Rating:  Summary: J.P. III Review: I like the way this movie tied it self into the first two, action packed. A must have for my DVD Collection.
Rating:  Summary: Teriffic, but to many facts. Review: Jurassic park 3 was a great movie, but the movie tolded to much of the true. For example T-rex died in like 2 secondes to the Spinosaures and that would be true but its a movie and people want to see a fight not blow out. But the movie it self was great and the dinosaures looked better than ever. I think this is a movie for everone, but it is very short and you can tell that Speilberg did'nt make this one.
Rating:  Summary: an action movie nothing more Review: This i not a film for past Jurassic Park fans. ....And the science that it did introduce was ...mostly inaccurate. They only seemed to talk about the raptors in this movie. This film had no story in it. .... And there is no character development in the film. No one in the film changed over time. .... ....Also the graphics of the film was needed some work done. Rarly did I see a dinosaur that looked and acted real. The film seemed to short. They needed a better and longer mission objective because they complete their quest within the first thrity minuets of the film. But the worst part of the film was the ending. .... I do give this movie some credit though because it still caused some thrilling and scary moments in which it needed to for the film to be successful. It needed to show that there still intrest and fear left in the idea of dinosaurs. ....
Rating:  Summary: A Suspenseful, even Terrifying, Monster Movie Review: Let's not mince around here. 'JPIII' is *not* on cinema level with the first movie - not even close. But it is a sequel, not only that, but a *second* sequel, so what should one really expect by now? What 'JPIII' *is*, is a great, edge-of-your-seat ride of a B-movie monster flick. The only returning character from the other films is Sam Neill, as Dr. Grant. Laura Dern (from the first film) makes a small cameo, but that's only at the beginning. Grant is still digging up fossils, but times are hard, and his research project needs money. A possible light at the end of the tunnel appears when a couple (played by Tea Leoni and William H. Macy) approach him, offering him a blank check if he takes them on an "airborne" guided tour of the Jurassic Park island. He agrees, but it soon becomes clear that the couple are not as forthcoming as they had once seemed. Instead of merely being thrill-seekers, as they had claimed, they are intent on landing on the island in order to find their lost boy, who was (rather stupidly) skydiving over the island when he suddenly went missing. The plane, of course, crashes, and secondary characters quickly get gobbled up. What I liked about *this* particular 'Jurassic Park', was that it was very brutal. Many of the attack scenes in this picture make the part from the first film where the two kids are trapped in the van and the T-Rex is after them look positively tame. I'm not altogether sure 'JPIII' is completely factual in terms of what dinosaurs were actually capable of doing, but this is a fantasy movie, so why bother? Here the monsters can think, verbally communicate, set traps, and follow their prey over long distances. The scenes where they appear are fast, graphic, and very intense. The raptors play a large role in the film, as does another dinosaur (bigger and badder than the T-Rex) named Spinosaurus. Most of this movie is nothing more than the main characters being chased by big, ugly, mean dinosaurs - but that is what makes it good. So many of the scenes are dripping with horror and suspense, that you really feel as though you are trapped on the island with them. Sometimes, the encounters with the monsters even borders on the terrifying. True, there are some things thrown in for ... "shock value", but the thing that you must realize about this film, is that it is a second sequel to a highly successful movie, and this time, the gloves are off. The characters are less real than ever (if that can be believed), but the dinosaurs are definitely badder. If there is one qualm I have with the movie, it is the ending. It ended "not with a bang, but with a whimper". 'Jurassic Park III' is an all-out thrash & bash monster B-movie. Don't go into it expecting anything more than that. It did it's job well in that endeavor, and for that I was pleased. It is a pale shadow of the first film, however, and I hardly see how a *fourth* entry into the series can be done, unless they have it take place on the mainland, which sounds a bit silly. Just sit back and enjoy this movie for what it is - a 90-min. thrill ride on Dinosaur island.
Rating:  Summary: "IT'S NOT JUST A WALK IN THE PARK" Review: No it isn't just a walk in the park. It's more like a great ride and ALMOST a great time or what a great time could've been, if only . . .THIS IS ALMOST THE MOST PERFECT HARROWING, FUN EXPERIENCE I'VE EVER HAD AND WANTED, BUT . . . Just like when a cute or handsome guy brings a woman to a boil and just when she is ready to fall he grins and all his front teeth are missing--JURASSIC II is disappointing. This was intended to be a 10 even 15 movie but it ends up between 3 or 4 because somebody dropped the ball. It certainly wasn't the Special Effects techs. THEY DID THEIR JOB. But let's throw tomatoes at the script writers. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? One reviewer said, "real monsters, real people." Well right, but who wants drappy, drippy, huggy-wuggy people in the middle of a great monster movie? Who? I'm sour and so disappointed; frustratingly so. I'M WILLING TO BET this movie does not make the half-billion to one billion it would have made with a more mature script; with some characters more mature, less suburbian, less stupid. I thought the son was much more mature than his parents. He really added to the movie. I think instead of his parents I would have preferred him knowing more and doing more with the monsters to get the upperhand. But his parents worked on my last nerve. One hug was enough but they did twenty. I don't want them in my monster movie, okay! They frustrated me so. If only, the characters were more mature and interesting I could have had a complete experience in my seat. I could have had that great ride in the park. I'll be watching the numbers. We'll see what the people say; if they say the same as me. I'm predicting about 200-300 million worldwide for the special effects only. Just the special effects. THANK YOU EFFECTS PEOPLE--GREAT JOB. YOU DID NOT DISAPPOINT. BUT CHECK OUT THE SCRIPT WRITERS NEXT TIME. AND THAT ENDING??? I wish I had some tomatoes. Was this lousy script due to a writer's strike? THANKS, for your attention.
