Rating:  Summary: Get Over It? Review: "Get Over It," one reviewer wrote. Apparently, like most of his liberal friends, he sees no value in a story about a struggle against evil and the misuse of power, since according to leftists, there is no evil, and it's perfectly okay to misuse power. Lord of the Rings is a timeless tale of the triumph of good and humility over evil and centralized power.
Rating:  Summary: Who is that character that is going to die????? Review: This movie is going to be awesome!!! Everyone on the cast and crew says its better than #1 and #2 combined. I am a fan of the books and well i have to admit i was a little disappointed with what Jackson did to TTT. But i still liked it and he made up for it with the extended cut. Billy Boyd(Pippen) said that a chief character will die and people are concerned that Jackson killed off Frodo. Well I've read the book and I'll tell you right now that 4 main characters die but three of them are villains. I'm sure everyone knows that Gollum falls into the cracks of doom. The thing I'm worried about is how Jackson kills off Saruman and Wormtounge. In the book, after the ring is destroyed, the hobbits go back to the shire and see that Saruman and Wormtounge have taken it over. Wormtounge eventually betrays Saruman and stabs him with a dagger. Hobbit archers shoot down Wormtounge as he tries to escape. I know Jackson is going to change this around and probably make Gandalf kill him at the beginning of ROTK. And for those of you that don't want to know which hero dies dont read the rest of this paragraph. In the book Theodin King of Rohan dies in battle. I'm pretty sure that is who Billy Boyd was referring to who would die, but who knows.
Rating:  Summary: Completely confident of excellence! Review: Good heavens! How have totalitarian politics crept into customer comments on a highly-anticipated movie? I am very sure that "A customer from the real world" doesn't understand the concept of entertainment. On to something that matters! My father passed on in 1995. I introduced him to "The Lord of the Rings," and I believe that he read it many times. I inherited his old copy, and it was falling apart. Watching FOTR, I wept and beamed with delight. Peter Jackson got everything *exactly* right. No compromises. The vision I had from four or five readings was all right there on the screen. I really hoped that Daddy could somehow see it - I knew he's be delighted. "The Return of the King" is the fastest paced part of the trilogy, yet it fully fills out all of the characters that we've come to love and care about in the first two installments. I haven't seen Mr. Jackson's movie, yet, so it's a bit presumptive of me to comment. Yet, his other two have been so spot-on, that I'll take the day off and tell everyone why to go see it. I am absolutely sure that he'll, once again, get it exactly right.
Rating:  Summary: No Big-Catagory Oscars for LOTR: ROTK... Oh Well! Review: Didn't you hear? The Academy Awards have just recently cancelled LOTR: ROTK from winning any big-catagory-Oscars. Many fans of LOTR movie-trilogy are probably angered by this act. But I'm not. Who cares about the boring Oscars-ceremony! Its not the Oscars that determine a good movie; its the peoples opinion. LOTR: ROTK is bound to be the best movie is 2003 even if it doesn't win any Oscars. I am waiting to see this epic-fantasy-movie with great anticipation. I can't wait to see how phenomenal ROTK is! Its to prequels, FOTR and TTT, are two brilliant movies to start off the LOTR movie-trilogy. Director Peter Jackson and his great team will have a wonderful surprise for us on December 17!
Rating:  Summary: Most changes were pointlessHollywoodized additions Review: I loved the movies (even thought the books were far better), and I can understand their taking out a few things for time, but I don,t understand the major plot changes and additions. Any and all female characters were practically left out of the books, Aragorn never had an episode where he fell off a cliff, and Haldir wasn't even at Helm's Deep to be killed there. Eomer was at Helm's Deep the entire time, and it was some extras who showed up at the end. Also, Faramir wasn't just badly potrayed, his movie self was a complete antithesis of his book self. As he said when he first discovered the ring in the book, "Even if I found it alone on the roadside I still would not take it." They made Treebeard just plain stupid, whereas he was extremely wise in the books (and an awesome character). They also have been waiting for whatever dramatized reason to give Ragorn the Sword of the King until later, when he gets in in Fellowship in the book. By the way, in the book it is called Andurill, but in the movie it is totaly different bt I forgot what it was called. Also, in the movie apparently the force that attacks Minas Tirith is 200000 orcs, but in the book it was more like 20000.
