Rating:  Summary: Finally! A sc-fi action movie that actually is deep! Review: Do we choose what we are going to do or are we fated to do what we do? Is there fate or is there freewill?This is a really complex question that is not easy to answer. The Matrix trilogy really attacks this question head-on and it never really leaves you with a definite answer. It makes you really think about everything that you have ever seen or done in your life and it leaves you with so many moral and philosophical questions. The people that hate the Matrix movies hate it because they can only see what is on the surface. They see people in funny black costumes flying around doing kung-fu. They don't ever see how deep and philosophical the films (or the characters) truly are. I appreciate the Matrix and the Matrix sequels because they truly are the "thinking-man's" action films. The people that like The Matrix and dislike the sequels aren't really the true fans. They fail to see "how deep the rabbit hole truly goes." I think The Matrix series is THE BEST Sci-Fi/Fantasy series ever. I think it's deeper than the Star Wars or Lord of the Rings films will ever be. This film is the film that started it all. Buy it and it will truly open your mind. You will be thinking about it for days after you see it. It truly is excellent.
Rating:  Summary: Different, its what makes it so good. Review: Definitely a wierd confusing "What the heck is happening" movie but its different, and after watching it a couple times and you understand it, youll truly enjoy it. (4.5 stars)
Rating:  Summary: The Real Deal! Review: This was the real Matrix, the one the started the triligy. Unfortunatly, the sequels were crap. This is one, however, is of the greatest movies of all time. The plot is rich, the action (although I personally wish there was more) is incredible, and the effects are great. The philosophy is so interesting it could be a college course. This is a must for any DVD collector. Even collectors who aren't into the genre will love this movie. Don't let the sequels ruin your Matrix experience. This is the real deal.
Rating:  Summary: Digital Dreams or Reality... Review: Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves), alias Neo, is a computer programmer by day and a hacker by night who is not getting much sleep due to troubled thoughts. One evening Neo receives a message on his computer and later a strange phone call from a different hacker who goes by the name Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne). This is the beginning of a complete turmoil related to Neo's existence and he is thrown into an adventure unlike no other ever created, no pun intended. Matrix is a clever science fiction story that triggers reflection in regards to our existence and values, which can be experienced through fast paced action packed entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: what is the matrix Review: There are many, many varying perspectives about the true philosophical and religious foundations of the Matrix trilogy and its almost innumerable quantity of symbols and direct relations to ideologies and world religions. The directors chose to unfold the story of the Matrix through more than one form of media; likewise, I have studied the beliefs of many individuals through multiple forms of media and have come to portray the Matrix trilogy as both a philosophical interpretation of the postmodern condition and an artistically portrayed modern representation of Jesus Christ. The Matrix trilogy is by far the most moving and inquisitively mind-expanding, thought provoking, and most detailed work of cinematic art I have ever experienced. Another human beings concept for an ideology has never been conveyed in such a bluntly ingenious manner. The Wachowski brothers have revealed nothing in regard to the nature of the trilogy's meaning and its design of infinitely layered implicit foreshadowing of current trends intricately composing the soul of the Matrix experience. Their only response is that its depth is "More than you will ever know." The part of this generation of videogaming, tv raised, comic book junkies who came to see the movie for its special effects and violence, were not expecting to find themselves questioning their very existance after viewing a film that merely touches on the fact that we, in fact, do not know what true reality is, and that we have absolutely no way of providing concrete facts that suggest otherwise. In regard to the trilogy, I have yet to hear a criticism that is not obliviously asinine. A part of its genuine design is to point out the naivety of those who label the film according to what they rated it as a motion picture viewing and nothing more/less. Those who do so generally judge by covers and accept everything as it is with little or no doubt. Beyond what they see as kung-fu used to snag viewers, is a monumental unspoken relation to the enslaving political, social, and economical issues of what has been titled the postmodern society.