Rating:  Summary: Left Hanging...In the End, Anxiously Waiting for More... Review: I am a huge JP1 fan, I have watched it in access of 30 times and have dissected the plot and the dialogue as well as formulated my own opinions about the issues and innuendo. I absolutely could not wait for JP3, in lieu of the fact that TLW fell short of my expectations. OK, I am finally here, 2 days after the release of JP3, anxiously awaiting some new thrill. Well, what I got was snippets of thrill, one motherly character that overdid her role in an extremely cheesy manner, and an entire movie leaving me hanging on for more. The end...well, that was one big abrupt stop sign. When the clock struck 90 minutes, did a bell go off to tell the writers "your time is up, lay your pencils down, now???!" I sat and hesitated for a minute wondering where was the rest of the movie and where was the rest of the plot. By far, the pteradactyl scenes were the best, following the realization of the actors that they were in a giant, rotted bird cage. What a nice, twisted shock to me that this little bit of info, the existence of such magnificent creatures, had not previously been divulged! Nice touch! The spino was an "enormous" addition as well, but we should have seen more of him and more interaction with him. I am now waiting on the video. I am anxious to pick this one apart like JP1, my favorite...
Rating:  Summary: Floppus maximus Review: Being fortunate enough to know the MCA-Universal rep for this area, I was invited to a sneak of this movie on tuesday. I was all hyped-up and ready to go. The first 85 minutes were impressive. Great plot twists, action and humor. The last few minutes ... It's as if the editor was on a ...high. This has got to be the most stupid of all endings as far as summer blockbuster go. I'm not sure what in God's name these people were thinking when cuts were being made. It gives the impression of more action but never follows through. I am all about special effects and big action. But at least include a half-adz ending (the z is intentional. look it up). This movie is not worth full-price admission. If you can't wait for the dvd or video, save your money and see the matinee. Normally, as a matter of principle for me, a few moments of bad movie don't detract from the overall picture. This case is the exception.
Rating:  Summary: Jurasic Park 3 Review: If you like dinos chasing people this movies for you. The attacks are alittle tough for small kids, one killing by a Rapter I found kinda brutal, (I'm 47). I liked the ending and overall it was exciting to watch, just leave the little kids home.
Rating:  Summary: Stick with the Original Review: The third chapter in the Jurassic Park series is mediocre at best. Whereas The Lost World relied on blood and gore to be scary, this one tries to go back to the orignal Jurassic Park style of suspense. Heck, they even brought back the original Dr. Grant to bring back the "old time" feeling. For that, I must give these film makers credit. No complaints about the special effects, either. The dinosaurs look great and act as viscious as they should to the intruding humans. But how they managed to write the [corny] ending, I don't understand. The film seems like it could have been extended at least another half hour to bring the story to a decent conclusion. Instead, the film makers seemed like they rushed the end of the story to keep it under a certain time constraint. Why? All in all, it's better than the Lost World, but it certainly doesn't meet the quality of the original Jurassic Park.
Rating:  Summary: The series goes back to it's original roots Review: This movie does a good job of doing exactly what it wants to do. "Jurassic Park III" is not as awe-inspiring as the first film or as elaborate as the second, but in its own B-movie way it's a nice little thrill machine. One of its charms is its length--less than 90 minutes, if you don't count the end credits. Like the second half of a double bill in the 1940s, it doesn't overstay its welcome. One of the ways it saves time is by stunningly perfunctory character development. There's hardly a line of dialog that doesn't directly serve the plot in one way or another. Even Sam Neill's pontifications about those who would trifle with the mystery of life are in the movie only as punctuation, to separate the action scenes. In a summer when B-movie ideas like have been blown up to gargantuan size and length with A-movie budgets, here is an action picture we actually wish was a little longer. Part of its brevity is explained by the abrupt ending.... Trained by the interior tides and rhythms of most action movies, we're blindsided by the ending, which comes when we expect the false crisis, followed by the false dawn, and then the real crisis and the real dawn. We can't believe the movie is really over, and when some flying Pteranodons appear, we expect another action scene, but no--they're just flapping their way overseas to set up the next sequel. The movie begins with a 14-year old named Eric (Trevor Morgan) parasailing with his mother's boyfriend over the forbidden island of Isla Sorna, off the coast of Costa Rica. You will recall that this is the location of the doomed theme park in "The Lost World: Jurassic Park II." The tow boat disappears into a mist of fog and emerges sans crew, and the parasailers crash on the island. Cut to America, where the boy's divorced parents (William H. Macy and Tea Leoni) offer ... but the movie is ingenious in devising ways for prehistoric beasts to attack. There are some truly effective action sequences--one involving flying lizards and a suspension bridge, another involving an emergency rescue with the recycled parasail--that are as good as these things get. I also liked the humor that's jimmied into the crevices of the plot. There are two nice gags involving the ringer on a cell phone, and a priceless exchange of dialog between the 14-year-old and the expert paleontologist... ....I am aware that "Jurassic Park III" is shorter, cheaper and with fewer pretensions than its predecessors, and yet there was nothing I disliked about it, and a lot of admire in its lean, efficient story telling. I can't praise it for its art, but I must not neglect its craft, and on that basis I recommend it. Rating: 4 out of 5 Grade: B 89%