Rating:  Summary: WORST MOVIE OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: i cannot beleave that this movie won so many awards! past the five endings, the same freaking battle scenes, and some elephents in england, new zealand or where ever it takes place in the world, it was still horrible. ( by the way lotr freaks there is no middle earth ) we find frodo the wimp on the way to the volcano with his wimpy friend sam and their psycopathic sidekick gollum. we also find aragorn ( HATE HIM ) and the only ok characters legolas and gimly. we then go into the stupid never ending battles where legolas jumps on a elephant and kills it. these battles seemed all the same: chaos, untrained or prepared soldiers, the fact that the fab three cant be killed after 10 battles where they are outnumbered 1000-1. im running out of time so let me say this: how the hell does a 4 hour movie win best editing?
Rating:  Summary: Decent but long! Review: This movie just runs too long. The dialogue is stiff enough to bore you and the overall feel of the movie is pretty much cliche'. The FX are excellent however and the movie is, in it's own right, a masterpiece. Overall: DECENT.
Rating:  Summary: It Takes a Few Watches to Fully Appreciate This Movie! Review: This movie was probably the hardest of the three films to make because there was such a wealth of storyline and trying to cram it all in 3 1/2 hours really left the movie feeling like something was missing. Thank goodness the Extended DVD will totally satisfy all us fans. However, even though I like 'all the endings' after seeing it over 5 times, I would rather have seen those cut out for the theatrical release and stick in the fight between Gandalf and Saruman as well as the Witch King confronting Gandalf and breaking his staff (which will be included in the Extended Version). Anyway, I have to be honest, even though I enjoyed the movie the first time, I was a little disappointed in it because my expections were so high. However, now that I have watched it over 5 times, I totally understand now why it swept the Oscars and I now love this movie very much, but it's still my least favorite of the three. I can probably speculate that the extended version will raise my opinion of this movie considerably (as the other two films extended editions did). I won't bother to recount the story because there are hundreds of descriptions already posted here. This movie was epic and grand, special effects were decent - but they did not overshadow the story (Hint! Hint! to George Lucas). My most favorite moments were Gandalf's ride to Minas Tirith, Lighting of the Beacons, the "Oscar Moment" of Faramir riding to his death as Pippin sings an incredible ditty to Denethor as he ravages cherry tomatoes like some starved beast. The beginning scenes of Frodo entering Shelob's lair was very well filmed, the comedy between Gandalf and Pippin was refreshing, the Witch-King's defeat by Merry and Eowyn was very good, the 'bull-dozer' charge of the Rohirim was phenominal. The Nazgul on the fell beasts grabbing men and throwing them to their death was horrifying. I guess I could go on, but those are my favorite moments. My main complaint was that the "King" and his friends Legolas and Gimli were very robbed of scenes. I know there are extended scenes of these 3 in the mountain caves of the dead, and I've heard that Aragorn will confront the Mouth of Sauron at the Black Gates in the EE. So, basically, Yes, this is a very good movie, but more so than the other two films, I think this one has to be watched several times to really appreciate its greatness. I've read some very ridiculous criticisms of this movie here, like "LOTR is a rip-off of "Star Wars"... haha... HELLO!!! LOTR was written over 40 years ago - if anything was ripped off, it was Star Wars ripping off LOTR!! I wish people would know what they are talking about before they make idiots of themselves!!
