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Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Moderately good film, if you're into TNG
Review: This isn't my favorite Trek movie, but it's a smart choice for direction and I generally enjoyed the story. Stylistically it is very unlike any other Trek film. Quibbles? Well, I've never really appreciated Whoopi Goldberg's presence, Wes has a merely cursory appearance at the wedding, while Dr. Crusher is underutilized, looks a little vacant, and is not given any meaningful discourse. It's gravy for everyone else though, especially Troi (I thought), who exhibits a sexier, more supernatural dimension than normal. The 4-wheelin' scene is kind of silly--it looks like a car commercial. I only wish they had integrated that deleted scene of Data and Capt. Picard having a private chat. Hopefully the producers can break the jinx on the next outing. How about a Voyager flick? Kate and Jeri would like super fine on the big screen.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Big disappointment
Review: Being The last of the Trek films, I was very disappointed. Pass this movie up and get wrath of khan.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An awsome cutting edge Star Trek movie.
Review: Now for the critics out there, if you actually sat down and paid attention to the move or maybe even watched it a few times you would come to appreciate it. It is a bit of a cliché of previous Star Trek moves but that's what brings people back to moves such as this one you can always expect the expected and some times the unexpected if you catch my drift.
The movie was way better than Star Trek Insurrection but not quite as good as First contact and I am not even going to compare it to captain Kirks generation because you will never have moves as good as them but that's a different topic all together. Now as far as graphics they where by far the best I have seen in a Star Trek movie, the ships the phaser fire and the battle scenes where all flawless. As far as the action there was plenty of it and the fighting scenes that involved Picard and Praetor Shinzon where darn good considering Picard is getting old. I also liked the part where Picard rams the Enterprise into the Schimitar that was a bit unexpected and probably got people sitting on the edge of there seats I know I was. And last but not least the scene where Data blows up the Schimitar and dies was sad but the part that actually brought a tear to my eye was the part after that scene when Counselor Troy hugs Riker and starts crying
Right through to the scene where they are all standing around drinking wine and telling story's about Data.
All in all I thought it was really good how ever I did feel that it was rushed a little bit just falling under 2 hours. But I would most certainly give it 4.5 stars. I honestly don't think it got the credit it deserved and I hope its not the last Star Trek movie to be made.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nemesis
Review: Star Trek: Nemesis, the tenth film in the star trek movie family and from all points the finally TNG movie. The movie had so many bad reviews from both trek and non-trek fans and movie reviews. I had lower my expections and was expecting the worst. Nemesis was one of the best star trek movies I have ever seen. I went to see this movie to be entertain and that was what occurred. The action and special effects are the best I have seen in any TNG or TOS movie. I was suprised how good Nemesis was, from the plot and acting of Patrick Stewart(Picard), Brent Spiner (Cmdr. Data and B-4), Tom Hardy (Shinzon) and the rest of the cast. The features on this DVD is excellent as well, behind the scenes stuff, and deleted scenes. The movie itself on the DvD look and sound excellent.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not perfect, but a good Trek release.
Review: This movie for me is a conflux of mixed emotions.

It's great in the sense that the film is a really fun picture to watch (especially the very impressive third act), but it's also aggravating in the sense of pacing.

They go, they stop. They go, they stop. Over and over (INCLUDING in the aforementioned very impressive third act).

I liked this film in the sense that I could have nitpicked it to death, but it was enjoyable enough to suspend my disbelief. But I will agree with other reviews that I have read that say that John Logan and Brent Spiner were trying too hard to re-create the feel of Wrath of Kahn.

On the DVD front, I will say that I like this film as well. Having recently watched First Contact, I noticed that (at least on my Pioneer Elite HDTV) there is a noticable improvement in visual quality. Images are much more vibrant and have much less noticable grain inherant in film to digital transfer.

The audio is also (not surprisingly) impressive. The surround channels are constantly active, from the normal background rumble of the ship, to the zipping of quantum torpedoes flying by.

I was a little disappointed in the extended/deleted scene catagory. I was really hoping that these deleted scenes would be fully-finished scenes, preferably re-inserted to the film. Neither of my hopes was met, and I think it was a large detriment to the film itself. Two of the scenes included would have drastically helped the character development of the film and setup the recurring themes to a little more satisfying extent.

Overall though, I can recommend this film to pretty much any Trekkie (and no, I don't call them Trekkers...), and anyone who might have a passing interest in Trek. It's a strong action flick in it's own right, and it DOES have a sense of higher morals (not a big sense, but it is there).

