Rating:  Summary: Better than your average action movie. Review: The Matrix is a refreshingly different kind of film, in that it does not abide to the by-the-numbers antics of most other action flicks, which only try to dazzle a viewer with explosions and gunfire. The Matrix does unfortunately have all of that, but there is also a backbone to the carnage. The story is not the most original, and the Wachowski brothers seem more eager to show fight scenes (the martial arts battles ARE mind-boggling) and mayham rather than continue developing their story. There are many visuals here that might remind some viewers of scenes from Terminator 2, Dark City, and other films as well. In fact, The Matrix was filmed in Sydney where Dark City was, and actually re-uses some of the sets, including the giant stairs and rooftop. The plot is somewhat similar to Dark City, but not entirely. The Matrix isn't simply a dirivitive action movie. The plot is entertaining, if not very original or involving. There are two sequels on the way. Hopefully they will continue to enrich the story and further it along instead of simply exploiting all of the ground-breaking effects which this chapter introduced, like so many movies and TV shows are doing now. Come to think of it, do we really need the sequels? I think the ending to this one put a lid on things nicely.
Rating:  Summary: Simply The Best Review: An intense plot, incredible music, extraordinary acting and stunning visuals are combined to create one of the most impressive science fiction movies out there. While the visuals are, for lack of a better word, simply awesome, the reason this movie was so popular was because of the philosophical plot. You only really start to understand the great number of metaphors the second time through (unless, of course, someone spoiled the main plot prior to your first viewing). As juvenile as it seems, the action scenes themselves are so impressive that even if a decent story was lacking from the movie (which is most certainly not true) it would still be worth a viewing. The amazing soundtracks add so much to the intense, suspense filled movie. And all of this has not even come close to scratching the surface. This Matrix will leave anyone in awe.
Rating:  Summary: If You Are An Anarchist, SEE THIS MOVIE! Review: This is the first movie to ever discuss Anarchist philosophy! The ending of the movie seemed to be an anarchist manifesto:I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. 'You' being the State. The theme of the movie is obvious through the script. Though this movie is somewhat about perception of reality, the Matrix represents how people are unaware of the world around them. The humans being used as batteries seems to be a lot like taxation. Hackers are glorified as heroes, and federal agents are the representation of evil.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: Some people only look at the brilliant graphics displayed in this movie, but most fail to realize the new idea introduced here. Suggested in the movie is that our world is a computer program used to keep us under control and keep us confined. Only one man can alter and destroy the Matrix as he saw it. Such was Keanu Reeves, a hacker and a program writer for a respectable software company. He is beheld by a man named Morpheus, a saint, sent to destroy the matrix. Neo realizes that he is not only fighting for the salvation of the world, but for his very existence and his pride.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: Great special effects, breathtaking, really worth watching 10 times at leasst
Rating:  Summary: Good Sci-Fi Philosophy/Comic Book Action film Review: It steals from many comic books, and may receive a lawsuit for that soon, but it's a greatly entertaining film, I can't wait for the sequels, to see Keanu, the superhero fly. You've gotta own this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: My Favorite Movie Review: How can you not love this movie?? The story behind it is something that should make everyone think, and every actor/actress was WONDERFULLY cast. The Wachowski brothers did such a nice job with the special effects, that not only was the movie something intellectual, but it was also a nice treat for action-lovers. The good guys were believable, and the bad guys were Evil. What was not to like? I personally can't wait until The Matrix 2 and 3 come out!! This has to be my favorite all-time movie!!
Rating:  Summary: Bible (part one) Review: The Matrix = The Bible Extraordinary special effects make the this 1999 film well known. As the modern Lamborghini is to the Model T, so The Matrix is to movies of the past. The Matrix is also well known for its complex plot. In order to understand this movie, the average person must watch it twice. Because of its complexly intriguing plot and outstanding special effects, the allusions or parallels can go unnoticed by the common person. The Bible and the 1999 film The Matrix have incredible parallels. The most recognizable parallels linking the Bible and the film together are the names. There are names given to people, a place, and a ship that make Biblical names. The name of the ship the humans live on is called the Nebuchadnezzar. This is no coincidence that Nebuchadnezzar was the name of the ship (it is not like it is a frequently used name these days). This is the name of a king written about in the Bible. The awkwardness of the name of this ship is the fact that king Nebuchadnezzar was an evil king in the Bible, when in the film Nebuchadnezzar is the name of the humans' ship and they are the "good guys." The name of the last human city in the film is called Zion, while Zion is also a Biblical city. In this parallel, the author uses a holy city from the Bible to allude to the "good guys'" city in the film, as the Bible refers to the final city as well being Zion. The most frequently alluded to names are the names of a few of the key characters in the film. The most obvious parallel is the one of the key "good guy" characters is named Trinity. Those who consider themselves Christians would/should know that the Bible refers to