Rating:  Summary: Tedious. Review: Did I just see Michael Jackson in this movie??? Helena Bonham Carter's makeup job was soo good she transmogrified into the Michael Jackson post-Thriller!
Rating:  Summary: Far better than the old movie Review: I was almost afraid to see this movie because of scary stories my Dad told me about the older movie (he saw it with his family at a drive-in movie when he was younger). Anyway, I enjoyed it very much, however I did not like the ending, but I will not spoil it for those of you who haven't seen this movie. I suggest renting before buying (as usual). There are many special features, which is what is nice about DVD. However, in my opinion I don't think that this movie is worth buying. But, that is my opinion. Some may like it more than I, especially when I am cheap. Pros: 1) Many special features to get your hands on 2) Great movie 3) Good story, effects, and actors 4) Better then the first version of Planet of the Apes Cons: 1) Not worth buying
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful special effects, neat costumes, but lacking Review: When I heard someone was remaking Planet of the Apes my initial reaction was, "Foolish, foolish people. Never mess with a cult icon." Then I found out it was Tim Burton who was doing the remake and I thought, "maybe." Alas, the new Planet of the Apes is no where near as good as the original. Despite the beautiful sets, gorgeous costumes, and updated special effects, this version lacks the immediacy and raw power of the original. Perhaps it is the times. Planet of the Apes, lest we forget, was based on a novel that dealt with race war that was published against the backdrop of Vietnam and the Black Panther massacre. Our cultural sensibilities have turned in other directions since then. Though Burton's version is visually superior it just doesn't illicit the same emotional response as the Charlton Heston version. I'm a fan of both Burton and the original Planet of the Apes (and the cheesier sequels) but I found the new version boring and souless.
Rating:  Summary: Brought to you by the creator of "Lost in Space" Review: The First Planet of the Apes(the good one) was a masterful work intriging in its sutlety and well deserving in its reputation. This movie hits you with all the skill of a blast from a shotgun. You see in the first planet of the apes the other humans didn't talk for a reason, to have them talk would have messed up a perfectly good story(like it does in the 2001 verson). So instead of seeing the new "supercharged" one just stick to the classics.
Rating:  Summary: Cheese anyone?? Review: No....Did Tim Burton REALLY make this movie ?! This doesn't seem to be one of his works!! Mr. Burton was better at making classics such as: "Beetlejuice", "Batman", and "Edward Scissorhands". At times, this movie looks a little bit interesting, but goes downhill in the end. The sound quality is terrible too! The reason I give this 2/5 is because of the action-packed battle scenes. Everything else is downhill. cheesy Special-FX too.
Rating:  Summary: Charleton Heston ... Where Are You Now? And Bring the NRA! Review: Believe it or not, Charleton Heston does make an uncredited appearance in this 21st century updating of one of the greatest science fiction films ever made. In the original, he was the lead, an astronaut thrown forward in time to a planet ruled by Fascist apes; in this clunker, he appears AS AN APE! Truly the best example committed to film to denounce remaking classics, Tim Burton's PLANET OF THE APES stinks from every possible direction. The acting (with the sole exception of the lovely Helena Bonham Carter, disguised thankfully under ape makeup) is one-dimensional; the special effects we've truly seen far better elsewhere; the set production is relatively archaic; and I think you get the picture. The twist ending to POTA (the original's makes this one so laughable) almost promises a sequel, but let's hope apes do rule the planet by then and cinema is an art form long abandoned in favor of banana mashing.
Rating:  Summary: Lame and Stupid Review: I know most of you Monkey Lovers will totally disagree but this film was stupid,lame,and what else can I say.The main characters acting was so unbeleiveable and stupid.Patically the only thing cool was the war sence at the end.The orginal ones are better so do yourself a favor and don't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Why God? Why? Review: I'd like to begin by asking why. Why do they insist on remaking good or even great movies into garbage? What am I saying? Ofcourse I know why. Simply to make money, nothing more. Sure, they try and justify it by saying they are paying tribute to the origional film, but even an ape would know that isn't true. This film, "Planet of the Apes" 2001, is nothing more than spit and polish. Under the surface lies very little. This film lacks depth, dialoge and a basic understanding of story telling. In short, it lacks vision. Sadly, this film is not the first to rely totally on special effects and pretty pictures, and it won't be the last. We just have to face the facts that, like art, film is dead. Done in by computer effects and hightech gadgetry. I could go on forever, but I won't. I'll just end by saying, if this is where film is headed, which obviously it is, than I would much rather throw my t.v. out the window and never go to another movie theater again, than have to sit through another sad display such as this. If you are like me and fed up with the standards of film today, then i suggest getting the origional "Planet of the Apes" on dvd. But if your quest is for realism, minus dialoge and basic direction, then I suggest saving your twenty bucks and going to the zoo instead.
Rating:  Summary: Let's just pile on here Review: ...Within a couple of minutes the hero is already speaking perfect English with apes. Maybe they were all wearing some kind of translation device they forgot to tell us about. Massive holes in the plot to the point of absurdity. What was with the villian ape in the end, did he just go nuts and become harmless or something? I guess not by the "surprise" ending, but how lame. Why didn't they just animate this? It would have been cheaper.
Rating:  Summary: Not If You Paid Me, Tim........ Review: When(If) I meet God at the gates, and if he grants me one last wish, it will be for me to choke Tim Burton for 2+ hours, effectively paying him back for the 2+ hrs of my life I'll never have back after watching this sad excuse for a movie. Apes, huh? Well, I think I saw better actors at my local zoo. All in all, a truly wretched movie-going experience. Too sum up - I wouldn't take this movie/DVD for free, even to go pawn it - I would be too ashamed....by the way, this wouldn't let me enter ZERO stars and I would surely give a Negative Rating.......