Rating:  Summary: A Great Ending to a Great Trilogy Review: Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, Gandalf, Arwen, Merry, Pippen, Legolas, Gimli. . . those are some of the few names of the characters we've learned to cherish throughout this epic trilogy. Each character has his or her own struggles, yet they are all fighting for the same cause. They are fighting for the beautiful world that they love from the dark hands of evil. 'The Return of the King', the best movie of the trilogy and one of the greatest movies ever made. It lights up the screen with incredible special effects, superb acting, inspiring music and a moving story. It picks up right where 'The Two Towers' left off. Frodo, Sam and Gollum are on their way towards Mordor. Frodo is becoming even more captivated and tortured by the Ring, and is practicly a completely differant person. He is not the joyful young hobbit we first met in 'The Fellowship of the Ring'. Sam is starting to feel the heavy weight that is put upon his friend, and tries his best to support Frodo. The treacherous Gollum, meanwhile, is leading them to what he calls a 'secret way into Mordor'. It is also a deadly way, for they must go through the lair of a humungous spider who kills anything in her path. Gollum is poisoning Frodo's mind, and even begins to turn him against Sam. After their victory at Helm's Deep, Aragorn, Theoden, Gandalf and company travel to Isengaard to encounter Saruman. But they find it already in the hands of Treebeard and the Ents, and also are reunited with their friends Merry and Pippen. So they travel back to Edoras to celebrate their victory, when Pippen finds Saruman's palantir (now in the hands of Gandalf). Pippen is tortured in his head by Sauron, and accidentally sees a bit of Sauron's plans to attack Minas Tirith, the stronghold of men in Gondor. So Gandalf rides to Minas Tirith with Pippen, while Theoden rallies together his Rohirrim for battle in aid with Gondor. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli must go through the Paths of the Dead, where Aragorn must face his destiny as king and encounter an evil. Only then can they rally enough help to defeat the astronomical army of Sauron's 200,000 orcs. This is by far the most moving of the three movies, and is a great ending to a great trilogy. The musical score is incredible, and so are the special effects. The battle scene at Minas Tirith, where 200,000 orcs lay siege to the city, is pherhaps the most incredible battle sequence ever. The scene in Shelob's Lair is very realistic, and once again Gollum looks real. He may be the most realistic CGI character ever created. The acting, for the most part, is very convincing. The only flaw, in my opinion, is the acting at the beginning. Aragorn's, Gimli's, Merry's and Pippen's acting are all questionable at the beginning. Sometimes it even sound corny. But as the movie goes on, they get better. Gandalf, Frodo and Sam are without a doubt the best actors throughout this film, putting up incredible performances. I didn't think Aragorn was in this movie enough, especially since the title role refers to him. There is a looong period where he isn't seen or heard from (along with Legolas and Gimli), untill finally they emerge from one of the black ships. And the ghosts that they bring with them, although realistic looking, move too much in one motion. They look like a giant tidal wave, moving all together with no individuallity. Legolas, for the third time in three movies, is kind of a fag. And him taking down the Mumakil ('Olliphant') by himself was totally fake. It hardly even looked real. Well, there's my complaints about the movie, and before I finish I'll focus some more on the good points, which there are a lot of. I was on the edge of my seat from halfway through the movie all the way to the final battle. It really was exiting, and keeps you on the edge of your seat, especially if you see it for the first time. Frodo and Sam on Mount Doom in the final Ring scenes were very exiting. So were the final scenes with the last remainder of men attacking Mordor. And to see the two stories switching back and forth, with such powerful emotion and with the wonderful soundtrack sadly yet triumphantly sounding in the background, it blew me away. I have never been moved by a movie as much as I was at the end of this one. It was spectacular. I actually didn't mind the 'multiple' ending thing, or the long ending. The more I watch ROTK, the more I like it. It gives you more time to feel what happens to the characters, and how their lives will forever be changed by this. It gives you more opportunity to reflect on what you just saw, and what has happend throughout these three films. If you are a LOTR fan, if you've read the book or seen any of the movies, then WATCH THIS MOVIE. It is the most epic film ever made, in my opinion. If you haven't read any of the books or seen any of the movies, at least read the book 'The Hobbit', and then go back and watch 'The Fellowship of the Ring' and 'The Two Towers'. The only thing you will get from this moving series is enjoyment, and a better outlook on life and the things we take for granted.
Rating:  Summary: Take it From a Real Fan. . . Review: In December, 2002, I watched 'The Two Towers' in theaters. It was the first time I had ever seen a LOTR movie, and I had never read any of the books. I had seen the animated 'The Hobbit', but I hadn't watched the whole movie. About a month later I rented 'The Fellowship of the Ring' on VHS and watched it. From there, Lord of the Rings was all I knew. Between March and August, 2003, I watched 'The Fellowship of the Ring' (I got the special extened DVD) more times than any other movie throughout my life. I was a fanatic. I still have ever word, every sound, every movement memorized. 'The Two Towers' came out on DVD in August, '03, and I bought it the day it came out. When I saw 'Towers' in the theaters back in '02, I had no idea what was going on. I only went to see it because a few of my buddies were going to see it. I had wanted to see 'Fellowship' first, but that's not the way it worked out. I was blown away by 'Towers', but was much more pumped about it when I bought it on DVD. I had gotten to know the characters from 'Fellowship' so well, that I could hardly wait. I spent most of my time on the computer on the LOTR website, watching trailers and clips and reading profiles. After that, 'The Two Towers' was all I watched, from August to December. Not as much as 'Fellowship', but once again I almost became part of the story. I was so intertwined with the characters and settings. Then in December 'The Return of the King' came out into theaters. I went to see it on Christmas Eve, and was completely blown away. As much as I had loved every second of the first two, as much as I had been sucked into Middle-Earth from out of nowhere, 'The Return of the King', in my eyes, was absolutely incredible. The 'multiple endings' seemed a little odd at first, but after I saw it a second time two days later, it seemed like the right fit. It gave you a longer chance to see what happend to the characters, and to see the aftermath of this incredible trilogy. It actually makes the movie's ending even better. But all around, this movie was absolutely incredible. This was kind of my review, but mostly my back story to how I became a LOTR fan, not that anyone would care, lol. To read my complete and thorough review, look for the reviews on all three movies titled - "A Great Beginning to a Great Trilogy" "A Good Middle to a Great Trilogy" "A Great Ending to a Great Trilogy"
Rating:  Summary: Just as good as the others Review: When I first started watching these movies, I thought they would be the worst movies I ever saw. Boy was I wrong. While I don't think that the movies are completely as good as most will say, they are not nearly as bad as others will claim. This is one of the greatest fantasy films of all time, in my opinion. I liked this third installment just as good as the other 2. The only things I didn't like were that the ending keeps dragging on and on for awhile, and, the evil wizard, Saramourn (if spelled correctly), is nowhere in the movie. I don't know what one reviewer who calls himself IK was thinking when he watched the film. The Return Of The King is not animated. While this movie is wonderful, don't buy this DVD. (Wait for the extended edition to be released).
