Rating:  Summary: The Ring Lord Review: Lord of the Rings, will more then likely be remembered as the first classic movie, of the 21st century. No wonder why it took so long for this beautiful trilogy coming to life on the screen. With all of the special effects that they use, it is not very hard to understand why they waited so long to do a live action trilogy sequel. These wonderful actors, writers, costume, set designers, and so many more people who I can not think of. Deserve so much more then awards and speeches. They have brought to life one of the most beloved stories in the world, and with beyond any ones expectation. Now I am sure no one will ever for get the story of Frodo Baggins and the Ring.
Rating:  Summary: One Set To Include Them All Review: ***Beware: this set includes the theatrical releases of each of the movies, not the extended versions.***Academy Award winner Peter Jackson brilliantly envisioned J.R.R. Tolkien's masterpiece trilogy The Lord of the Rings and brought it to the screen after 7 years of reigning over the massive project. In doing so, he's created one of the greatest cinematic treasures of all time. Now all three movies are conveniently available in one DVD set for those of you who have not purchased the DVDs yet (...what are you waiting for?). The Lord of the Rings is so far beyond your average action/fantasy. It's a sweeping tale that is about hope, fear, courage, responsibility, and fate which is why it's sure to stand the test of time.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie Trilogy Ever Made! Review: 'The Lord of the Rings' movie trilogy is even better than the original 'Star Wars' trilogy! It has action, adventure, fantasy, and great excitement to offer. The special effects, acting, cinematography, and music (score) are all very well-done. This Oscar-winning movie trilogy is a must buy on DVD! I highly recommend that you buy 'The Lord of the Rings'-The Motion Picture Trilogy (Widescreen Edition)!
Rating:  Summary: more than epic battle scenes Review: For most of us who have loved LOTR for decades, our initial wariness in anticipation of the films carefully gave way to general delight upon experiencing the results of Peter Jackson's vision. It's certainly not the original LOTR, but it's a lovingly and extremely well-interpreted version. For many fans of the films, the new boxed DVD set will be wonderful and will be plenty. For those who also enjoyed the books, however, the extended version will be worth waiting for. While Jackson is being lauded for his amazing battle scenes, there is so much more to the books--and the films--than that. Considering Tolkien wrote the books decades ago, even the female characters, though few, are strong in their own right, rather than passive victims to be rescued. And, yes, Peter Jackson made some changes, but kept true to Tolkien's conception. A previous reviewer's correcting of Jackson's "changes" are themselves not completely accurate: 1. The time constraints of a movie are exceedingly different from the pacing of a book. Jackson did give proportionately more time to the love between Aragorn and Arwen than the book does, but it is not true that in the book it is "almost nonexistent". Try reading Tolkien more thoroughly. The appendices are almost a third of the last book, and add a lot of information. And speaking of book/movie comparisons, the time spent on special effect battle scenes in the movies far surpasses the space given to battle scenes in the books. We're not hearing a lot of complaining about that, but if you haven't read the books and are intrigued by Tolkien's world, you'll find much to love in the full works. 2.The same reviewer claims that Eowyn's slaying of the king of the Nazgul was politically correct cuteness on Jackson's part. Not true. Read the scene in the book again. It did matter that she was a woman, and while Merry's help was invaluable, the final mortal blow was Eowyn's: " 'Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!' 'But no living man am I! You look upon a woman.' The Ringwraith made no answer, and was silent, as if in sudden doubt....Then tottering, struggling up, with her last strength she drove her sword between crown and mantle, as the great shoulders bowed before her after being stabbed behind the knee by Merry. The sword broke sparkling into many shards. The crown rolled away with a clang. Eowyn fell forward upon her fallen foe." Scenes in the book are certainly open to interpretation. But there's a lot of evidence for Jackson's correct interpretation of this scene. All in all, wonderful--books and films, both.
Rating:  Summary: Wait for the extended versions instead! Review: These are the theatrical release films, not the superior extended versions which are preferrable due to their better coverage of the books and better overall flow. Hopefully the extended version of the third will also be a big improvement, much needed as important parts of the story are absent in the theatrical relase of Return of the King. Unfortunately Peter Jackson added a Hollywood passionate love story to the film that was contrary to the more virtuous actions of the characters in the book. By twisting the story around, the film substituted feelings and passion for Tolkien's characters' charity, honor, and duty. The extended "Fellowship of the Ring" is one of the best movies ever made. Hopefully the extended "Return of the King" will live up to that standard by flowing more smoothly and reflecting Tolkien a little better. In short, save your money and time for the better trilogy, or if you haven't seen the first 2, buy the separate extended versions and wait for the third.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Review: Wonderful to sleep by. I have yet to last through the entire movie without falling asleep. Maybe some day I'll dedicate a good night sleep, exercise, proper diet and watch it while I'm on a treadmill or something. I couldn't even get through the books in High School. I guess it's not my genre, I tried.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time unless you are fine................... Review: .....with just the regular theatrical editions because the extended editions of these three films completely eclipse the regular versions because the extra scenes expand the story a lot. "The Fellowship of The Ring" brought a massive new surge into the world of Tolkien and blew me away with it's amazing scenery and dark tales of a powerful ring of unimaginable evil. This is a really powerful introduction to the entire LOTR trilogy. The middle part of the trilogy "The Two Towers" is a lot darker and more epic with the forces of Isengard under Saruman's control ravaging the free lands of Middle Earth and besieging the kingdom of Rohan while Mordor's gathering it's armies for Gondor. The third and final part of the trilogy is the most emotional of the three and the best of them all because it's the greatest movie of unbelievable faith, courage, honesty, trust, and friendship like nothing I've ever seen. The forces of Mordor are now unleashed upon the last free kingdom of Gondor Middle Earth and the odds are stacked against the forces of good while Frodo edges closer to Mt. Doom to destroy the Ring for good but is becoming increasingly enslaved by it's power. This is a really amazing trilogy but this item is a waste of time. The extended editions may be much more expensive but the bonus material on them is worth the extra money.
Rating:  Summary: The best 10 hours of my life!!! Review: Everything about these movies are unreal! Fantabulous soundtrack, inspired actors, breath-taking locations, and an amazing adaption of an epic story regarded as a timeless masterpiece. Don't just stop at this boxed set; buy all of them!!! We did! Jess and Sarah
Rating:  Summary: Beth's review Review: The best motion picture trilogy of the century!!! Five stars!!!
Rating:  Summary: EXTENDED Versions of the TRILOGY Are More Fullfilling! Review: This Trilogy represents the theatrical CUTS of the trilogy. I emphasize 'cuts' because the Extended Director's versions are superior and more fullfilling than the theatrical cuts. After watching both versions, I could not imagine purchasing only the theatrical cuts of this wonderful trilogy. While there is no question all three movies were excellent, the extended versions tell the story better, develop the characters better, and just add so much more detail to the story. The extended versions are actually how the director wanted to release the film in the first place, however, commercial theaters simply can't handle 4 hour movies. I'm not even buying the Return of the King theatrical edition. I enjoyed seeing it in the theaters, but the next time I see it, I want it to be as fresh and new as possible. I won't give into temptation and will be waiting for the extended version of Return of the King. It will make the extended version of Return of the King that much more enjoyable!