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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: SOOOOOO MUCH Better than Episode One.
Review: Yoda rocks! If you were dissapointed with Episode One then relax! Here is a much better film. Yoda kicks ... in this one. I don't really think that there is much more to say than that.
Oh yeah, Christopher Lee is excellent as the Count and Ewan is looking more and more like Alec everyday and proves yet again that his is the only correct choice for the role as Obi. And Yoda KICKS ... IN THIS ONE!
The action is incredible. Mace Windu played by Sammy L. finally gets to swing a blade and the Fett family are finally back in full effect.
Did I mention that Yoda KICKS ... IN THIS ONE!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Lucas strikes back!!!
Review: The first time I saw Episode II I was thrilled. I've always loved Star Wars (the old trilogy) but when Episode I was released I sort of lost faith in the Star Wars Saga. However... I think Attack Of The Clones made up for it all...big time! This is the best movie I've ever seen. The story is so intense, with all the battles, the love-story (sure, it's a lot of cliché, but that's what young inexperienced love is all about) and last but not least; the political struggle for power. A lot of people prefered Lord Of The Rings, but I don't. Compared to Episode II, Lord of the Rings is dull, boring and not very thrilling. There is no emotional tension between the characters in Lord of the Rings, well a little bit but not in the same way. In Lord of the Rings it's also like: "OK, let's put all the bad guys on this side of the stage and all the good guys on that side of the stage, put a rush on that people, we don't want the audience to actually think". In Episode II, there is corruption, lies and double-playing. Nothing is the way it originally seemed to be. I think this movie deserves 5 stars.... I've seen Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones, and I can't wait to see it again!

// Andreas Cambrand

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Spectacle of Awe and Wonder!
Review: Star Wars II proved to be enormously entertaining to me, as well as to practically all of the people in the theater that I viewed it with.

The first action scene involving the chase of the assasin by the 2 Jedi through the city at night was excellent. The tension of that scene was sustained for such an extended period of time that I was almost exhausted by the time the chase ended, allowing me to relax - but not for long! This movie is chock full of imaginative, spectacular action.

SW-II also contains the kind of first-class special effects that sci-fi lovers crave. The plethora of eye candy and ear candy are rendered with complete mastery. The sound track also provides the superb emotional support that we've come to expect from maestro John Williams.

If I have any complaint about the movie, it's that there isn't enough of it! I would love to see Samuel Jackson's character filled out a lot more - after all he is a very strong and capable actor. At least Ewan McGregor is given considerably more script to work with here and he does it very well. I really like the way he is playing the young yet maturing Obi Wan. I might also nitpick about minor inperfections in some CGI effects, the sometimes leaden dialog, and the lack of buccaneer spirit that enlivened the first trilogy (provided largely by Harrison Ford). Well no movie is perfect and SW-II delivers far more than other films of this genre.

I came away with the impression that George Lucas worked his heart out to provide a superior entertainment experience for loyal Star Wars fans. That goal was accomplished in my opinion. Unfortunately he continues to be hounded by overzealous critics who, if given a camera, couldn't successfully film a 10 year old's birthday party. Everyone is entitled to one's own opinion of course, but giving SW-II a one star rating seems completely unwarranted.

Keep up the great work Mr. Lucas! I warmly recommend that viewers see this movie and I anticipate the release of the 3rd of this series.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Take it for what it is
Review: For those of you who are bashing this movie are bashing it for the wrong reasons. I do agree with two complaints: Yoda was comedic when he did the Neo from the Matrix (waving his hand to tell him to bring it on), and the Tuskin camp scene was cut way too short. Other than that there is not a huge villan because if you have read the material for the back stories and not just seen the movies then you know that the Sith do not want to expose themselves until they need to and Palpatine has to remain in the shadows because he is not finished his rise to power. Anakin-Darth Vader is only beginning to let anger take him over. The Republic was peaceful, hense the no great drama of villans. The love scenes are a big complaint but let me see a jedi is not supposed to love and because the code forbids him to marry Padme' he will break away from the Good Side. Episode III will be so much better for those who can not let go of the original series comparison because it will tie everything together. The prequel is not supposed to be as dramatic as EPS 4,5,6 because it lacks the empire.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the gratest yet
Review: I love this one .Gorge lucus did a great job .even if poeple compen and give one star ratings becuse they could under stand the story .Crup poeple don't under stand a story that the villan are just as curp as they .But I could under stand some what .The charters where quite realistic at least I think so .Poeple say the actor doing anaken was troable .I thought he did a good job .The charter he play was quite believeable .Poeple are to used for movies made for them in every way .But when some one finds out what is ture eivl and put in a movie for a vilan and says if just little evil your black as night there is no gray .only white or black.Boy some poeple get up set .