Rating:  Summary: I read the books Review: All in all, PJ & Friends did a fantastic job of creating a vision of this awesome story on screen! Facts were lost & fabricated to make it Oscar material. I can understand that for this trilogy epic. They made it for sale to the average public. For those of who actually read the books more than once, there are lost scenes. Unfortunatley, the third was the only one I got to see on the BIG SCREEN. I own the first 2 on Extended & was impressed w/the added details important to the storyline. The last installment on regular, was disappointing for the bonus features! They are a real tease!!! PLEASE let the extended & final chapter of this wonderful story be glorified by doing it the justice it really deserves. 5 hours should do it! My original dream, after my first reading of all 4 books, was to have Disney do the movie & The Moody Blues do the music! I guess I just gave away my age! Oops, don't let us down Peter, & do THE HOBBIT & leave King Kong alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been done a million times!! I'm pleading for all of my fellow fans!!! Give us what we need to finalize this beautiful story! 11 out of 11 is totally awsome & well deserving!!! Finally, after 3 amazing films!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Thrice the charm! Review: Of the three I have to say that this is the best one I've seen. I did feel like crying at the end. To me it was like getting to the last page of a really good book. You can't seem to let it go. Peter Jackson did it again!!! I had no doubt this one would be great, but never did I think that I would like it better than the other two. If you have not seen it, you should. No matter how many times you see it it will almost always have the same effect on you. I've seen it five times and have not gotten bord yet. I think it's safe to say that I loved it! This is a Marvel that no one should miss!
Rating:  Summary: GREAT Review: I have watched this movie 3 times in one week. At a 200 minute movie some poeple might think it would get boring but it really doesn't. I think they should've made 6 LOTR movies. Have each of the three movies split in half. Having won 11 academy awards you can't say this movie was bad. It is one of the best movies made so far and has the best special effects ever. Gollum is awesome. The fight scenes are awesome. The acting are awesome. It stars Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler, Sean Astin, and Viggo Mortensen plus many other great actors. The music is by Howard Shore. SPECIAL FEATURES: The Quest Fulfilled -A Director's Vision, an In-Depth Program. A Filmaker's Journey -Making the Return of the King. National Geographic Special -The Lord of the Rings -The Return of the King Featurettes -Aragon's Destiny -Minas Tirith:Capital of Gondor -The Battle of Pelenor Fields -Samwise the Brave -Eowyn: White Lady of Rohan -Digital Horse Doubles Original Theatrical Trailers, Supertrailers, Tv Spots, The Lord of the Rings Supertrailer, and a special look at The Lord of the Rings Series of Video Games. If you did not see any other LOTR movies I do not recommend this until you do see them that way you know whats going on. If you do not own any LOTR movies I recommed you buy the LOTR trilogy set.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie of All Time! Review: The third and final part of the trilogy, Peter Jackson and the cast didn't disappoint. Will Frodo be able to overcome all the challenges in his way and destroy the ring? Will Aragorn take his seat on the throne? Will Middle Earth survive, or will Sauron get the ring and take over? My only qualm is that I'll be forced (by my addiction to the movie and everything LOTR!) to buy the extended version once it comes out. If you can wait a few more months, I'd recommend it! The "extras" on this DVD will be nothing compared to what you'll get on the extended version (if the two past movies serve as any example).