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Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: One of the best STNG films yet.
Review: This film had lots of what makes a good movie. Emotion, special effects, and a decent storyline.

It was nice to see all the cast together for (at least) one last romp through the galaxy, even though one member doesn't come home.

There was lots of emotion in this film as we dealt with some issues that haven't ever been addressed in the next generation 'universe'. The characters grapple with change, and moving on with grace and dignity.

The special edition DVD contains deleted scenes which really showed this side of the film, it's a shame they were deleted at all. I think this would have made for a much better theatrical release.

The special effects shots were awe-inspiring, with the space battle a great workout for the home theatre. I had one bad thing to say about the space battle that seems to be a recurring theme in the star trek movies. Why do they always get their butts kicked and have to rebuild the ship every single time? I guess they think that we can't have good conflict unless we see lots of sparks and chunks of titanium being blasted off the ship and then floating around in space. Of course, the battle sequence is phenomenal, but I just kept asking myself that question.

To sum up, this is probably the best next gen film yet. I hope they make a 'transition' film that includes members from casts of next gen as well as Voyager, and maybe even DS9. It's possible that they could even include some of Archer's crew from Enterprise as well, especially since their main foe are timetravellers!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Star Trek Nemesis - A generation's final journey...?
Review: Not unlike many Star Trek fans, when I went and saw Star Trek Nemesis at the theater the first time, I was a little blanched by it because it seemed to be a disappointment based on four years of anticipation and all the hype leading up to its release. Upon a second viewing at the theater a couple weeks thereafter I warmed up to this tale a little more. And now we finally have the DVD where a third viewing for me has clinched this as one of the better Star Trek movies. Paramount has finally decided to not put the screws to us once again by releasing a DVD with just the movie and a trailer; they have loaded this one down with as much as possible.

Many fans have made reference to the writer John Logan who wrote "Gladiator" and someone who has been a long time fan of Star Trek that he embedded this film with way too many references to previously filmed scenes. While this may be the case, I do not think it detracts from the film in any way. Overall, I believe John Logan, Rick Berman and Brent Spiner who are all credited with writing this trek tale, did a wonderful job of dealing with the particular issues that they wanted included and tossing in some of the best Star Trek silver screen space battles ever done.

Credits to of course the entire Star Trek The Next Generation's cast for their usual high standard performances and to Tom Hardy for his wonderful performance as Shinzon of Remus. We're even treated to a guest performance by none other than Kate Mulgrew as "Admiral" Janeway, which leaves many a Star Trek fan to wonder where Voyager will lead to in the future...

The premise:

Going into this film, the Executive Producer of Star Trek Rick Berman knew there were particular aspects that they had to include in this film as part of the premise that this would be "A Generation's Final Journey," which they did quite well to include leaving a huge possibility at the end of the film for this to "not" be STNG's final journey on the silver screen.

Shinzon of Remus, The Romulan Empires second and closest planet has managed to overthrow the Romulan Senate to include the Praetor and is now its Praetor. Having ties with Captain Jean Luc Picard and a need to meet him, he sets into motion a plan that will draw the Federations flagship and her Captain to Romulus for a fateful meeting that will possibly herald the destruction of Earth and the Federation.

The DVD:

As referenced above, Paramount really outdid themselves with this particular release. In past Star Trek film DVD releases we've received only the film and a trailer or two and for the past year or so they've finally been re-releasing the films as "Special Editions."

The cover art for the DVD is perfect. In addition to the wonderful cover art the DVD case itself is new and different as well, with two clips for keeping the case closed which is fairly innovative!

The on screen menus for this DVD are nothing short of spectacular and probably the best I've seen so far for a Star Trek DVD.

Special Features:

Commentary by Director Stuart Baird
Exclusive Documentaries:
- New Frontiers: Stuart Baird on Directing "Nemesis"
- A Bold Vision of the Final Frontier
- A Star Trek Family's Final Journey
- Red Alert! Shooting the Action of "Nemesis"
Deleted Scenes
Photo Gallery
Previews - The wonderful preview for the release of all seven seasons of DS9 on DVD.

I highly recommend this DVD to all fans, hard core or casual and that they give this film a second look as it truly is a wonderful addition to the Star Trek film library! {ssintrepid}

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Magnificent!
Review: This installment of Star Trek - TNG was an very enjoyable viewing experience. Two hours went by much too quickly.

