Rating:  Summary: A want to be grade "A", grade "B" movie Review: I am with out words, (almost.) I truly enjoyed the 1st movie, and I somewhat enjoyed the sequel. I went into the theater tonight with the greatest of hopes. New direction, and not Spielberg...I thought I would see a new take on the series. And I did, straight downhill. The movie is boarder-line grade "B", only its CGI pull it out of this category. I don't even know where to start. But, number one, the premise. super intelligent Raptors. From the world of science fiction we enter the world of Ed Woods. The Raptors are supposed to be smart...we know that. But, now we are to swallow the idea that they are smarter than whales, dolphins and primates and even have their own "Raptor language". To cover up this lie, the script calls for some impressive sounding "double talk" from Sam Neil. However, his lecture on the intelligence of Raptors reminded me of the lecture on how smart the Killer whale was in the low budgeted Jaws rip-off "Orca". By the way, Dr. Grant later talks to the raptors in their dino tongue, and ask them to leave him alone. That is just for starters. Once on the island....I will skip the part on how they ended up there. All you need to know is that they are back on the island. (Site "B" for the inquisitive minds.) And they are looking for the son of two very naive parents. And immediately, with out cause or reason, we are thrown into the action sequences, one after another, with out time enough in between to draw ANY suspense. Besides a new bigger, better T-Rex, the Spinosaur, we have new "punked out" raptors, (they have mowhawk looking spines) just casually thrown into the mix. To top it off we are given no explanation on why, or how in either case these new dinos are there. I sure hope they don't want us to believe that they evolved in the total of five years. I would have taken about ANY reason though, except for the evolution one that is...but, we were just not given any. Most likely, because they could not think of any. Now, we find the kid...not only that, he save Dr. Grant from the raptors, with nothing less than smoke grenades. This teenager seems no more at home in the jungle than the T-Rex did in San Diago. He should have died, to put it bluntly. But, he and his parents, blunder on to live through out the movie. There any many other flaws in this movie, I will dwell on only two more, as to this is getting long, and I do not wish to spend any more time over this over-hyped garbage for the mass. Second to last, is the scripting. We have some very talented actors in this movie...But, with in the first 10 minutes we can already see that the line are being forced. The lines are unnatural for the characters and thus degrade them. And finally, it is only an hour and a half long! There is no time for plot development, true conflict, a climax or a proper resolution. The movie just ends. Out of nowhere...I sat there hoping to have the first plot twist of the movie as they boarded the helicopter, but NO, I was denied. As the credits rolled I sat there, in awe of how bad Joe Johnston (hopefully now) ended the Jurassic series. I know a lot of you will see this movie, despite what I say. Some of you will even despise my criticism. But, you owe it to yourself not make the mistake I did, and see this movie. Resist the temptation of the American collective consciousness, and stay home. Let the director know we are smarter than what he takes us for.
Rating:  Summary: Humans run, Dinosaurs Chase, what more is there to JP?! Review: I'll start off saying that I loved JP and hated the Lost World. So when I heard about a JP3, all I was saying is please have Dr. Grant, Please have Dr. Grant. Right then and there I knew it would be good. I hear all this about character development and think to myself...the main character is Dr. Grant, if you don't realize by now that he's a paleontologist and what he's like, then you're not a fan of the movie anyways and probably won't like it! So maybe the other characters are a little bland and not to descriptive, but why get into too much detail then kill the person off....it wouldn't be worth it anyways.... JP3 is just pure fun. It's a Summer action movie, so don't go to the movie expecting an Emmy showing, unless the Dinos get it! This is Jurassic Park at it's best! The dinosaurs are hungry, and they will eat. After the sequel the movies that follow are for the fans of the series not the critics.... It's Jurassic Park, It's Dinosaurs, It's Fun! So go see it and expect to be entertained!
Rating:  Summary: Not as Good as JP I, Tons Better than JP II Review: While the original Jurassic Park remains the best in this series, Jurassic Park III is a great improvement (dare I say "revival") of the Jurassic Park franchise for Universal. Spielburg's wonderment and "ooooo look at that" lighting are missed, but JP III remains an exciting adventure that most audiences will appreciate this summer. The opening of the film is admittedly flimsy, but the movie immediately recovers when Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) is reintroduced. The rest of the film is sufficiently mixed with high and low adventure. Director Joe Johnston should be proud of his achievement...a well crafted, entertaining popcorn flick that most adults and older children (over 10 or 11 years of age) will enjoy. Parents: be conscious of the fact that these dinos eat people...and we see it. There is also some thrilling scenes of several people being attacked. you probably know that, but it may be a bit much for some children. I say this because I heard young children and even (yikes!) babies crying and talking during the film. It's summer. This is a summer movie. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Breath taking!!! Review: I saw this movie and loved it. It is just as exciting as the other two. I am really pleased that they put the pteranodons in an action scene for these movies. I also liked the spinosaurus. I thought that it was cool to put a dinosuar in that was bigger than the t-rex. This movie was good in going into the detail of the velociraptors being able to communicate with each other. The cast was the best out of all three of them. I would liked to have seen Jeff Goldblum again, but it was smart not to put him in this movie. I mean what kind of person would put themselves on an island with dinosaurs three times. Sam Neill has been my favorite in all of them. William H. Macy and Tea Leoni did a tremendous job in it. Jurassic Park 3 has the most action of all of them. This is a must see movie.
