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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Jedi Shall Not Hate, Nor Greed, Nor Love
Review: Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones is one of the best Star Wars movies yet with a mix of action and romance. This Star Wars movie takes place ten years after Episode 1 left off. Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman) is no longer queen of Naboo but now senator of Naboo and Anakin (Hadyen Christenson) is the padawan learner of Obi Wan Kenobi (Ewan Mcgregor). Padme's life is being threatened by a group of separatists who want to keep her from casting a very important vote to the Senate. While Obi Wan is sent to find her attacker Anakin stays behind and protects Padme. As the two spend more time together they begin to fall in love. But they each know Anakin is not allowed to marry and Padme can not let marriage interrupt her duties as a senater. But still unconditional love can not just be put aside... This Star Wars movie gives more of a story and a plot than the others do. This movie is definetly worth seeing more than once.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Superb !!!
Review: This film was much improved on Episode I and begins to put the pieces together between this trilogy and the original trilogy. Obi-Wan and Dooku were excellent - I was a little disappointed with Jango Fett...as with Darth Maul he was hyped and had limited appearance time....

Anakin takes major steps towards the Dark Side..... Palpatine/Sidious continues to control everything in preparation to become the Emperor......Dooku was excellent - I hope he has a continued role in Episode III......Padme was beautiful.....Yoda was cool (I hope he and Sidious have a force confrontation in Ep III)......

I cannot wait until the DVD is out with extra scenes etc....if you haven't seen this film then do yourself a favour and get yourself to a cinema !!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just plain excellent
Review: I have been a fan of "Star War" for the long term, seeing the original immediately following its release (21 times in the theater; does this make me a bit of a fanatic??) This does not mean that I have loved all episodes equally and, after reading a number of reviews that criticised this installment, I was not expecting to enjoy this one as much as I did. Why do I bother listening to critics? I loved it and find that it lived up to my expectation of this epic masterpiece. I think that Lucas' casting for Anakin was nothing short of inspired. This worthy actor gave a real depth to his character and certainly showed us where the danger lies for the final episode when Anakin becomes Darth.

I am glad that Lucas has returned to his glorious universe while both of us were still around to make/enjoy his creation! There was a time when I did not believe I'd get to see "the rest of the story". It was well worth the wait! Thank you, George.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: very good
Review: Like everyone else, I thought it much better than the first. Not that the first was horrible. A lot more connections, some subtle, to the last three movies. Many that people probably didn't catch on the first viewing.

Other things I noticed: The "changeling" assasian. Changelings, as I am told, are supposedly common in sci-fi, but Star Trek is where most are familar with them (Star Trek 6, Deep Space Nine, ST:TNG). Was this lifted or a purposeful homage to the other sci-fi epic?

The one creature in the arena looked like ILM took it directly from its scorpion character in The Mummy Returns, with some modifcations.

Dooka's character and role was almost identical to that actor's role in The Lord of the Rings: Two powerful, evil beings raising armies. Most likely an unintentional similarity, although the Lord of the Rings was written decades ago, long before the first Star Wars.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Exciting
Review: Star Wars Episode 2 was great. If I could I would have given it more stars. It's a mix of a bunch of different types of movies.I have to admit that I thought Anakin (Hayden) was a COMPLETE hottie. Natalie was also good. The movie was exciting. But I'm axously awaiting ep. 3 because alot of people will die. Including Padme.(Everyone cries.) But Luke and Leia become apart of it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not enough Action!!!
Review: I was very disappointed by this movie. It was the worst they have ever made. The only good part I won't give away because it's the only part you'll like. This was the most boring movie I've ever seen. It was so bad, I almost fell asleep in the middle of this movie. I am an action lover and this just didn't cut it. The romance level between whiny Anakin and Senator Amadala made me sick! These aren't supposed to be romantic movies, they are supposed to be adventurous. This movie made me decide to never see another Star Wars movie again.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wagner, Lucas and myth.
Review: I have studied Wagner operas for many years, I was fascinated about his mythological plots. Wagner's operas made me get interested in mythical and symbolic ways of expression in recent times (XIXth and XXth century is what I mean), for example, fantastic literature, or, in our times, sci-fi movies.

When thinking in symbolism many of us tend to think in sophisticated poetry, but the real symbolic stuff is to be understood by a majority of people. What is more, real mythical/symbolic art has always been the most spectacular form of art in any time. The impact on the public that the description of battles and heros had in Homer's Illiad, the chorus in greek tragedy, or the music in Wagner dramas, is achieved in Lucas films by digital means (and music also).