The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as one called the Trinity. In the film, two characters seem to constantly parallel two characters in the Bible. The more noticeable character that parallels someone in the Bible is Neo. Neo clearly parallels Jesus. Neo is constantly called "the chosen one," and is called, at least once, "The Savior" (not counting the party guy who came to him before he came out of the Matrix). Throughout the entire film, Neo seems like the Jesus in his world. He is the only one who can save the world, just like Jesus was the only one who could save the world in the Bible. Towards the end of the film, Neo does things that no other human could ever do, in other words, miracles. The word "miracle" sounds awfully familiar when one is on the subject of the Bible. Jesus performed many miracles in the Bible, just as Neo does in the film. Another very interesting incident in the film was when Neo, "the Savior," comes back to life. This is no coincidence! Jesus did the exact same thing in the Bible. Both Jesus and Neo died and came back to life to save the world from the enemy. John the Baptist was the primary forerunner to Jesus in the Bible. Many of Morphias's actions seem to allude to John the Baptist's role in the Bible. In the film, Morphias says to Neo that he had spent his life looking for the "chosen one." In the same way, in the Bible, John the Baptist spent his entire life looking to find the chosen one, who was Jesus. Morphias also stated that Neo was "unplugged" (taken out of the Matrix) to save the world. Morphias even stated this before Neo was unplugged, just like a prophet would in the Bible. While John the Baptist did not do anything to set Jesus free, he still preached (like Morphias did) that Jesus was the Savior that came to save the world. A more hidden parallel in The Matrix is the incident in which the Centium Programmers (the bad guys) catch Neo. The Centium Programmers offered to let Neo go if he agreed to work for them, and not for the good side. This particular scene parallels an incident in the Bible when Jesus was tempted by the devil and told that if He would bow down to the devil, He could have everything in the world. The devil wanted Jesus to work for him, just as did the Centium Programmers want Neo to work for them.
Rating:  Summary: Outstading corporate profit-generator Review: For all its psychological and symbolic posturing, "The Matrix" is ultimately way, way more style than substance. But hey, at least its style is very cool - Great stoner friendly FX. Indeed, credit must be given to the Wachowski brothers for giving The Matrix an illusion of sophistication. They have certainly fooled the kids into thinking there is something important here. The fact is, The Matrix is an unapolegetic post-modern sci-fi that is anything but original -- ("Brazil," "Alien," "Lost Highway," "Terminator 2," "Dark City", "Fifth Element", "Ghost in the Shell" can all be seen here). And its basic theme, that reality is but a shadowplay on a cavewall, is as old as sci-fi literature itself. Keanu Reeves returns as another incarnation of Johnny Mnemonic. I can't believe this guy gets casted - He is almost unbearable to watch. I don't know who is more artifical, Keanu or The Matrix itself. All in all, it is fun in a Hong Kong Martial Arts kind of way, but just leave at that. If you want an education, go read a book. As far as the DVD itself goes - Go ahead, pick it up. With a 2.35:1 aspect ratio, and extras that include hidden special effects documentaries, an audio commentary, and a special "white rabbit" feature, this DVD is awesome. If you select the white rabbit feature, a cute little bunny pops up during various sequences from the film. When you see the bunny, you hit enter on your remote, and bang - you're watching the scene being filmed from multiple angles. It's an utterly unique way in which to spotlight special effects and takes full advantage of DVD technology. Very well done.
Rating:  Summary: There is a reason ... Review: ... that everybody raves about this DVD. I hate using descriptions like "a must have DVD" or the "one of the best DVDs ever made", but in the case of the Matrix, these comments may well be appropriate. The Matrix is a story that takes place in a post apocalyptic future where machines rule the earth and keep the majority of humanity complacently asleep in a virtual reality 20th century world. A small band of rebels, lead by the enigmatic Morpheous, cross back and forth between the real world and virtual reality in search of "the one" who will help them understand the secret of the Matrix and finally free humanity. The Matrix takes a very original premise and executes it brilliantly. It manages to maintain a fairly complex plot while interleaving great action sequences and some fantastic special effects. There are strong performances by Laurence Fishburn (Morpheous) and Hugo Weaving (Agent Smith), who contribute heavily to the film. Even Keanu Reeves provides a respectable showing as a major character, Neo. The films played heavily to his strengths ... basically he dresses up in cool trendy clothes and looks good. While some of the techniques used in the film are not new to either Hollywood (see Blade) or any of the Hong Kong actions films, a great many new types of effects were created for the film. The visual effects and overall "look" of the film are incredibly well designed. Most importantly, the special effects are used to complement the plot and keep the pace of the movie going, they do not replace the plot like so many other big budget FX movies. This is the best part of owning the DVD. When using the "white rabbit" option, you can jump in and out of the movie to see how particular sequences were filmed. I do not own another DVD that integrates the special materials this effectively. The special edition DVD did not really offer much new material, I am not sure why you would want the special edition over the original DVD, other than a celluloid film strip. Hip, stylish and trend defining, this movies has strong performances, interesting storyline, great acting and fantastic DVD extras. What else could you ask for (besides a sequel)