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Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Just not a big Star Trek fan....
Review: Just not a big Star Trek fan....

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Horribly Mediocre
Review: You know, for all of their blind loyalty over the years, Star Trek Fans really deserve better then this. 'Nemesis' is probably the pitiful death-kneel of a once-proud franchise that was driven into the ground by a group of people at Paramount (led by Rick Berman) that just have little or no idea what made Star Trek so endearing.

The acting is just terrible. Patrick Stewart just looks like he's going through the motions. Creatively I think he's visibly bored. Jonathan Frakes is a TV actor and still hasn't made a comfortable leap to the big screen, and Michael Dorn's Worf has basically become a Klingon stereotype. This brings me to the sad story of Data. First of all, you can't spend almost 16 years playing out the whole Pinocchio storyline with Data. All of those "I don't understand humanity and yet aspire to be human" moments have stopped being endearing quite some time ago, now they're just annoying. His big scene at the end of the movie (I'm really trying not to drop any spoilers) was just totally devoid of any kind of emotion (or emotional impact) at all. His dual role as B-4 (get it? "Before") is just terrible, clearly done just in case there's a sequel. The rest of the crew make a cameo, but essentially given nothing to do.

The plot is riddled with conflicts of logic. Shinzon is the double for Picard and explains that other then his jaw and nose being broken years ago, they look identical? What? This guy's face is as smooth as silk! If anyone could have gotten away with that kind of a statement, it should probably have been Picard! Stewart, just be virtue of being older, could very easily have had those injuries in his youth.
How could the Enterprise have rammed a vessel when they had no shields and the opponent's shields were at 70%? Wouldn't the Enterprise have just broken up on the front of the other ship? I also love villains who cart around a Death-star caliber weapon and don't use it. I could actually keep going too; this is just the short list!

So far the Next Generation movies are just 1 for 4 with 'First Contact' being their only redeeming moment. Gene Roddenberry would be turning in his grave if he knew the state his beloved franchise was in right now. I'm actually praying that there isn't an 11th movie. If there is, there had better be a complete, top-to-bottom turnover in its creative team right up to Rick Berman. What they have now is just NOT getting the job done.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The worst Movie of an already bad set for TNG
Review: You have to be kidding me.
None of TNG movies have been very good, but this was the worst by far.
Can you say low low budget.

I fell asleep.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Worst Star Trek Movie ever?
Review: I watched this in the theatres after my brother told me not to waste my money. I should have listened to him. In all honesty I can definitely put this in the top three worst Star Trek films; right down there with The Motion Picture and Star Trek V. I put a question mark because I'm not sure it's the worst, but based upon a simple test of which would I pick last to watch, it garners the worst rating. The sad thing is it managed to edge out Insurrection from the bottom three. I can't imagine that they'll make another Star Trek movie after two bombs in a row and the latest series reeling (which I've also stopped watching). Now you may think I'm not a Star Trek fan but my favorite episode aired the day I was born, I watched Star Trek in german without knowing the language when I was five, and I'm slowly buying up the DS9 seasons as I can afford them. I will never buy Nemesis. I have no desire to have it in my collection.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: resistance is futile
Review: I liked this movie. Stewart is commanding as always a jean luc-picard. there are some down falls to this. like Data(Brent Spiner) singing songs and other nitbits. Tom Brady(the evil ... Shinzon) is great. lots of cool scenes with superb action. though we will sorely miss Data and this is directed by Stuart Baird people(director of U.S. Marshals, Executive Decision..etc..etc..) and he directs will ease.

favorite line
Shinzon- "don't be so vain."

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The only ST film that made me load my gun!
Review: Nemesis is just HORRIBLE! And here is the list why:
1. The title, this makes what, number 3?
TNG Nemesis VOY Nemesis now FILM NEMESIS!
2. No character I could recognize. Data seemed to be the only one that showed up, and they killed him for it!
3. I LIKE WESLEY CRUSHER! So there! I hoped his deleted scene would be on the DVD but alas Wes fans lost AGAIN!
4. Where the hell was Troi and Bev at? For that matter where was Geordi?
5. Riker=Kirk.
6. This is a PRIME example as to why a director and writer SHOULD BE A FAN OF THE SERIES! Gotta know what youre talking about. Stuart Baird directing ST? NOT!!! I would have a better chance of bringing peace to the Mid East, before he got ST right!
7. STAR WARS SUX! Unfortunatly the bushy brains behind this mid-air collison must be RABID fans of Lucas and Co.
8. The MUSIC BLEW COWPIES! Right in my ear!! Took over an hour to wash the BS out!
9. The Enterprise herself. The LCD monitors gave a very old ENT feel to the ship. Was it just me or did they change the scale of the ship? I read on the ST website that the Simitar was over 900 meters(2952 ft) in length. The Enterprise is just over 600M (1980ft) but when seen in close proximity, the Enterprise "grows" almost a thousand feet!
I have faith in you Mr. Berman, please dont let us down!
11. oops this was a top ten list!

I left the theater feeling like my friends had long since left.
I remember one late Sunday evening in September of 1987, I had just started High School and Star Trek was back. I had seen every one of the TOS episodes, all the movies (4 then)and was hungry for more. During my High School career, I was late MANY a Monday moring, as TNG was aired at 11PM.
I fell completeley in love with Marina, and the Galaxy Class Enterprise. They both should have been in this film. Thank you Brannon Braga or Ronald Moore or WHOEVER in thier infinite stupidity detroyed the ship at Veridian III!

