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Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I'd change one thing.....
Review: Very Good. This movie was one step below First Contact and much better than Insurrection. The only thing that disappointed me was the way Data said good bye. It was very stoic.They could have added one more line and had him say "It's been fun". This would have shown that he had understood emotion and closed out his character more completely.

As for plot points every ST movie has holes in its plots so why are people making a big deal of them? Stop with the over analyzing and just enjoy it for what it is.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: See it once, then never again
Review: In the tenth installment of the Star Trek movie saga, Star Trek: Nemesis tries too hard to atone for the lack of space conflict in the ninth film, Insurrection, and tries too hard to be what Star Trek is not, nor ever has been, about.

This film, focusing on the plot of an angry young Picard clone, presented an interesting villain, but an unrealistic concept backing said villain. While genetically identical to the real Picard, Shinzon and Picard are virtually nothing alike, due to the differences in their upbringing. The whole idea that they would be connected in terms of thought processes is preposterous, to say the least. What's more, the plot focuses so much on Picard, that none but the second most interesting Enterprise crew member, Data, truly get any screen time. For all intents and purposes, this film should have been called "Star Trek: Picard and Data Have an Adventure with a bunch of other unimportant people." Each and every other character is wasted, with Riker and Deanna's wedding being virtually the only scene to feature the two in any kind of prominent role, Dr. Crusher and Geordi seeming to disappear completely, and Worf reduced to a drunk who doesn't like to hear singing androids. In addition, with the film's mood being so dark, none of these characters could even get in any characteristic Trek humor. The plot parallels between Picard and Data, in terms of Picard's clone and Data's prototype, is interesting, but beyond simply occuring at the same time, share no other connections.

The film tries exceptionally hard to make itself out to be an action movie of sorts, with nearly half the film filled with space battles, dune-buggy phaser fighting, and Picard and Data fighting the crew of the Scimitar, Picard's clone's ship, which possesses a bizarre, over-animated "super-weapon." Star Trek was always about exploration, strange new life, and life's great journey- not about all the alien butts to be kicked at the end of that journey.

Seeing how the Enterprise, as a character in the previous film, was wasted, featured only in a few shots orbiting the planet and running like a scared dog with its warp nacelles between its legs, in Nemesis, the Enterprise is given a half-hour battle with a vessel of Picard's clone. Not only is it overdone, but it's unnecessary for the sake of the plot- the real action takes place aboard the vessels.

Despite all of these weaknesses, the climax of the movie, and essentially the film's end, brought me to tears. Data has always been my favorite Trek character, and this scene showed him at his best. The ending nearly redeemed the film for me, but not quite.

If only for the spectacular ending, I gave Star Trek: Nemesis a single star. See it once for the express purpose of the ending- and then never, ever see this horrid piece of Star Trek history again.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Great on Action but short on substance
Review: I watched this movie in the original theater release and on DVD as a rental. To compare this movie to other SNG films as First Contact and Insurrection is a waste of time. The premise of this film is more sinister and forboding. The Enterprise is called upon to help resolve a dispute in the Romulan Empire. Picard is unaware that a clone of himself is in power of Romulas and his nemesis who wishes to destroy all life on Earth to get rid of Star Fleet forever. Picard's reactions to the younger version of himself is ludacris at times. The previous two films used humor better, had more involving and interesting stories, and the pacing was much better. This film bogs down and the climatic finish is unrealistic and over dramatized as was the movie 'Generations.' To compare this film to the original generation cast of movies is also futile. Kirk had a totally differet approach to threats and the movies were written with the original cast members performing as they had in the series. The Next Generation cast are different characters completely and the movies reflect this. The original Star Trek even numbered films are by far the best of the lot and I am an original trekkie from that era. I enjoy the Star Trek Next Generation episodes, Star Trek Voyager and now Enterprise, but did not care for Deep Space Nine. I have not purchased this film to add to my collection and have no interest to see it again.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A major improvement over "Insurrection"....one of the best!
Review: "Nemesis" is one of those movies that delivers the goods, except for a couple of confusing plot problems. As the movie got into the B-4/Data relationship, I was wondering: didn't Data already have an evil counterpart in Lor, from the series? If so, would their "father" (Dr. Soong) have created another one for Data after Lor? That was a bit odd...as was the way Shinzon found his way to power so quickly in the Romulan Senate. But...these are minor quibbles in a great movie. The original cast is terrific, although I wish Whoopi as Guinan was around for more of the movie. One thing that disappoints me: if this is the last of the TNG movies, they never brought back Q (John De Lancie), and that's a shame, being a wonderful actor. Oh well, enjoy Star Trek fans, you'll enjoy this one a lot! And, as usual, the score from Jerry Goldsmith shows why he is THE Star Trek movie music composer. As if you didn't know.... :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Unique
Review: The plot may not be anything new, but the film's dark tone (even darker than First Contact) is similar to Gladiator's. THis is conveyed through the imagery and the plot itself. For Star Trek films, this is quite unique. It is definately one of the best Star Trek films.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: O Series, Where Art Thou?
Review: Star Trek Nemesis, the 10th installment of the movie series of Star Trek, is pretty much for fans of First Contact only. It follows in the same directorial style as Frakes had at the helm of First Contact.

