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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: George Lucas Must Be Imprisoned
Review: This borefest is a crime against humanity. George Lucas proves without doubt that he is a total lightweight and cannot direct actors to give a even slightly decent performance. The acting in this film is atrocious. The story is idiotic and only slightly interesting the way that other "origin" stories are.

The scene where Anakin's mother dies? George Lucas gets life in prison.

The scene with all the "choppy crushy things" (parodied BEFORE this movie in galaxy quest)? Double life sentence.

Moronic love story - poorly acted, written, directed? George Lucas may need the [unltimate]penalty.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't delude yourself because you're a loyal Star Wars fan!
Review: I have read a few reviews and discussed this film with many. I must announce this: Lucas was so desperate that he allowed horrible acting and his own feeble writing to continue ruining one of the greatest film series in story telling history. When you concieve a story your thoughts are not complete- granted. When you write a screenplay to complete that story and bring it to fruition, you must be true to the characters and the parameters which the SAGA have been built. Lucas forgot ALL OF THIS. He tried to squeeze too much story into too litle time. If I had to sit in the theater for an extra hour so he could convey the story correctly, I would gladly have stayed.

Jango Fett- a flat, empty character. Boba Fett- a flat, empty character. Anakin Skywalker- a whining, sniviling brat. A rookie policeman with a lightsaber with no real wielding of the Force or realization or conceit of his true potential. Obi Wan- wasted! Don't do this and don't do that! He should have been a nurturing Father-like mentor- not a teed-off dad who's tripped over too many toys at the end of a hard days work. The romance was FORCED- and not by the Force either.

I could rip this film to shreds for hours. If you are a true Star Wars fan, watch it again and see what IS and not for what you hoped. It is not there. Not to mention the stolen scenes from The 5th Element and Gladiator and Monsters Inc. Just realize- not fantasize. This movie, acting, directing, cgi, monsters, dialogue, blocking- and so much more was so much wrong! I am truly saddened and disappointed. This one made Epidode I worth watching.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AMAZING!
Review: George Lucas strikes back with his second installment to the Star Wars prequel trilogy. "Clones" is perhaps the best Star Wars movie yet. While the critics might not understand the 1930's and 40's style of serialized acting, I sure could and I loved it! It just give the movie that "Star Warsy" feel. In addition, the special fx and sound fx are second to none-- and I mean NONE! The story is packed with plots and subplots, almost too many to fully comprehend in one viewing. John Williams delivers his best score yet, in my opinion. The new "Love Theme" was especially powerful. The last images will leave you terribly impatient for more, but you'll have to wait 3 years until EPISODE III hits theaters-- That's the worst part!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Movie
Review: All right, I see that a lot of people are like trashing Star Wars and saying that Episode II was really bad but it really did live up to my expectations.
Not many girls like Star Wars and all the guys think that the romance was cheesey and too mushy but I actually really liked it.
The special effects were awesome. The costumes and designs were also really neat too. The scenery was absolutely beautiful. My favorite parts was the chase in the beginning with Anakin and Obi-Wan and the Geonosian arena. Also, the part with Yoda was funny and cool. You finally get to see him fight with a lightsaber.
I thought that Padme was really pretty and she's much better as a galactic Senator, you get to see her on a more personal level. And Anakin definitely was on the fine line between good and evil, you can see how he's grown from a child to a man, and then to Darth Vader. He's also extremely HOT.
The tiny problem might be that Anakin and Padme got married too fast. You see them just overnight they begin to fall in love and, then just a few days later they get married. The book was better and they should have at least slowed the love down a little.
In the last episode I was bored to tears in but episode II was so much better. I really recommend it if you like action and sci-fi stuff and not to mention a little romance.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best so far!!!
Review: FYI: Lucasfilm scheduled the DVD-release of Episode II for November 13th according to their newsletter.

First of all, I can clearly imagine what kind of people are considering this movie to be the worst ever:

All those authors who wrote books about the Star Wars - and claimed to be the keepers of the one and only truth.
Let's see what was changed and who would not like it:

The Clone War runs completely different (Ouch! Timothy Zahn)
The Clones do not become crazy because of the force (Zahn again)
The Death Star wasn't invented by Bevel Lemelisk and Qui Xux (Sorry, Kevin J. Anderson)
Boba Fett's real name isn't Jasper Merees (Sorry again, Mr. Anderson)
Yoda does have a lightsaber - and KNOWS how to use it (Bad Luck for Dave Wolverton)
There can be good weather on Corouscant (you see, Mr. Michael A. Stackpole)
E.T. sits in the Council Chamber (in your eye FBI, CIA, NSA,...)

and the list goes on and on and on.

To me, Episode II is one of the very few movies that not only met my expectations, but exceeded them in almost every single aspect.
The love story is being kept endureable short, the characters are much more developped that in Episode I and the Special Effects are - typical for ILM - the very best so far.
From the moment, the Naboo shuttle approaches Corouscant up to the last second before the Credits are running, this movie dishes out eye candy like nothing before.
And of course John Williams supplies the well-known soundtrack.

