Rating:  Summary: This will blow you AWAY! Review: *Sigh* Less than two months to go til the most aniciapted film of all time. I'm tellin' ya. I've read the book 3 times and you've aint seen nothing yet. The raw emotion and drama is spectacular. I cried when things looked the worst, and smiled when the skies brightened. The horror, emotion, drama, and romance are mindblowing. You will be sucked into this movie like a magnet and it won't let go. Director Peter Jackson already says this is his favourite of the whole trilogy. I can assure you that everyone in the theatre is going to be crying their eyes out. Bring the tissues.
Rating:  Summary: The film is out (specific locations) and it is good.. but... Review: Although I must agree, of course, that an 'anticipatory' review is *not* a review at all, I must note that this film has been released in certain locations, including Los Angeles. It's been awhile since I saw it, but I do remember a variety of things about it. Not to spoil it overmuch, but:+ Special effects have been slightly toned down in this last part of the trilogy. Certain portions are actually a little cheesy, including the cave of Shelob the giant spider (looks more like a giant attic, but Shelob is pretty frightening). + Gollum's cameos are also toned down a bit from "Towers". Thank God. I was hoping we'd avoid a Jar-Jar Binks attack there, and they did. + Acting, generally, the same high caliber as you'd expect and generally, it's worth your time and money, but it's hard not to be disappointed in the _end_ of the trilogy, if that is what you are focusing on. Otherwise, it's almost as good as the spectacular "Towers", a little muted down and with better editing, imho :) Hopefully the makers can eventually be persuaded to approach "The Silmarillion", but that could be a ways off. All in all, a noble and fine film - yet again.
Rating:  Summary: helo? Review: ther's a movie that's not coming to theaters for about 2 months and it's already being rated with 5 stars? who are you people? well whoever you are im with you. this movie has never been seen by any eyes who hav nothing to do with the movie buisness and it's already the best lotr and possibly the most amazing movie of the year! does this make any sense to you? if it doesnt read the book!
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings-The Final Film Review: Before I truly begin this "review" let me tell you all a little about myself. I have been obsessed with the Lord of the Rings even since I saw the first film at my Aunt's house. When I first heard about The Fellowship of the Ring, I looked down on it with disdain, thinking it would be a totally and completely dumb movie. Boy was I wrong. I've kepy track of everything Lord of the Rings I could get my hands on, and have seen the movies...uh...double digits amount of times. (So many that I can quote any line.) I also have a huge collection of LOTR memorabilia sitting in my room. But now, for the review. I can pretty much say that this isn't a TRUE review, because I haven't seen the movie itself, but I have seen clips of it, and knowing how good the first two in the series were, I can only imgine how good The Return of the King will be. I mean, anyone who can honestly say that the entire trilogy is bad is kidding themselves. This movie is not only a theatrical masterpiece, but a story that we can apply to our loves as human beings, with internal and external battles against ourselves and the world around us....it's a movie that teaches us about human nature and about having hope, while keeping us screaming for more. I'm positive from what I've seen so far that The Return of the King will surpass its formers and rise to the top of all movies. If you are a LOTR follower, you probably know the following: Frodo and Sam under Gollum (yes, the evil side of Smeagol) are being led into a trap. Galdalf, Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli have just finished the Battle of Helm's Deep and are going soon to fight the biggest battle ever. Galdalf takes Pippin away from everyone because Sauron has come to believe he is the Ringbearer, and Merry becomes a soldier. Now tell me, how can a movie with all this happening not be absolutely wonderful?!?!? If you have never seen any of these movies, I STRONGLY suggest that you watch the first two and then go to see The Return of the King in theatres, because I guarentee if you truly understand the film, you'll adore it!!! P.S. To Naomi Tilley from Australia that ALSO wrote a review: yes, Aragorn DOES go through the Paths of the Dead, don't worry!!! :)
Rating:  Summary: LOTR FINALE!!! Review: This movie is gonna rock!! I'm so confident is this movie being as good, or even BETTER than the first two, I am writing a review two months before it comes out... Knowing the story, it won't be easy for them to put everything perfectly onto the screen, but I have the utmost confidence they will... LOTR is the greatest trilogy ever written!
Rating:  Summary: The previews show this is going to be as good as the first 2 Review: The previews show that this is going to be every bit as good as the first two - which means it is going to be fabulous, enjoyable, fun, exciting and compulsive viewing at least 10 times for every member of the family and for every possible discerning Tolkien fan. My wife and I are both going to be in our local cinema on December 17 enjoying it hugely and without embarrassment! Go to see it, see it again, and buy the video and DVD when they come out in 2004! Christopher Catherwood, author of CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS AND ISLAMIC RAGE (and who attended Christopher Tolkien's lectures at Oxford in 1973)
Rating:  Summary: A Milestone In Film Review: People all over the world have embraced J.R.R. Tolkien's epic novel "The Lord of the Rings", but there isn't anything quite like watching an epic like this on the big screen. All of the elements-- the score (by Howard Shore), the special effects, and the higher emotional content for "The Return of the King" are astounding and unbelievable! New Line Cinema, who distributes the Lord of the Rings movies, viewed the trilogy as an "effects showcase" but Peter Jackson is making sure that J.R.R. Tolkien's extremely emotional climax in "The Return of the King" is not labeled as a mere 'action film' or 'effects showcase'. Although the battles will be amazing, they won't compare to the human element of emotion, grief, suffering, and triumph these characters experience in this climatic conlclusion. "The Return of the King" will undoubtely go down in time as a classic work of film and human accomplishment!