Rating:  Summary: Fun, but ultimately disappointing Review: ...I have mixed opinions about it. At times JP3 has suspense, action, and dry humor, but at others it seems that the movie is moving along too quickly with little or no real storyline. The scenes graduate by switching between attacks by different species of dinosaurs for the whole film, which I might add seem to have been color coordinated for the kids, until they are easily rescued by a force that basically eliminates any further suspense for the climax. Virtually no one in the movie dies, which isn't necessarily a bad thing always, but those who do die as well as the majority of the other characters excluding Alan Grant are horribly 2-dimensional. Sam Neill carries the movie well, and William H. Macy does too at times, though all of the interpersonal dealings between the characters are left unresolved in the end. Bottom Line: It was much like the Mummy Returns, a fun summer movie with no real plot. If Crichton and Speilberg had been at the helm a better movie might have resulted.
Rating:  Summary: JP3 is Finally Here, and It's a Fun Movie Review: I wasn't sure what to expect when I stood in line for Jurassic Park III. It seemed to be so different from the others, with a new director and new writers. Thankfully, these changes turned out to be good ones. Director Joe Johnston injects some real energy and projects a new perspective on the concept, picking up the slack when Steven Spielberg's "The Lost World" lacked focus and inspiration. It's by no means a perfect movie, but it's seriously entertaining and tons of fun to watch. Most everyone knows the plot, so I won't waste time going into it. Basically, the plot serves as an rope to string several inventive and cool action scenes together, showcasing the wily velociraptors and the new flying pteredactyls, who produce more thrills in five minutes than during the entire length of the Lost World! Dr. Grant and the other park visitors are also stalked by the huge new super predator, the Spinosaurus, who stalks them by land and sometimes under water. It's much bigger than the T-Rex and way nastier. In fact, most of the dinosaurs in the film are really merciless and aggressive, making for some unpredictable moments. My only problems with the film are small ones. For one thing, the special effects are sometimes excellent, with the pteredactyls, and sometimes TV-movie quality. I can think of a few scenes with the Spinosaurus which looked kind of weak and out of focus. The abrupt ending is really a disappointment too. If all you're looking for is a spectacularly fun summer thrill ride, then Jurassic Park III is the best excuse to go to the movies this summer. So far, anyway...
Rating:  Summary: The downhill slope Review: first, to everybody here who gave this movie high marks based on the previews or their own expectations: stop doing that. rating a movie before you've seen it isn't helping anybody. jurassic park 3 is exactly what you'd expect: a thrown-together shell of the first movie. the first movie had great special effects; this movie has lots more, and they aren't quite as seamless. the first movie has likable characters; this movie takes those characters and makes them carticatures. the first movie had great action sequences; this one has essentially those same sequences minus the gore and the thrills. the first movie had a great soundtrack; this one rips it off shamelessly and uses it awkwardly at best. jurassic park 3 is straight-down-the-line mediocre. unfortunately, it has the burden of living up to the original, which means it ends up looking a lot worse than it would in isolation. the 2 stars are for the pterodactyls and the welcome brevity.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie destroyed by a bad ending. Review: Jurrassic park 3 is a great addition to the seires.In the first two it took forever to get to an exciting part but in JP3 it gets right to the action.The begining introduces a greater dino better than the T-Rex...So whys this movie bad. First it has a great beggining but it gets boring from there.Also the serach for the kid was stupid and you can pick out whos going to die and who lives.Though it tries to be creative with new dinos mixed together but the ending is so weak with no suprises.So only see if you love Jurassic Park and dont mind a bad ending everyone else wait for it to come out on video.
Rating:  Summary: A lot better than the 2nd one! A fun ride. Review: Some parts were stupid and the ending was kind of abrubt, but all in all, this was an entertaing movie. I can't wait for the next one.
Rating:  Summary: Could have been a little better, but hey. Review: In the end, Jurassic Park III is a disappointment, namely because the movie has terrible acting in Tea Leoni and William H. Macy. The movie spends too much time serving up lame jokes instead of serving up humans as food for the Dino's. The body count was too low for this movie. That said, Sam Neill's performance was admirable and most of the dinosaur scenes were spectacular. Although I wish the raptors got more screentime and food, they give better performances than most of the actors do. I've always been a huge raptor fan. =) The new spinosaurus gets some cool scenes chasing down the characters, but my personal favorite scenes were the Pterodactal scenes. The Pterodactals have been deserving the attention they deserve in this series for some time, and they are rewarded the best scene in the movie. Great stuff. The dino's look amazingly realistic and look better than ever thanks to ILM and Special Effects Supervisor Stan Winston, who did the other two JP films as well. Mr. Winston is a genious in making these dinosaurs seem alive. The music isn't by John Williams this time around, it's by Don Davis. He added a nice choral part to the always awesome Jurassic Park theme. Director Joe Johnston does an admirable job of directing with fluid camera work and goregous shots of the island, but the script sounds like it was put together as they were making the movie and the editing leaves something to be desired. Still, JP III is better than most of this summer's blockbusters and I recommend seeing it if only for a fun way to spend an hour and a half.