Rating:  Summary: It could be better,but worse too. Review: I felt dissapointed .I expected another First Contact but it was a not brilliant TV episode.Data seemed to be stupid not funny,Piccard dancing was terrible and the NCC1701E was unreal.It needed to be more Roddenberry and less FX.
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek no debe ser "poco creible." Review: Ayer pude ver insurrection y me parecio un paso atras en la reconciliacion con el interes por el buen cine. La idea de la historia es interesante,el libro no la aprovecha sino que cae en los lugares convencionales de: algo de accion,algo de romance y unos cuantos tipos con disfraz de extraterrestres (¿por que los detalles asquerosos de RuFAR?.La idea respeta el espiritu de la serie,la pelicula prefiere los efectos especiales {no siempre utiles a la historia} que,por otra parte, en First Contact fueron mucho mejor utilizados y mas creibles {el E NCC1701E no se ve real}.Algunas escenas graciosas me parecen ridiculas , sobre todo no concuerdan con los personajes.A pesar de todo las ganas de ver a TNG son mas fuertes que mis criticas y estoy esperando una proxima pelicula en el mejor estilo de la serie y de First Contact.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Star Trek Movie Review: From the begininng to the end, this movie stands alone as an excellent work of science fiction. The story could be analyzed in many different ways. Many of the special effects I had never seen before (ie. Data ripping his cloaked headpiece off!) Excellent DVD transfer in video and sound (makes for good multiple viewings) What makes this movie refreshing is that there are clearly "good guys" and "bad guys." Plays out like a classic western in space, and leaves a smile on your face in the end. If you think about it thats what movies should be all about.
Rating:  Summary: More like an episode than a movie... Review: Insurection reminded me of too many episodes of TNG and some parts were simular to previous movies. That accounts for the two stars, The movie started off nicely until Worf entered into the film, I believe it's time for TNG to let go off him , He's a lot more interesting in DS9 than he ever was on TNG. Also the humorfull Data is getting very anoying, The speacial effects are very good, Hopefully from what I've read about STAR TREK X, It won't be dissapointing like this film was.
Rating:  Summary: This One Is Very Good Review: The 1st time I watched Insurrection I was confused, and it seemed ok. However, upon watching it more I began liking it more and more each time. Maybe cause I am beginning to understand it more, but it seems like it's more than that. But anyway. Special Effects are fabulous, probably the best to date of the 9 films. Storyline is ok, but I do like this movie because it is different. It seems like a 2 hour episode, but as for a movie it still works cause it is different. No time travel, and no borg - this is something new.
Rating:  Summary: What do you guys want? Another ST: III? Review: This was an excellent movie. As are all ST movies, but this one was one of the best. It has to do with an alien race called the Ba'Ku. The Ba'Ku live on a planet in a special nebula called the Briar Patch. The planet's rings emmit a youth-intensifiing energy that keep the Ba'Ku youthful. Of course there are people who want that but it requires that the Ba'Ku leave the planet. They don't want to. So a misguided ageing Starfleet Admiral and a race called the So'na try to get them to leave. It doesn't work and the Admiral gets murdered when he finds out the So'na's real intentions. The Enterprise is all in the middle of it. I don't know why you people hate it so much. I give this movie *Ages five years younger* FIVE STARS!!!
Rating:  Summary: Good but not the best Review: At first I was thrilled. Second viewing, I was a bit disappointed. After all, the movie does not have the physical threat to the human race that many other ST movies have had. Yet it had a grace, great special effects, and good humor. And the "threat" was just as real. I imagine one of the reasons it didn't do as well in the box office is that it didn't attract as many younger viewers. But if you're looking for a night of fun, this is a great movie. The scenery is awesome, the acting is well crafted, and this is one you don't want to miss.
Rating:  Summary: Been there, seen that Review: This is really a TV movie which doesn't have a story to tell. The "exploitation of the fountain of youth" plot was one of the weaker ones from the original series ("Omega Glory"), so it's surprising that the producers would choose to recycle it for a movie. The writers attempt to comment on America's "forced relocation" of Japanese Americans during World War 2, but it comes across as forced and awkward in this setting. The love story between the Baku woman and Picard is about as romantic as stale toast. Oscar winner F. Murray Abraham is totally wasted as a villain with some major skin problems. Troy and Riker get to play on the set rather than act. As usual, Data saves the day with some funny lines, but it's not enough to save this ill-conceived project. Disappointing after the fun and adventure of "First Contact."