Rating:  Summary: Five Star Feature Review: It was two years ago on a winter day when I saw the greatest movie ever written. I am not joking! The Fellowship of the ring rocks. The second one was AMAZING, and somewhere between the two, I became obsessed. I know that I am going to get horrible ratings on this review, but I don't care. I don't care what all of the freaks who are giving this movie 3 or 1 star(s). This is a five star feature. Oh, in case anyone cares, TIME ONLY MOVES IN ONE DIRECTION! I cannot stop watching the trailer and I SWEAR, I am not just one of those freaks who are obsessed but I really became lighthearted just watching it. I am THE biggest fan. I belief that,(and no, I don't take philosophy) people watch this to escape reality and have some thing to turn to that is always great. I think that the loyalty, friendship, and a really HOT actor Elijah Wood,and oh, yes Orlando Bloom , is why everyone watches this movie. Things you wish you have. In the pass few weeks, the suspence for the 3rd movie has become horrible. I believe you should see this movie if you are searching for these things. They did an amazing job on Shelob and the suspense at the near end was unbearable yet at the very end I cried (after seeing it twice).
Rating:  Summary: The Eye of Sauron Strikes Review: This title of this third book of the Trilogy. Tolkien wanted to call it the War of the Ring but the Publishing company picked The Return of the King. Both Titles are a good description of this story. The Return of the Heir of the old Kings as Aragorn the Heir of Isildur (The one who cut the One Ring from Sauron in the opening of the first film) comes to save Minas Tirith (Capital City of Gondor) from the Wrath of Sauron's Assault and Claim the Kingship. This is when the real part of the War gets started. Sauron was just setting things up in the first 2 films. Saruman and His Army yes was huge but Saruman could not really Rival Sauron unless he had got the Ring. Sauron's Armies are much bigger plus He has the Nine Nazgul that you saw in the Fellowship of the Ring and the Two Towers. As you saw in Towers they now Ride upon Winged Beasts. Sauron will use these Evil Ghost in His Great War that He has been preparing. The Lord of these Nine Riders the Lord of the Nazgul (the one who wounded Frodo in the Fellowship of the Ring) will lead the Armies of Sauron to destroy Minas Tirith. Gandalf will arrive at Minas Tirith to where Denethor the second the Lord and Steward (the line of the Stewards have long held the place for the line of the Kings until they Return) of Gondor is to get ready for the upcoming assault from Sauron. (Denethor is also the Farther of Boromir and Faramir.) Theoden and Eomer with the Men of Rohan will come to the aid of Minas Tirith also while Aragorn will come but he will take a different Path. The Great Battle of the Pelennor Fields is what the Battle at Minas Tirith will be called and it will make Helms Deep seem like a nice walk in the park. There are supposed to be way more Orcs at this Battle. Also if you noticed in the Two Towers Evil Men called Easterlings (the ones Frodo saw at the Black Gate) and the Southrons or Haradrim (the ones Frodo saw before he was taken by Farmer) they where Gathering together for this Great War that Sauron was getting ready to unleash and they should be at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. There should be 200,000 strong lead by the Witch-King to attack Minas Tirith. Also Great Ships of Evil Pirates will also be coming to attack Minas Tirith. The Lord of the Nazgul (The Witch-King) few in Gondor will stand and abide even the rumor of his coming. For He is a Dreadful enemy and even his own servants fear him. There hope will lie with Frodo and Sam but Gollum will lead them to Cirith Ungol a place of Dreadful Rumor where a Dark Terror Dwells. Remember at the end of the Two Towers where Gollum said "we could get her to do it for us " ? Well she is the Dark Terror that Dwells in the pass of Cirith Ungol but what she is I will not say, but you will find out in the next film (or you can read the last part's of the Two Towers. ) Yes she is in the Two Towers books but for movie she is getting pushed back to Return of the King) and this will be an Evil Trick by Gollum to get the Ring back Also (and I think this shall be the worst part) the Ring will really start to overtake Frodo more so in the Return of the King then in the Two Towers. I really can't say how it will overtake him, since I don't want to give too much away. Gandalf the White will have the task of keeping the Eye of Sauron on them in the Great War of the Ring. By doing this he will be keeping the Eye of the enemy away from Frodo and Sam to give Frodo a chance to complete his task and cast the Ring into the Cracks of Doom. But the chances of Frodo doing this will seem like the chances of seeing Snow in South-Florida in July.
Rating:  Summary: ROTK Review: Ok- I saw the trailer.. I cried, it affected me that much. and this is only the trailer! WOW.. thats all I can say!!!! this is going to be the best movie ever.. if this does not win the Oscar for Best Picture..it's a crime. Peter Jackson, you're a genius! People- a movie NOT to be missed! I can't wait till Dec. 17th!!!!!!