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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Star Wars is officially dead
Review: I am a huge fan of the original trilogy, especially Empire Strikes Back, and will remain so. However, of the three originals, Return of the Jedi was the weakest, due mainly to the cutesy Ewoks. Perhaps the Ewoks foreshadowed what has become of the Star Wars franchise: a toy and video game marketing machine aimed at teens and below, and the mtv generation. Attack of the Clones was not only the worst of the Star Wars films, it is one of the worst films i've ever seen. Sure, some of the special effects were impressive, but not much else. CGI or not, this movie could easily be mistaken for a Muppets in Space sequel. If you look up the definition of "Sell Out" in the dictionary, you should see George Lucas's picture. It seems Lucas has sacrificed artistic vision in order to rule at the box office. Although box office numbers are not the true measure of a film, I'm still happy to see a film with a true artistic vision, Lord of the Rings, make more money than AOTC. A lot of Star Wars fans are still in denial, and I can understand where their coming from. After years of anticipation for a new Star Wars film, I wanted so badly to love Phantom Menace, that I convinced myself it was a decent movie. However, once i snapped out of it and looked at the film somewhat objectively, it really pales in comparison to the original trilogy. If you don't believe me, put in your Empire Strikes Back DVD, er, i mean VHS, right now and you will see how far superior it is to both TPM and AOTC in every possible way. I loved ESB and can watch it multiple times in a row. That's why I sincerely believe it is the true Star Wars fan who recognizes the greatness of the original trilogy and will refuse to taint them by fooling themselves into believing that TPM or AOTC are even close to their level, simply because the Star Wars name is attached to it. When the dvd's finally come out for the original trilogy, I will be the first in line. I have no plans on buying the TPM or AOTC dvd, and will pass on the third film. I'm sorry, but Yoda suddenly jumping around like a Street Fighter video game character does not make for a good film. I would have laughed at that scene if it wasn't so sad.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: O George Where Art Thou
Review: I saw this movie in the theater, and it was the first time that I have ever looked at my watch during any of the Star Wars movies. To bad it was only 20 minutes into the picture, but it felt like I had been there for 2 hours. What can I say about this movie; bad acting, bad love story, and the movie was way too long.

I think George Lucas needs to stop listening to the hype surrounding him, and find someone else to write and edit your scripts. The dialog in this movie is terrible.

I plan on buying this just to complete my collection, and then at least I can watch bits and pieces and watch it in 20 minutes :-).