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Loved It...
Review: I thought this was a great movie. It was a little different than the first ones, but hey, this was showing how Anikan began his descent into the dark side. It did just that. I don't see why so many people are complaining. To me, it was a lot better than Episode 1. I'm [age], so I also liked the romantic interest of it, the movie being a youthful romance. Also, it had some funny parts. I liked this movie so much, I went back to the theatre a second time to see it. I give this movie 5 stars. A must see!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Did anybody really see "Attack of the Clones"?
Review: "AOTC" was with out a doubt the best offering in the Star Wars Prequels. Anybody who trashed this film in my opinion did'nt really take notice to greatness of this film. When I saw it on it's opening night it "TOTALLY" blew me away. All of the unanswered questions are starting to be answered. George Lucas and the brillant people who put this masterpiece togther know that this film was the best so far. So to all of the non-believers out there should have their heads examined. If you hated this film wait until Episode III is released, and will will see who has the last laugh. Comparing the prequels to the originals is a total injustice! Brian from Philadelphia, PA.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Asking for a gasp
Review: My feelings about this movie are best summed up, I think, by the fact that I'm considering NOT buying it on DVD. This realization astounds me in that five years ago I was looking forward to sitting down with six VHS tapes of Star Wars movies and making a day of it. Where has Lucas gone since then? From Average to Worse in my opinion.

The Phantom Menace, while not a great movie by any stretch of the imagination, still has replay value for me. I wasn't offended by Jar-Jar as most people were, and I can plant my butt on the couch and watch the whole movie from start to finish without any qualms. But this movie? I don't know... I don't think I can sit through dialog that terrible again. I've seen bad films in my time and sniggered and rolled my eyes at more than a few clunker lines and plot-missteps, but the dialog between Padme and Anakin!? I'm not a man who heckles at films (or uses the dreaded exlamation point-question mark combination), but Attack of the Clones had me entertaining the rest of the large opening weekend audience with my spontaneous incredulity. I couldn't help myself. Things were coming out of my mouth and I couldn't stop them, the worst part was... nobody told me to shut up because I was infinitely more interesting than Attack of the Clones.
Sure, the technology is sparkling, the view of unadulterated digital filming is crisp from row fifteen and back, and the fight scenes are thrilling, but that accounts for, at most, a quarter of a film experience in my book. The passion of a script, it's truth and relevency, has far greater impact than any image money can buy. People will argue that Attack of the Clones is fun, much more fun than Episode 1 and far closer to the magic of the pre-postquels, but along with the fun battles was a world of driven plot with consequences to lost limbs and falls from speeding desert rovers, where forbidden loves titilated (this one made me rather queezy), and snappy dialog was written out of character need not comic need.
There's an old actor's anecdote about Noel Coward. He was acting in a play and every night when he asked the leading lady for a cup of tea, the audience laughed. But then, about halfway through the run of the play, the audience stopped laughing at that moment, and no matter what he tried, he couldn't get even a titter out of them. He decided to ask the actress for advice to which she simply said, "Darling, instead of asking for a laugh, try asking for a cup of tea."
I feel that this is what Attack of the Clones boils down to: Mr. Lucas has been getting gasps by telling a story, now he's getting yawns by telling us gasps.
And yet, there is a part of me which sincerely wants to want to own this movie, the same part of me that wants to see Episode 3, the same part that glances furtively at the shelves of action figures and remembers the childhood excitement.
I advise you, if you haven't seen this movie because you've been traveling Antarctica since May, to rent before you buy (or shell out 20 bucks on an IMAX "experience"), because this Star Wars movie is no sure thing.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Re: A viewer from Ohio (posted Sept 9 02)
Review: Please don't use Episode II in the same sentence as LOTR and Spiderman.

The only good thing about Episode II is that you can start to connect a bridge between these new movies back to the old ones. Hayden Christenson's dialogue is an X-Wing Fighter wreck. The writing in these new movies is pathetic. Totally shallow and cookie cutter and trite.

I wonder who's decision it was to sacrifice dialogue for upgraded special effects? Speaking of special effects, these new movies have regressed from the originals. The old skool models were perfect. Now we get billions of tiny little ships, flying through "futuristic" cities. What crap. Whoever did this to these movies, I'd like to kick him in the pants.

Oh, and WHY NOT BE CRITICS? I can call crap when I see it, regardless of who wrote it or what franchise it is.

Bottom line: AOTC is a notch above Phantom Menace... However, you can't really get much worse than Phantom Menace, so that is not saying much.

Ok, Bri, so you've convinced me not to buy this, but should I rent it instead if I've never seen it?

No. Rent Spiderman or LOTR if you want to see a recent movie where CGI was used properly or to see good writing. If you want a great space movie, rent 2001... Sick movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Weapons grade entertainment.
Review: Tired of Ugly bin LAden on the news and why we can star wars is the best film franchise ever. Face it.

Every other Sci-Fi film rides in the wake Lucas made when he jumped into the pool. Totally wigged out on special features, which is what we expect from the master.

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