Rating:  Summary: All time low... Review: I had always thought I would never in my lifetime see a worse movie made than Batman and Robin, well this movie proved me wrong. It took a special kind of ... to surpass Batman and Robin but Mr. Neilson managed to pull it off. Leslie Nielsen has hit new all time lows and he has nobody to blame but himself for this ... fest. Next time anyone from this movie has any sort of clearance to make another movie please, please just take the alotted funds and donate them to charity. Thank You!
Rating:  Summary: The horror... the horror... Review: I saw it on TV a few years ago... or, should I say, I barely survived trying to watch it. This is, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the worst non-comedy I have ever seen. I did not even *smile* once. I had a wide range of feelings - I felt repulsed, bored, puzzled (wondering if Leslie Nielsen even bothered to look at the "script" before agreeing to shoot it) and annoyed, but not a single feeling was positive.The fact that this celluloid garbage was apparently made in Germany tells a lot, and, indeed, most of the "humor" is typical of what you can see on German TV/"comedies" - i.e. it consists of flatulence and sex "jokes" that would make a 12 year old groan and roll eyes. I suspect, however, that even lovers of this kind of "amusement" would be bored by this imbecilic rigmarole. There is only one funny thing about this "film" - and it's nowhere in it. This, for a change, amusing note is the fact that Leslie Nielsen recently referred to this dreadful junk in an interview and called it his worst film ever, mentioning that he "had a horrible time shooting it". I feel for you, Mr Nielsen, but I can assure you of one thing - however horrible that time was, it could not have been any worse than the pain of watching this mess on any screen. Hadn't you even *asked* anyone for a summary of the "script" before you decided to participate in this spectacle of psychological torture?
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good Review: I saw this on Comedy Central and it was OK. The plot was lame. However, the comedy was sort of good, despite the fact that Nealson was the same law enforcement agent he has always been. In my opinion, it was only good because of the comedy it included. Other than that, there is nothing really good about it.
Rating:  Summary: Lame Review: I saw this on Comedy Central expecting Leslie Nielsen to be funny. He wasn't. Really weak writing!!!
Rating:  Summary: Leslie Nielson will do anything for a paycheck Review: I saw this on Comedy Central. The plot seems to be something about an alien invasion and Leslie Nielson plays the same character he has played in every movie since "Police Academy", deadpan earnest authority figure completely clueless about reality and his impact on others. The editing is really choppy and makes every scene hard to follow. Incoherent garbage.
Rating:  Summary: Poor plot, poor acting, and poor, poor Leslie Nielsen Review: I think my title about sums it up. Whatever happened to the man who excelled in 'Police Squad', starred in 'The Naked Gun', and made us laugh in 'Airplane'? I've always been a big fan of Leslie Nielsen, but the latest few flicks I've seen that starred him make me want to grab my 'The Naked Gun' boxed set and see if I'm truly watching the same man. And just when you thought things could not get worse than 'Dracula, Undead and loving it' or 'Wrongfully Accused', 'A Space Travesty' comes along. Nielsen seems a shadow of the man he used to be. Of course, in this flick the script isn't exactly helping, the jokes are plain lame, the rest of the cast performs poorly, and a flock of the worst lookalikes ever (including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Bush Senior, Madonna, Hulk Hogan, The Three Tenors, and Prince) don't exactly help. Even the 'jokes' in the end credits are poor. PLEASE, PLEASE, can the old AZA clique be reunited so that Nielsen can shine again as he once did? Nielsen showed himself to be an excellent actor, that unfortunatly just cannot save a movie by himself...
Rating:  Summary: Eh... Review: i'm not sure exactly what has been happening to leslie neilsen lately. it's hard to imagine that his taste has become so poor, but it's even harder to imagine he made a movie like this for the 'art.' the comedy here is juvenile even for one of his movies. everything just sort of seems flopped together without any real concern for making a coherent parody. the acting is poor as well. bombs like this make me long for the days of 'the naked gun' or even 'spy hard' for that matter. hopefully he'll get out of this rut and give us something better the next time around.
Rating:  Summary: Lost in Space Review: It was certainly a travesty paying good money for this dodo. I bought this DVD primarily due to Leslie Nielson and wished that I hadn't. Right from the start from the poor send up of Dirty Harry sending his car through the store window to the end this is not funny. This ground is not new having already been covered by the excellent Spaceballs, but this pales in comparison. Some of the tricks of Spaceballs are apparent as there are representatives of different movie life-forms among the aliens. Try as I might I cannot find anything positive to say about this movie. Leslie Nielson does not need the damage to his reputation. On the front cover the blurb says 'the most outer spaced-out comedy ever'. Clearly the author of that remark is spaced out on something and is not an astronaut. The only good thing about this movie is that it leads one to revisit Nielson's past glories.
Rating:  Summary: Very dissappointing Review: Leslie Nielsen is usually a very funny comedic actor, but "2001: A Space Travesty" is exactly what its name says: a travesty of acting, writing and directing.
Rating:  Summary: Do the Times Affect Our Sense of Humor? Review: Most of the previous reviewers of this film are split into two extreme camps: loved it or hated it, even those that have been long-standing fans of Leslie Nielsen. I've enjoyed his past films, including some that are serious, and I enjoyed this one largely because at present I happen to be interested in the concept of PARODIES. Obviously a four- or five-star rating of a parody does not mean the same thing as a similar rating of an adventure film, a romance film, a tragic film, or whatever. This film is more of a scatter-gun parody of science fiction films, whereas Mel Brooks's SPACEBALLS was more of a rifle-shot parody of Lucas's STAR WARS. And both kinds of parodies "require" several things of their viewers if optimum enjoyment to be received: (a) a fairly detailed prior knowledge of the film(s) being parodied, (b) the patience to tolerate a wide range of jokes of wide-ranging quality (some pretty lame; some even deceased), and (c) an ability to get silly and laugh at silly things (including, often, potty humor). In this case, while (a) and (b) may have been problems for some people, I suspect that a number of viewers were not able get in the mood because of the "times" we're living in--deeply anxious and depressing ones, for a wide variety of reasons I DON'T need to list. I personally did not notice any lessening of Nielsen's ability to perform goofy comedy, nor did I think the script was inferior to other parodies he's been in. Further, Ophélie Winter struck me as a delightful plus to the cast: without her, I'd have rated the film just three stars. Soooo-if you're in a horrible mood, don't expect this film to be your ticket to escape to happy La-la Land. It MAY be that, but don't count on it. Like a lot of goofy films, it's best seen at home with friends or family, so the jokes can be shared, replayed, discussed, explained, etc. together-AND with comfort-food snacks and (perhaps) a six-pack o'beer or a bottle of cheap sweet wine to help you meet the silliness halfway. Peace on Earth.