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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I don't know what to say...
Review: Ok first let me say that I am a BIG fan of the Phantom Menace! I don't know how any Star Wars fan coulnd not like it, in some ways it was superior to the previous (technologically speaking). With that being said, I was a little disapointed with this installment. Perhaps I was sitting too close to the screen so I missed something and now I will have to wait until its released to see it again. There were no fight scenes like in Phantom Menace (even if you didn't like the movie, you must admit the scenes with Darth Maul, Qui Gon, and Obi Wan were very cool), the fight scene with Yoda was laughable, and there were too many jokes. This is a war we are talking about here! I didn't go to see a comedy. I did like the change you see in Anakin, as he moves toward the Dark Side, and it will be a treat to see in the final chapter of the saga. A word of advise? See it more than once. I am hoping that will spark my appreciation once again because after waiting so darn long for this one...well I'm not sure if it was worth the wait.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is not your father's Star Wars Movie!
Review: Folks, please try to remember that Episodes I - III are a completely different approach than IV - VI. While IV - VI are extremely story driven, I - III are more character driven, and that may be the problem for many viewers. Yes, folks, instead of the linear story of IV - VI, this trilogy is a bit more complicated - you have to THINK and PAY ATTENTION to what's going on. It's not the roller-coaster ride of the second trilogy - there is a real plot going on here.

That said, Phantom Menace was not the, well, menace, so many depicted it to be. It was flawed, but still a good movie. Most importantly, it sets up Attack of the Clones, a combination mystery and romance, which brings us to the (granted, obligatory) climatic battle, which, interestingly, takes place in a desert, where half the battle is obscured by flying sand, instead of outer space. We finally get to see what (probably) set Annikin on the road to the Dark Side, and what was probably the origin of the stormtroopers. This movie answers a lot of the questions posed by the second trilogy, but ends with a cliffhanger, preparing the way for Episode III, where, presumably, we see Annikin's final descent towards the Dark Side and the birth of Luke and Leia.

