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Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Well it's Star Trek and that's about it.
Review: A sad end to the long run of the crew of the Enterprise. The whole movie felt like a practice run. Guess the actors have been away from their characters a little to long. If you love Star Trek then see this film, but don't expect much more than a TV quality job on the story, the acting, and the action.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Set phasers for blah
Review: I must've seen a different film from what some folks have written about here. The Next Gen crowd is always fun to watch, but "Nemesis" was BAD. I don't own the DVD, and I don't plan to, even though I own a copy of Star Trek V, which was just plain awful. (Nothin' but love for ya, Bill, but that was a stinker.)

If you want a cool, interesting plot, this is NOT the film for you. In fact, if you want a plot at all, this isn't the film for you. There is something resembling a plot, but it may have been a cast-off episode for Leave it to Beaver. This film just made no sense. How has Shinzon lived this long without Picard's blood? Makes no sense. Why is there only one of those individual transporter gadgets? Makes no sense. Why is Riker having a knife fight ON the Enterprise, without a phaser, by himself? Why don't they use the transporters to capture and subdue the intruder? Makes no sense. There are, indeed, acts of tremendous valor, but EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS POINTLESS. You get the feeling watching the cast that they're hoping the next scene will provide some explanation of where this film is going (sorry gang, never happens.)

Finally, let's talk for a moment about the space battles. The writers, director and production crew went back to what has become a staple of the Next Gen movies: let's blow up the Enterprise. They crashed the Enterprise D. They had the self-destruct set to pop in "First Contact" (which other than that cliche' was a fine film). I have tried to block "Insurrection" out of my memory. Maybe they blew up the ship then too, I don't want to remember. They shoot the Enterpise to bits in this one for no discernable reason.

You know, Roddenberry had a concept about a future where humanity was struggling to better itself. In Picard's best moments, he embodies that. Kirk did, too (we've got a million years of savage blood on our hands, but we're not going to kill TODAY!") However, the entire franchise has gotten away from thoughtful science fiction and has turned into just another shoot 'em up. The last two Trek films were no better than "Wing Commander" or the last "Godzilla" remake. Don't even get me started on what the "Trek Killers" of Berman and Co. are doing with the "Enterprise" series. Ugh.

Khan is great sci-fi in general, not just great Trek. The Voyage Home was fun. I personally think Star Trek VI was the best of all the films, because there were almost no space battles. The one at the end was quick and purposeful, and the lion's share of the film is spent with the characters figuring out an interstellar conspiracy. Heavens, a plot. What an unusual thing.

Why can we not ask for more from good sci-fi? This franchise has the support to pull it off, but the powers that be are intent on killing it. Between the horror of "Phantom Menace" (somewhat redeemed by "Attack of the Clones") and "Nemesis," our two most successful, most beloved franchises meandered off into irrelevance. I can only hope there's someone with a fresh idea out there now. Joss Whedon, Kevin Smith, James Cameron? Are you listening? Save us!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Fair Billing
Review: I have been going over the comments left by most reviewers about Nemesis and being another die-hard Trekkie, I'll voice my two cents worth.

I think some of the allegations against the last installment for the TNG movie series are not fair. The biggest one floating around is that the plot is a rip-off of The Wrath Of Khan. I don't think that is necessarily true. I agree that it does inspire some déjà vu but that hardly constitutes a true rip-off. There were tremendous similarities between the production and scene sequences of The Terminator and its sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day; did anyone accuse T2 of being a rip-off of T1? T2 was a blockbuster. Similarly, Nemesis is a pretty good movie and it is not fair to forcibly compare it to The Wrath Of Khan. If you are a die-hard Trekkie, you might very well appreciate the similarity instead.

If you critique the movie beside itself, you could say that the movie was too "Data"-centered perhaps. Some characters, like La Forge, Worf or Dr. Crusher, did appear to be more of filler roles and did not get as much airtime and stronger lines as we would have liked. The production and effects were very good. The evolution of the characters themselves was excellent; the acting was superb. Picard was a bit on the mushy side but if you think in a frame of reference where they've become a family that has been together on a starship for 15 years, you begin to appreciate this side of his character and why it is so. Brent Spiner's acting was nothing short of fantastic; whoever did his script also did an excellent job along with the direction. Brent Spiner did justice to the role of Data. You could see the human evolution coming through in the android's personality over 15 years; the subtle smiles and winks in certain scenes, the smart jives and one-liners. He depicted just the right tones of humanness while retaining the rigidity of his android reality, which culminates in the ultimate (human) sacrifice in the end - a paradox carried out to perfection. The ending was bittersweet, which is what I personally liked.

