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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: SW: Attack of the Clones - Fantastic. Stunning. Romantic!
Review: Haven't you ever wondered how everything came into occurence in Episodes IV, V, and VI? My God, this movie was VERY good. Oh, the romance! This movie delivers the most beautiful romance. Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala... *sighs* It warmed me from the inside. The scenery in almost every scene was gorgeous (especially the grassy field in Naboo with the waterfalls behind Ani and Padmé. Just.. wow!)

Okay, okay... I know I may have sounded like a lovesick teenager (which I am, lol!) but really, 'Attack of the Clones' is the one of the best movies I have seen for a few years. The clone wars have begun. Decisions to make an army for the people must be decided. Ani's descent into the dark side has begun. Hayden Christensen portrays it excellently! AotC's plot is fantastic. And the CGI was really good! Didn't find it fake. Also, in my opinion, this movie is not bloated or storyless. At all. It's 'Star Wars' for crying out loud. Go see this movie! Because I know I want to see it again.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Best Star Wars Movie I seen!
Review: This movie is one of the best movie in the series of Star Wars.I thought it was sad and exciting .

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: OMG, what is with all the bad reviews!
Review: I love Star Wars! But TPM was an exception. I HATED it. It was slow, boring, and Jar-Jar was so annoying. The first time I saw it I couldn't understand a thing he was saying. "Mesa yousa, whatsa the hecksa are yousa sayingsa?" This movie was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better.

The action was good, the acting was O.K. It isn't as bad as you guys are making it. Cout Dooku was cool. :) Gotta love Christopher Lee, especially since he played Saruman the White.

It had a good plot. You could see how the Republic was becoming the Empire. It was a good movie. Jar-Jar was nowhere near as annoying as he was in TPM.

Myself, I thought this movie was going to [be bad]. I really did. I heard a couple years back that it was going to be a love story. What a [was I thinking]. But it was an awesome movie. Nowhere near as good as LOTR, but hey, what movie is? :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is Star Wars
Review: I've seen this movie three times so far, and it just keeps getting better.
I was very impressed by the performances in this movie. Natalie Portman was wonderfully regal as Padme. Hayden Christiansen, despite his critics, is a fine actor and performs well in this movie. I loved the scene where Padme and Anakin are talking and he gives her a look that makes her "feel uncomfortable." Christiansen has amazing eyes. My favorite scene in the movie (and the novel, which was great) is the one in which Anakin tells Padme about the Tusken Raiders, where he cries, "I hate them!" with a lone tear running down his face. He then sits down and cries in Padme's arms. The scene where Shmi, Anakin's mother, dies makes me cry everytime. Ewan McGregor does a fantastic job with the character of Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan has grown a lot since Phantom Menace. He is a true Jedi Master and a good teacher to Anakin. You can see him changing from the arrogant teenager in Phantom Menace to the wise old man in A New Hope. Yoda is awesome in this movie. I still get chills when I see him fighting Dooku at the end of the movie. And, as always, the special effects are truly spectacular.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Attack of the Drones--Please make it stop.
Review: After watching this film twice I fear that the "rave" reviews are fuelled much more by wishing the movie was great, rather than really acknowledging that most of it kind of [...].

Like many others, having grown up waiting for the next Star Wars movie to come out, I think that I really wanted these movies to be as cool and interesting as the first series. I still remember being taken to the movies as a kid and seeing Star Wars as a little boy. It was magic. We were ensorcelled. And we all had characters that we could relate to, dream about, and wanting to roleplay on the playground.

Episode One was such a let-down, such a kick in the teeth, that it was sad watching it. Depressing. Pathetic.

The fact that this second movie is only slightly better than the flatulent attempts of Episode One does not merit great reviews. It merits mediocre reviews, at best.

I do have to admit that the battle scenes were cool. The special affects are great. The choreography of the duels were fun. But with such lame characters, pointless and vapid dialogue, and forced performances, it is hard to get excited about too much.

I am certain that I will go and see the third and final obligation, er... I mean installment of this series and see how it turns out.