Mix this all together with the biggest and longest battlefield scene since Gladiator, Spartacus and Rambo III, and you do have the best Star Wars Episode so far.

Especially since Yoda - in the best scene of the movie - prooves once again that size doesn't matter ;-)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic
Review: Anyone who knows Star Wars can appreciate that this piece is more of a narrative bridge into E3 and the Original Trilogy. It is not some mindless "eye candy" for the attention depraved (although the action sequences were top notch) and for those who can not tolerate a plot that involves considering this film as a piece of an overall whole.

Lucas has redeemed himself in my eyes after that travesty in 1999. Thanks for everything.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best one yet!
Review: First off I'd like to say that sometimes you have to combine the acting with the setting of the movie. I'll admit that m'lady was kinda stupid and it was a too much a love story. But those of you need to realize that this situation is chaotic. Half the Republic is leaving, they have an army ready to crush the Republic, and you can see the rise of the empire. I'll list some of the best parts and some of the worst.


Yoda: Am I the only one who thought that this was great. This show's why he's the greatest Jedi. He doesn't use his jedi skills all the time but only when needed.

The Clone Wars: The last 45 min. of the film were worth at least 10X as more as addmission. The acklay, the reek, and the nexu are the coolest Star Wars, creatures yet. Then the whole Jedi arena battle was something people had to admire seeing all the jedi. C-3PO in the middle of it all with his stupid remarks was actually funny. It's the middle of a chaotic battle and he's saying "Die Jedi sucm! Die Master Anakian!" Finally the actuall Clone Wars, missles blazing throguh the sky, lasers razing the droids. It was great seeing so many differnt vehicles and weapons and droids. I mean, this is the best battle sequnce since the battle of hoth, and there was much more planned to it than that. Droid ship raids with Jedi, all out starfighter battle, imagine the deleted secnes when the dvd hits stores.

Jango Fett: Am I the only person on the planet who likes Jango cause of what he is? I feel sorry for him because all he wants to do is raise his son. Well, apparently that's not a good enough reason for Mace Windu not to cut his head off.

Connections: Boba Fett, the Death Star, early stormtroopers. These all connect with the origional triolgy. The Jedi Starfighter is an early version of the A-wing, and the walkers at the end, AT-ATs!

Character Resemblanses: Is it just me or does Captain Typho kinda look like Lando Calrissian? Just a thoguht

Jar Jar: Not so much jar jar! Lucas granted our wish! He still sounds stupid but he's not in every scene more like 5 scenes. And he saves them at the end but in about 3 years he'll have contributed to the destrution of the Jedi.

Ok now for some of the bad stuff:

Anikan and Padme: Too much lovey duvy stuff. They could have at least cut out the Meadow secne that explains about nothing. There were way too many love secnes.

Over all people need to give this movie more credit. I mean, at least is doesn't have some 9 year old who just there.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Outclassed by "Lord of the Rings"
Review: I really wanted this movie to be great (everyone did). But I was extremely disappointed to find the acting subpar (what a waste of talent!). Mcgregor and Jackson essentially did nothing! It was boring in parts, and yoda fighting was just comical. The CGI were good.
To be frank, The Lord of the Rings was everything I expected this movie to be-great plot, sense of evil, great effects, true emotion. The romance in clones was pretty wooden.
So I will not purchase this dvd, but I already bought Lord of the Rings. Call me a convert.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This was Great
Review: Randal R. Lombardo has it all wrong. I read him complaining and WHINING about Anakin. Duh doofis he has an inner conflict, he's angry, but he's trying to hold it in. George was letting you see the anger build inside of him, and in Episode 3 we'll see it explode. This is a back story, it sets the stage for the greater trilogy. Yoda didn't forget what he said in Empire Strikes back, He wasn't made aware of it yet, hence the name PREQUEL! They didn't forget anything. The Jedi are far to cocky and arrogant right now. The acting got better as the movie progressed, this is definately one of the better ones of this year. Stop attacking Lucas, the story isn't finished yet. We''l see the finished product after episode 3 and see how it all fits together. Remember it is one big story. Each episode is like a chapter in a book. The 2 is better than the 1, the 3 is better than the 2 etc... Give the guy a break. Stop trying to act like you know more about Star Wars than the creator himself. For you people who haven't seen it, If you liked Spiderman, or other Sci-fi films, this is for you. It is great movie either way, Some acting is kindof bad, but it gets better as is moves along. There isn't that much romance, but that's a good thing. See it and make your own oppinion. Don't listen to critics, they only movies they like are these little independent films that nobody wants to see. Ebert and Roper even ADDMITTED IT!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: My reaction to seeing this movie was similar to Luke's when he found out Darth Vadar was his father. In short, this movie was the absolute worst Star Wars movie for several reasons. First, the acting and actors were stiff and boring. Second, as any avid Star Wars fan knows, there were several mistakes in the movie condradicting what was clearly established previously. Third, not only is this movie boring and unexciting (except for the last battle) but it tries to make big heroes out of boring characters. I hope Episode III will be better, but I sincerely, SINCERELY doubt it.

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