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Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

Star Trek - Nemesis (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: So this is what it's come to...
Review: I am completely dumbfounded by the existence of this movie. Rick Berman has finally succeeded in detroying a beloved franchise. The Next Generation was often an entertaining, if not thought-provoking series about the issues that face humanity, even in a futuristic setting. But the succession of terrible motion pictures is almost the polar opposite of Kirk and Crew, who had a campy show, but respectable movies.

I once heard there is nothing more desperate and hopelessly optimistic than a Cubs fan. But watching these movies, I have to think that anyone who wishes more than uninspired nonsense from the Trek camp is worse.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Disappointment of Galactic Proportion
Review: An incoherent plot, a vague theme, shallow characterization, laughable action cliches, an utter lack of Star Trek conventions or congruity with past Star Trek films, and even plagiarism from Star Wars (e.g., the ship hallway gunfight) and the Lord of the Rings (e.g., the self-impalement at the end and the music) cannot be forgiven. Much of this nonsense is explained by the director when, in the special features, he admits to never having seen the Star Trek T.V. series or films; the undue focus on Data at the expense of all of the other characters, meanwhile, can be explained by Brent Spiner's position as script writer. This installment is among the worst of the STNG movies. And if this is in fact the last with the Next Generation crew, it is an even greater disappointment. Don't waste your money on this DVD; save your money for one of the complete seasons of the STNG television series, when STNG was still STNG--original, noble, intelligent, thrilling, and delightful.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A good Trek film
Review: This is already a good Trek film, and the deleted scenes on this disc make you wish someone had been paying closer attention when they edited the movie. A couple of those scenes added back in, coupled with a more emotional performance by Stewart, would have made this a fantastic TNG sendoff. As it stands, the disc looks great, sounds great, and is just what you'd expect from a Trek film - it just isn't at the level of Trek II or Trek VI, or even First Contact. The character development was a little lacking, and Stewart underplays Picard. Otherwise a good, fun story that looks likely to be the final chapter of TNG.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best trek ever!
Review: What can I say, I lov ed it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great DVD with great extras...
Review: "Star Trek: Nemesis" on DVD is an excellent addition to any home video collection. The single DVD contains the original feature film as well as worthy extras such as a deleted scenes section that had not been a part of previous Star Trek DVD releases.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I stay with Khan.... but it's not a bad movie
Review: You could say Nemesis is a not-well-thought parody of ST2, and you could be possibly right, but the analogy serves for the moment, so I'll try to explain my feelings about this movie in that way. It begins with a remainder of our own temporal status in the universe: the Riker/Troi wedding is an exquisite way to tell us about family, friends and continuity. Just like in Khan Movie, Kirk's birthday reminds him about time and his friends remind him about family. That's a good and laughable moment (especially with Data's performance). and it is possible wedding... Worf married Troi in an ALTERNATE future, remember? Next, we encounter the nemesis element (ironic, but Khan's movie was about a "Genesis" project in the hands of a Nemesis character...) a weak plot? Don't think so. Picard is the captain of the most powerful starship of the fleet, the "flagship" of the Federation; it's the best target if you want a conspiracy. Changing and Admiral or a desk officer doesn't allow a swift attack on a colony for example... (None of this is on the movie of course... a shame...) Well, a clone is made... and marooned on the Remus planet (never heard of it? Think... the Rome founders: Romulus and...). Although no one explains more about this Shinzon (the clone), and why is he kept alive if he is of no more use, we need him alive! It's the reason of the movie! (C'mon folks...be a little flexible...) and he allows you to think many things: first of all, a person is a very complex thing, with multiple facets. You could create a "nemesis" with any of these aspects of the same character. I think Picard had many "nemesis" (just like Bond, Superman or any hero you could imagine...) and the best of them is, of course "Q" but... second thing: even twins are different in personality, desires and goals. Culture, environment and education mark a person for life, and this is not the first time you see an evil counterpart in Star trek (remember the mirror universe?) so... third thing: what if you have another life, totally the opposite? Could you blame yourself for your own acts? And going back to Khan's: remember he was genetically created... Anyway, Picard's mind go through radical emotions: anger, compassion, and even paternal affection I think, all about Shinzon. In a certain key moment Picard freezes in front of Shinzon and you think "this is it, they're all gonna die" because this "I can't blame him for being evil" thing.

