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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: What a stinker. No chemistry between the stars.
Review: ...
AND PLEASE...Someone tell me what is the purpose for SAMUEL L. JACKSON?? All he does is walk around "looking concerned", but I can't quite figure out WHO or WHAT he adds to these films. The original trilogy with outdated special effects are classic. These modern day versions with great sfx will easily be forgotten. Yoda is the only good part.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Under Appreciated, Star Wars II is best since Empire!
Review: This is the third best of the 5 Star Wars films, it's the film we wanted to see, but the reviewers won this round. They couldn't stop Episode I, but they did hurt this one. Even friends of mine that love Star Wars became jaded over the scripts dialogue. The dialogue in all the Star Wars films is campy, but in 2002 it didn't work for today's more "sophisticated" reviewers. This film is a non-stop action adventure for every age. You had to see it in digital projection to appreciate it though. So here's the chance for everyone to see and hear this film digitally the way it was meant to be seen!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Pass on it
Review: I too am a big fan of Star Wars however not a fanatical one that will say anything is great no matter how crummy. The love scenes were like a page from a bad romance novel..they should have been discreet and the dialogue less sappy. Also Hayden Christenson was only ok as Anakin, he seemed unable to truly portray the passion and conflict Anakin would have experienced. Admit it..the scene where he was having a nightmare was the worst acting you have seen.

The audience would laugh at many points during the movie where you weren't supposed to laugh. The fight scene at the end barely saved it and even then it was inferior to the fight scene in Phantom Menace. We knew things were going downhill when they "redid" the originals and not in a good way. I still have high hopes for the third movie but Attack of the Clones is the weakest out of the entire Star Wars series.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Very disappointed
Review: I'm a fan of the older Star Wars movies and I really have to say how disappointed I am of this movie. This wasn't the Lucas I expected. Where are the brilliant "Han Solo" expresions? Where are the details of the story?
There's one thing that makes the three first movies unique, and that is the care they took to make things apear real with so limited tools. But it looks better than the computer generated spaceships with little or no detail.
The music wasn't that good also. It looks as if they didn't have time to work on it and started making a mix of every theme they had in the previous movies.
There are things that doesn't make sense in the story, like 3PO working with Anakin's mother (and Owen and Beru Lars) and they didn't remember him when they bought him a second time.
Jedi are not as great and powerful as I expected and battle sequences weren't as good as Phantom Menace ones. I'm even starting to think that Phantom Menace was better.
What has become of the Lucas I admired?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Silence all you cynics...
Review: All you would be cynics out there who rush up to be first in line to bash this movie and its creator I say 'shame on you!!' To me, giving a review to a star wars movie is like proof reading the constitution.
To sum it all up, George Lucas and whatever creative team he assembles, will never be able to live up to the name Star Wars. He can add to it all he wants, but he'll never re-create it and could never take away from it. To hold up the new trilogy to the old trilogy is really unfair as it would be unfair to anything we hold up to it.
Above all, he's created excitement, an overall good feeling. The excitement created could be felt when you used to pray for a toy commercial just to catch a glimpse of which toys you could use in your own intergalatic civil war. To me, the day Jedi came out in 1983, was bigger than christmas.
I stood in line for 13 hours in 97 degree temperatures to see a midnight showing of Episode I. And all things considered was really blown away. I stood in line with a friend in Chicago for 4 hours in 32 degree temperature to buy a ticket to Monsters Inc. just to see the Trailer. THE TRAILER!!! And when I got up to walk out of Monsters Inc. We weren't alone.
I was working at a small theater in Mo. at the time of this movie's release and I'll never forget the feeling of dread I had to have to tell small children that they would have to come back tomorrow because we had sold out. From their response, you'd think someone told them that they weren't going to have a birthday this year. But to actually see people lined up 4 and 5 hours in advance was almost a bit comforting to know that its not just me who feels this way. And these people were standing in the rain and there was no where else they'd rather be.
"But what about Jar Jar" or "Jar Jar ruined everything!" you say? Well, ya know what? I hated Jar Jar too. Still do, but hey, the ewoks always annoyed me and I love Jedi. Heck, Empire is my favorite one and 40% of it is Mark Hamill running around with a puppet voiced by Frank Oz. There were parts of the old trilogy that all of us can do without, granted they were few and far between but there still there.
As for episode II, Loved it. It was worth the wait from Episode I. George really outdid himself. Ewan McGregor is a [tough guy] picking up where Alec Guiness left off, I think he has raised his status as an actor entirely. Natalie Portman is stunning and Brilliant.
So for all the would be nay sayers who think that the sky is falling. Sit down, fetch out your old Princess Leia's (If your sister didn't pull the heads off) pull up a chair,be a kid again. And Stop your dam nit picking!! I sit comfortably knowing that Jar Jar is only in this one for 4 minutes and 13 seconds so that leaves 2hrs 16 minutes of Wow left to look at. I promise, it'll be ok!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Worst film ever made
Review: This is the most horrible film I have ever seen. It was so boring that my wife actually fell asleep during it. I managed to stay awake, but I would have been better off following her example. I'd better give a few reasons as to why I thought it was so bad :

It has so much CG that it is like watching a cartoon. It's impossible to associate with the characters because they are so badly written. They don't have anything to do that's interesting. I hated Anakin because he was so dull, was bored to death by Obi Wan because he had nothing to do, which is a tragic waste. But then he didn't have much to do in PM either, so at least the filmmakers are consistent. Mace Windu was just a big ballet dancer in Jedi robes. He would have been better with a handbag than a lightsabre. The only one who was interesting was Padme, and that was because she was such a contradiction. For example, she says to Anakin 'We can't have a romatic relationship' then squeezes herself into a kinky little number and sits him next to a log fire. That got a lot of laughs actually. She also did a great Julie Andrews impersonation in one scene as she ran up a hill. Then Anakin rode a giant tick for some reason. It was a funny sequence all in all. ...P>In summing up : turn that frown upside down and watch the original movies instead. Avoid this tripe.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Get with it
Review: I have one more thing to state. I was looking through the reviews and saw someone referr to Padme as the Princess. Was he asleep during the film or what?