The cinematography and sound were excellent, the special effects were first-rate. I was pleased to see some money actually spent on shuttle craft flight and landing scenes. Usually in Star Trek movies, shuttle craft scenes are done on the cheap, but not here. Nemesis oozed a feeling of quality throughout.

Most of all, the acting, story, writing, direction and editing are all well executed. The cast seemed at ease with themselves and also seemed to be enjoying themselves. And with good reason. The Next Generation cast has always been a favorite of mine, and here that family feeling is continued.

Nemesis succeeds better than it's predecessors because it comes across as a real movie, not just a transplant from the TV screen. I enjoyed the other movies, but they definitely hit a home run this time. Tension and a sense of discovery were masterfully woven. The climax of the movie was unexpectedly emotional and actually brought tears to my eyes.

It would be a shame if the TNG movies ended, but if this is indeed the last one, the series finishes on a high note indeed.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It ain't the best in the series, but it's hardly the worst
Review: All the bashing that Star Trek: Nemesis received since it's release is, for the most part, not deserved. This tenth film in the Star Trek motion picture series (and the fourth to feature the Next Generation crew) begins with the wedding of Commander Riker and Counselor Troil; but the marital bliss is interrupted when Captain Picard and crew encounter Shinzon (Tom Hardy), a clone of the younger Picard. Director Stuart Baird fuses the film with plenty of high velocity action, and most importantly, Nemesis doesn't feel like a big budget episode of the show like the previous film, Insurrection, did. My biggest complaints about Nemesis are, like many other reviewers, the consistency of past storylines. Seeing Wesley at the wedding in a Starfleet uniform is odd (and considering he is on screen for about two seconds is even odder), and no explanation is given as to why Worf is back at his post on the Enterprise after he went back to the Klingons on the final episode of DS9. If you can overlook those two instances (along with a few others), you'll find that Nemesis isn't as bad as some have said it to be. And yes, a beloved crew member dies heroically, but if this isn't the last film to feature the Next Generation crew, just remember that like in Wrath of Khan with the death of Spock, there is a loophole for a return of sorts. All in all, while this may be the worst film of the renowned even numbered Trek's, this is absolutely NOT the worst of the entire series.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Star Trek movie franchise has been LOST!!
Review: My family recently rented the DVD version of Nemesis, and I must say that is was painful watching, being a Star Trek fan. I could see how the movie may appeal more to someone who was never really into Star Trek, but the chances are that if you're considering this movie, you are a Trekkie, and you will be vastly disappointed! Although the acting of the Next Gen crew was on par, the writing was at the best, terrible. Full of unneccesary scenes, inaccurate Trek physics, and more corny moments than seemingly imaginable, the writing practically ruined the Star Trek series of movies. In my humble opinion, this is the worst Trek movie to date, including the 1st and even the 5th.
The special effects were of course, amazing, with spectacular space battles and effects. These, however, could not come close to saving this movie. It was basically an overbudgeted series episode with sub-par writing, and could have had a running time of under an hour and been better.
The movie was also full of scenes and "plot twists" that I can only describe with one word: "corny". Come on guys, you can't expect me to believe that an Enterprise with only 10% remaining sheilds and vastly disabled weapons can seemingly continue to fire at its foe, vastly outgunned while it's two Romulan allies were beaten easily?! And then there's the hand to hand combat between Riker and a Reman, which ends much like Star Wars with the Reman plunging down a bottomless pit, screaming all the way. I could go on, but I really don't want to bore you too much.
Overall, this movie is terrible in my opinion and even though it does show some promise at the very beginning, it loses that promise and ruins itself. I encourage any potential buyer to go out and rent this movie first, because I am glad that I didn't pay $$ to be vastly disappointed. Some people may even like this movie, but I certainly wasn't one of them. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Skip this one
Review: For the general movie fan: this film was made to be edgy, but just comes across as dark and cold; buy "First Contact" instead for great Sci-Fi. For Trek fans specifically: the DVD is primarily a cult-of-personality collage on the director and Tom Hardy, neither of whom know or care much about Star Trek.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Watchable, but light on plot and heavy on action.
Review: "Nemesis" is heavy on action, light on plot, almost the exact opposite of "First Contact" which is my favorite Star Trek movie. However, this is a watchable film, and the movie certainly highlights the fact that by now the TNG characters all have wonderful chemistry with one another, and some of the characters' acting skills have greatly improved since the inception of the series. Patrick Stewart (whose acting skills have always been excellent in my opinion) turns in a bravo performance, as does Brent Spiner. The "dune buggy" scenes in the desert are lots of fun. However, how does this segment of the film square with the "Prime Directive?" I suppose we are destined never to know, but that's Hollywood. This is a minor quibble.

