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Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not so good as Generations or Insurrection
Review: The epic tale of the Enterprise is shown just like a piece of the great jigzaw who really is.
Something was missed in this movie, it have not the poetry of insurrection and the symbolic story of generations and maybe the best of all remains in the deleted scenes.
Maybe is cos Jonathan Frakes and David Carson did a great work with the other movies, everyone have a natural talent to show the deep side of every character in a few scenes, but Stuart Baird seems not know well the Star trek universe losing the chance to do better scenes specially the end of the movie(the story was good but has not the emotion of every star trek movie, seems something mechanical and predictable for other type of movie)
Jerry Goldsmith make a fine work but very very under his quality level, specially after reinvent his own theme more than two times making in every film something far better from its predecessor.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A little dissapointing but overall a good film
Review: I'm not really a fan of Star Trek TNG but I have some episodes that are very good and TNG movies are very good too since I'm mostly a fan of Star Trek's original series and first 6 movies but Star Trek Nemesis was pretty good despite a few disapointments which were no explanation how the Romulan's got Picard's DNA to clone him, Shinzon's purpose to destroy humanity, no Ambassador Spock in a few scenes since he is on Romulas trying to reunite the Vulcans and Romulans, where Sela is or what happened to her after Data Vulcan neck pinched her into unconciousness 12 years ago, and lastly Shinzon is in no way like Khan he was more like General Chang. Tom Hardy was good as Shinzon though and the space battle was done very well as well B-4 Data's retarded brother played so well by Brent Spiner. If you have seen Black Hawk Down Tom Hardy played Specialist Lance Twombly the soldier who got caught mocking the commanding officer. Data's sacrifice was nearly as good as Spock's was in Star Trek 2 and he was alot like Spock. Will I buy this movie? Yes I will so I can add it to the rest of my Star Trek videos and DVD movies. Star Trek quotes for the day regarding Data's death "Of my friend I can say this. Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels his was the most human." and "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one."

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An excellent addition to the Trek film series.
Review: After the abysmal Star Trek film "Insurrection", the producers of Star Trek decided to take several years off from making Trek films until they could put together one that would trully shine. After seeing "Nemesis", I would say they used the time wisely. Star Trek Nemesis has an action packed, fast paced plot, that has everything that a good Trek film needs.

Many of the elements of this film are clearly inspired by aspects of past Trek films. For example, having a single lead foe, a heavy, for Captain Picard to square off against, is very reminiscent of Kirk's face off with Kahn in Star Trek 2, and is plotted almost as well. This face off between foes also has a unique twist involving Picard's unusual connection with his enemy. The fact that one of the Trek crewmembers sacrifices himself in the film obviously also reminds one of Star Trek 2 and Spock's death in that film. Bringing in the Romulans into the picture was an excellent move, as they are a major villain of Trek who has been around even longer than the Klingons (first appearing in the early Season One episode of the original Trek, entitled "Balance of Terror"). There are also parallels to Star Trek 6 in this decision, having the Enterprise sent to open a new diplomatic dialogue with an old enemy, only to be sucked into a crisis that threatens galactic peace.

The actors turn in excellent performances for the most part, and the main characters are plotted very well in this adventure. I liked the fact that we had the customary Data quest for humanity stuff put in the film, but you don't get hit over the head with it as much in this picture. Riker gets to play both romantic lead with Troi, and action hero when he takes on Remans who have boarded the Enterprise. Picard is also given much more of an action role in this film, very reminiscent of how he was written in Star Trek First Contact.

The action sequences in this film are some of the best of any of the Trek films. Nemesis has perhaps the longest ship on ship battle every put into a Trek film, and its one that will keep you on the edge of your seat in suspense. The special effects are superb, and the visual imagery of the battle is spectacular.

Star Trek Nemesis definitely shows that there is still life in the Trek film franchise, while at the same time providing an excellent last hurrah for the Next Generation cast. Plotting the next Trek film may be difficult (mainly because they have to decide which Trek crew they will have in the film), but this film shows that they can do it effectively given the correct mixture of story elements and proper planning. With Nemesis on the big screen, and the continued excellence shown by Enterprise on the TV screen, Star Trek continues to provide excellent science fiction entertainment.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you don't like this film you just don't get it...
Review: This was as close to perfection as the Star Trek: The Next Generation feature films has come. The actors/characters were at the top of their game. The story was excellent, even if it did share some similarities to The Wrath of Khan and The Undiscovered Country. The battle was the absolute best Star Trek has EVER done in regards to ship to ship combat. The only problem with the film was that it was too short. Here's hoping that eventually there will be an extended version of this film available.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Had the potential to be a great film but fell short
Review: Would have give 2 1/2 stars if offered. The story started off with a coup from the Remans, the race that has only been ever so briefly mentioned of in the Star Trek universe. I found it a very unlikley plot to have a human of any type...even Picards clone to take over the Romulan Empire. The Romulan Star Empire was never written in Star Trek to be this weak. They had a wonderful underground story established in the TNG series with Spock helping out that a civil war would have made more sense. Spock woulldn't had to even be in this series. Perhaps just some references of his work.

I was also very dissapointed at how little a on screen time that Beverly Crusher, Riker, and Worf and Troi had. First Contact clearly proved that quality time could be allocated if a good
producer/director were running thinngs.