I've been a fan of Star Wars since I was a child. When I grew older I became conscious about it symbolic structure, very similar in some respects to that of 'Parsifal' by Wagner. There are many important correspondences between these two plots (Jedi knights/Grail knights, Darth Vader/Klingsor, Luke/Parsifal...), the main difference being that 'Parsifal' is more sexually oriented. Anyway, there is a strong political layer in both of them.

I enjoyed very much the first trilogy, but found a little childish, more like a tale than like a myth. It lacked the dialectical element, good and evil were clearly defined, there was no internal fight.

I have no space to justify mi opinions here, but I can say that in this film I've found a real dialectical, political and adult substrate, I've found a real tragic figure in the person of Anakin, and I've found the dark counterpart of the wagnerian 'Mittleid' (which is quoted in both Episode I and II, for my delight!) in the 'fear'.

Episode II projects its gloomy ligth to all the cicle, that gets now a completly different meaning (and seems even more onesided by comparison). Episode II is also more sensitive to every plot's nuance than its predecessors. In Episode IV a planet was banged and everyone seemed to forget the tragedy in one minute. Here, almost every detail is full of meaning and emotion; when Obi goes to ask Yoda about the missing planet, he does not just go to his 'office', he finds him teaching the children...; now that I have seen the relation that Obi had with Anakin as a teacher, I want to see a more subtle and nuanced duel between them in Episode IV (and more state-of-the-art clothes for Darth Vader, please).

Episode IV has shocked me in I way I couldn't expect. I'm still wondering about what was the reason of it, and I think that I see in the film some kind of premonition of the downfall of our own civilization, a downfall that has to do mainly with ethics. What I mean is: How does humankind behave when pressed by necessity (anothe wagnerian cliché)? Doesn't it turn right to the dark side? What do we do when we feel menaced by those who live in starvation? What should it happen if petrol became extinct? (I'm not sure to have found the right words, please make an effort to understand my horrible English).

I'm anxious (and frightened) to watch Episode III.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If there is anyone I love! It's Winy Anakin!
Review: I like this movie because of the action scenes, romance scene, and yes! You name it! Everything that is Star Wars.

I'm glad I went to see this movie! because I like Star Wars. I also like the characters such as Mace Windu, Amidala, Gunray, Count Dooku, Jar Jar Binks, Supreme Chancelor Palpetine, Darth Cidious, and Of course! the winy Anakin Skywalker...

I like how Yoda does his Light Saber fight with Count Dooku. Now! Let's get to Winy Anakin.

I love how winy, irresponsible, angry, and impatient he is... This is a great film. I highly recommend this to any true Star Wars fan, and especially one who's in love with Winy Anakin.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My favorite Star Wars movie
Review: Yes, you read right. "Attack of the Clones" is my favorite Star Wars movie so far. "A New Hope" and "The Empire Strikes Back" are just as good, but Episode II is the one I enjoy the most.

This movie had everything a die-hard fan of Star Wars could want: Action, suspense, great special effects, great story, and old trilogy forshadowing like what! And lastly, what REAL fan of Star Wars wouldn't want Yoda to fight?! That's the best part of this movie right there! I mean, what more is there to ask for?! This is Star Wars at its best!

For those who complained about the love story, the dialogue and acting didn't sound any different than what I've experienced with young love. When you're young and stupid-happy for someone, all logic fails, and you begin to say corny things, and not act like yourself. I totally saw this in Padme and Anakin. And a lot of the time in real life, young love happens fast like it did in this movie. People go off on Spring break and fall in love all the time. :) And as far as their illogical marriage, you knew this had to happen. But they didn't act illogical at first. They first decided not to fall in love. But after experiencing a life or death situation together, all logic fails. They were already in love. It's just that after that extreme situation they were put in, it lead them to act irrationally and they got married. As far as I'm concerned, there's not really anything bad about this love story. It's not unrealistic, and it's corny feel is exactly how most young couples are when they fall in love: stupid. :) It makes you cringe a little bit, but everything about young love looks stupid and silly from the perspective of the one outside of the relationship observing it. Come on! They're twiter-pated!

I thought the acting was typical Star Wars acting, and sometimes even better with some actors. Ewan McGregor did a tremendous job at portraying Obi-Wan. And he gave him a fun, witty personality. But at the same time, he came off as the wise man he really is. I really loved his character, and I can't wait until I see him in Episode III. He was a lot of fun, and totally Alec Guiness at a younger age.

Christopher Lee. What can I say? He was a great bad guy - the kind you love to hate. Darth Maul was just silent and scary looking and had cool moves. Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus wasn't scary looking, but rather a charming baddy who carries the role very naturally and convincingly. He has presence. He reminded me of someone who would come right out of the old trilogy. In fact, he reminded me of Peter Cushing's role as Grand Moff Tarkin in "A New Hope." And that's the idea. Christopher Lee was perfect in this role. I'm so happy Lucas got him to play the part. I just hope he doesn't die before they film his parts in Episode III!