For something far better watch The Fellowship of the Rings.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The best story ever... being told by a janitor
Review: I gave this movie three stars because it works well in the context of Phantom Menace. I'm a BIG Star Wars fan, and that lets me appreciate the story, but the movie itself fell flat. I remember years ago wondering why George Lucas didn't direct Empire or Jedi, and now I know. Lucas will always remain one of the best storytellers ever, but he should delegate the next movie to some other people; treat it like the first trilogy. That alone could save the three pre-quels.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Attack hit home!
Review: Yes! This is the movie Star Wars fans have been waiting for ever since that fateful year of 1977 when Mark Hamill asked Sir Alec Guiness "You fought in the Clone Wars?"
The movie is absolutely beautiful and entertaining, much more so than its predecesor, 1999 "The Phantom Menace". I also liked the former, but I personally thought it was a little to slow for my taste. But my criticism never reached the level of many others, who pretty much hated the movie, for various reasons. I personally thought the movie was a decent intro for further things to come, and my major complaint was that it was too slow,which i blamed on George Lucas the director, not George Lucas the writer, but as far as the story, I thought it was good.
Why do I bring this up? Because i think that Episode II is the complete oposite: fast paced, thrilling, yet... it has a few things that bother me... were the first chapter succeeded to avoid messing with the story of the original trilogy, this one fails: a) the story of Anakin was supposed to be tragic 'cause HE was a Jedi that turned his back on his beliefs and caused all that pain and suffering. HE was the pivotal character... now however,with the inclusion of Tyrannus, the tale of Anakin loses impact, as we find out that others did the same thing HE does, which is turning their backs on the Jedi and embrassing the Dark Side... that is, as far as i'm concerned, a major blow... b) and on the same vein: the tragedy on Obi Wan (my favorite character of the entire series) was watching how he failed to save his apprentice and friend and seeing him "die" when he turns to the Dark Side. Obi Wan (Ben, to be precise) Kenobi is tormented by his "failure" with Anakin, haunted by his "arrogance",and yet now we discover that he wasn't the only one who "failed". Our revered Master Yoda failed just like him, as his "old Padawan" (Dooku) also turns to the Dark Side.
c) I think the character of Dooku could have been used in much more inventive and effective ways, also playing the "Qui gon was my apprentice" card better... I could have been a REAL idealist, manipulated by Sidious (as opposed to him being his collaborator), and he should have been killed by Anakin, in an outburst of anger and agression of the Dark Side, forshadowing what is yet to come, but...
Anyway, I have many other complaints(that it's why i give it only 4 stars), but the bottom line is the film is absolutely magnificent as far as its entertainent value is concerned, and one can only expect that the additional footage will help improve an already extraordinaire piece of movie history. It is definitely worth the shot, whether you're a fan of the series or not. So ORDER NOW!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Star Wars Strikes Back
Review: 25 years ago in a galaxy not too far from ours.... STAR WARS became an American and worldwide phenomenon. A New Hope, from 1977, revolutionized the way that movies were made and stories were told. The movie was made in a cynical time (post-Vietnam) when many movies dealt with mistrust of the government and traditional structures. The AFI ranks Star Wars as the #15 movie all time for good reason. What I think is scary is that The Empire Strikes Back isn't on the AFI list, but I strongly feel that Empire is a deeper and more powerful film that the original masterpiece. The Return of the Jedi is a phenominal movie, but it doesn't compare to Episodes IV and V. My point here to all Prequel bashers is that the original trilogy is what is it because of the great story, the cutting edge special effects (each movie was always on the cutting edge), and the charismatic characters. The prequels are not as good in the minds of most people because the story is setting up the climactic chapters IV-VI, hence the story is still building, and because most people go out and see XXX and every other ... movie that has amazing effects. Attack of the Clones effects are superior to any other cgi films to date, but not by as much as the original films were at their time. In other words, we aren't as blown away by the effects (and we miss Darth Vader). The acting and dialogue in some parts of the movie make me embarassed for liking this movie, and the love story between Anakin and Padme is almost as poor as Pearl Harbor's love story. However, the love element is essential for this movie (they need to get down and conceive Luke & Leia), but not enough time in the movie could be devoted to it because of the importance of other parts of the story. The great Han/Leia romance from the original trilogy had 6 hours of movie time to develop, whereas this one had about two hours to develop while there's a civil war in the works and Anakin's out looking for Mommy and killing sand people. I just say hey, it's part of the story, and it's a great story. At it's completion in 2005, the Star Wars Saga should go down as the greatest story told in the last 200 years. If you don't know about or care about the story of the Star Wars saga, skip this movie because you won't like it at all. If you really to appreciate the story alone, then this is one of the best movies to come out in the last few years. Final Note: The writing for the love story ..., but the writing behind how Palpatine rises to power and takes the prodigal son of the Jedi and turns him against the Jedi is fantastic.
Just think, if you appreciate this film, then you'll appreciate Episode III all that much more. III will have Darth Vader make his first screen appearance with new material in 22 years. Can't wait.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best I've seen so far!
Review: It takes alot of good acting skills to get a part in Star Wars. I've never seen better chemistry bewteen two top actors like I seen with Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portmen. Both Hayden and Natalie have been known for troubled teen like Hayden played a troubled drug user in life as a house.Natalie played a abdoned pregnant teen in where the heart is. But in both stories the ending was good for both.

In this story,Anakin Skywalker(Hayden Christensen)is back again,not like the mophead that we saw in Menace,but a strapping heartthrob. Padme' is a senator who is still representing her world in the galantic senate. The future parents of Luke and Leia have met ten yrs. later. At first it was friendship but when she id thretend,Anakin must protect her from a bounty killer. They go into hiding in Naboo. Standing on the balcony of Padme's home their love starts to bloom. There are other things about the story but the birth of Luke&Leia has not happend yet. Here's something important Anakin's evil has start to stir but all star wars fans know that he wouldn't take it out on his new wife and his future children. In other words great story with great acting. I'de give it 5 stars.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Send in the clones
Review: If you haven't seen this movie, don't read this review, it has spoilers.

I was not disappointed with this movie, I knew it was going to be the worst star wars movie ever. Lucas has lost his touch ever since the rerelease of episodes 4, 5, and 6.