Rating:  Summary: if i could give this more stars i would... awsome movie Review: what can i say this is the matrix the movie that has spawned movies with CGI a the great bullet time. it also spawned scary movie. now to the movie this movie takes its toll on two different worlds the computer world controlled by machines as the world is destroyed. and the world as we know it called the matrix. very orginal story the wachoski brothers are a great pair. Keanu reeves is good and so is laurence fishburne and carrie ann moss. great action from start to finish never bores you. leads to 2 sequels and a video game. The movies soundtrack is also one that no other movie couldve handled praise this movie as it gave birth to CGI
Rating:  Summary: Getting the facts straight..... Review: First off this movie is no where near to be called the next "geek movie". Geeks useually refer to people who have no life and spend all their time either being on computers or watching bad TV shows or whatever. Well the Matrix is just a bad movie period. It has no script, tons of cgi effects that make you want to look away, and the louiset acting you will ever find. Give me Star Trek and Star Wars any day of the week,
Rating:  Summary: The Moose Hole - Enter 'The Matrix' Review: Let's imagine that you are an average Joe just trying to make your way through the world, doing whatever you can just to make a living. But just like that, your entire world is turned upside-down. That is what happens to a man in the sci-fi action thriller, The Matrix. When The Matrix was released into theaters over the Easter weekend in 1999, it looked to another innocent film that might make some decent money since it had a relatively low budget. Who would have figured that this film would become a cultural phenomenon? It became one of the biggest DVDs of all time in 1999 and spawned two sequels, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions, both set for release in 2003. Animated prequels, titled The Animatrix, have also been created based on the success of the original film. Obviously many are surprised at the success of the series but is the original as great as many claim it is or is all the praise just a lie? The story goes that Thomas Anderson is another run of the mill guy. He works in an office building during the day but outside his usual job, he sells computer programs and such in his spare time. His world is soon turned upside-down when he meets up with a woman named Trinity. He is seeking the answer to the same question she has: What is the Matrix? Mr. Anderson meets up with a strange man named Morpheus, who believes he can help him find the answer. Morpheus reveals to the now named Neo that world he had been living in is a lie. The year is not 1999 but rather closer to the year 2199. No one really knows for sure. Artificially Intelligent Machines have taken over the planet and have hooked every human being into The Matrix, a computer program created to keep everyone in check, so that the dead may be used for fuel. Neo is recruited to join the resistance movement and save the human species. The story for The Matrix is probably the best ever created for a film of this genre. The Matrix blends not only good storytelling and amazing special effects but also blends references and elements from classic literature and mythology which is extremely rare for sci-fi action films so like The Matrix. The acting is pretty dry in The Matrix but that is the way it is intended to be. No one is suppose to stand out but all are intended to blend together to create a better movie-going experience. Keanu Reeves, who is probably best known before The Matrix for his role in Speed, plays the character of Thomas Anderson, aka Neo. Reeves' acting is much better then most of his other films and shows that he is really maturing in his choices of roles. Some of the dialogue sounds weird coming from him and some of his actions seem awkward but that is his acting style that seems right in place for this kind of film that throws all kinds of weird things at you. Laurence Fishburne is absolutely perfect in the role of Morpheus, the man who trains Neo to free his mind from the machine controlled world. Fishburne presents a strange yet intriguing feeling with the character of Morpheus that always keeps you guessing at what he character is going to do next, which makes him a favorite among many fans of the film. Carrie-Annie Moss is pretty good as Trinity. Her character obviously kicks some serious butt but she is less focused on then Neo or Morpheus, who are more of the focus of the film. Hugo Weaving is extremely creepy as the cunning Agent Smith, a program of the Matrix sent to destroy the rebel movement. His character is a great highlight of the film. Overall, The Matrix is truly an amazing experience that must be seen to believe. The special effects are only part of this film and aren't the main focus, which the Wachowski brothers pull off with great storytelling and direction. That doesn't mean they aren't amazing by themselves. The special effect sequences in The Matrix are probably the best choreographed scenes you will ever see in sci-fi film or any film for that matter. It shows that a lot more went into each scene other then just the CGI, which is so rare in most films released today. The plot for The Matrix is the main focus and it is very well done. One has to watch the film more then once to actually get everything since most is thrown at you so quickly that it can be processed all at one time. And a lot of things that have to be taken from The Matrix are hidden in the film but that's what makes watching this film so much fun. The Matrix is probably one of the best things to come along in quite awhile. This singular film will hopefully change the way we watch movies for many years to come. It shows that there is more to a film then spectacular effects. It is the little things like chromatography, plot developments and such that make a truly engaging movie experience. This one film alone should be everybody's list to see.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Trash Review: Not worth your time. Most of the fighting moves just aren't possible. Much too fictional.
Rating:  Summary: You don't gotta be the one to see this movie Review: The Matrix is no doubt one of the best movies of it's time, with in your face action and awsome special effects you could and will want to watch it over and over again. Unless you have been living under a rock you would know the general premise of it so there isnt any need for me to say it. Exept for the fact that it blows you away every time you watch it with new hidden meanings and forshadowing, which I would watch it just for. Anyway lets talk about the acting. Keanu Reeves { Neo} acually did a great job. Now before you just skip over this reveiw because you think im being overly enthusiastic just read for one more second..... People critize him for being " wooden" and not showing much emotion, and that he doesn't seem like anything special { which I TOTALLY disagree with, but thats besides the point} well thats why why he is soooo PERFECT for this role, he is suposed to look confussed and guarded during the film, which is why i give the casting so much credit, as well as Keanu because lets face it, could you see brad pitt or will smith now as Neo? So I really believe he deserves more credit then what fans and critics have given him. Anyway where was I, Lawrence Fishbourrne, he was great in the part of Morph. He was very confident, in a good way, but he was also able to put lots of emotion into the easily dense part of "the captain". Finally we come to the runaway hit of the matrix....... Carrie Anne Moss. She was beautiful, strong, kick ass, emotional, simply wonderful. Every time I watch it I'm blown away by the presence she has, it's not a big over blown one, just you always want her on the screen { and not just because she is beautiful}. By the way, if you liked her in this you should definatly check her out in Memento, which is my second favorite movie behind this. So basically what im saying is Screw lord of the rings, buy the MATRIX and of couse it's sequels but thats for another review.