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Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Review: I seem to rember the stupid people saying that even if you don't like Star Trek you'll like this movie. YYYYYYOOOOOOOUUUUUUU LIARS! This was not nonstop action!!!! Action is where thier lips stop flapping and thier ...tazers i guess START FIRING! I got fooled by two movies that had made similar statements. The James Bond movie that came out this year made promises that said that ddn't like Bond would like that. Next time I hear a statement like that I'm gonna march over to the nearest movie theater and piss on the projector!!!!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: TREK ON
Review: In Brief

Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew take to the galaxy again on a diplomatic mission to initiate peace with the Romuluns. But upon arrival on the alien planet, the crew is faced with a threat that could lead to the Earth's destruction, and Picard meets his most dangerous adversary yet.


Love them or hate them, the Next Generation crew are back for what may be their last voyage - though rumour has it there may be one last trip before their retirement so don't get too upset just yet. Well not at least until you have seen the end of this film which features a departure of a key cast member.
So what of the film? Well it being an even numbered release, number ten to be exact, it bodes well as they avoid the curse this time around and provide one their better films to date.

While its not as action packed as First Contact, there is still enough to wet many appetites & to be honest this as true to form as the quality episodes that the Next Generation produced towards the end of its seven year run on TV. Nemesis provides enough intrigue and drama so as not to patronise its audience yet it doesn't go to far as to isolate anyone that doesn't know their tricorder from their transporter.

For the Trekkies out there this is the first time I can recall that we have seen the Romulun home world, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Tom Hardy plays the villain of the piece, Shinzon a being that is a clone of Picard and indeed the nemesis of the film. Yet the Captain is not the only one with an opposite in the film as Data discovers an earlier prototype of himself who is appropriately named B-4. While the various back stories run parallel with the action, the main thrust of the narrative comes from the interaction of the two pairs, indeed the competition, love and the way in which Shinzon & Picard eventually despise one another provides so perfectly matched a delivery that you could be excused to think that these were relatives caught in a long running feud rather than something that has been artificially thrust into existence.

The Verdict

It may not be your first choice for a Friday night out but to be honest this far superior to many of the popcorn Sci Fi or Action flicks that have been on offer in your multiplex in the past few months. It caters for both the fan and those that haven't seen Star Trek ever before. This film is a pleasure to watch as it combines both the action and drama to a pitch that neither falters or leaves you wanting more.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Solid Entry in the Star Trek Franchise.
Review: This is another quality Star Trek Next Generation movie. Far more interesting than its immediate predecessor, and while it isn't quite as action-packed as First Contact, it has a great deal to recommend it - not least of which is a deeply satisfying scene in which the Enterprise is rammed into an enemy ship.

There's also some touches of silliness: is it really likely that the planet Romulus would have a close neighbour called Remus?

There's also a scene early on where the away team are seen on wheeled transport - some kind of off-road buggy. I asked "Why do they need that?" and it seems unlikely that they would, given the technology at their disposal. But it looks pretty cool, and Patrick Stewart evidently had a good time driving the thing around.

But overall this is more quality Star Trek Next Generation with splendid performances - particularly from Stewart (Picard) and Brent Spiner (Data).

In truth, the rest of the cast don't get much of a look-in, being somewhat side-lined.

It is also fair to say the film bears more than a passing resemblence to Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, and one wonders if the next one may be titled The Search For Data, but there are plenty of surprises along the way that make this something rather more than a rehash - and it is certainly in the same league as Wrath of Khan in terms of entertainment.

Cool ships, cool effects, good solid writing, good acting.

It doesn't surpass First Contact (which is my favourite of the ten Star Trek movies), but it does leave me looking forward to the next (and possibly last) Next Generation movie.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Star Trek at its worst (hopefully).....
Review: I'm not going to be too harsh, but honestly, it could have been better. This is only the third star Trek movie I have seen, and out of all three it is definately the worst.
It just seemed so....cheesy. Especially the ending. None of the characters came across as very real, unlike the ones in the old movies (with Kirk, Spock, etc.)
If you're considering seeing this movie, I advise you, for the love of God DON'T! See the old ones first, and then if you're courageous try to make it through this one without falling asleep.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: First Trek movie requiring toothpicks to prop your eyes up
Review: In more than twenty-five years of watching Trek, from childhood on, I have never been so disillusioned with the series. Never before have I been so ... frankly, bored. The Romulans are my favorite villains and were completely wasted here. I expect some Star Trek fans (the minority who feel it is wrong to criticize any Star Trek story, any time) to therefore find this review "unhelpful," which is too bad - I cared very deeply for this series, and for many of the characters, but the actors seem tired.

Given time - and by that, I mean time away, with the franchise hibernating for a while, kind of like Disney and their "vault" for animation releases - Star Trek will probably come back and regain the love and loyalty of both diehard fans and the average person who enjoys these adventures. Star Trek can get away with being goofy or politically incorrect, then too politically *correct* - and still tell a classic tale. Having rewatched "First Contact," it still holds up years later, marvelously, and the Borg are if anything more menacing than they were on the TV show. But now the series needs time off.