To really enjoy this movie, you have to see it on its own terms. Don't try to compare it with the second trilogy.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: really, really, really, totally, bad
Review: okay, this movie stunk like a dead skunk. the story wouldn't have been that bad if all the scenes with anakin and padme had been cut out. for one thing, they were both there for their sex appeal and good looks. portman is supposedly a senator who wants no romantic complications with anyone, yet she flaunts herself shamelessly in overdone costumes that could be called gaudy. not to mention get her skin tight white jumper ripped off by some monster. that was completely on accident i guess. haydon whatever his name is can't act to save his life, and the script did not help that. and what was up with the so called "romantic dialogue"? "Gee padme, i don't like sand. sand is real annoying. you're not like sand........" yeah, that was really great. mcgreggor was doing a better job in his subplot, but he was all alone so there was no interesting or humorous dialogue. and meanwhile the two jedi masters-who are apparently big losers-sit around trying to look like they are in the movie for a actual purpose. they fail, needless to say. lets see what else, it was really boring. not as boring as episode one, but almost. at least this one was bad in a sort of funny way. oh yeah, it had the most boring villain in the whole world. yoda fighting him looked really stupid. no one had any sense of humor. i want to call it attack of the clowns, but no one was funny enough to be called a clown. more like attack of the really boring overdone special effects and bad acting. yeah, that'll do it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Better than Episode 1, but needs work
Review: I found much to enjoy about Star Wars Episode II: the effects were dazzling, the fights were well choreographed, and it's a rollercoaster ride from beginning to end. But unfortunately, the characters weren't that interesting. In the original trilogy, the characters were fresh and involving, while now they're just actors in a Star Wars film. Not that that effects the movie badly, but would've made the movie better if the characters were more interesting (and maybe even developed). Better than Episode I, this should leave Star Wars fans dying to see Episode III.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: An improvement, but "Clones" still falls to the Dark Side
Review: Yes, I am a big fan. I have read most of the novelizations, know every scene of the original trilogy like I know my own life. Which, of course, involves a large amount of Star Wars. But, don't you worry. While I am big fan, I will present to you a well-balanced, insightful, and un-biased review of "Star Wars -Episode II, Attack of the Clones". I hope this review helps gives you guidence with your own thoughts and opinions on this movie and Star Wars as a whole.
Three years ago, many of us went to go see Episode I, the Phantom Menace. Many of us were horrified by what we saw. Lucasfilm, Fox, and it's corporate tie-ins created a months-long hype event that gave it larger-than-life expectations.
We all remember the top stories on the local and the national news. We had millions of cans of Pepsi with characters names and faces from a movie we were still a month from seeing yet, fast food restaurants giving away Star Wars cards and trinkets when we "super-sized" our meals. Thousands of people were abandoning their lives to wait in line weeks on end in Darth Vader costumes. It was pure pandamonium, remember? We had to see this movie, we must see this movie, and so on and so on. Well, the big day arrives, and barring a direct act of God, this was going to be the number one movie of all time. This did not happen. It cracked the Top 3, and made over 400 million in the US alone, but it lacked the creative, one-in-a-million feel that the original movies did. Star Wars became a victim of it's own hype, it's own success. This movie has been reviewed hundreds of times on amazon, but I wanted to give a little backround before we move on. I will only discuss minor scenes, I will not give away big spoilers/scene to scene descriptions since many of you may still want to see it.
Now, 2002, 25 years after A New Hope was released into theatres, we are given the second installment in George Lucas' prequel trilogy, the fifth(or should I say second?) in the series. Where The Phantom Menace suffered from lack of direction, Attack of the Clones suffers from trite and forced plot movements. To tell you the truth, I really set my expectations low for this one, I really did. I thought Phantom menace was terrible, and a disgrace for true fans of film. I made a strong effort not to read spoilers and info. about this new film for the last three years, so I could in there and be surprised. I was surprised, but not in a totally good way.
The special effects were of course excellent. To see a whole city with every detail created with computers is astounding. Many of the creatures, such as in Episode I, were generated by computers. Here lies a big part of the problem. While it looks good from a technical standpoint, it does not look "real" to the moviegoer. Honestly, I felt like I was watching one of Pixar's latest computer-animated films, "A Bugs Life - Episode II, Attack of the Special Effects". We have what can only be described as flying bug things, making weirdo clicking sounds.
Special effects are meant to enhance a movie, add to it, not be the whole darned thing with one or two human actors tossed in now and then. How can we relate to a movie that is supposed to be live-action but instead comes across as a cartoon? Heck, the FX in Star Wars 25 years ago was used better than this. And that was stop-motion and wires with models on them. I am a human being, how can I relate to these creatures? The reason this works in cartoons is because they are metaphors for human beings. Toy Story, Disney movies, Bugs Bunny cartoons for crying out loud, can be related to better than most of the aliens in Episode II. The eye candy was too much, overdone.
Now for the bad news. We can all agree that the orginal trilogy did not have any award-winning performances(other than Alec Guiness, of course), but we connected with them on screen, we felt for Han, Luke, and Leia. Chewie, C3PO and R2D2 were given humanized traits for us to emphasize with. In Attack of the Clones, whether it's due to the actor's inability to connect with the surroundings of a blue screen, or their inability to even act, I could care less about them. They seem wooden, with no emotions for me to connect to. Why must we sit through a picnic scene with Anakin and Padme? A picnic, with them literally rolling around in the hay? There is certainly more action in this movie, but it mainly in the beginning and the last 30 minutes. It moves as a faster pace than Phantom Menace, but still drags on, especially in the middle.
What was good, however, were the action sequences. With a big battle scene with hordes of Jedi, a fight scene involving Yoda(one of the bright spots here), and a chase through the towers of a planet-sized city. Too bad George Lucas cannot recognize anymore that action and FX don't make a movie alone. He has crafted a film that is broken in many places, and seems to worry more about his 6-piece series as a whole than focus on the individual episodes and interlocking them together.
You may like this more than the Phantom Menace, but Attack of the Clones holds no candle to A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, or Return of the Jedi. It is not a terrible movie, and may be worth seeing once if you are a big fan, but I cannot recommend it for all the casual fans and moviegoers.
I may skip Episode III.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Star wars Episode II
Review: Even I know the Saga of STAR WARS is the Story of Anaikan Skywalker (Later: LORD VADER).It is the best of all Stories, which I ever know, so that I think It is not only Phantastic Story (Sience Fiction), but it`s also partwise Coreality in the infinit Reality of the human Story in the infinit Univers.
It is not impossiple that, in another Co-Universe (Parallel Universe) existes this Phantastic Story as a part of the Reality of that Universe; Then may be the Ideas, wiche we think are Reality of another Univverses; <=Analog=> Ouer Reality may be a Fiction of another Specise.!
Muharram Salim