Hayden Christensen did a good job overall as Anakin. I found him acting out some of his lines unrealistically at times - but I found a lot of this in the old trilogy of other actors too. Hayden shines when his character gets to Tatooine and his mom dies. He's real good at being angry and giving troubled looks. When he slaughtered those Tuskens, it was so apparent that he would become Vader. And also when he confessed of the incident to Padme. Gosh, I mean I could totally see that he was unstable and could explode at any second - something that resembles Vader in a big way. It was almost scary - especially with that eerie music playing in the background. And when he was carrying his mom's body, I got the same reaction. As far as his whining is concerned, I don't mind it because Luke was whiny too. In fact, now I know why Luke is so whiny in "A New Hope"!

Natalie Portman did a good job as Padme. She's an attractive young actress who has such good presence on screen. And I liked how she was kind of witty like Leia. She delivered her lines well, and I was convinced that she would be the mother of Luke and Leia.

Ian McDiarmid is always great. I mean, I got angry when he just ACTED that he'd be concerned for Amidala's life. We all know he's Darth Sidious - the future Emperor. We all know that he and Dooku/Tyranus have this massive but yet silent politically manipulated plot to destroy the Jedi, the Republic, and to create an evil Empire for the Sith to rule. But yet, we see Palpatine act like he cares for the Republic and for the individuals who are a part of it. He's one clever bad guy. Just like in "The Phantom Menace," Ian McDiarmid does it again. And this time, he's even better!

As far as the rest of the characters, they were convincing. I thought all of the actors who played Jedi Knights were well portrayed. Especially Yoda. I know he was CGI, but he was so realistic, and he was funny. The good old Yoda from "The Empire Strikes Back" has returned - with an attitude.

I think people downgraded this movie mostly because they grew up with the old trilogy and/or have seen it so many times that they're now too jaded by nostalgia to realize that the acting and dialogue is just as bad (or good) in the old trilogy as it is in the prequels. First off, we don't have the space pirate Han Solo type character in the prequels, so let's write him out. Obi-Wan is the closest to this character, but he can only be so cocky as a Jedi Knight. Jedi are usually stiff, wise and reserved individuals. But you've got a whiny young man with dark issues in the prequels(Anakin) and in the Old Trilogy(Luke). You've got an ambitious and witty young senator(Padme), and an ambitious and witty young princess in the Old Trilogy(Leia). You've got the bad guys with presence in the prequels(Dooku/Tyranus, and Palpatine/Sidious), and in the Old Trilogy(Darth Vader, and the Emperor/Sidious/Palpatine).

As far as the dialogue is concerned, has everyone forgotten these aspects of the Old Trilogy? :

Bickering between Han and Leia:

LEIA: Han, we need you!

HAN: We need?

LEIA: Yes.

HAN: Oh, what about you need?

LEIA: I need? I don't know what you're talking about.

(My goodness!)

HAN: Well your Worship, looks like you managed to keep me around for a little while longer.

LEIA: I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we've activated the energy shield.

HAN: That's a good story. I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight.

LEIA: I don't know where you get you delusions, laser brain. [LASER BRAIN?! UGGGH! :) ]

Chewie is amused; he laughs in his manner.

HAN: Laugh it up, fuzzball. But you didn't see us alone in the south passage.

HAN (Contd.): She expressed her true feelings for me.

LEIA: My...! Why, you stuck up, ...half-witted,...scruffy-looking...NERF-HERDER!

HAN: Who's scruffy-looking?

(gees, can it get any worse?)

The ever present repeating dialogue:

Vader: "Obi-Wan has taught you well" (same exact line said twice - once in The Empire Strikes Back, and once again in Return of the Jedi).

"It is your destiny" ; "If that is your destiny" ; "Then you will meet your destiny!"

"The circle is now complete" ; "His failure is complete" ; "Your skills are now complete!"

(even Emperor Palpatine gets in on it)

Emperor Palaptine: "Your journey towards the darkside will be complete!"

Or how about Chewbacca's tarzan yell? Or Luke whining about how he has to stay on the homestead for another year, or how he wanted to go to Toshi Station to pick up some power converters? In fact, Luke whines pretty much throughout "A New Hope." But somehow, all this bad dialogue seems completely natural and becomes nostaglic in our minds. Somehow, it all seems perfect. Why? I think I've already explained that.