The film was riddled with inconsistencies. How B4 come about is weak at very best. Wesley's appearance in a Starfleet unform is ridiculous if you knew under the terms he left (he nearly started a war with the cardassians and left with the traveler and basically told Picard to stuff it). Picard did have hair in his youth. There are several more but I have said enough. Add it to your collection to complete your set, but a good rental will cover it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: For the Fans
Review: At this point it is well known that the Star Trek series is directed at fans only. Just as Enterprise is slowly going down the tubes along with every other Sci-Fi TV show out there this film was not well recieved. However despite that problem the movie is actually pretty good and is a good way to end the NExt Generation Saga.

The story here is that Riker and Troy have finally gotten married. Before they leave on their honeymoon (and Riker to his new Ship) the Enterprise makes a detuer to a planet with a strange anomally. After a brief exploration (in a Jeep like vehicle) they discover another Android similar to Data. They take it aboard and it ends up being a Proto-type. Meanwhile a group of rebeliouse ROmulans are planning an attack on Earth lead by a clone of Picard. What then ensues is that they battle to the death with a sacrafice that not even I saw coming.

Overall this movie is for fans of the NExt Generation who have stuck with it through all these years. This is the final film and it did end with some style.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: And I thought 'Generations' was bad....
Review: This is the first time I have ever reviewed a movie at Amazon. That should tell you something. This movie was a complete letdown. The film's creator's obviously decided to look at the best film in the series, The Wrath of Khan, and then copy everything about it. Let's take a madman with a grudge against the captain, give him the ultimate weapon, and turn him loose. Along the way, let's rehash the 'Data having a twin storyline' and act like Lore never existed. Which means of course, they immediately put B4 together and he tries to take over the ship. Then, let's kill off one of the characters only to set it up so we can waste the next movie bringing him back. Pretty obvious Brent Spiner had a hand in writing this film....And someone answer me this. Why would an entire race follow a human clone? And how does someone raised in filth and ignorance in a mine get hold of the most powerful warship ever built and learn how to command it? This movie has sworn me off of Star Trek Movies for ever. I can see how the average movie watcher might like this movie, but how could any Treker possibly stomach this?!?!?!?

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: So-So Movie, Fantastic Villain
Review: I'm much more of a fan of the original crew than I ever was of the Next Generation, whom I've always felt were a little bland. I don't know if this is the last Generation movie or not -if it is, they certainly couldn't have done a more haphazard job of tying things up. Troi and Riker's wedding comes out of left field (wasn't there a hint at something between her and Worf developing at one time?), poor Wesley looks like he was George Lucased into the wedding party, and isn't Worf a diplomat at this point and no longer a part of the Enterprise crew? The Data plot is undercut by the existence of B-4. Sure it was sad, but the drama is lessened because you know he'll be back in a sequel - in short, we've seen this already, in the far superior Star Trek II.

The one standout in this movie is Shinzon. Hardy has got to be the most charismatic actor to appear as a villain in a Trek film since the sorely underused Malcom McDowell in Generations, and is nearly on par with the incomparable Ricardo Montalban as Khan. He dominates every scene he appears in, even giving Patrick Stewart (who has always been the most honed actor on TNG) a run for his money. The anti-chemistry between them crackles. Despite his twerpish frame, something in Shinzon's scarred face and smoldering eyes sets him apart as very very dangerous. His costume design is perfect as well - garbed in satantic black armor, he is every bit the Modred to Stewart's Arthur (note the climactic ... struggle -clearly a nod to Le Morte D'Arthur, but again, those Hollywood producers are too cowardly to let Picard [pass away]).

The space battle is great (and I really like the `telepathic sonar' concept with Troi - why didn't they ever have her do that before - it was really cool!), but FX are never enough to carry a film. This movie is worth seeing mainly for Tom Hardy as Shinzon. He plays the role with a ferocious intensity and underplayed criminal charm that is just riveting. The man is a fantastically talented actor, and I hope to see more of him.

Look carefully for Ron Perlman as the Reman second in command. Yet another underutilized talent buried in latex.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Truly Amazing!!
Review: Ever since Star Trek VI, the series has been losing momentum. After the TV show TNG ended, Star Trek has been a monotonous and ridiculous franchise that is desperately trying to hang on. The culmination of this is the ninth film, Star Trek Insurrection which was so bland and uninteresting I can't believe they didn't send it straight to video! But wait, here comes director Stuart Baird, who has single-handedly breathed life into a dying series.

Star Trek Nemesis has everything you could want in a sci-fi film. A cool-looking dune-buggy chase scene, an evil and interesting antagonist, awesome special effects, real characters and one of the best plots in the Star Trek series. The look of the film is dark...just dark enough for the plot. The cinematography...especially in the desert scene...is different from anything Star Trek has seen, but it's exactly what it needed. The only thing that's out-of-place is where Data's clone came from, which ignores the possibility of Lore's return, but the rest of the film makes up for that (after all, they ignored the storyline of the Borg being individuals when they made First Contact).

All in all, this film is great! For every sci-fi fan!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One very fine film
Review: This latest installment in the Star Trek world is spectacular. I saw it in the theatre. It is one of the few films that:
A) Made my palms sweat
B) Occupied my mind for hours afterwards.
The writers and director were not afraid to go farther this time. They weren't afraid to go 'dark', both in story and in moody dark lighting. The villian actually seemed evil, as opposed to the utterly predictable villians in most films, including sci-fi.
The demise of a prominent crewmember was done tastefully, he died honorably in the service of his fellow comrades. Touching.
There are punchy humor scenes, dramatic tension scenes, and hair-raising split-second actions that all add to heighten the experience of watching this film. It is very good.
All films have things that can be picked at, but this one has fewer than most. If you like Star Trek, buy this. If you are not a Star Trek fan, you will probably still like this film as a movie all by itself. My non-Trek friends did.

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