My main criticism of the movie is that I found the plot to be murky and the evil protagonist somewhat unfocused as regards his motivations and purpose. I also don't like the idea of "good Romulans" (spoiler omitted here). The best thing about the film is that it deals with the Romulans/Remans who I have always thought are the best "Star Trek" villains with the possible exception of the Borg.

If you are a Star Trek fan, you will like this movie. Those who are not will likely be less enthusiastic.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty Good, Actually
Review: I'd been so disappointed in what had become of the Star Trek movie franchise and had heard so many bad things about _Nemesis_ that this is the only Star Trek movie that I didn't make it a point to go see in the theatre. I actually hesitated to rent the DVD, but I figured I'd be bound to see it some time, better get it over with. Well, I'm pleased to report that "A Generation's Final Journey" isn't actually all that bad. It's not original by any means, but it doesn't make the gross mistakes of the rest of the TNG movies.

As Riker and Troi celebrate their wedding (finally!) and prepare to go off to Riker's new command on the Titan, Captain Picard receives a message that the Romulan Empire is making peace overtures to the Federation. The Enterprise is the ship closest to Romulan Space (big surprise there), so Picard & Co. are sent to see what's the what. Of course, all is not what it seems -- in more ways than one.

In a nutshell, _Nemesis_ reminded me of "Wrath of Khan" meets "Best of Both Worlds" with a little of "The Undiscovered Country" thrown in. But if you're going to be derivative, you should definitely do your deriving from good material. Certainly it helped the TNG franchise here. The plot was understandable, without the excess elements that have cluttered the previous movies. The characters were used well, without the former attempts to give everyone an important screen "moment" that was not necessarily in service of the plot. There wasn't too much extraneous action, or attempts to make Picard into a Kirk-like action hero. All in all, it viewed like a 2-part episode of the series.

The thing that _Nemesis_ lacks more than anything is chemistry. The original series may not have been so artful or socially relevant, but it was often chock-full of emotional impact. TNG was always a more cerebral show. _Nemesis_ is true to that form, but that cerebral energy, I think, just doesn't translate well to the big screen. I couldn't help but compare the big battle with the Kirk/Kahn stalk through the nebula in Start Trek II and find the current film lacking. There's a meeting of minds here, but they're both very cold minds, lacking the passion of the original series' characters that made that show so great.

_Nemesis_ is certainly the best of the TNG movies. It doesn't compare to any of the Nicholas Meyer works, however. I'm glad I waited for the video release.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Is This The Final Voyage of the Enterprise-E?
Review: I really was amazed at how great this film was. It was alot better than "Insurection" which was released prior to this classic. Its nice to see that in-between the 4 years of Star Trek films they put together a gem of a movie. Was dissapointed of course at the ending when Data was killed off but they did leave the door open with B-4 recollecting data's "Blue Sky" song snippet. I was impressed with the space battle scenes and the special effects were wonderful. It was also good to finally learn about the planet Remus and the Remans and their culture as they were virtually unknown before.
The battleship SCIMITAR was a beauty and it was fun to see the brand new Romulan Warbirds in battle. I hope this isnt the last movie with the Next Generation crew. It sure seems like it but they did leave the door open for yet another movie. I doubt it will be as good as this one though.

Quite possibly the best Star Trek Movie ever...this one has it all...action...adventure...excellent storyline and script...and best of all great acting. 5 stars without a doubt.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Dark gem
Review: Star Trek: Nemesis is easily the darkest of all the Star Trek movies. It is also the quirkiest and the hardest-hitting of the Next Generation movies. The final ten minutes come like a machette attack and the entire movie wades in a dark, rich tone movie-goers last saw in the German Expressionist films of the 1920s. It's a very rare bird, and a delicious experience, completely unlike any other Star Trek movie and different indeed from any other science fiction movie altogether. Unjustly maligned upon its release, I hope that eventually Star Trek: Nemesis will find its audience. Unfortunately, since most Trekkies have seen the movie and disapproved of it this may never happen. Still, if you're a science fiction fan or love brilliant cinematography this film may find a very special place in your heart.

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