All in all, you need any subplot to make the end. (Or may be not everyone... for example the pre warp people in the sand planet watching "aliens": bye bye prime directive...) B-4, Data's dumb brother is an expendable character... but you see it's necessary, he can be funny reminding us of the old first season lieutenant commander positronic-brained-terahertz-powered-incapable-of-whistling android... and for other things... I regret deeply he wasn't a little bit smarter in the end... Finally, you have a ship battle sequence like no one in the trek saga of movies. In its time, Star trek 2 was the same thing, and of course you face a no-win scenario, with a sacrifice... and that's all I will say about it (like Gump says...)
My final opinion: Well, I have both movies: I prefer Khan's because of Montalban's performance: simply majestic! Khan is able to transmit you his wrath... Shinzon can't. You could even think he can be turned to the "light side of the force" for moments... (forgive me trekkies for I have sinned...) it's not a bad guy... just... uninformed (Xavier's words...)
But for the DVD version: this is the best made of the next generation movies: it has extra footage, an alternate ending (excellent but incompatible with the final cut) and documentaries. If you ask me about the best trek movie, I'd say Star trek 2, and if you think of an equivalent for it in next gen, this is your choice. But please, don't forget "First Contact", the second place of the saga. Nemesis is a movie for thiking fans, those who can read between the lines and say: "the story is good, its way to be told is a little irrelevant. it's a fine good bye for Picard's saga... But, if someone of trek writers read these: please make more movies!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "Star Trek X: The Wrath of Shinzon"
Review: Let's face it, the story is basically built like "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan," but in respect it's interesting to put "The Next Generation" cast in that type of plot which pretty much almost lives up to TWOK! To Jean-Luc Picard's (Patrick Stewart)shock, he discovers that the Romulans somehow gained a sample of his DNA, and created Shinzon(Tom Hardy, who gives a good performance, but let's face it he's no Ricardo Montalban); his younger clone. However, when the Romulans abandoned their plan to use Shinzon, he's exiled to the planet Remus(which was established in the original series episode:"Balance of Terror."), and soon creates his own army of Reman slaves. Now Shinzon, having seized control of the Romulan empire, plans on the detruction of Picard, and Earth all with the use of a very deadly weapon. "Nemesis" stands very much alone as a good "Star Trek" movie, but it wasn't as dark as some fans might have wished. It would have been interesting to see more of the villainy behind the Romulans, and to make them stand out some more. Plus the Shinzon character could have been more threating, and powerful a villain than just being a spoiled young kid who got screwed up really bad. Heck, if he's the clone of Picard, why couldn't Patrick Stewart perform as Picard and the clone? The movie was good on some more notes: the bonding of Riker & Troi, and Data finding a long lost brother. I think Brent Spiner(Data & B-4) had some of his best moments with this movie. Still John Logan's script, though a good one, could have explored more with the characters, and been more action-packed! Great special effects, and there is a truly awesome scene when the Enterprise rams into the alien ship. Trust me, you will get a lot from this movie, but I sort of feel that it could've have been done much more better.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I loved it
Review: I've read the other reviews of this movie but, I really liked it. My wife (who doesn't like Sci Fi at all) begrudgingly watched this movie with me and she has become a Star Trek TNG fan from it. She loves Picard in the movie.

I liked the dark overtones of the movie. It was sinister and thrilling at the same time. I feel the Star Trek TNG movies (and the series itself) is very cerebral.

I highly recommend it. It's actually my favorite of the series.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Stick a fork in STNG
Review: Only a completely non-discriminating Trek fanatic could like this movie. There are too many bad things about it to list all of them, but here are a few, in no particular order:
- The aged cast
- Picard driving a dune buggy!?
- WAY too many shootouts with hand phasers; come on, haven't we really seen more than enough of those over the years?
- Just how early in life did Picard go bald anyway?
- Data singing "Blue Skies" -- and Worf knowing that it was written by Irving Berlin!
- The shields going down to 10% for about the hundredth time in the series' history (the bad guys NEVER take that one more shot that would destroy Enterprise after the shields are weakened)
- Yet another style of dress uniform (Star Fleet fashion designer must be a very busy job) and Picard having his own version different from the others (that might be appropriate for an admiral, but not a captain)
- Speaking of which: after saving the Federation umpteen times over 15 years, shouldn't Picard get a promotion? Not to mention Data, who himself saved the day several times and is still not even a full commander?!
- Do we really need ANOTHER long scene of the saucer section being smashed to smithereens (and then see it AGAIN, in REVERSE, as Shinzon's ship pulls back?)
- Was I the only one who was thinking "Star Wars" during the scene of the Romulan Senate building exterior and interior?
- What was the point of B4 anyway? (I know, I know -- it was for a possible resurrection in case of a sequel. Please, NO!)
- Is there ANYTHING the ship's sensors can't pick up? "Captain, I'm picking up a positronic signal on a planet a few light years from here." How about "Captain, I'm picking up re-runs of "I Love Lucy" in the Delta Quadrant."
- Slaves in dilithium mines. How many times have we seen this cliche? You'd think they'd have figured out how to build mining robots! Or just beam the dilithium out of the rocks!
- There's more, but it can be summed up by concluding that the series has run out of steam and it's time to let it go.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Best Ever?
Review: In many ways Nemesis is best Star Trek movie and in others it is not. For example, the SFX on Nemesis far outstrip First Contact or Inserecction whereas it lacks in storyline as opposed to The Voyage Home. All in all I was very impressed with Nemesis and would pay good money to buy it.

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