Too bad Darth Vader will be more "understood" by the audience, rather than just scary and evil like he was before he knew "true love".... Bleech.....

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Much better than Episode 1
Review: I would have given this movie 5 stars but I got a little bored during the movie. It was a very great movie. They had MUCH more action in the movie. They had many more fighting scenes. I think it ended great. The only thing I didn't like was the love story. I know they had to have one, but I guess Hayden and Natalie didn't do well with it. Or it may be the writing. It was pretty dull. The music was excellent, I own the soundtrack and I loved it. Hayden did pretty well as Anakin but he doesn't do well with sad emotions. Natalie did better than she did in Episode 1 (I never found her bad anyways), but she had better acting. And of course as everyone knows Yoda kicks ... in this movie!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The Emperor has no clothes
Review: A dismal failure on almost every level imaginable. Even the eye-popping special FX in this film aren't enough to overcome the threadbare plot, terrible acting, zero chemistry between the romantic leads, and a mind-bogglingly bad script (which may contain the worst dialogue in cinema history, including anything by Edward D. Wood Jr.). When I saw this in the theater, the audience was literally rolling on the floor laughing during the romantic scenes, and bored during much of the rest. The only way to view this movie is as an unintentional comedy suitable for MST3K treatment.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's not "Lord of the Rings." It's Star Wars.
Review: I thought this movie was great - for a Star Wars movie. It's not "Lord of the Rings." It's Star Wars. The acting has never been ground-breaking in any Star Wars movie. Neither has the dialogue. All five Star Wars movies to date have been driven by story and special effects.

Anakin's whiny personality only makes me think about why Luke is so whiny in "A New Hope." His unpredictable tendencies make me think about how Luke almost turned to the darkside. He acted his "decent towards the darkside" aspect very well I thought. I was convinced he was going to become Darth Vader - especially after he lost control and killed all those Tusken Raiders. And when he confessed of his actions to Padme afterwards, you could just see how much of a troubled young man he really was. It was scary!

His lovey-dovey dialogue with Padme (and her dialogue as well) only makes me think about how cheesy and corny young love is in real life. The way Padme and Anakin acted is pretty accurate actually when portraying young love. It makes you do stupid things. It makes you act stupid. It makes you say stupid things. Haven't you ever been "stupid-happy" for someone? It happens all the time folks. And in a life or death situation, the way they acted out in marriage makes perfect sense. It's just that most of us can't relate to that kind of situation, therefore people write it off as unrealistic and corny. Sure, it's corny. However, it's anything BUT unrealistic.

And I thought all the other actors did fine jobs - especially Ewan McGregor and Christopher Lee. Obi-Wan brought the cynical humor back that Han Solo brought us in the originals. Obi-Wan was very entertaining and he just drew me in. He really brings depth to his "old hermit" self in "A New Hope." And Christopher Lee was just so awesome as Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus. I love it when you've got a bad guy that you love to hate. As far as the rest of the cast, they did awesome. Frank Oz once again brings Yoda to life very well, although only in voice and not with a puppet. But I enjoyed seeing Yoda's humorous side come to life, as well as seeing his true Jedi skills show! Fans have been dying to see this, and we finally got it!

But in the end, all of the dialogue is not going to be Shakespeare. It never has been, and it never will be. I think most people put the Old Trilogy on such a high rank because they grew up with it and/or have seen it so many times for the past 16 years that it's imbedded into their subconcious that it's perfect because of its nostalgia and because of its big role in their lives. These new prequels have been on par with the originals to me. I thought "The Phantom Menace" was on par with "Return of the Jedi," and "Attack of the Clones" was on par with "A New Hope" and "The Empire Strikes Back." We just need to watch these movies as if we're kids growing up on them, instead of cynics who walk into the theater with mental pencils and notepads. We need to go into movies to have fun, and not to turn the experience into critiquing sessions.

