Rating:  Summary: Greetings from dec. 17 2003! Review: Well for anyone who enjoyed the first two, this one is a must! I have traveled back in time to tell you how great is is or is going to be which ever you prefer. I really enjoyed the special effects and the gripping conclusion at the end when.....oh wait wouldn't want to give it away now...would I.......
Rating:  Summary: The Best movie in the flippen world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This movie Rox. Seen it 10+ times. Got Richard Taylors autograph and have my own folder of the movie...Well buy this film because it rox!!!!!Love LOTR's Biggest Fan
Rating:  Summary: by december 18 i'm going to be 18.... Review: so you'd think i'd be more exited about the fact i could legally drink in pubs and clubs and have left school. Yeah right. who cares? i'm not excited about those things, all i care about is the release of return of the king. its so the best in the trilogy, and me (who is a good old fashioned total sucker for romance) cannot wait to see what peter jackson has done in relation to the aragorn and arwen marriage. i also love this book because éowyn, the silly bint, gets her comeuppance when the witch king breaks her arm. go witch king! i really don't like éowyn, and thats mainly because she falls in love with aragorn and messes with his head. he belongs with arwen! i practically cheered when she married faramir. who could have done better. maybe the film will change my view of eowyn, but fomr what i've seen for the two towers trailer - nope. can't wait to see the bit when gollum bites off frodo's finger. serves the silly hobbit right, dragging poor old sam off to mordor. dont get me wrong - i absolutly adore the trilogy and the movie fotr, but just hurry it up with 2003!
Rating:  Summary: WOW Review: THE ACTING! THE EFFECTS< THE DIALOGUEZ! ITS ALLL SOOOOO.... wait, iyt hasnt come out yet....
Rating:  Summary: What is WRONG with you people? Review: This not-yet-released, unseen-by-any-human-being-movie is definitely the best of the movies in this trilogy. The special effects, especially the ones that haven't been created yet, are spectacular. Believe me, this is one movie that you don't want to miss - and don't doubt me just because I appear to be unable to grasp the basic meaning of the word "review". Or because I am completely unaware of the universally accepted theory that time moves only in one direction.
Rating:  Summary: Ok... Review: Alright this movie is the second part to the GREATEST MOVIE EVER! You should check it out! My friend thaught it was gonna be any good bit after he saw it he told me it was GREAT! And I gotta give props to Elijah Wood...he acts out the caracter pefectly! Good Job!
Rating:  Summary: No Oscar? No matter, still a triumphant movie! Review: Well, where to begin. When I first ventured into the theater to watch this movie, I didnt have any knowledge of what to expect. Having not read the books, it was as though I was tossed blindly into this adventure, which, in a way, may have heightened the experience for me since everything was so new and intreguing. First off, I got my fill of the hairy footed Frodo, also known as the amazingly talented and handsome actor Elijah Wood, accompanied by a very composed and prank-weilding wizard, Gandalf (damned if I can remember the actor's name.. but the praise is there nontheless). Throughout their adventures, I began to find myself engulfed in the movie itslef, as though I was experiencing it alongside the tiny hobbit and his band of loyal misfits. The journey took them from snowy peaks, to dark and deadly lows, with not a pause in action to be seen. The landscaping brought with it many a gasp, and the towns and havens passed each exibited an unique and colourful atmosphere, very key in creating the perfect mood for the situation. When the end of the movie finally arrived, not only was I crying my eyes out (and attempting to hide the embarassment of running mascara), but I was wishing the film had have continued, for three hours, surprisingly, didnt quite seem like long enough. Now, three film re-views later, I find myself in a rampant panic, not being able to wait for the next masterpiece to be unveiled. If this film was any indication, the next two movies should be each as stellar, if not moreso, then the last. Finally, my recommendation? Corny, yes.. but, dont just see the film, experience it, and enjoy the ride.
Rating:  Summary: Flawed, but still 5 stars Review: This third and final installment to Peter Jackson's cinematic interpretation of the Lord of the Rings is a triumph for all involved despite its flaws. As Frodo, Sam, and Gollum approach Mordor in the attempt to destroy the ring, the kingdoms of man face brutal attacks that must be defended against all odds. Especially compared to the second film, "The Two Towers," the action is well-balanced and tightly portrayed, with only a few scenes lasting too long. As with the others, the cinematography is captivating and even breath-taking at times. The computer graphics are, except in one or two cases, successfully integrated, with the Orc army a phenomenal achievement with its individualized "actors." Many of the movie's difficulties derive from the translation of the book to film. The complicated nature of the story line and cast of characters cannot be easily shown with visuals, even three and a half hours of them, resulting in some confusing scenes and relationships especially for those unfamiliar with the books. The biggest, and only inexcusable, flaw for me was directorial. Jackson chooses an overly sentimental tone to "end" the film - four or five times. The music gets jacked up, the camera shows tight close-ups of supposedly meaningful expressions, the screen fades out, and, oops, here comes another scene that goes through the same throes of sentimentality. The result is akin to a symphony that sounds its big, ending notes, only to then return to the less dramatic middle of the movement. These false endings get downright annoying, and the Hollywood-type treatment mars this otherwise spectacular film. I still give this film five stars because of the remarkable achievement of bringing this story to dramatic life. "The Return of the King" is the best of the trilogy with its nearly perfect balance of action and set-up, and with the ensemble acting really hitting its stride. Do not see this film without having seen the others, as none stands well on its own. This riveting epic will undoubtedly become a film classic. Buy the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: suck-o-rama Review: Aliens, monsters, magic powers, and puppets. Don't forget the claymation, always a nice touch. Yup, there sure are a lot of things on screen trying to distract you from thinking about what a monumental loaf of excrement this movie is. It almost worked on me; I do like a good puppet now and then.
Rating:  Summary: The crowning touch to an amazing trilogy!! Review: The only bad thing I can say about this movie is that it's the last one. Oh yeah, and it isn't the extended version DVD. I had to buy this movie even though I knew a better version was coming out before Christmas; it's just too good to wait that long. Although I loved the movie, I did have one complaint: the whole Saruman plotline is wrapped up in a really odd way. (Peter Jackson promises that this will be rectified in the extended version.) The extras on this DVD aren't anything special, but I don't buy DVDs for the extras. If you loved the first two Lord of the Rings movies, you'll definitely love this one too!!