Rating:  Summary: Frodo Is Awesome Review: I think it's great that they finally made a live action movie based on J.R.R. Tolkien's book's. Frodo's adeventures are so awesome.
Rating:  Summary: Anticipating with cautious optimism Review: I also saw the 3rd trailer for LOTR at a screening of "Harry Potter". The reaction was interesting - as you can imagine, the theater was full of young children who were making a typical amount of childish noise as the previews ran. But after the LOTR preview finished, there was dead silence. Obviously, "The Lord of the Rings" is going to be much darker and scary than "Harry Potter". It's not going to be a film for young children.I remain cautiously optomistic as I have followed the news about the filming of the LOTR trilogy. Based on the trailer footage and interviews with the cast and directors, they appear to have done an excellent job of casting, cinemetography, costuming, music and effects. It looks real. Now the only question remaining is the screenplay and dialogue, bearing in mind that the excreble "Dune" by David Lynch looked great in the previews, too. But the fact that they're taking three LONG films to tell the story raises my hopes. I'm looking forward to this first one very much.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings Shows Great Promise Review: I was originally against the making of a Lord of the Rings movie or trilogy because no three two-hour movies can do justice to a book series that took Tolkien a lifetime to write. I have since changed my view because of the sincerity expressed on the part of the actors, actresses, staff, and director in staying true to the story. They have made a strong effort to make the movie like Tolkien envisioned it on the written page, and I intend to see their work. I can't expect it to be like the book completely, but no movie is ever like the book. Although I expect it to be different and am prepared to respect it for what it is as a film rather than as a competitor with the books, there is one thing that can ruin the films completely--the portrayal of Arwen. If Arwen is a chop-happy modern warrior woman as some of the previews have led me to suspect, the films will be bittersweet at best. Tolkien in his first book does not delve much into Arwen's character, but she is without a doubt a pillar of strength from the beginning to the end. She is the very essence of femininity which is not weak, but is not physically strong or dominating. She is quiet, gentle, wise, and an incredibly powerful character. She never accompanies the fellowship on their travels, but is nevertheless the motivating force behind Aragorn's actions. I can not respect her as a warrior woman, and it would misrepresent Aragorn's character to portray that he can respect her as such. In fact, there is a woman in the books who falls in love with Aragorn and suddenly takes up a warrior role, but Aragorn graciously refuses her. My point is this--beware of the modern ideal woman (a man in a woman's body) souring a possible filming masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: Looks Very Good... Review: I think that the movie looks excellent and there are two reasons that I can't give it five stars 1)Arwen- She is a symbol of beauty and in the preview she is seen riding a horse and swinging a sword. 2)I can't give a movie that I haven't seen five stars.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible and Impressive Footage Review: Last night before the viewing of "Harry Potter," I saw the third preview (as far as I know) that has been shown for "The Fellowship of the Ring." All I can say is WOW! I was excited with the two previous previews, but I had my concerns. After this third preview however, I am simply bursting with excitement. This movie looks incredible. The cinematography and film directing looks excellent, and the scences appear magical, mystical and majestic. The special affects look absolutely worthy of a movie protraying Tolkein's great novels. From what I have seen in these previews, the acting seems convincing. I thought Elijah Wood was a great choice for Frodo Baggins. I once thought he looked a little yound for Frodo, but I started reading the novel again, and Tolkien disscusses how Frodo does not age because of the affects of the ring. I have been impressed with Wood's acting ability since his appearance in "The Good Son," where he showed how poor and annoying of an actor Macaulay Culkin really was. If the movie lives up to this third preview, I certainly will not be dissapointed. True, it is not going to be the novel, but movies never are as good as the books they potray. The special affects look like they rival any movie I have seen. This movie looks like it three elements that make a great movie: special affects, good acting, and a compelling story. I think we are in for one of the greatest movies ever made. The only reason I rated this 4 stars was because I cannot rate a movie I have never seen before five stars.
Rating:  Summary: If it's just half as good as the book..... Review: If it's just half as good as the book, it'll be great. The producers have to contend with, and satisfy, our imaginations, which is a tall order. You would be hard pressed to put the trilogy into six hours on screen. Of course it can't be done, but I will shell out the money to watch just the same. I have not seen another movie with such stunning details and modeling as shown in the still photos of the Fellow Ship of the Ring. I am re-reading the Hobbit and the trilogy in preparation for the movie(s). Now, when will they release the DVD......??
Rating:  Summary: It's bound to look good, but is that enough? Review: OK, I know there are things about this movie and its sequels that are not going to be perfect. It's just not possible to do justice to a 600,000 word story in just six hours. Let's face it, even in thirteen hours the BBC Radio version couldn't manage that. There can be no doubt that the film will look good. With this kind of budget the special effects couldn't help but be spectacular. My biggest concern is that the characterisation and dialogue will be destroyed by Hollywood's "improvements". Example: in an early trailer, Galadriel is seen telling Frodo that "even the smallest person can make a difference". That is such a bloody awful line on so many levels. Galadriel is not some kind of new age mamby-pamby elf who goes around dispensing touchy-feely advice. She's supposed to be a tough warrior-queen, an ex-rebel, exiled from paradise, who defends her adopted country day and night by setting her will directly against the Dark Lord's, and when she's offered a chance at power herself she imagines a world in which everyone is forced to love her and despair. Just that one line of dialogue made ME despair for the quality of the script. I just hope I'm wrong, but I've been burned many times before.
Rating:  Summary: This movie has POTENTIAL!!! Review: The only reason that I gave this movie 3 stars is because it has not been released yet, so I cannot realisticly give it 5 stars. If The Felloship of the Ring lives up to the pictures and movies that I have seen on the internet, it is going to be a landmark film! It has the star-power (big names from recent and classic films, plenty of renowned stage actors, and some promising newcomers to American audiences), it has the faithfull attention to detail (courtesy of a literal horde of artisans and lingusists who are all Tolkein fans), and it has the budget and length to do the story justice. Unfortunately, the hype could be a double-edged sword, because I and all of the other fans are expecting a masterpiece. However, if any film can live up to its own hype, this will be it! I plan on writing another review once I have actually seen the film.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful phenomenon in movie making and adaptions. Review: This movie was a thrill to see and i was so releaved when the scenery and story from the original novel were followed on screen. The actors did a magnificant job of portraying the true characteristic from the novel but the greatest thing about the movie was not the acting, the special effects or scenery but in my opinion was the directing. The directer, Peter Jackson, is obviously a big fan of J.R.R Tolkien which is shown through the fast amount of knowledge injected into the film from the original story in the great and masterful novels. Watch this movie. It's a joy to see your imagination come to the big screen.
Rating:  Summary: I think... Review: 1) Tolkien's writings are simply the most well written and most important of the 20th century. They defined a new genre of writing, transforming the hero-quest to a new level. 2) The first movie will break all single movie box office records. 3) If the first movie is really good, the next two will break all sequel movie records.