All the TNG movies have left me wanting. Even First Contact, (ANTOHER example of writers block for a title, remember Riker getting it on with that HOT little alien...Oh never mind! This is a Family Website!)left me wodering who was in charge? TNG needs a REAL GOOD ENDING. Not this crap that was released. Stuart did really good with Gladiator, but he cant hold a palm beacon to Nick Meyer, the greatest ST film director EVER!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Good extras, bad movie.
Review: The art and music of this movie are really objectionable. The bridge is very cluttered and old-fashioned looking, clearly infected by "Enterprise" art concepts, leading one to believe that the technology of Picard's time has actually gone backward! I love "Enterprise" for what it is: a nostalgic look at the old days. But completely inappropriate to let the art direction of that series have such influence here.

The music in the beginning is cheaply melodramatic and really grates.

The overall effect is one of a show that has sacrificed the smooth, high-tech appearance that we have come to know as "Next Gen" in favor of an appearance that was out-of-date when Kirk was alive. Bad move.

The plot is inherently good, but poorly executed. Both the location of the final battle and the way it ends lack meaning. Having said that, the battle itself is quite interesting. Also, the lines given to the Romulan commander at the end of this movie are so inappropriately saccharine and phony as to defy belief.

It is also both true and sad that, as another reviewer noted, the ending of this movie completely invalidates the ending of the TV series, which ending was a vastly superior piece of work.

Final conclusion: go ahead and buy it for the extras, but the movie will disappoint. Too much "Enterprise", not enough "Next Gen".

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Such a dissapointment
Review: I consider myself a true Star trek fan. I have followed to evolution of the series ever since i started to watch television (about 25 years ago). I always have seen it as more than an entertaining show but as a way of projecting my mind into the imagination. I have found this in every episode, some more than others. Even Insurrection is very exciting although poor in some aspects. But Nemesis is the worst possible contribution to the whole experience. As a Star Trek fan I can't help but watching it over and over again, and to look for something that will change my mind but I always come back to the conclusion that it is the most stupid story of all. There is no subplot, unless you consider B-4 a new story. The Picard revealing of his innerself is so weak and boring that I feel regret of ever admiring the man. There are so many plot sequences that are completly irrelevant that slows the story and action sequences that are plain dumb. I give it a second star because of the visual effects but I would prefer Star Trek V anytime.
About the DVD edition, you can enjoy more the plot after watching the deleted scenes, especially about the Reman and Romulan alliance and their plans. But the audio commantary is only informative in a technical level and it doesn't enhance your perception at all about the story. And the interviews are too positive and fake.
Nemesis ultimatly kills TNG and dosen't give me any hope about new Star Trek devellopments. It seems that Star Trek has become a buraucratic empire who doesn't offer more than American Junk culture and is out there just to try to compete with those horrible new Star Wars movies and to make a few bucks.
I wonder what happened to Ronald D. Moore, Michael Piller, Branon Braga and those who brought an ounce of vision to Star Trek.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: WOW
Review: This explains it all:
Even people I have talked to that are DEFFINITLY NOT Star Trek fans LOVED this movie!

I (as well as all of my "NON-Star Trek Fan" and "Star Trek Fans" friends) recommend this movie!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Very disappointing....
Review: Wedding party scenes were very boring...so boring that I didn't even notice that Wesley Crusher was in this movie until reading the end credits. Why bring in Guinan if she's not going to do anything useful? What about Chief O'Brien if you were just going to do the cameo thing?

Total disaster as far as the portrayal of Romulans--they started out as a really interesting alien race with admirable traits in the original series (anyone remembering Mark Lenard's portrayal of a Romulan Commander in the original series knows what I mean)--sure didn't feel too sorry for them with this installment. Why the decision to favor the Klingons over the Romulans (instead of keeping both actively in the mix) is beyond me.

I really only liked Data in TNG series out of the entire crew, Picard was so wimpy as a Captain, Riker was all of Kirk's BAD character traits rolled into one character, Troi and Crusher were awful whiny women characters throughout the series (both of them could have been gotten rid of in this movie, and it wouldn't have bothered me as a woman). Geordi LaForge was pretty much relegated to being Data's on-call repairman. And they couldn't get rid of the Wesley Crusher character fast enough in the series, imho--only the Ruthie character in 7th Heaven is more annoying--so why bring him back for the movie? And don't get me started on all the fraternizing that went on in this show--these are supposed to be military people, folks!

The whole Data subplot, however, was a real cop-out--gee, how many of these prototypes are we going to find scattered throughout the universe? Since he was an adroid, why is this movie the only time we see him hanging out in a vacuum? Don't you think he'd also have been very useful doing critical outside repairs when every second counts? It takes time to get in pressure suits....

I get the impression from this movie, and also the new Enterprise series, that the WRONG people have gotten hold of this franchise and are just running it into the ground for the money. They figure that no matter how bad a movie is, as long as the Star Trek name is on it that there is an established core audience that will watch it, buy the stuff at the conventions, etc. Time travel has been done to death, the Borg keep getting dragged out I suspect because they were expensive enough to set up as an alien race that they want to get their money's worth. We saw more than enough of them in Voyager, really.

As bad as the first original cast movie was, and the fifth, at least the original crew of Kirk, Spock, McCoy et al had some real chemistry. It was such a shame not to have made more movies with them earlier.

Bottom Line: If you are a die-hard Trekkie you might want to see this movie, or if you really like TNG over the original crew. But I would rather watch Star Trek V than this one again. It isn't as bad as Star Trek I with the "Nomad" plot, but that's not saying much.

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