with the upcoming episodes, especially the origins of Boba Fett and the clones.

- Natalie Portman presented herself as Padme Amidala with beauty and grace.

- Saruman... err... Count Dooku. That guy makes an excellent villain no matter what movie he's in.

Things that weren't so great (or at least funny):

- I'm sorry, but Hayden Christensen just didn't cut it as Anakin. He was in desperate need for Obi Wan to make him write 50 times on the Padawan chalkboard "I will behave like a real Jedi." He took the teen-angst thing WAY too far. A little less jaw-clenching and a little more decent acting would have made Anakin a little more believable.

- The fact that Natalie Portman's clothes conveniently ripped and disappeared throughout the movie, ala Galaxy Quest. That was funny.

- Yoda the Hedgehog. Now in any other scene Yoda IS the Jedi Grandmaster, but I had to keep my 4-year-old (and husband) from laughing too loud during this oh-so-serious scene. I would have liked to have seen Windu take Dooku down with a little of the saber smack.

This movie is worth seeing at the theatre if just for the awesome effects on the big screen. Yes it had its downfalls but if you're at all into the Star Wars chronicles it's a must-see.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Now it's Making Some Sense
Review: I thought the Phantom Menace was one of the worst movies that I'd ever seen. I love the original trilogy, but I thought TPM had no business attaching the Star Wars name to it. Then I saw Attack of the Clones. It's not a great movie by itself, but it's telling a great story. If you don't know the story behind the movie, then you'll hate this movie. If you know and love the saga, then this was the best movie of the year. After seeing ATOC, the Phantom Menace started making sense. The effects are great, big surprise, but the love story is terrible. The lines and the acting are terrible between the two lovebirds. Independent of each other, however, they do alright. Portman gets a C for her performance, but Christiansen does a great job of acting when he gets [mad]. All in all, this movie was a quantum leap in the right direction, and Episode III is going to be phenominal. I can't wait, because Episode II did such a great job of building up what's going to happen in the climactic final chapter of the saga.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Great effects, lousy acting (mostly) and scat writing
Review: What can you say about this film? Well, the words "awful," "dreadful," "scat," and "merde" come to mind. Add "dreck" for good measure. Not that is doesn't have any good points: it's a visual feast. Yup, it looks great. Sure looks nice, don't it?
But that's not enough. But, if I wanted to see a great looking picture, I'd to the art museum. I wanted to see a great film. Sorry, but Lucas has lost it. The writing is dreadful, the directing must have consisted of an endless repetition of the word "Less!" As in "No, no, no! You're showing some emotion! I want less! Act like a piece of wood!"
Poor Natalie Portman. She's a fine actress and has done some fine performances in other work, but I don't think she's allowed to actually act in this movie. And as for Anakin/Darth, his big dialog seems to consist of lines like "She doesn't even know I'm here" or "It's not fair!" or other petulant whinings. This is a Jedi Knight after 10 years of training?? The Boy Scouts would have washed out this bum.
And the Amidala/Anakin relationship is insane. Queen meets little boy. Queen falls madly in pedophelic love with little boy. Former-Queen finds out little boy is now a mass-murdering whining young man, so she marries him without a second thought. Huh??? Is this universe full of morons? Or is it the writer?
Poor Ewen McGregor is stuck with lines like "I hate it when he does that," when AnakinDarth jumps out of a flier. Holy fish-reek, Batman!
And, of course, another needless, useless chase scene. Enough, already, George! Whe know you love hotrods!
By the way, when AnaDarth is going through the Chompers ...did anyone wonder, "Gee! So this is how he lost his hand." But noooo, he doesn't. So what's the point of the scene? To fill time, of course.
Visually, this a a great movie. In any other way it is horrible. 2 stars just for the visuals.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: one of the best movies i've ever seen
Review: Star Wars II - Attack of the Clones was, by far, one of the best movies I've ever seen. I enjoyed both the action parts and the romantic parts, I think both were acted out quite well. For those who think that I am simply "following the crowd", taking everyone's opinion and giving this such a high rating because I love the trilogy, you're wrong. I had NEVER seen the trilogy before, and I even own them - I just never cared to see them. Then a friend of mine, who is an avid Star Wars fan, told me I should go see episode II, and I finally did, figuring that it's summer, I have nothing better to do, might as well. I loved the movie so much I came home and promptly watched the entire triology straight.

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