Rating:  Summary: time is elastic Review: and does not move only in one direction! Therefore, I can say, without any reservations, that I love this movie. It is the continuing saga in what is the best set of 3 films ever made! :) Peace and Love
Rating:  Summary: First two rocked, third will be even better Review: I thought the first two movies were AMAZING. The visuals were just stunning, I love the location. The acting was superb, not overdone like Dungeons and Dragons the movie. The storyline, while it deviates from the book some, is intriguing and exciting. It doesn't get much better than this - I am counting the days til Return of the King comes out!!
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings-The Return of the King Review: We all know it, the first two lord of the Rings movies were completely awesome! That means that the third and final part of J.R.R's Lord of the Rings, will knock the other two out of their shoes! If you've read the book, you will know then, that The Return of the King, marks Aragorn to return to The White City of Gondor and be named King of the City. Frodo and Sam are still alone with Gollum as their guide to the fiery chasm of Mt. Doom. Frodo will surely get kidnapped by the orcs of Barad-dur, leaving the ring and Sting to Samwise to cast it back into the fires of Mt. Doom. Frodo is saved by Samwise and they head onto Mt. Doom to destroy the One Ring... Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, along with Gandalf ride to Minas Tirith, and proceed onto the final battles against Sauron and his evil comrades...Merry and Pippin, like in the book, go to Minas Tirith as well, but I don't think that will happen in this movie, because they scrambled things up in The Two Towers...anyway, the Ring gets destroyed, leaving Sauron defeated, and Aragorn becomes King of Minas Tirith, while Gimli and Legolas go to Mirkwood, and the hobbits with Gandalf return to The Shire. The shire has been taken over by Saruman and his Isengard orcs. Gandalf rides off to Tom Bombadil's house, and then to The Undying Lands, while Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin face Saruman and evil orcs! Saruman is killed, along with Wormtongue and the Shire is cleaned up. Samwise married Rosie and they have children, while Frodo, Bilbo, and the elves go to The Grey Havens to all happiness. That is the end of the trilogy... The Lord of the Rings-The Return of the King is likely to be the grand daddy of em' all! You will witness The battle for the Black Gates of Mordor, the battle of Gorgoroth, and even the destroying of the ring in Mt. Doom...it will be completely awesome!!!
Rating:  Summary: Please.....NO MORE COMPLAINING! Review: Book n. 1.A set of written, printed, or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers. 2.A printed or written literary work. Film n. 1.A form of entertainment that enacts a story by a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement 2.A medium (art or business) that disseminates moving pictures OK, now that the meanings are out of the way. Please UNDERSTAND that everyone has a different artistic vison, everyone has a different perspective, everyone has a different view of Script-to-Screen. STOP complaing about how the films are a travesty to the novels. Each are a different mediums of entertainment. Certain aspects have to be taken into consideration. The novels are over 500 pages long each. The average movie script is 120 pages, you do the math! Some things have to be cut out of the novel, some things have to be put in the film, some things have to be combined from both novel and movie. Deal with it! Peter Jackson is trying to do Justice to the legacy of Middle-Earth, he's trying to make people aware of J.R.R Tolkien's Story and he's succeeding. If you didn't like the first two films then don't see the final film, simple as that! The movies, so far, have been excellent. They're doing justice to the book. Just imagine if another director was scheduled on to take this project. Say someone like Jerry Bruckheimer. I rest my case. Not everyone will be happy with the films in comparison with the novels but PLEASE, stop being so melodramatic about it.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Review: "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" will be a wonderful movie! I mean come on people the first and second "Lord of the Rings" movies were spectacular! That means the third, and last part, of director Peter Jacksons epic "Lord of the Rings" movie trilogy will be even better, just as "The Two Towers" was better than it's great prequel "The Fellowship of the Ring". "The Return of the King" is expected to go by the author J.R.R. Tolkiens "The Lord of the Rings" book trilogy, which I have read, very well. The first two "Lord of the Rings" movies went by the book trilogy very well, though I will say that there were some parts that were in the book trilogy not seen in "The Fellowship of the Ring" and "The Two Towers". But that did not bother me much at all. "The Return of the King" will go the same way. I already know the majore parts that will not be seen in "The Return of the King" movie that were in the book trilogy. But I don't care much for those parts that were in "The Lord of the Rings" book trilogy. And, unlike some other people, can actually understand as to why director Peter Jackson, and crew, cut, added, and changed some parts in "The Lord of the Rings" movie trilogy that were, or were not, in the book trilogy. Books and movies are two totally different things and there is time length and budget. "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" will be a wonderful, I should say phenomenal, movie when it will be released in theaters because it will have good action/adventure, drama, romance, fantasy, and fun combined.
Rating:  Summary: Detailed review despite not having seen it. Review: I did feel disappointed with the giant spider scene. Clearly Mr. Jacksons budget had worn thin by this point - sowing an extra 4 legs on a cat and sticking fangs to it's furry face simply failed to convince, let alone terrify, this fan. Given the title, I was expecting a bit more Elvis in the film although his brief cameo was heartwarming, and proves conclusively that he is alive.
Rating:  Summary: <3Orlando Bloom<3 Review: got to love orlando bloom, elijah wood and the two other cute hobbits who play merry and pippin, must say absolutely slendid, master piece! good acting, good directing, and good close ups of all the hott actors on this film.
Rating:  Summary: Hopefully a wonderful movie Review: I LOVE the LotR books, but movies are never as good, simply as a rule. But I would give it five stars if it weren't for the fact that the Scouring of the Shire isn't going to be in it (if you've read the books, you'll know what I'm talking about). The Scouring of the Shire is really important to the story, but Hollywood just wanted the hobbits to come home and be happy, although the fact that they have to save the Shire too is a major thing. By the way, this isn't just a prediction, but it says on the director's commentary for The Fellowship (during the Mirror of Galadriel part) that it will be left out. But other than that, this should be a wonderful movie.
Rating:  Summary: Return of the King Review: Allright, to begin I would like to make clear that there IS an existing "Return of the King" on VHS, but it is certainly not by Peter Jackson. It is a cartoon version and is, beyond ANY doubt, the WORST movie I have EVER seen. So please, do not blame poor Peter Jackson for the mess up. Now, if you enjoy listening to terrible ballads about "Frodo of the nine fingers, and the ring of doom", and the thought of a studdering hideous Sam, who uses his entire hand to cover his nose, is funny, than I highly recommend it. On the other hand, if you want to see a movie that even REMOTELY resembles what Professor Tolkien wrote, than PLEASE FOR YOUR OWN SAKE wait until Peter Jackson's version comes out in December (which will bypass pretty much EVERYONE'S expectations, I'm sure of it).