Rating:  Summary: I'll See it All Again Review: "The Fellowship of the Ring" was such an uninterrupted success that I awaited with trepidation the release of "The Two Towers" It was revealed in "The Fellowship of the Ring" that Gollum would be appearing as a computer generated cartoon. The glimpses of Gollum were too short to judge the success or failure of casting a major character to a cartoon. I am satisfied that special effects can be made beautiful enough to be as convincing as makeup. Gollum's appearance in "The Two Towers" was ideosyncratic but not a failure. The character was intelligible, given Tolkien's significant contribution, and the technical performance was "unreal yet acceptable".Taken all together this "Ring" has been a stupendous achievement with only "The Return of the King" to complete the whole. But once again everything hangs in the balance. The key secen to the entire epic is the destruction of the ring. Exactly how that is accomplished will determine the authentic mythological vision of director Peter Jackson. There are only three possible choices; 1)Gollum, the cartoon character accidentally falls. 2)Gollum is pushed. 3)Peter Jackson follows the text and we do not see the cause of Gollum's fall. Upon this hangs the entire enterprise of Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings". I tremble - but I will see the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Review: All I can say is that the last part of the triolgy was a major desapointment to me and I would advise others not to waste their time in seeing it and wasting their money on it. I thought it was going to be the best one out of them. but it wasn't. The movie is nothing like the book. I advise not to see it.
Rating:  Summary: OK, I'll bite Review: It's not out yet, I know, but this is our chance to predict what we might see in the movie. After watching Two Towers, here are my predictions, and wishes... Book events left out of movie: 1. Aragorn's passage to the Paths of the Dead, consequently, battles fought in Lebennin and Pelargir 2. Madness/Pyre of Denethor 3. Scouring of the Shire all above events will have to be left out to concentrate on one main battle, the battle of the Pelennor fields. We already saw something like this in Two Towers, where Haldir was transplanted to Helm's Deep. (The elves really did fight, you know, but in Lorien and in Mirkwood.) Changes from book: 1. Aragorn will ride direct to Gondor with the Rohirrim 2. Instead of Theoden, Aragorn will face down Lord of the Nazgul. 3. True to form, he stumbles yet again before this formidable foe. Previously in the two movies, he was a) knocked out cold by a stone troll in Moria b) carried off a cliff by a Warg 4. Instead of Eowyn, it is Arwen who rescues Aragorn and slays the Lord of the Nazgul 5. Denethor or Faramir, or both, will contest Aragorn's claim to the throne of Gondor 6. Shelob may or may not come, if she comes, it will be right before the end, at the foot of Barad-dur, barring the way 7. Gollum will sacrifice himself so Frodo and Sam can go on 8. Destruction of the Ring and the fall of Sauron will take place just when the Pelennor is about to be lost, sort of like Mummy Returns. Thus, two victories at the same time. There will be no need for the victors to march on Mordor What I'd like to see: 1. Aragorn wakes up and marries Eowyn instead. I mean, at the hint of peril, Arwen (in the movie Two Towers) asks her father what to do. At the moment of greatest peril, Eowyn (in the book) defies her foster father, dresses like a man, rides to battle, faces down and kills the Lord of the Nazgul, something no man could have done. If you were Aragorn, whom would you choose? 2. Legolas and Arwen fall in love and marry, and they both pass over the Sea and into the West. It's only fitting, isn't it? 3. Frodo throws himself in. That would be the fitting end to all his troubles. I can only stand so many hours watching Elijah Wood's wide eyed expressions. 4. Aragorn really becomes the heir of Isildur. No, even better, the heir of Elendil, and Elros, and Beren and Barahir. Memo to director Peter Jackson: Aragorn is a descendant of the Kings of Numenor, and of the Edain, men equal to elves except in length of life. They were a race of supermen. No need to "humanize" Aragorn. After all, who's to believe he was 89 years old when the war was joined, still strong and enduring, and mightier than even Theoden, who was actually younger, if he (Aragorn) weren't some kind of superman? We can believe anything, Mr. Peter. That's what we go to the moviehouse for, to suspend disbelief. I can't wait to see it happen.
