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Wing Commander

Wing Commander

List Price: $9.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: blockbuster of the year 2000
Review: it is the greatist movie ever and the great time to bring it out before the 2000 celebrations, the must see movie must be in your collection.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: It is so totally awsome! But I don't want to ruin it for you by telling you all about it. IT IS AWESOME!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't waste your time or money
Review: I am a fan of the Wing Commander computer game series, and a fan of Sci-Fi in general. This movie, however, fails to offer anything worthwhile. It does not follow the perfectly good plot outlined in the computer games (the most recent of which are true interactive movies), instead substituting a story so flimsy and cheap that a bright 4th grader could have written it. The special effects and sound effects are truly wretched, and quite obviously computer-generated. The spaceflight sequences are unrealistic, and seem to be reminiscent of the old Flash Gordon movies, where you could see the string holding up the rocket ship. The Kilrathi, the aliens, look like shaved cats that have been lightly scorched. In the computer games, the Kilrathi parts are played by actors in costumes that look something like bipedal tigers (with full hair). The overall result is a dissapointment to the average moviegoer, and an even bigger one for those that play, and love, the games.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: They can keep the money, I just want my two hours back.
Review: This is a bad movie. Plain and simple. The plot is barely existent, and the acting is either bad or melodramatic. So remember: don't buy this movie, don't rent this movie and don't even look at the picture of the movie.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Blockbuster movie
Review: Wing Commander is one of the best sci-fi movies ever. It revives the classic feeling of the WWII movies with a futuristic twist. Plenty of classic elements like torpedoes and radar(not "sensors"). This movie has a dynamite soundtrack (If you ever get the soundtrack, you'll wear it out in no time). This is a must for war-savvy film nuts!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Much better than negative reviews would indicate.
Review: I nearly didn't see this movie, and I'm a big sci-fi fan (and scientist). I read review after negative review, some saying this was the worst movie of all time. Then one day I noticed my wife was watching it on DirectTV. She said she had just watched for the third time and was anticipating watching it again. Afer hearing that I immediately purchased the DVD. (My wife has good taste.) I enoyed this movie very much. It has a sense of time and place that most sci-fi adventure movies lack. The acting was good and the plot was derivative but adequate. I just wish these movies would get the physics right. (Spacecraft don't fly like airplanes!) Lucas started a very bad precedent...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Brain Dead Space Opera
Review: I rented the video for myself and my ten-year-old son after seeing an ad on TV. What a mistake! We are both diehard fans of sci-fi classics like "Terminator" and "Star Wars" but this piece of trash had us yawning after the first ten minutes. Drawing upon the uncomplicated wisdom of youth, my son pronounced this flick "boring", and I can find no reason to disagree with his observation. "Wing Commander" is nothing more than a cynical grab for cash, cranked out to take advantage of the popular video game series. The only people who hesitate to speak the truth about this piece of trash are teenage game junkies too cool to admit that they have been taken to the cleaners by the movie industry.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome!
Review: I think this was a good movie! Watch it and decide for yourself

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Look at it as eye candy.
Review: This is a horrible movie. The plot is paper thin, the dramatic talent nonexistent, and the premise sketchy. It's only merit is the cast members who are easy on the eyes.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Worth a look.
Review: While it's no Star Wars, Wing Commander is a fun movie who's plot is not nearly as thin as the reviewer would make it out to be. As a fan of the game series, I did have a hard time, at first, getting into the idea of the characters having been recast for the big screen, but Prinze and Lillard definately live up to their respective roles. Maybe everyone is right... maybe it does require a love of the Wing Commander game to enjoy this flick, but personally, as a die-hard sci-fi fan, I feel I would have enjoyed it as much had I never been exposed to the game.

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