I also did go with another person who went and got only so much out of it that the girl's life was in danger, the guy was after the girl, there was a big battle and the guy gets the girl in the end. He didn't even recognize the struggle of how the affair between Padme and Anakin was forbidden, or anything about the beginning of a Clone Wars.

Like I said about the repeated viewing. 1. Star Wars NEEDS repeated viewing. You need to figure out who the characters are, what planet they are from, etc and its all in the film, its just a lot to take in at once.

So if you're going to sit there thinking just about "hey well these characters are falling in love, but their diolgue sucks" rather than pay attention beyond that point, then its not going to do any good.

Things you need to have figured out by ep 1: What is a Jedi Knight? What is a Jedi Master? What is a Padawan Learner (were you even paying attention to the term Padawan Learner or do you just think there are these guys marching around with swords that glow calling themselves Jedi). What is the Republic? How is it organized? How is the battle of Naboo affecting the Republic?

Then you must know who the key characters are that are introduced.
1. Padme/Queen Amidilia (I also recommend you rewatch ep 1 and figure out when her decoy is walking around in the queen's Garmits and when it is actually Padme in the Queen's garmits. They actually used two seperate girls. Hint: The decoy only wears two of the queen's garmits)
2. Anakin Skywalker
3. Shmi Skywalker
4. Qui Gon Jinn
5. Obi Wan Kenobi
6. Jar Jar Binks may be annoying, but you must at least understand what his role in the movie is and that the Gungains (you better know what a Gungain is) and Nabooians attitude toward each other change, starting with the Queen's/Padme's respect for Jar Jar.
7. Watto
8. Yoda (we know him from the original, but you need to understand a bit of his rank in the Jedi)
9. Mace Windu (need to understand a little bit of his rank)

If its been a long time since you've seen the original, or you've never seen it, I would say that the first impression completely depends on your attention span to the dialogue (besides the fact that its style is written more to convey different themes rather than as much attention to characterization).

If all you got out of Phantom was: two guys with cool swords go down to a planet with a bunch of funky robots who can't fight, meet an annoying character, take the queen on a space ship with them, go to a desert planet, meet an annoying little boy, go to a graphic city planet where a few boring scenes happen that basically mean that the boy might be bad and the queen went to the planet for nothing and decides to go home, then whip back into space, have a war, chase people in a castle, and have a cool battle scene with a guy that looks like the devil, then have a celebration sequence, then I'm telling you REWATCH IT. It wasn't exciting because you don't know what's happening. But then again, maybe the story is just too complex for you to handle?

Kids will enjoy it more because even though they only see the surface, they enjoy the visual stuff and it keeps them watching. While I think as adults, we tend to sit through it expecting to get out of it what we got out of the original on our 50th time of watching it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great for repeated watching
Review: Star Wars is Star Wars. From a distant point of view, it seems rather cold and simplistic.

I don't remember the first time I saw Star Wars. The original was out before I was even born and I was only 2 years old when Return of the Jedi came out. I grew up watching it on video. I remember trying to get my little brother to watch it with me, and it wasn't until Darth Vader stepped out onto the scene that he got hooked.

But I think its true to say this. Our memories of our childhood experiences with Star Wars is flawed. I mean, at least when I was little, if you rented a movie, you had to watch it at least 5 times before returning it, and with the movies you'd own, you'd watch it till you were standing up with your siblings, daydreaming and jumping around saying line by line what each character was saying and then you'd daydream about it more.

I may be pathetic, but I've discovered with Star Wars, with any of them, that you can continue the tradition of repeatively watching any one of the episodes. I can't even do that with movies I've found thrilling the first time through and admired for the style and technique.

STar Wars is meant for repeated watching, which isn't that the point of owning them?

I enjoyed my first time watching Ep 2 much more than I did Episode 1. I've seen it twice so far and like all the Star Wars movies, it gets better each time. I wholeheartedly recommend watching the extras on the DVD, they help you to understand more of the story. The movies have more debth to them than it may seem.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is Star Wars...
Review: 25 years ago when Star Wars IV was released it was a kid's movie, and we were kids. It was exciting, fun, and exhilarating, with special effects that put all other movies of the time to shame and opened our imaginations to possibilities we had not yet fathomed. Today Episode's I and II are KID movies, but we have grown up and this taints your views. My kids, who are the same age now I was when I saw the first Star Wars love these movies for the same reasons we did, we just forgot what those reasons were. The story is great, it is still exciting, exhilarating and fun, and again the special effects put everything else to shame (for now). However, now we are old enough to see the flaws in dialogue and (OH MY GOSH!) characters made for kids. Because as we all know, ewoks, R2D2, and jawas are all really adult intellectual characters and some of the deepest conversations ever caught on film were those between Leia and Luke or Han and Chewie. Grow up people, and let yourself enjoy these movies as if you were still a kid, because this is where they are great.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Movie, better book!
Review: I know the first you everyone says is how disappointed they were with this movie. I personally really liked the movie. The only thing I thought that was disappoiting about it was that they left out alot of the important stuff from the book. It did leave alot of important information out that would have made it better. Most of the people who tell you how bad this movie is, are the ones that stood in line like 10 hours to see it. If you liked Episode 1 you should like this one just as much.

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