Rating:  Summary: Cool movie Review: Like every boody ellse in this world with the exception of peter Jackson and other producer I have no clu what is in this movie and what is nnot. But I can tell see in fact se 2 3 no wait 5 time so you can soak it all in This movie is a phat and and is going to kick some major orc buttoxs!
Rating:  Summary: Haven't seen it, But it has to be great! Review: I have read the books, and I have seen the movies. Both movies and books that have come out have been some of the best I have seen. When the first movie came out, I was sure that nothing could be better. But then I saw the second movie, The Two Towers. It was unlike anything I'd seen before. The music was great, and the movie was always action-packed. Because of this, I can hardly wait for The Return of the King to come to theaters. If the Two Towers was better than the first, I'm sure that the final movie in the trilogy will be incredible.
Rating:  Summary: BOY WILL THIS BGE THE BEST ONE!! Review: FOTR, and TTT were such beyond incredible awesome movies...how can this one be worse? It's gonna be so incredible, but sad at the end. I AM SO EXCITED! Unfornatley, December 17th 2003 is it's release date. Besides that, I AM EXCITED! I RECOMMEND AND LORD OF THE RINGS FAN STAY TUNES INTO THIS MOVIE! ;)
Rating:  Summary: Don't be dissin' Frodo... Review: I can already tell that The Return of the King is gonna ROCK!! The book had me laughing, crying, the whole nine yards, and from seeing FOTR and TTT, any idiot can tell that the third installment is gonna kick some serious butt. Frodo's fate is one full of sacrifice, pain, weariness, and illness, and it'll have any decent soul crying before the end. To see a creature so young, innocent, and beautiful corrupted so horribly is heart-wrenching, even if you're not a dedicated Frodo fan... Anyhow, don't be dissing my boy- Frodo has no hope whatsoever, and only Sam's love for him keeps him going. Again, it's terribly sad, so be prepared next December. ~~~Frodo Lives~~~
Rating:  Summary: I Can't Wait!!! Review: I think that the Lord of the Rings, the Return of the King will be one of the best movies ever filmed. When I saw the first movie, I was HOOKED! I couldn't stop watching it. I'm sure I saw it in the theatre at LEAST 5 times!!! I went to see The Two Towers 2 days ago, and I've been watching it once a day until today(unfortunatly, I don't think I shall be seeing it for a long time because I'm temperaraly out of allowance, and going to the movies isn't exactly cheap)! The series is getting better and better! I can't wait until The Return of the King comes out, because I'm nearly POSITIVE that it will be the BEST of them all!!!
Rating:  Summary: It's Not Even Out Yet Review: Yeah, well I'll put five stars even though it's not coming out until 2003. The first one was great, the second one looks it too, why not the third one? So they move Shelob to the third movie, but that's so that Frodo and Sam have a battle in the thrid mvoie instead of just making their way to Mount Doom. The battle at Minas Tirith was great in the book, so why not the movie. Peter Jackson seems capable enough. LOTR is in good hands people! Let's watch the second one, enjoy that one then rip our hair out waiting for the third one. What do you say? Sounds like fun? Get out that Rogaine.
Rating:  Summary: The dramatic conclusion... Review: The Return of the King is the awesome conclusion to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It tells what is basically two tales in one, following the plotlines of what is happening to Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Merry, Pippin, and Gandalf at Gondor as they fend off Sauron's army, and Frodo and Sam's desperate mission to destroy the ring at Mount Doom in Mordor. Frodo is becoming sick and weary, all the while Sam tries to help him and the ring becomes heavier and tempts Frodo evermore. Finally, everthing comes to a standstill and Frodo and Sam stand inside Mount Doom, while Aragorn and the others march to Mordor and are about to battle Sauron's forces there. I won't spoil the end for you, because it's a shocker- just be warned, it won't disappoint you.