In the end, "Attack of the Clones" is definitely a worthy addition to the saga. What real fan wouldn't like to see Anakin's dark side? What real fan wouldn't like to see the stormtrooper-like clone army marching off to finish the Clone Wars? What real fan wouldn't want to see Yoda fighting?! What real fan wouldn't want to see the first Death Star plans? What real fan wouldn't want to see Obi-Wan say stuff like, "Why do I feel you're going to be the death of me?"(to Anakin), and telling Anakin that he's going to go get a drink at the bar? What real fan wouldn't want to see Boba Fett at a young age and his father? What real fan wouldn't want to see a brief and mysterious conversation between Palpatine and Anakin? What real fan wouldn't want to see the first walker-type vehicles that resemble the ones in the Hoth Battle? What real fan wouldn't want a dark Star Wars movie? For fans anyway, I think the answer to all these questions is is NO ONE. This movie did everything it possibly could to be another great movie derived from the cheesy sci-fi serials of the 30s and 40s like Flash Gordon....

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not as good as the first two, better than the last two,
Review: STAR WARS -is the best Star Wars movie, It didn't have as much action, Actually it did, but it was mostly smaller scope & more suspense-ful,
Empire Strikes Back - is the 2nd best, The action was greater in scope than STAR WARS, but it lacked some of the suspense,
Return of the Jedi - is very, very, bad, You know the "GOOD" guys are going to win, I don't think any "GOOD guys died in the movie,
Believe it or not, Episode One was even worse, This time I know that no "GOOD" guys died, Or it was really obvious that a good guy was going to die,

Now Attack of the Clones comes out & conveniently puts itself into the middle of the series, The action was alot better than the 2 previous movies, But one problem, They don't tell you the actual truth, They wan't you to figure it out at the end,
After I saw it only ONCE, I figured out the whole thing,

BAD GUYS- (battle droids) actually "GOOD" guys
GOOD GUYS- (clone troopers) actually "BAD" guys

In Episode one, the Battle droids were under the influence of the "Sith" & that's why they were "BAD", & to make you think that they're still bad, Even though they're actually "Helpless" in Attack of the Clones"

I believe Count Dooku (T-REX) is actually a GOOD guy, pretending to be BAD, so his "FAKE" master (Darth Sideous, Chancellor Palpatine, same guy) does not get mad,
It was pretty obvious that OB1 Kenobi was somehow "brainwashed" by the Chancellor, so he stays on his side, If his brain wasn't so "clouded", he probably would have joined Count Dooku to destroy the Chancellor,

It was the Chancellor that originally ordered the "Clones", & it was the Chancellor who formed the Sepratist movement,
What the heck did the Seratists do before the Chancellor decided to desroy them, Now "stupid" Jar Jar organized the big "vote" to give the Chancellor the powers of an "Emperor" so he can "Legally" use the Clones to destroy the sepratists,
Now that the sepratists are "not" under the influence of the "Sith", the only thing they can do is "RUN"

Sepratist movement includes,
Thyferra, Mon Calamari, & Sullust, All trusted members of the Rebel Alliace in the original movies,

I also believe that the "Death Star" thing was an idea that Dooku had, so he can destroy the Chancellor, But I guess the Chancellor found out who Darth T-REX (Dooku's fake name) really is & used a mind trick to steal the "Death star" blue prints(red prints),

& also, it was OB1 Kenobi & all the Jedi who "Struck the first blow" So Dooku had to defend himself,
If there was a way to "UnBrainWash" OB1, he probably wouldn't have been chained up in the "Execution" arena, & besides, it was pretty clear who's side OB1 & Anakin were on anyway,

The dialogue & the story you're "supposed" to hear, pretty much "stank",
You know it's bad when the best character in the movie is Anakin, He's played by a very good actor, But I think this part was not a very good one for him,
It would help the movie alot if there was a more "Realisic" approach to the Love Story,
Spiderman's Love Story was better, more realistic in better ways,
& also, It is probly pretty hard for the actors to act in front of nothing but "blueness" But it shouldn't stop "blueness" from the interaction between the characters, & the development in their personality,
To me, the only "Entertaining" part in the entire movie was YODA, waving around that Lightsaber, & bouncing like a Basketball,
I bet that scene "was" a game of Basketball, & they just took out the players & replaced the ball with Yoda,

Their is rumors that the dialogue "Stank" because they were trying to make it easier for Foreign companys to "DUB",
I bet they could have made an awesome movie, if they were'nt thinking about how the movie would be in "Spanish",

The entire movie is like a "Spanish" (Mexico) Daytime Soap Opera" in "English", That's how bad some of the dialogue is,

This movie could have been "WAY" better if some of the stuff was explained at the end, making people "really" look forward to the next one, & now all of that stuff will probly be explained at the "beginning" of the next one, making a "true" sequel, (sequels are "bad" by the way) & that makes the whole thing look like a "Small child" playing with Action figures,

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