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: CLONES is far, far and away better than PHANTOM MENACE!
Review: Three years ago I hosted a premiere of STAR WARS Episode I THE PHANTOM MENACE in my hometown. I stood in line ten hours for tickets as I gave away free gift certificates, drinks, and food. I then returned a week later to host the Star Wars Showtime Countdown from 10am till midnight. It rained both days (although the meteorologist I worked with said it wouldn't), but it all seemed worth it to finally see a new STAR WARS movie after 17 years. Then - Jar Jar Binks popped up! For two hours I continued to wonder when the movie would actually pick up the pace and it never did. I, like many fans, was disappointed and feared what the next two installments would bring. One thing I never did, however, was generate the hatred toward George Lucas that I have witnessed these past three years. In April 1999, he was considered a genius. In May, everyone ganged up on him because they didn't like one movie! Not every idea works and not every project goes to plan. He made the movie the way he wanted and I only wish I had a career where no one could tell me how to do my job. Afterall, he made the first three his way and if someone had butted in, there probably wouldn't have been more than one made in the first place. But, nevertheless, I wasn't too sure about ATTACK OF THE CLONES. Three years later, I am happy to say that STAR WARS is back on track. Although there is still something missing from the days of Han and Luke, George Lucas and company have regained the feel of the original trilogy and put excitement, action, humor, and suspense back into the saga. The love story, although drawn-out, is broken up over a series of fun chases and explosive action that help keep the pace. And, fortunately, Obi-Wan Kenobi helps bring back much of the cocky attitude that has been missing since the departure of Han Solo. If you jumped ship after EPISODE I, I suggest you get back on board for EPISODE II.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Zeitgeist or "Sign of the Times" for German Impaired Folk
Review: Republic = Capitalist Economies
Trade Federation = Communist Economies
Clones = Citizens of Capitalism "The West"
Droids = Citizens of Communism "The East"
Emperor = Anti-Christ or Black Pope
Darth Vader = False Prophet
Mace Windu = Visible Pope (see Color of Light Saber, only purple hued version)
Yoda = Hidden Pope (Uses Light Sabre of Apprentice, to assume humility)
Jesuits = Jedi
Qui-Gon = Jinn of Arabic Lore, the Fates of Greek, Kitsune of Japanese, influencing human affairs by way of the supernatural

Up until this point the Jedi did not know that one could become one with the Force, hence no apparitions or disapearing corpses, only later Ep. III will the Jedi discover that this potential for the Force can be obtained. Remember these are prequels.

I think its funny that Lucas holds up a mirror to the current times and all people talk about are special effects and terrible acting. Wake up people, these events are happening right in front of your eyes!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Empire meets Jedi
Review: Okay, I know that the hard-core Star Wars fans probably don't see the reason for this second trilogy's release, but hey, everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. This movie basically takes all the best aspects of Empire and Jedi, and crams it all in to one 2 and a half hr. segment. From the lightsaber battle with the entire Jedi council versus the droid army to the arrival of the "clone troopers," who will one day be called "storm troopers," and the climax of the film, the duel between Dacula and Yoda, there has yet to be battle scenes of this magnitude and quality every. The ending is a very wonderful way to end the movie, and will leave you wanting more, and not wanting to wait until May 2005 to see Episode III. Anyway, i think that while Empire was the best Star Wars film to this point, Clones isn't that far behind. Lucas has his work cutout for himself if he wants to outdo Episode II with Episode III. I just can't wait for this movie to be released on DVD.

P.S. If you haven't seen this movie, you should hurry, cause it's almost outta theaters. May the Force be with you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: ... Awsome
Review: I thought this movie was awsome . it was the best movie i had ever seen and the best star wars movie ever. i can't wait for the dvd to come out . My favorite parts were the lightsaber fights and the clone troopers

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