Rating:  Summary: A New Version. NOT a Remake! Review: This is not a remake of the original "Planet of the Apes", rather, a new concept from the original book. Both movies are good and each has it's own shock ending, so it is possible to be fans of both versions.I must admit though, the characteristic quality of Tim Burton's direction and his great love of darker, more surreal ideas make this film very intense. The plot is basic. Humans are not the superior beings on "Planet of the Apes", but rather slaves. A million metaphors can be made about the role reversals in this film. Some of the most publicized views have been about racism, animal cruelty, or even the concept of whether animals have souls. If you watch this movie with friends, talking some of these arguments over can be fun. The movie is Good, but not Great. I have to stick by my four stars. The acting left something to be desired. I did however, like Thorn, the general of the Ape clan. His role was outstanding. Walberg, was mediocre. He had few lines, but at least some of them were understated sarcasm. I found myself giggling once in a while (i.e.. "Never send a monkey to do a man's job"). The DVD version comes with two CD's. The first is obviously the film, but the second is a treasure in itself. It gives a glimpse into things such as the "monkey school" where the actors attended to learn to look like apes. They were trained extensively to look, walk, run, and act more like the apes they play. I thought it fascinating to see them out of their make-up, galloping as real people trying to perfect the movements. And what movements they are! The make-up and movement of the apes in this film is so real, nothing of this caliber has ever been achieved before. It is very convincible and awe-inspiring. My only major problem with the film is it's ending. Obviously, I can't explain too much, except to tell you some that saw this movie disliked it, or were left confused. That's okay though. What makes me angry, is that I discovered Part 2 to this movie was already in the works! A tricky marketing scheme that nearly guarantees we will all surface again to see the answer to our bewildered questions. This is nothing new. King's book "Hearts in Atlantis" was released to the theaters in half. The second half of that book is yet to be released. Sometimes I am not certain if this new sequel idea is good or bad. As a bonus to watching "Planet of the Apes", pay close attention to those with Ape attire. You might recognize some famous faces.
Rating:  Summary: Loved it! Review: Okay, it may be that I'm a mother of two & seldom get out of the house, but my husband & I went to see it in the theater & I was thoroughly impressed with the costumes, dialogue, ape-like mannerisms... I just found it in the store this weekend & immediately bought it. I highly recommend this video.
Rating:  Summary: Awful. Not even the cool make-up saves this film. Review: What happened to Tim Burton. Or, perhaps more accurately put, what happened to the image of Tim Burton propogated so well by Hollywood? After watching his remake of PLANET OF THE APES, all I can say to Mr. Burton is take a bath, get a haircut, and drop the brooding genius pretense. There is nothing brilliant, artistic, or even mildly above average about this film. Think "Stargate Meets Planet of the Apes." And even a horrible film like Stargate had an ending we could understand. But, then, maybe that's Mr. Burton's game. Present an ending that even Socrates couldn't unravel. There! That's the proof of his brilliance. Only he of old man sunglasses and dirty hair is capable of understanding this "twist." Sorry, though, I don't buy it. The ending of this film is so bizarre and so stupid that it defies belief. But it is worth dissecting it if for no other reason that to project what the sequel might be. (Oh, there will be a sequel. The ending begs for one. "Please, give me chance to explain this shocking non-sequitur!") Here are my best guesses for the sequel: (1) It was all a dream. Marky Mark is a zookeeper who wakes up from this nightmare, frees all of his chimps, and falls in love with a particularly attractive Orang. (She'll be animatronic in the film--with perky, human-like breasts, perhaps.) (2) Marky Mark entered a parallel universe in which an ape version of Tim Burton is making Planet of the Humans. Mark is recruited to star in the movie and is ultimately placed in a zoological park for retired animal actors. (3) Marky Mark was driven insane by his experience with apes and now sees all humans as Apes, including his mother--which leads to some dramatic incidents involving bananas.
Rating:  Summary: Very Disappointed Review: I am a huge "Planet of the Apes" fanatic from the beginning, and never missed an episode of the TV series. This remake was a disaster! The costumes in the original movie were much, much better, and more realistic. Why do humans speak in the remake? I thought the point of the original story was that the apes had become human-like, and the humans had become the animals. The actions of the apes - i.e. flopping arms, climbing, jumping, detracted from the story. They lost their human qualities by doing all this. I gave it 2 stars rather than 1 star because of the ending - it was the best and only good part of the movie. I wanted to see the move if for no other reason than to see the ending, as I knew it would have to be different from the original. I was not disappointed in the ending - but the other 97% was terrible.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty bad. Review: The costumes are well done as is some of the special effects. BUT, I just could not get into this movie because the plot points don't make logical sense. I suspend my dis-belief when I'm watching movies, but with this movie it was impossible. 10 different times during the movie I would throw up my hands and say, "WHAATT??? They wouldn't do that! That doesn't make sense!!" I'm not saying that I'm a person that doesn't believe in Sci-Fi, not at all, but the logic that the characters exibit is contradictory... was just bad.
Rating:  Summary: goo goo Review: Tim Burton has lost his marbles oh well
Rating:  Summary: Terrible, boring predictable movie! Review: This movie was awful. Talk about boring and predictable! Then the leave the ending open for another Sequel! NOOOOO! So it isn't so! Why does every movie have to have a sequel even the bad ones! The only thing interesting was the make up. The additional DVD adds nothing. Who cares about what the actors went through to learn how to move like apes. Save your money.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not gerat Review: I love the special effects and the Ape costumes and makeup look great, but the original blows this semi remake away. Still not bad.
Rating:  Summary: One Of The Worst Movies Ever Made!!!!!!!!!! Review: I have to say that this is one of the worst movies ever made. I would give this trash a zero rating if only I could! In the 1968 version We saw Taylor's anguish, in this movie its like I'm on a planet ruled by apes oh well. Just a really shallow story with really shallow character development. The only saving grace would have to be the in jokes but even those are only funny because of the power of the 1968 film. I'll stick with Taylor and Zira. It would be nice if some one would attempt to actually film the Novel Monkey Planet?
Rating:  Summary: not bad but needed to resolve a few things Review: I only have a few issues with this movie. First of all, it needed to slow down; it seemed in such a rush to get through, to get to the end. Okay cut, next scene, let's go. It was just one chase, one fight, one ape snarling at another all the way through. It vaguely mentioned that [Wahlberg] gets caught in a magnetic field-- we assume that's what projected him into the future, and onto this strange planet. On his return trip he and the ship know where to go and how to get back to Earth. If you haven't seen it, you're asking, "Then why didn't he just get back in the ship and leave if he could?" It was another ship that apparently got caught in the same warp. It went in sooner but (conveniently for the plot) got there later. I didn't have a problem with the ending, but they didn't set it up. They didn't build any tension nor create any paradoxes. It also went out of its way to avoid anything important that would give it depth. "What if.......?" Just treat us non-Air Force and non-NASA members as the dolts that we are. Social issues aside, thirty years of technology and filmmaking techniques behind it could have improved on the original in a lot of ways, but it failed in its fundamentals.