All in all, it wasn't based on a strong standalone plot irrespective of the characters like "First Contact" was. "Nemesis" has a character-centric plot more like "Generations" did. That is probably the reason why people are so divided about liking it - you have to know the TV series and follow character evolutions there else you cannot fully enjoy a movie based on it; you lose the essence somewhere and then brand the movie as being bad. If you are a die-hard Trekkie or a fan of TNG, I think you'll be able to see beyond any weaknesses and read between the lines to appreciate the finer points of the movie and still enjoy it - including the déjà vu element with The Wrath Of Khan.

As for the DVD, it is produced very well and contains lots of goodies, like commentaries, production notes and deleted scenes. It is worth adding to your Star Trek collection, if you have one. Cheers.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Don't let it end this way, Captain...
Review: I love Star Trek, but the director and Piller are at fault here. Someone got the notion that they should go examine every other film that came before this one, and STEAL one good element from each of them, and make this mess. The actors were walking through this film, just going through the motions. I've worked in film, and have studied films for a long time, and it was obvious to me that the actors KNEW they were making a load... As a viewer, and fan, you'll find yourself repeatedly thinking "I've seen this before" (because you HAVE), right down to the little unneccessary Jeep ride through the desert, reminiscent of the idiotic horsie-rides that Bill Shatner provided for us in a worse mess called Star Trek V. THE DIRECTOR STUNK AND THE ACTORS PUT UP WITH IT AND IT SHOWS! Picard freezing up like a tired old fool, right at the END when he's in a pinch? NONSENSE, this was completely out of character, as most of the characterizations were throughout this debacle. Deanna Troi, a simpering, wimpering mess? BEEE-ESSSS!! And hey, WE'VE SEEN DATA'S HEAD ON THE GROUND BEFORE! Will Riker in a fight scene IDENTICAL to the falling scaffold scene that killed Kirk in Generations, right down to the rivets popping out of the walls? WHAT WERE THESE PEOPLE THINKING?? Jeez.... I wish they hadn't done this.

Can I mention the blaring errors in continuity, right from the start? RENT this thing, and in the opening scenes from the wedding (the scene was actually pretty good) you get to watch Wesley Crusher mysteriously seated at the wedding party head-table, wearing a uniform (didn't he become an intergalactic disembodied entity after leaving Star Fleet?) and aside from the fact that he gets not a mention, he keeps APPEARING AND DISAPPEARING depending on the angle of the shot! WTF??

Oh, and by the way... clones are a tired "schtick".

Did this film have any redeeming value? Perhaps, but overall, the outright thievery of plot elements from previous films is a sad disappointment, when there are so many other things they could've done. MAKE WILLIAM SHATNER'S BOOKS INTO FILMS BEFORE THE ACTORS GROW TOO OLD! This is the Star Trek universe after all, they can do what they want and explain it away in one scene or a voiceover! Yes, I'm upset.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Sad indeed
Review: Following in the footsteps of recent Star Trek film DVD releases, Nemesis is packed with features (albeit on a single disc). For first time viewers I would advise watching the film before watching any of the featurettes, at least one contains major spoilers. In themselves the featurettes are interesting to watch but they don't add to the experience in any way. The deleted scenes are a mixed bag, some should have been retained in the film: Picard and Data after the wedding ceremony; Picard speaking to Beverly in sickbay; and Deanna in the turbolift. The "original" ending is awful and I'm grateful it ended up on the cutting room floor.

The picture quality is excellent, especially since a lot of the film features near-dark sets. The sound quality is very good. In all, an excellent transfer to DVD.

As to the film itself... The Next Generation is my favourite of the Star Trek shows (the original comes second). I was hooked from Encounter at Farpoint and have enjoyed all 7 seasons and the subsequent films. When I first heard about Nemesis I eagerly awaited this film - Romulans, a Khan-like foe for Picard, a script from one of the writers of Gladiator - wow!