The story and special effects were amazing to me. Like I said, the story and effects are what drive the Star Wars movies. That's how it's always been. This movie had drama, mystery, action, love, betrayal, deceit, and foreshadowing all in one. We've got Palpatine/Sidious' and Dooku/Tyranus' political manipulation going on to eventually bring about the destruction of the Jedi and the beginning of the Old Trilogy's evil Empire. Palpatine will become Emperor, and we can see that unfolding behind the scenes with both "The Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones." It'll come to the surface in Episode III - along with Anakin's decent into the darkside. And it had Yoda fighting! Good grief, what more could a Star Wars fan ask for at this point? Episode II was great, and Episode III can only get better!

So I gave this movie a 5 star rating because it's a perfect Star Wars movie. As far as movies in general, it's no "Lord of the Rings." But just because it's not that good, doesn't mean that it's no good. It's a popcorn movie, not an Oscar worthy life changing experience of a movie. The only Star Wars movie that got nominated for Best Picture was "A New Hope," and that's because their weren't any Star Wars fans to please back then. It was the first Star Wars movie, therefore it was made to appeal to the widest audience possible. Now, the movies are designed specifically for the fans, and critics don't like that. Tough luck for them, I guess. I mean, I'd rather have Lucas make his movies for the fans than dumbing them down for the critics.

"Attack of the Clones" has become my favorite Star Wars movie. I haven't had this much fun with a movie in a long time. Episode III might take it's place in my ranking system though!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another Lucas Classic
Review: Truly a classic. Many critics didn't think this was a particularly good movie. As usual, they were wrong. This is a true Star Wars masterpiece. Only negative is that it was over too soon. Should have gone on for another hour.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best Star Wars movies!
Review: I would rank this movie as #3 in my listing of Star Wars movies - behind Empire and A New Hope.

I have been a Star Wars fan since I was very young. I saw the first one when I was 4 at a drive in movie theater! When Lucus announced he was going to start production on the prequels, i was estatic. I even cried when I saw the trailer for Episode I. But after seeing Episode I, I was severely disappointed and sadened, even if I thought the movie was ok, it was no Star Wars film.

When i went in to see this movie, I was slightly afraid and silently praying this would be worthy of a Star Wars title. It completely surpassed my expectations.

Hayden - No matter what anyone says, he did an outstanding job of portraying a young man who is torn between his love and will to do good and his desire for power and recognition. People complain that he is whiny, but what 19 year old boy isn't? He did a fantastic job of getting across the anger, hatred and sadness that someone would feel if another person killed their mother. He also did well at showing the kind of impatience and powerlust that someone like Vader would have.

Natilie - Could this woman be anymore beautiful and full of class?

Ewan McGregor - Fantastic as always. An excellent actor. He is transitioning into Obi-Wan very well.

Yoda - I'm going to be honest, the Yoda fight scene was not that big a deal for me. It seemed far too quick and wasn't as spectatcular as it could have been. I found the fight scene between Ankin and Dooku to be much more exciting, especally since Anikin fights with *two* lightsabers at once - showing that his ability with fighting is top notch and worthy of being "one of the greatest jedi".

The jedi battle scene - outstanding and beautiful. It was a well coreographed fight scene and it was exciting to see so many jedi fight all at once. I could have done without the C3-PO "comic relief" though. It was unfunny and annoying.

The backgrounds were sweeping and beautiful, the cinematography was wonderful. The score was one of the best John Williams has ever written. The plot was lacking a little. It was almost compelling, but it never was able to gain the momentum and darkness that Empire had. The direction - well, if you thought the acting was bad, blame Lucus. All of the actors in this film have proven themselves to be great and worthy actors, deserving of Oscars in their other movies. I really feel Lucus, for some reason, suppressed the talent these people have. Some of the lines are cringe worthy, and there is a slight lack of chemistry between Anikin and Amidala, even though they are both beautiful people.

All in all, I've seen this movie 3 times already. I almost never go back for "seconds" at the theater, but i couldn't wait until it came out on DVD to see it again. And by no means am I a passive movie watcher, I am a severe movie lover and have a passion for films - and this one did not disappoint me at all!

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