While highly unbelievable in many respects (feeling like a grab bag of past episodes combined with a decent new plot attempt), I still found myself enjoying this movie. Genetics gone awry are combined in a renegade Romulan plot to take over Picard's role in the Federation.

For longtime fans of the series, the movie may feel like a strained attempt at tying up some loose plot ends, then kicking the cast hard and fast out of the nearest air lock for good (although the door is certainly left open for spin-off attempts). We lose a major fan favorite character in the blink of an eye, and I felt kind of shocked at the choice, although upon reflection it seemed obvious who would go.

Nevertheless, the action is awesome, with a great visual style permeating the whole film. The acting of most of the actors in character seems to have reached its full (and excellent) maturity.

As to the bonus features, they are abundant and attempt to more than make up for any disappointment fans may have. All in all, it's a nice package.

Rating: 3 stars
Review: It's too bad. TNG swansong deserved better than a Star Trek walk-through. Known for fx, the fx highlight is Data's flight from point A to point B. Like Spock, in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.Clone? Aren't they supposed to look alike?No ultimate resolution. Talk for talk's sake only. Very dis-apponiting for this ardent Star Trek fan. Save us T'Pol.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Nemesis
Review: I did not go to see the film when it came out, I must admit I was put off by the very negative remarks about the film. BUT I did buy the DVD and I must say I do not understand 'WHY' there were so many negative remarks. I enjoyed the film, infact I have seen it twice now. I sincerely hope that they do all come together again for one more film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ranks with Wrath of Khan, IMO
Review: I'm very surprised by the customer reviews that I've just read. I just watched the movie last night and feel that this is the best Trek since Wrath of Khan. I do like First Contact but felt that this one had an even deeper plot and wider storyline. The action and effects were fantastic. I've always thought that STTNG was lacking in the number of battle scenes, though I loved the series and have begun acquiring the series on DVD.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Can special effects make a good sci-fi movie?
Review: Not if it's Star Trek! Think of the revered STTNG episodes: "Inner Light", "Offspring", "Yesterday's Enterprise", "Best Of Both Worlds", "All Good Things" and many others. When was the action top priority? Never! ST has always been about issues and ideas, about intrigue, interaction between characters and humor. Action always had a supporting role and "only" a supporting role in our beloved ST universe. That was the case even with the most action packed and most successful TNG movie "First Contact".

Apparently after somewhat negative reaction to "Insurrection" TNG producers decided otherwise. They brought in a director who puts action forward. It didn't matter Mr. Baird knew nothing about Star Trek! I don't blame him; after all he directed a couple of mindless action flicks and he is an accomplished director in his own league. Unfortunately Star Trek is NOT his league.

I won't go into detail since the story is known by everyone, but the basic premise of Nemesis is workable. Give it to a director who knows Star Trek and it could be made into a wonderful movie (remember Jonathan Frakes anyone?). The question "what makes us US?" is intriguing, the opportunity of a personality clash between Picard and Shinzon is promising. But since the producers and the director decided that this is going to be an action movie, these issues are touched lightly leaving screen time to space battles, laser-gun fights and explosions. The result is a mindless, second class, Terminator-wanna-be action flick. Even the space battles (which are visually stunning I admit) becomes boring after a while.

The problems don't stop there. The screenplay is written by an Oscar winner who proudly claims he's a fan! What kind of a fan can omit the wonderful interaction between the characters? Has anybody seen Beverly Crusher in the movie? Can't Geordie do any better than being a bland sidekick to Data? Where is Worf for God's sake? Oh, the writer had a personal "crush" to Troi so he wrote a special part for her! That special part turned out to be an insecure, violated woman with a crying face and reddish eyes! That's Deanna Troi we're talking about... Come on...

And the ending; which is supposed to shake the audience! What a bland scene was that!! If you're going to do that, you'll have to do it spectacular; nothing less!

Don't let me start counting other minor(?) issues. How can the noble and mighty Romulan Empire allow themselves to be ruled by a Reman raised Human teenager? The assasination and coup d'etat in the opening is plainly stupid! Imagine Bin Laden somehow bombs the US senate and rest of the Americans think "Oh; so we're now being ruled by Bin Laden?. Erm.. Ok!"... No resistance, no nothing... Get a life!

And one final word to fans-alike, who criticized Jonathan Frakes for Insurrection. He did a great job with "First Contact", however Insurrection was definitinely not the best Trek movie ever made, but it was obvious that Mr. Frakes created a watchable movie out of an uninspiring story. He was loyal to Roddenbery's ideas and Insurrection was full of character interaction, humanism, and humor. Granted it was little more than a good two-part episode, but hey, I love TNG episodes! As a result, Mr. Frakes had to step down from the director's chair, and we'll never know what would he achieve with Nemesis. But I'd bet everything I have that it would be much better than Baird's Nemesis.

This is supposedly the last TNG movie and I'm sad! Not because it is the last, but because it had to farewell to all of is on such a low low note.

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