It's the first of any of the films that really disappointed me when I saw it at the cinema. Nothing has changed now that I have seen it again on DVD. No matter what anyone else says, Nemesis does indeed rip off The Wrath of Khan - Shinzon is a product of genetic engineering, he has a powerful weapon in his possession that is deployed to devastating effect at the film's climax.

Sure, Patrick Stewart gets some wonderful moments in the film, but that's about it. The introduction of B4 serves little purpose other than to give Brent Spiner a new character. Troi's mental rape serves no purpose other than to act as a means by which Picard can finally strike back at Shinzon. The other members of the cast do get a look in but its almost as if they are playing different characters, never mind their shocking underuse. The fight between Riker and the Viceroy might have worked better and made more sense if it had been between Worf and the Viceroy.

Much as I want to see Star Trek 11 and for the series to continue, I am saddened that TNG has ended with a whimper. For me, Nemesis ranks tenth.

1st Star Trek First Contact (91%)
2nd Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (90%)
3rd Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (89%)
4th Star Trek Generations (84%)
5th Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (83%)
6th Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (79%)
7th Star Trek the Motion Picture (78%)
8th Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (74%)
9th Star Trek Insurrection (71%)
10th Star Trek Nemesis (70%)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Strong Entry in the Star Trek Series. Great DVD.
Review: Well-paced story, exciting, visually beautiful entry in the Star Trek saga. No need to rehash the plot description - if you enjoy these characters and want a thrilling home theatre experience, you won't err in purchasing this DVD. The disc is stellar, featuring great image and sound, and loaded with extras. As a side note, the cast looks great - I think they made this (the last entry) just in time before the crew began to look like a geritol commercial. All in all, a strong finish to the ST-Next-Gen theatrical series.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great for trekkers
Review: Look, us Trekkers will love everything Star Trek.

This is in the same genre. If you are a Trekker, you will like this. If not, you will think it is so-so.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Wrath of Khan all over again?
Review: As a ST fan I cannot bad mouth much of anything, but I will say that this movie disappointed me. I felt I was watching Wrath of Khan all over again since the story seemed to be very similar. The whole Data story line was weak, and not well thought out. The characters should've been given better development, particularly Dr. Crusher, since this will likely be the end for the Next Gen.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Lame Hollywood writing
Review: Anyone who's seen the movie Adaptation should understand why this edition of Star Trek took the route it did. In order to appeal to a wide audience, there are certain things your movie must have. Crazy action sequences with slow motion and car chases, gratuitous sex, whatever. Basically all the things the Next Generation series never had.

What the writers/director of this movie don't seem to realize is that people who never liked Star Trek in the first place would probably not be lured to see this because of the blockbuster cliches it employs; the biggest fans of the TV show will be the ones who see the movies. But with this movie, many of the people who never cared about Star Trek will still not care about it, and many of the diehard TNG fans will feel like their favorite show sold out. I'm part of the latter group.

I feel bad for the actors from the series, who had to act way out of character for much of it. They did a good job with their roles, which is why I gave this two stars. The movie was also fairly entertaining, loyal to the series or not. But the movie is stupid. It was nice that Riker and Troi got married in the beginning, but that served to have nothing to do with the rest of the movie. Picard speeding around in the buggy was awful. The sex scene between Riker and Troi was totally unnecessary (even though they did manage to fit the story into it- but they could've done it without the sex). And I've never been big into Star Wars, but even I could recognize what action scenes they stole from it.

I wouldn't recommend paying to see this movie, but if you want something light and it happens to be on TV, it's worth a viewing I suppose. I just wish it had better writing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nemesis Rocks!
Review: What did Nemesis have that made it a winner? There were several things- 1. Real Danger. In most other Star Trek movies you know nobody's really going to be harmed. In this one we had the death of a crewmember as well as a smashed up enterprise. 2. Suspense. Data jumping from the enterprise and landing on the scimitar? WOW! And 3. Character Moments. Let's see, a long-awaited wedding, good humor, and a touching scene reminescing over Data. All in all, a GREAT film!

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