Rating:  Summary: You have to see it for yourself Review: I don't know how useful this review will be to you but let me tell you this: Star Wars looked like a muppet parade compared to the mind blowing Matrix. For those who think that the film is about a computer hacker; it is not. This film asks a very philosophical question: "What is real?" And the answer is given in a neat way that is almost believable. Additionally, I straggled to find flaws or continuation errors in this film. Perfect. And for those who think that the film actually had flows, they simply weren't paying enough attention. Don't fool yourselves, you have to see this film at least 3 times to understand it. Well done Wachowski brothers. Let's hope the sequel will not spoil it.
Rating:  Summary: I HATE TV-SERIES BASED ON MOVIES Review: I don't know why I like this movie that much, actualle It's a blend af the movie Dark City, 1984, Terminater ect. but what the hell, it's non stop action, that must be the coolest part. Well I do want to by the movie, no movie collection is complete with out it. Intertaining? absolutly. Story is ok, but could be a bit better, I hope they never make a tv-serie based on this movie, I always hate when they do that, it will surely ruin the movie, just like Robocop and those stupid animated movies about the droids from Star Wars.
Rating:  Summary: I...I....just don't get it..... Review: I don't know. I've heard people gush and gush about how great "The Matrix" was. I've heard people analyze it in and out, give their various interpretations of what it all means. I even had a classmate do their senior research project on the implications of the movie. And I saw it. And...well...I saw it. It was an afternoon, I watched the movie, I took it out of the VCR and it was over. I wasn't left astounded, or inspired, or anything. Yes, the special effects were good. Yes, Keanu Reeves wasn't terrible, although he wasn't great either. But it just suffered from blandness and an over-pretentiousness. Obviously, there were elements of something of a Messianic allegory, which would be cool if done right, I guess. The problem is that its too obvious. We know that Keanu's the chosen one, we know that he's going to realize his destiny, and you are left with a "well, what's next?" feeling that is never satisfied at the ending. And yes, the special effects were groundbreaking, but to tell you the truth, I saw the slow-mo fight scenes so much before I saw the movie that I wasn't particularly impressed when I actually saw them in the movie. In the end, it all comes off as a sort of Terminator/Star Wars love child, except with those two movies, they wowed you with their grand scale. You knew that those movies were huge, and in Star Wars's case, epic. Here, it's a whole lot of nothing, and in the end, it's just another (yawn!) Hollywood action movie. Some people try to make it seem bigger than it is to make themselves smart, I guess. My advice: If you want movies made by a pair of brothers that are actually good to analzye/interpret, watch a Coen brothers movie. This movie was way to forgetable and shallow to dive into.
Rating:  Summary: THIS FLICK IS HOT Review: I don't need a 1000 words to review this film. Kick back and enjoy a cool high tech thriller. This is not one of those high and mighty make you think about everything movie. Enjoy it for what it is, IT IS A REALLY COOL HIGH-TECH ACTION THRILLER. Now go watch the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Why is this movie english-only? Review: I don't understand. The biggest advantage of DVD for people without highrez TV and 5.1 Surround sound is the multiple languages. I prefer the original version, my wife prefers french. We can choose. So why isn't there any translation on this title? B
Rating:  Summary: Worth watching several times. Review: I don't usually watch a film more than once. Most films simply cannot hold my attention for a second, third or fourth viewing. The Matrix is different. I have yet to tire of it. It's a good story, the visuals are impressive, and the special effects are simply amazing. It is a bit violent and those who don't enjoy violent films should avoid it. But I think it will go down as one of those timely films that captured a snapshot of our cultures myths at a certain point in time.
Rating:  Summary: great! Review: I dont want to make this long. I loved this movie. The whole thing lacks color and the characters never change thier tone of voice. But the special effects are outstanding. I liked the plot too because no one ever has come up with something like that. There's a million types of horror movies. But this movie is one of a kind. The fight seens are exellent.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome special effects! Review: I enjoyed the special effects in this movie. The plot was interesting and imaginative, and the music was pumping the whole time.
Rating:  Summary: Bad character development, no plot It could have been great! Review: I enjoyed the special effects of "The Matrix," but that is all. As deep as the plot may appear to be, there actually is none. Many of the story elements are very interesting, unfortunately they never pay-off in the film. We never see Zion, we never see a main villain, we never go anywhere. Neo plays catch-up with the audience the entire first half of the film, which grew on my nerves because I really wanted this film to get moving. The fight scenes are spectacular and original. However, they are also fluff and extraenous to the plot. One of the first rules of a screenwriter is that if a scene does not propel the plot forward, it shouldn't be in the film. But considering how none of the scenes in this film propel the plot forward, I can see how it is easy to miss this fact when it comes to the fight scenes (such as Morpheus kung-fu training Neo). Yes, I am aware that this is planned to be a trilogy now. HOWEVER, there is no way the Wachowski Bros. knew this film would hit it big like it did. they could have hoped and dreamed with all their hearts, but they did NOT leave their script the mess that it is so that they could add on to it with two more movies. Anyone that says the flaws in the film I point out are okay because it's a trilogy is mistaken. If it was true, that is a horrible excuse for this sloppy script. I would be glad to discuss this with all of you "The Matrix" lovers out there, if you'd like. I really wanted to enjoy this film, but there were just too many flaws for me. :(
Rating:  Summary: A review from a viewer who is actually awake Review: I enjoyed this movie thoroughly from the get-go. The storyline was interesting and the great acting performances from Fishburne and Keanu Reeves really helped to bolster this film. The biggest problem I have with this movie that people seem to completely oblivious to is that there's no ending. The story of this movie is about Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishburne, Trinity and the rest of their Team who are trying to fight their way back to Zion (a place where people are not controlled by "The Matrix"). Not only do Keanu and crew not make it back to Zion, we never even get to see it. That's the whole goal of the movie! I was left with a hollow feeling inside me, like something was left unfulfilled. Not to mention the fact that in the end, there were 3 deadly agents left. Keanu Reeves kills one of them with some deft moves, the other two agents scatter in different directions. That means that not only do we not get to see Zion, we don't get to see the destruction of the Matrix, and there are still two agents running around (who don't pose much of a threat to Neo, but...) who still have the potential to kill off the rest of Neo's team. I'm not going to argue with the rest of the reviews on the Amazon Dot Com site. They are valid. This movie does have great special effects, very good acting, and a storyline that pulls you in. But there's no sense of finality in this movie. To compare this with Star Wars, yes, Darth Vader was still alive, but at least the biggest impending force (the Death Star) was destroyed, and the Rebel Alliance could breath easy for a little bit. In the Matrix, at the end of the film, nobody can rest easy, not even Neo even if he did manage to kill off the last 2 agents. There's no telling what other kind of havoc the Matrix can dish out, because the Matrix still controls everything!!! That's what really bothers me about this flick.