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Enjoyable movie with flaws...
Review: When "Nemesis" came out, I went to see it on the opening day, expecting nothing less than greatness. After all, the last film had left me somewhat unimpressed, and it seemed as though "Insurrection" was a movie that, honestly, could have just been a two part regular episode. The franchise realized this too, and they decided that Nemesis was going to have to be much more of an action movie - a movie with a villain we can all hate.

Well, Shinzon plays that role quite well, although the fact that he is the clone of Picard is a bit ludicrious. Plot holes aside, Shinzon fills in the gap that had been missing from Insurrection. He brings a certain aura of darkness into the film, from his looks to his voice and actions. His people, the Remans, also look magnificently dark. His intent is to destroy Earth to cripple the Federation, and the Enterprise (specifically, Picard), has to stop him before he gets there.

Patrick Stewart must have been bored with all of the speeches that he usually gives, because there are a couple of moments in the film when Picard is out of character (riding around in a dune buggy, anyone?) Even so, his acting talents are still up to par and he adds the life needed to keep this movie interesting. While there are scenes in which he will stop to take a philisophical standpoint, most of the movie is him making gutsy decisions that seem a bit out of place.

Aside from the great Picard/Shinzon rivalry, however, the only other character with real time in the movie is Brent Spiner, aka Data. This movie seems to have forgotten that he does now have an emotion chip, but that's forgivable, as the ending seems more touching when he is shown as making an ethical, noble decision in his quest to become more human.

But here the problems start to set in. Every other character from cast and crew is probably around for only 10 minutes, max. Fans of Micheal Dorn or Jonathan Frakes, or Marina Sirtis or Gates McFadden, will be sorely disappointed that their favorite characters did not get more screen time. After all, if this is "a generation's final journey", you would expect to see more of the generation included. This wasn't a large problem for me as I am a fan of Stewart, and there is plenty of him in the movie. But for those looking for Worf to get into a hand to hand fight, be warned. Even Riker's fight scene is short, confusing, and ultimately forgetable as the audience becomes more interested in the fight between Shinzon and Picard than anything else.

In a way, this movie does draw some aspects of the Next Generation to a close - Riker and Troi are finally going to tie the knot (although we never see it) and Riker is becoming captain of his own vessel. Data leaves, but in his place is the B4, so there's still something that could be developed there. The long standing rivalry between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire may finally be coming to an end, although it really does seem to be wishful thinking.

So, in the end, what does this movie really accomplish? Aside from a view little wrap-ups, nothing really seems to be resolved, and I, for one, believe there will be at least one more movie in the franchise (after all, the promo said "A generations final journey begins", not ends). If it were truly the final movie, I'd say it was a slight disappointment. If, however, it's not, then I'd say it delievers plenty of action for the audience and opens up new directions for the crew.

P.S: Should another movie be made, I suggest using Q as the villain. John De Lancie always was the best mysterious supreme being.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Best Star Trek Ever?!?!?
Review: Best Trek ever?!?! Five Star reviews?!?! I wish I could have seen the movie these reviewers did, because Nemesis was [...]. Besides the fact that we have already seen this plot device in numerous "lore" episodes of STNG, and "Insurrection," the movie was just plain bad.

How many times is Star Trek going to kill off characters and then bring them back as clones or replicas or reintegrated borg drones?

How long could Riker possibly stay the XO of the Enterprise? At least the original Star Trek movies had the characters make professional advances.

The acting is terrible, the plot is full of holes, and the movie is poorly directed. There is no consistency with other movies, or even the series.

Meaningless, out of character actions lead to a character death. The villian acts in ways that make no sense.

All in all a terrible movie. [...]