Rating:  Summary: Impatiently Awaiting Review: I have already taken this day off of work to make sure I get in to see the first viewing of the movie. After seeing the first and second movie, I was compelled to read the books. Anyhone who thinks these movies are good will be floored by Tolkien's words (and if you do happen to read, make sure to read the hobbit before the fellowship). As far as one other customer's review concerning Faramir...I agree with you. I have yet to see the extended version of the two towers, and I hope that I do find Faramir's character better portrayed. As far as whether or not Frodo dies...it would be hard for me to comment and not give anything away, but I think it would be a bad move, and make many LOTR fans dissappointed to replace what happens at Mt. Doom with anything that actually did happen...Peter Jackson made a point to throw in the "pity" stuff about Gollum (when they were temporarily lost in Moria in the movie), and several conversations between Sam and Frodo concerning Gollum. It would seem to me, that if the original ending is not the way Jackson has ended it, all of this would be pointless, and therefore should have never been done for New Line to save some money. Also, there is a very important character who dies in the third book that never even sees the ring...the one who gave Gandalf his gift of speed. In any case, I think Jackson has stuck to the more important points of the story. To change the ending from what Tolkien told would be to create a different tale, and (other than in Faramir's case) I dont see any evidence in the first two movies that would suggest this...however, Im just a reader, and a fan, not a literary scholar or playwrite...gotta get past college first. ;)
Rating:  Summary: My Lord Review: I have to ask all you people that have reveiwed this, have you actually seen this movie? because I have seen half of the movie in a pirated copy. I didn't get to find out whether Frodo dies but there is a lot of emotions in this film. Its much better than 1 and 2 combined Maybe you think I'm crazy but its true its absolutey amazing. In the two towers at helms deep theres ten thousand orcs. At the Pellenor feilds there are about two hundred thousand orcs. I wont give too much away but I'm telling you watch the movie. Best movie yet? defenently
Rating:  Summary: Good or bad for u to decide Review: Well I must say I have read all the books(including Simarillion) and its really up to your own personal option if you like it or not. I'll explain from a readers point of view(or hardcore LOTR fans) the movie lacks in detail and some things are left unexplained(or left out like Tom Bombadil > Rating:  Summary: Finnaly ! Review: I have read all of the books and loved them. In the Two towers Galadrial said about Frodo "The quest will claim his life" I said it ain't gonna happen but from the actors interveiws I have a suspition that Jackson will kill Frodo and Pippen. This makes me furious. I hope I'm wrong cause if I'm not It'll ruin the movie. Still by far these are the best movies ever made.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of all Movies! Review: Ok I haven't read the books, but as another poster stated, I plan to, once I see ROTK. Before I reveal what I already know about ROTK. I'll just start out with my personal experiences with the first two movies in the Trilogy. FOTR: When I first saw the trailer in theaters for this one I wasn't too enthused. It simply wasn't the type of movie that I would rush out to see. Then it released and rumors of it spread like wildfire of how awesome it was. I decided I'd go and check it out. From the opening minutes I knew I was in for a very high quality ride, something that is lacking from todays movies for the most part. Watching Gandalph in that "silly" pointy hat as he rode across the fantasy-like countryside through the Shire and then off to Isengard was the exact moment at which I was hooked and sucked into this incredible world! This was unlike anything I had ever seen before and to see it being done so wonderfully, so proudly, so BLATANTLY, as if it were writing the law on how fantasy movies (and movies in general) should be done, was just mind-boggling! This deal was fully sold after watching Gandalf's battle with the Balrog. The word "EPIC" kept running through my mind throughout that scene as well as the whole movie and I knew I needed to own it ASAP! I was hooked! Just like most everyone else, I'd bet!! I bought the animated version and it satiated me for a while. But just barely. I was inspired to learn more about the whole LOTR world and I was fascinated. I bought the DVD the day it came out and the Extended version after that. The Extended version was a bit choppy and slow, but told the whole tale. I am very happy with it as well as my whole FOTR experience! TTT: At first I didn't like this one as much as the first because it seemed to lack that blatant fantasy feel of the first. And it also seemed to move too quickly, as though the whole movie was rushing to get to the climatic battle at Helm's Deep. Still I bought the DVD the day it came out, and watched it again and it seemed to get much better the more I watched it. But it wasn't until I bought the Extended version of TTT that I fell completely in love with it! Omg, what a VAST improvement! This is what it should have been in the first place! Incredible amounts of story telling, back story, and required elements were placed back in, making the extended version the truly superior version in ALL ways! If any of you do not own this yet, BUY IT NOW!! You WON'T be let down! Because of this version I like TTT a bit better than FOTR right now! ROTK: Now this is a true story... A friend of mine's dad knows one of the producers of the films and she invited him and a few others to a viewing of the complete version of ROTK on a special DVD. After seeing it, my friend's dad was so completely blown away, he couldn't stop talking about it for a week! He had already read the books before watching any of the movies, and is kind of a LOTR nut. He loves the first two movies and owns them on DVD. But he says that ROTK is even much, Much BETTER than the first two COMBINED!! Now whether he's biased or not doesn't make much difference to me. If it's even only half as good as he's been saying it is, we are all in for a really delicious treat! I personally cannot wait and I'll probably be one of those people camping out the next day to see it once it hits theaters, heh! It looks like this trilogy is set to replace even the legendary Classic Star Wars trilogy as the king of of all! This is the one for our generation! We all thought Matrix was going to win that crown, but as you know it kinda dropped the ball. This will truly be The Lord of All Movies! Well, just my two and a half cents plus tax. **UPDATE 12/17/2003 4:23AM PST** (SPOILER FREE) Well I just watched the Midnight showing of ROTK and I must say... What a letdown! It wasn't the greatest and best movie ever made of all time (even though it came close)... sheesh! But I guess that is too much to ask, huh. Anyways, what can I say.. I guess my friend's dad was RIGHT!! This truly is the best of the trio and literally better than the first two combined!! Now after watching all three, I look back on them and wonder why I do not see these as being mere "movies". They're more like a giant crisp clear "window" offering a view of another living breathing world. And within this vibrant developed world comes an incredibly epic compelling story that simply must be told. Stunning. Breathtaking. Captivating. Awesome. Terrific. These are some of the words that you WILL see describing this movie. Believe them.