Rating:  Summary: Misconception Review: Star Trek: Insurrection, boy that sounds neat, doesn't it? That sounds like a continuation of that awesome first season episode, Conspiracy wherein these malevolent little creatures infest and begin to take over the Federation. But alas that is not the case with the 9th installment of the Star Trek movie franchise. Instead what we have here is plot by the evil Son'a to boot the peace-loving Bak'u from their homeworld and take all of the life-revitalizing radiation that is emitted by a system of rings that orbit the planet. The Son'a are dying as a race with them resembling a Jenny Craig skin peel. On the other hand this radiation that preserves youth, also makes people erratic and do things not normally in their nature. What this means is the crew of the Enterprise get to disobey the orders of a Star Fleet admiral without actually being at fault. This movie bothered me on a plethora of levels. First and foremost, it's dull! We all know that change is bad and this is doubly so when it comes to Star Trek, because they refuse to break from the formula that has worked in the past. We all know that none of the main characters will die and we all know that the Enterprise will never function properly, (In nine movies it has never once worked right), and in this case the Federation flagship, the Borg-killing ship-of-the-line, gets the snot pounded out of it by the third rate alien species. Doesn't anyone have a problem with this? And as usual we are treated to a third Next Generation movie that deals solely with Captain Picard and Data. Unlike so many Trek fans, I happen to like most of the other characters and feel that they simply are not getting the screen time they deserve. The Son'a, while evil, for some reason want to peacefully remove the Bak'u from their world by stuffing them all into a holoship-basically a space faring holodeck of epic proportions and then moving them to another world. Why these ships exist is quite beyond me. Instead, the could have just bombed the single village from orbit then moved in and taken over. Either that or, last time I checked, planets are big, why couldn't the Son'a have lived on the other side of the planet, away from the Bak'u? The Son'a are aided by an aging Starfleet admiral who wants to enjoy the Bak'u's fountain of youth, forgetting of course that people might notice the fact that the next time he shows up at an admiral's meeting that he is twenty-five instead of sixty-five. This also ignores the fact we know transporters can make people younger (Season 2, Unnatural Selection), and we are treated to even more proof that the Star Trek universe is not internally consistent. We get to watch Picard fall in love, but not really, because that would mean changing the character. We get to see Data do funny things and act weird, and we get to hear Worf sing, which we really didn't need to. Riker shaves his beard and starts up his relationship with Deanna again. And, as I said, the Federation flagship gets hammered by Son'a, when it should have wiped the floor with them. This film has very few moments, and those that are good happen between the main cast, most of which are treated as secondary characters so Picard and Data can hog the spotlight yet again. Why can't the powers that be at Paramount simply make a Star Trek movie wherein the Feds send a fleet of ships to go slaughter the Borg? Why? Because it's politically incorrect to commit genocide...even if it's against a species that wouldn't think twice about annihilating any other species. "It would lower us to their level." they might say. Uh-huh, well, that's better than being made into a mindless Borg drone. And no matter how dangerous the Borg (or any other race is) they can't be wiped out, because that would mean change and change is bad. This way they can keep recycling the same tired old story lines to an audience that apparently are as apathetic as the writers. Why not a slug fest between the Federation and the Romulans? Certainly the Star Trek movies of late cannot be considered intelligent science fiction, because all they do is reconstitute stories we have seen before. Insurrection is basically 'Who Watches the Watchers' from Season 3. Personally, I think the series ought to be scrapped until they can figure out just what Star Trek is, because it ain't this!
Rating:  Summary: What happened to Star Trek? Review: I havent been keeping up with the most recent Star Trek movies so I decided to rent the most recent one, Star Trek: Insurection. Though it had its moments, I thought the movie was stupid. It just didn't have the Star Trek magic of the eariler movies. It seemed like a long episode rather than a movie. I just hope that Star Trek 10 will be lots better.