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "Boy Were the Critics WRONG on this one. GREAT MOVIE
Review: All I heard for weeks when this movie was in the box office was how bad it was. Also the amount the movie made led you to believe the same. But I just bought this movie for my collection and let me tell you. THIS IS AN AWESOME STAR TREK FILM. A lot like "FIRST CONTACT". The story is about a Reman who takes over the Romulan Senate on the home world of Romulus. The Enterprise is dispatched to see the new Praitor to engage in peace talks. When they arrive they find that the new Romulan Leader is actually a clone of Jon Luc Picard. Created years ago to take his place an infiltrate Star Fleet. Jon Luc is troubled by seeing his clone wondering if he had in him the same evil mind that his clone Shinzon has. Thus begins the mins games Shinzon puts on Picard. The crew also finds a early version of Data (called B-4) on a distant planet. B-4 is an agent of Shinzon unbeknowing to B-4. So Data and Picard struggle with mirror images of themselves. I wont giver it away but the battle scene between Shinzon in his huge ship and Picard inthe Enterprise is awesome. A classic battle of wills and sacrifice. Is this the last film for the Next Generation? As it leaves us the answer is yes. Riker is promoted to Captain and gets his own ship and marries Deanna and takes her along. THe doctor leaves as well(not that anyone will notice of care) Data sacrifices himself to save Picard. But B-4 is still around with all of Datas memory s owho knows how that will play out. In the extras you see the original ending of the movie in which the new first office comes aboard .Dont know who he is though. But hte ending was a bit better then the one the film has. This is great Star Trek. I think the only thing it is missing is a little more emotion.Aalo its plain to see that they wasted film on some of the so called stars like Deanna and the Doctor. Deanna is MIND RAPED by Shinzon with the helP of his Viceroy. Makes no sense in the plot what so ever. WORTH GETTING

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not with a bang but a whimper
Review: ...does this series end.

Rather than leaving us with any emotional impact over the loss of a long-time character, this movie dispels any tension whatsoever by coming up with a rampant tale of clones and copies, removing any chance that we'll lose a favorite character. There's nothing here that hasn't been done better elsewhere.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Atonement for past transgressions...
Review: Did I unjustly help ring the death knell of the ST:TNG movie franchise?

So, I need to admit... I passed on seeing ST: Nemesis in the theatres... and I'm not quite sure why. I don't think it was because there were a myriad of competing movies out at the same time... I don't think it was because I didn't have any interest in seeing another Trek movie... I think it was because of 3 reasons.

1. Minor reason. OK, I was a ST:TNG fan. I will admit. I loved each character. I enjoyed the original series with Kirk at al, but, lets face it... it was campy. I never got into Voyager, Deep Star 9 or whatever, and now, at 28, I'm just too busy to really invest time into watching an hour long drama every week on a regular basis (ala Enterprise). But I digress... yes, I always loved TNG. And, well... before the movie came out, there were rumors that they were going to kill off a main character. Well, I just didn't want to see that happen.

2. Major reason. The marketing for this movie was AWFUL. If I recall, the trailors focused more on the "dune buggy on a bleak sun-bleached desert planet" scene, eliciting memories of some of the more awful contributions to the Star Trek film legacy (namely Star Trek:5, and Star Trek: Insurrection). I'm sorry, but when I think "Star Trek Movie", I don't want a lot of planet-side action... I want epic starship battles. I want explosions, and hull breaches, and torpedos, and monumental clashes.

3. On top of it, there simply was ZERO buzz about this movie. Paramount spent, what, $2.73 on promoting this movie? If any Star Trek film killed the movie franchise, it wasn't "Nemesis", but the previous installment, "Insurrection". Movie sequels and franchizes need to feed of the buzz and hype off the one before it, and let's face it folks, "Insurrection" was an awful movie, and "Nemesis" paid the price for it.

So, why am I writing this?

I just rented "Nemesis", and, well... dare I say, it's one of the three best movies in the series!!!! (behind The Wrath of Khan, and First Contact).

I was totally engrossed in the story line! The dune buggy scene WAS actually hokey, but was only a minor little side-bar, the villain was menacing yet complex, and I even felt some sympathy for the character. The special F/X were really good, the directing was competent, the mood was dark (Star Trek with a David Fincheresque twist!), the visuals were stunning, the interplay of the characters with the emphasis of "family" was indeed touching, the ending sacrifice actually worked, and the ending space battle between the Enterprise and some of the Romulan/Reman ships were some of the best captured on film for the entire franchise... be in a movie or a television show. It was EVERYTHING I could possibly want in a Trek movie...


So, I am sorry I didn't go see this movie in the theatre. I'm sorry that this great movie did not do so well in the theatres, and I'm sorry that because of it, there may never be another Star Trek:TNG movie again. And for that, I'm rather sad.

So, if you are a Star Trek fan that stayed away like I did, or a sci-fi fan in general... buy the DVD. Support the franchise. Maybe we can now make up the poor box-office receipts and potentially secure another Next Generation film somewhere down the line.

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