While this will probably antagonize Battlestar Galactica purists, I recommend tracking down some web-based interviews with Ronald D. Moore, who left Star Trek: Deep Space 9 and discussed very candidly the problems accumulating with Voyager, Enterprise and this movie, and how televised science fiction could grow. Even if you hate Moore's version of Galactica, that interview will help you appreciate the tensions that went into the most recent incarnations of Star Trek, and why so many ardent fans have stopped watching. For real entertainment, of course, you could just get "First Contact" or "Wrath of Khan".


Rating: 3 stars
Summary: One Of The Rikers Is Really Ticked Off Now
Review: Remember the Star Trek - Next Generation episode in which the crew discovered, trapped on a remote installation, a "double" of Will Riker? And this individual actually WAS Will Riker, who eight years previous had been on a mission there, and unknowingly had encountered some sort of ray that split him into two individuals, both the exact same person. One Riker returned to the Enterprise and continued his career, and the other stayed trapped at the installation.

Eight years later, the Enterprise crew discovered him. Effectively on vacation for eight years, he had not really grown any. His career was in suspense -- while the other Riker had continued upward, and was now first mate of the Enterprise. The relationship between Riker #1 and Deanna had cooled, but Riker #2 still cared for her, and proposed to her... but she refused, since her feelings for Will (either of them) had changed in eight years. Riker #2 departed, and took up his middle name (Thomas) to distinguish himself from Riker #1 (Will).

Now, in this final Star Trek movie, Will Riker marries Deanna. Don't you have to know that Riker #2 Thomas, still out there in the Federation somewhere, had to be majorly hacked off when he heard about that? Riker #2 was the one whose feelings for Deanna had NOT changed, yet old Riker #1 ended up getting the girl.

If there was strife between the two Rikers at family reunions before, one can only imagine (with horror) what things are like now.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Whither Star Trek?
Review: When watching this film at the theater I almost walked out. It really seamed not to be a Star Trek film and certainly not one of the Star Trek The Next Generation films. Something there is missing, the now classic characters seemed bored and very boring. As with Generations I didn't care for the lighting which gives the Federation ship a very dark look. The film was promotted as the film with the vilian as good as Kahn, should be because he was a carbon copy. When are they going to just release a good story that doesn't have a vilian?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW
Review: This was one of the best star trek movies... I totally recomend.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not really the worst...
Review: I really put this movie down in another DVD review, saying it was the worst of all the Star Trek movies. Well, my family, knowing I am a huge Star Trek fan, bought me this DVD for Christmas. I sat down today and watched it, and really tried to enjoy the movie. Surprisingly, I did (for the most part) enjoy it. It's really not that terribly bad. There is some of the usual great special effects, actually amazing special effects, great battle sequences, the same characters we know and love, etc.
Yes, the movie is somewhat a knockoff of The Wrath of Kahn. I would have to agree with another reviewer when saying that the Next Generation has not translated to the big screen so well. Insurrection was a pretty big disappointment; I enjoyed the movie for the most part, but it was really just a glorified episode- it would have worked just as well as an hour show or maybe a cliffhanger on television. The Wrath of Kahn is usually considered to be the best of the entire Star Trek movie franchise, so it is at least somewhat understandable as to why they'd want to imitate it a bit. The wedding scene, to me, seems kind of forced, actually a lot of the acting in this movie seems pretty phoned in. Maybe the actors are tired of playing these parts, or they were just not on board with this film, who knows. The off-road Vin Diesel-esque action sequence at the beginning of the film is pretty ridiculous. As is the scene when Data jumps from the Enterprise to the enemy ship and lands right next to a button that lets him in...Sure, you have to suspend disbelief in any Star Trek, or really any sci-fi movie, but that's just too much. There are some pretty great documentary features on the making of the movie on the DVD, and a clue to the downfalls of the movie are right in there: they picked some director who did not know Star Trek. I think the producers would have been better off getting a real Star Trek nerd to helm this film, instead of trying to compete with all the other movies out there. Just because 95% (maybe more) of all Hollywood movies are just mindless action flicks does not mean that a Star Trek movie has to be that too.
I actually enjoyed the death scene at the end, and am actually glad they did that, as Data's character had really gone as far as it could go. But the B-4 subplot is really horribly unneeded, and is obviously there to leave the option open for another movie to "bring back Data."
I was pretty disappointed with this movie, however, despite its shortcomings, it was really a great action sci-fi movie, and is not really a horrible Star Trek film. It should at least be seen once.
And it should be a good indicator as to what maybe can be done to "save Star Trek." I'm sure I'm not really alone when I say that maybe Star Trek should not be saved. It can't really go on forever, and if they keep going in this direction with movies and in the same direction with the television series, it's only going to die a painful death. If they do make another film, they should just do it for the Star Trek fans and nerds out there, and not try to do some action blockbuster to "appeal to non-Star Trek fans." Or they can do what I'm seeing all over the internet nowadays, and "Bring Back Kirk!!"

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Boom!!
Review: This is one of my favorate movies. I have watched it at least 10 times. My favorate two secnes are When the photon torpedoes tore a huge hole through the view screen, and when the Enterprise and Schmitar collided, it was just amazing.I know this sounds tacky, but in the end when Data rescues Capten Picard, and then was killed, I nearly cried.The dvd also has a really cool interactive menu and has great audio and visual effects. Please buy it. Thanks for reading.

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