There are many discrepencies in the force:
In the first half of the movie, Obi Won and Annie (hate his nickname! gag!) are flying through heavy traffic chasing down an assasin. Annie jumps and lands on a car 800 meters under him using his "force sence powers." Yes... he's shown as being that powerful, but later, he can't even win in a fight with a geriatric Count Goku.
Also, the main plot is that Count Goku is creating a rebellion against the empire so that Lord Sidious can create his army and become empereror. Plot wise this doesn't work because Count Goku is really working for the emperor. So the emperor destroys not one army, but both of the most powerful armies in the galaxy, both of which belong to him!
If Lucas had kept Goku on the good side, it would have been 5 times better, then we would have a true resistance against the evils of the galaxy. Not so!

This is a shamble of a movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: As far as I'm concerned, "Attack of the Clones" is the best of the Star Wars movies. This is no "brainless" blockbuster like so many others these days. The characters are multi-dimensional and the plot is NOT simplistic. This is a family-friendly movie that both adults and kids can watch together and both enjoy tremendously. George Lucas has been able to create a series of movies that appeal to all generations of people from all walks of life. "Clones" will certainly solidify Lucas as one of the greatest and most influential filmmakers of our time.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Now mediocre SW films outnumber good ones.
Review: September 2, 2002

After seeing 'Attack Of The Clones' in May, I fired off an
e-mail to my best friend, pleading with him to not see it,
calling the film "an utter disaster." Mostly, I think that opinion
still holds. As a theatre experience, "Clones" is awful: overlong,
stiff, and rambling. However, it rates three stars as a DVD
purchase, partly because the non-fans I know say they
enjoyed it a bit more than "Menace", but also because:

'Clones' is NOT a movie. It's a TELEVISION movie.

Maybe it's all the freedom permitted by video tinkering and
endless reshoots, but 'Clones' doesn't seem like a chapter
in the Star Wars saga, so much as the video game cut-scene
counterfeit of one. And the fauls of that approach (the
poor pacing, the stiff characterizations) will dwindle
significantly in home viewing. DVD owners will be left of
plenty of cool action scenes to watch, and background detail
to dissect. In this, 'Clones' seems to be following the trend,
because the same can be said for a lot of hit movies over
the last ten years.

Still, this is the weakest of the Star Wars movie scripts
so far, with Lucas more interested in dotting his galactic
'i's and crossing his mythic 't's than in solving two
wandering first acts, a climax that seems to exist in thin
air, and characters largely incapable of charming each
other, much less us. Lucas has always considered editing
and post-production to be his greatest strengths as a
filmmaker (and, along with his instinct for concept, they
are) but there's no post-production artist alive capable
of making a great film out of principal footage this formless
and unconvincing.

If for no other reason than its ambitious nature and
because Lucas still seems to be able to infuse his movies
with an old-fashioned charm that I find refreshing,
"Clones" sits on the same shelf as "Menace" (which lacks
personality) and "Jedi" (which lacks energy). Lightsabers
still go "schwarrrp!" and blasters go "choo!" and I know
I'll be watching the DVD plenty, even though it was an
awful disappointment in the theatre.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Lets all go watch Monty Python...
Review: As yet another in the legions of Star Wars fans, I have come to defend/attack/love/hate Attack of the Clones. As many of you are aware, Star Wars is entirely George Lucas' creation, and therefore what we all decide should have been done or not done is all rather a moot point--we went and spent our money to view it anyway, so just relax. First, to attack (how it pains me to do so): AOTC was, yes George, was hard to watch for her lack of passion and clever dialogue/actions that so filled ANH through ROTJ; I may be a Natalie Portman fan, but she was stiff--very stiff--throughout most of the movie, and Hayden Christensen could only save the day. This goes a long way, but in the end is the only real weak point in the film. I'll explain: to say it lacks because its only a love story--that was what it was SUPPOSED to be, a movie detailing how Anakin and Padme fall inescapably in love and how it will eventually ruin him. To expect a shoot-em-up thriller from wire to wire is silly, and only those more ignorant than George W. Bush could do so. The film did as it was intended--and VERY WELL, if you are able to look past some of the acting/directing and watch the movie for what it is, not what it isn't. It took the debacle that was TPM and tied it ever so gently into the original trilogy, leaving little doubt as to what will come to play in those first three movies--just like it was supposed to. And to overlook the performances turned in by Hayden Christenson and Ewan McGregor because you're hung up on Natalie's acting and George's directing is just asinine. Plus, the special effects were again top of the line, the best I've seen in a while, what we've come to expect from Star Wars. So, when its all said and done, AOTC is a very worthy film, and one worth watching multiple times (as I did), so go and find out for yourselves, instead of listening to us babble unceasingly. Go on, now. You'll thank me later.

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